Does the mosquitos tallent work for all incoming damage for the team? I'm trying to make a debuff build with it but i cant tell if its debuff only works for me or for the group?
@pelesiren495922 күн бұрын
It's meant to be a group buff like sledgehammer. I tried it out briefly on the hunters at the start of countdown but it was hard to tell what was happening because they get melted pretty fast regardless of anything else. It would be better to test out on boomer or write
@pelesiren495922 күн бұрын
Im as interested in the threat scaling as much as the debuff. Being able to force their behavior would be powerful. Comment back here please if you figure anything out😅
@ManiacalThumbz22 күн бұрын
how come this doesnt show any data on the double barrel sawed off? is it not considered a pistol? .. i like using it from time to time .. and i thinks its the only "pistol" in game with 3 attributes