Hi! thanks for talking about your experiences it really helps! I have NF2, I was only diagnosed about year and a half ago at age 24. At that time my only symptom was total hearing loss in my left ear. My MRI showed 2 quite large tumours on my hearing nerves. I have not had either removed - eventually they want to take the larger of the 2 out on my left side). When I was told I would eventually lose my hearing I was devastated, but I thought to myself my hearing for now in my right ear is pretty good i'll be ok this is way in the future!! I was unfortunately wrong, over the last year my hearing in my right ear has been fluctuating and I need a course of steroids to help bring it back again but each time I take the steroids they seem to be less effective. Even just over the past few weeks it has dropped really low to the point I feel I can't go to work and do my job effectively (I work with Special needs children in a school). I don't know what i'm supposed to do, I don't know how my life is going to go now. I just assumed i'd have more time, but eventually time always runs out. - Louise (Northern Ireland) Stay Strong everyone, you're not alone!
@aggelosavgoustidis44472 жыл бұрын
Στα 21 μου έπαθα πάρεση προσωπικού νεύρου. Μοιάζει με εγκεφαλικό όσο αφορά τα συμπτώματα. Με κορτιζόνη επανήλθαν ευτυχώς τα νευρα του προσώπου. Εκανα μαγνητική και μου βρήκαν στο κεφάλι 2 μηνιγγιωματα. Το ένα ήταν ουσιαστικά νεκρό το άλλο καλοήθης. Για 6 χρονια έκανα μαγνητικές για να παρακολουθώ τον καλοηθη. Στα 27 μου άρχιζα να μην ακούω από το δεξί μου αυτί. Ο γιατρός μου είπε ότι φταίει το διάφραγμα και πρέπει να το βγάλω. Εκανα το χειρουργείο και χειροτέρεψε η ακοή μου. Τελικά ο γιατρός μετά από ένα χρόνο μου είπε πως δεν ξέρει τελικά για ποιο λόγο έχασα την ακοη μου από το δεξί αυτί. Πηγα σε αλλους μεγάλο γιατρούς με διαγνώσεις όπως κοχλιακη ωτοσκληρυνση ή βαρηκοΐα επιθετικού βαθμού μη χειρουργησιμο. Συνεχιζα να κάνω μαγνητικές μέχρι που αυτοί οι μεγαλογιατροι μου είπαν να σταματήσω να κάνω μαγνητικές αφού είναι καλοήθης και έτσι εκανα στα 27 μου.περαδαν τα χρόνια και στα 42 μου παθαίνω επιλεκτική κρίση στο χώρο εργασίας μου. Με πανε στο νοσοκομείο. Μου κάνουν μαγνητική και ανακαλύπτουν πως το καλοηθη μηνιγγιωμα δρεπανου μεγάλωσε . Κανονίσαμε να χειρουργηθω μέσα σε 4 μήνες και πριν το χειρουργείο το όγκος μεγάλωσε κατά 30%. Το χειρουργείο διήρκησε 6 με 7 ώρες. Μετα το χειρουργείο εκανα και ακτινοθεραπειες. Στις μαγνητικές της σπονδυλικής στήλης και 2 νευρωινωματα και στα 2 αυτιά.στο ένα οφείλεται η απώλεια ακοής. Κάποια στιγμή μπήκε στο δωμάτιο ένας ειδικευομένος και μου είπε πως ξέρετε ότι πάσχετε από NF2? και φυσικά του είπα όχι. Απο τα 21 μου μέχρι τα 42 μου έπρεπε να περάσουν σχεδόν 20 χρόνια να μάθω από τους Έλληνες γιατρούς του κωλου ότι έχω αυτή την ασθένεια. Ευτυχώς ο γιατρός μου έκανε την πρακτική του στην Αγγλία σε τμήμα που ειδικευονταν σε αυτή την πάθηση. Στα 46 μου νοιώθω πιο βαρύς στις κινήσεις μου και ελπίζω να μην χειροτερεψω πολύ. Ο Θεός μαζί μας
@miss.conduct80834 жыл бұрын
My 27 year old daughter has NF2. Unlike you two, hers aren't bothering her hearing BUT she is now legally blind in one eye, and the good eye is full of tumors on her retina. Yesterday, she had her first surgery. They removed a mass from her sacral area the size of a grapefruit😬 She was diagnosed at 21 but, like the 2 of you, she was in denial. Which I can understand. I'm just happy she's taking care of herself now. Thank you for these videos, we need more! You two seem like old friends, very relatable and plesant.
@childrenstumor3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing this part of your story with us. We would love to hear more about you and your daughter. If you are interested, please tell us more at ctf.org/tellyourstory or ctf.org/myvideo Thanks so much for watching and commenting here.
@miss.conduct80833 жыл бұрын
@@childrenstumor *gulp* this couldn't come at a better time. That grapefruit sized mass? Was/is actually cancer. A childhood cancer, nonetheless; Neuroblastoma. She's finished 25 rounds of radiation.. And got to ring the "bell of life." And on "a break' for now - just as she was after the initial surgery.
@childrenstumor3 жыл бұрын
@@miss.conduct8083 Thank you for this update, and we are so glad to hear that she rang "the bell of life" - thinking of you!
@0719494 жыл бұрын
McKinnon/Laura, Interesting conversation. You are two charming and articulate spokespersons for CTF. Just wish this conversation did not have to be split up into multiple sessions. (An aside, about having NF: my late NF-1 daughter had a saying "Life is unfair and it is unfair that it is unfair.") Wishing both of you well.
@monkiram4 жыл бұрын
So sorry for your loss :(
@0719494 жыл бұрын
@@monkiram Hi Momera, thank you for taking the time to comment. I appreciate it very much.
@toddlayton33554 жыл бұрын
my 20 year old son is going deaf with NF2. As single dad, I watch these to try and understand what he feels
@childrenstumor3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comment. We have a new NF2 resource he might be interested in reading about a young man living with NF2: www.ctf.org/images/uploads/resources/Understanding_NF2_small.pdf
@rachel051919874 жыл бұрын
I also have NF2 do you get dark circles around your eyes? I have them so bad and they keep getting worse as I get older.