TUN MIN AUNGð²ð²áá±ážáá°á¶ážáá±áá²á·á¡á¬ážáá±áá«áááºáá»á¬ RUSSIA áá±á¬ááºááŒá®ážá¡ááŸááºáá°áá±á¬ááºážááœááºážáá«áááºáá»
OneááŸá¬ááá¯ážááá¯á·ááœááºážáááºážá¡á±á¬áẠáááºáá°á áá¬á¡áá»á¬ážááŒá®ážááá¯áá±ážááẠfighting next one
The Russian player is a runner, not a really fighter. He is just hit and run. It may be difficult for a Burmese fighter because of way of training and technique. There is no score system in Myanmar traditional boxing, Just face to face fight. Also Htun Min Aung need to be calm a bit more. He just step into the opponent trap as he is rush. Anyway this may be for a less on for HMA. For a Myanmar audience, it is not enjoyable fight. Not entertaining.