Nice job ! What d'you mean about the bugged ending ? Does the "buy" button just... not work ? Also, note that when bidding for Joshua's shares, you didn't need to keep more than your highest opponent's money to ensure insta-winning next auction. Could save a few seconds by buying earlier, around (46978 - 14513 ~= 33K). And of course, thinking a bit further, no need to even consider the opponent with the least shares since she'll have to leave, meaning you could actually have just kept around 2K xD Not saying you should do more runs just to improve that (This looks pretty boring to do, I personally wouldn't :p), but I believe things deserve being spotted. EDIT : Looks like your THIO video could benefit from this as well, even if wasting money doesn't take as much time as waiting for the clock to turn in the base game. No need to bid 58K when most dangerous opponent couldn't go above 23 ! Oh, and thanks for confirming me my insights about upgrades : they are neither necessary, nor worth their cost xD