@@jenc.4022 oh my gosh!! Did you follow my comments? I did not want her to sell it to the potential buyers. Only to her own son for 10 dollars HK currency. Then let it be registered to the deed it was sold for 10 dollars and give back 4 dollars to 美華. More than the shares she claimed. 很公平. Once again, please do your homework and learn more about personal Will’s right and property deed right. 吾好一味大大聲叫就有幫助. 法律就是法律. 你改不了. 知冇?
@@dudeheyyoleung3174 所以我講HK 人只會說大陸人怎樣怎樣. 我是美國人. 不平則鳴. 你就是一般的井底之娃. 全部只看表面. 法律上阿娟是沒有錯. 美華一直扮演受害者去騙人。她騙了他爸爸40 年. 所以她的爸爸一毛都冇留番比佢. 沒有認便能力只會說啊大陸人不好. Oh my god. Take a look at yourself in the mirror before you judge someone else. 我只系以法律覺道去判斷成件事. 美華已經被證實有港人幫助. 公屋冇排期申請表就立刻搬入. 她在美國啊…. 劏房都冇得瞓. 美國到處都系homeless. 我請你不要再被利用. 張開你的眼睛👀去看. 美華心機重. 吾好再比佢博大霧.