什麼叫做那麼傻?分明是個分工明確的竊盜團伙 XDD 我覺得可以把她們的頭P在通緝令上。懸賞金額:桃子15億貝里、傻娜20億貝里、娜璉30億貝里。 ps. 後來定延加入竊盜行動,懸賞金額從10億貝里起跳 (她一定會覺得自己的懸賞金額不夠高)
@mxa-ks7py Жыл бұрын
@cts04234 жыл бұрын
@Valkjes233 жыл бұрын
The healing camping is so incredibly healing for TWICE and for ONCE!!! I hope TWICE will be able to rest and relax well when they need/want to and meet their family safely again soon!!! They're so enormously adorable together!!! TWICE are the best artists, performers, group and people in the universe!!! I am so incredibly happy and blessed to be a ONCE and I will always be a ONCE!!! Let's be together always TWICE and ONCE and make beautiful memories together!!! TWICE is my everything!!! I Love You So Incredibly Much TWICE!!!