Two Ebikes In 1: The Velotric Discover 2 Has Been Updated With Cadence And Torque Sensors

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The Ride with Lance

The Ride with Lance

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@theridewithlance 2 ай бұрын
Velotric Ebikes: Save $60 With Discount Code: lanced2v1rv60
@terryrccrazy6993 3 ай бұрын
Very cool, great idea having a choice, that's amazing
@theridewithlance 3 ай бұрын
I think it will become common on new ebikes coming out.
@Digitalmedia4less 3 ай бұрын
Just purchased two of these for me and my wife. This is a truly awesome update. Awesome video.
@theridewithlance 3 ай бұрын
Thats great. your going to enjoy them, and thank you.
@Ebiketips1 3 ай бұрын
It’s nice you can choose. Such a great feature to have at your fingertips
@theridewithlance 3 ай бұрын
Yes it is. The cadence sensor works really nice when you just want the motor to do most of the work.
@jimhitchcock5837 23 күн бұрын
I just now paired my D2. Did have to uninstall and then reinstall the Velotric app for it to work. Current firmware upgrades to D056, C070, & B020. Hoping in future upgrades we will be able to change between torque and cadence on the bike menu and not need the phone app.
@theridewithlance 23 күн бұрын
That would be nice to not have to use the app.
@kbarnes0 3 ай бұрын
A very timely video, considering they just announced this feature! I am torn between this bike and the Lectric Xpress 750. Maybe you could do a head to head review? Lectric is promoting it's PWR+ torque sensor controller on the Xpress. Sometimes people just don't want to pedal that hard though, LOL. I think its a great idea to be able to switch modes.
@theridewithlance 3 ай бұрын
That would be a good matchup. I can say that the Discover 2 performs really well. Its a smooth and quiet ride and very well made. Now that it has the torque and cadence to choose from, it makes it all that much better.
@joeysSEMassachusettsWeather 2 ай бұрын
I’m in the same boat. I was all set to get the XPress 750, but this bike has some unique features, blinkers, ability to update firmware and even add features, higher water proof ratings, higher top speed, smoother welds, higher payload, stronger frame which means less chance of frame flexing. I’m not convinced discover2 is the way to go, even though it’s a bit more money, with all the name brand parts and features, it’s worth it. And the ability to update firmware future proofs this bike. Also a big thing for me is this bike includes fenders and bike rack!
@JSOowens Ай бұрын
I just got the bike. Before it had BOTH options, which one was it when it was the only option? Thanks for the video. Enjoyed it.
@theridewithlance Ай бұрын
The torque sensor is what it came with before the firmware update to give it both torque and cadence.
@JSOowens Ай бұрын
@ thanks
@dieseljay8953 Ай бұрын
Hey great video, are these the stock handlebars or did you change them, I just received my discover to in the handlebars come back a lot, did you change them, if so did you go 720 wide or 780 thanks
@theridewithlance Ай бұрын
@@dieseljay8953 Yes, stock bars. Just adjusted the angle. Feel no need for different bars.
@RankinImagery 2 ай бұрын
Is there a way to upgrade or add a Torque sensor to a Fold 1 that has Cadance only?
@theridewithlance 2 ай бұрын
I couldn't say. I dont know much about the Ford.
@republicansthatdidntvotefo1605 2 ай бұрын
I have watched many videos On this bike, You sir are the only one that shows This option torque and cadence.. I even went to the bicycle dealer here in crystal river fl, And they never said it had this option.. Good job great video...
@theridewithlance 2 ай бұрын
Glad I could help.
@theridewithlance 2 ай бұрын
It really is a great bike. Velotric really did a good job on this bike, and with the choice of cadence sensor and torque sensor with the app, it really give you two bikes in onyouIf you do decide to buy the Discover 2, be sure to use this link and code to save some money: Velotric Ebikes: Save $60 With Discount Code: lanced2v1rv60
@republicansthatdidntvotefo1605 2 ай бұрын
@@theridewithlance Thank you for the discount code..👍👍
@joev.marsico1817 3 ай бұрын
Probably good to also warn viewers that the firmware is defective. Many are experiencing the following 2 issues.[including me] . High increase in battery drain. And second. It won’t go back inn to Torque sensor mode. There’s seems now immediate fix for now. Beware.
@theridewithlance 3 ай бұрын
I am not experiencing those issues.
@marshall2 3 ай бұрын
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