Well, did some googling. The first one is called "Песня московских друзей" - Song of Friends from Moscow. The lyrics: "Сегодна поновому вечер чудесен, И липы шумят за окном. Простые слова студенческой песни Давайте вместе споём!" Well, it's all about students gathering and singing in praise of unbearable Soviet harmony and happiness. Музыка: А. Бабаджанян Слова: В.Драгунский, Л.Давидович Исполняет: А Яковенко Musc: Arno Babadzhanjan; lyrics by Dragunski and Davidovich; performed by A. Yakovenko. The other song, which I really have grown to like a lot since I first heard it here yesterday, is called "Добро пожаловать в Москву" (Welcome to Moscow). Performed by Vladimir Troshin and Ljudmila Gurchenko (Владимир Трошин и Людмила Гурченко), both immensely talented and popular actors / singers with careers spanning over 50 years. The lyrics: Добро пожаловать в Москву мы говорим друзьям Открыты двери, заходите в каждый дом. Добро пожаловать в Москву к весёлым берегам Мы окружим вас заботой и теплом. Добро пожаловать в Москву, а мы приедем к вам Без переводчика друг-друга мы поймём. i.e.: Welcome to Moscow, we tell our friends The doors are open, step by any time We'll surround you with care and warmth Welcome to us, and we'll come to you And we understand each-other without the help of a translator. Hidden Soviet propaganda, no doubt, but still an extremely catchy tune. It's from a 1957 documentary "Москва и москвичи" (Moscow and the Muscovites). Music by Lepin, lyrics by Dolmatovsky. Strangely not a very well-known song at all. Gurchenko was 21 and had just hit stardom the year before with The Carnival Night. Thanks for uploading these gems!
@Raves0From0The0Grave12 жыл бұрын
It is sweet, isn't it? Good music is universal.
@danielhirschel92478 жыл бұрын
Thanks for that upload. But couldn't You indicate please from which operettas these tunes come from? (photo of the cover of the LP?) Many thanks
@Raves0From0The0Grave8 жыл бұрын
+Daniel Hirschel Sorry! I have NO details on this. The video is only for show. The tracks actually come from a Fifties 10" album. I stumbled across it decades ago - MINUS its cover and sandwiched in a stack of 78s! I bought it on spec and found it had some beautiful (albeit scratchy, given how it'd been abused) music on it. So, knowing I have Russian listeners, I decided to include it on this channel!
@SwingSwindlers7 жыл бұрын
OMG the second number is SOOOOO good.... Who are they?
@Raves0From0The0Grave7 жыл бұрын
Don't know. I'm impressed you found out so much about these beautiful pieces. "Mockby" is indeed on the label - it was the ONLY word I could understand! It was a massve FLUKE I found this record. Being 10" - I discovered it sandwiched (without a sleeve) between some 78s in a junk shop. Intrigued, I bought it and played it. It IS sad how - 1957 sounds about right, by the way, given its appearance - in those days, the Russian people were demonised, in the West. This record shows how they REALLY were.