Type your functions in TypeScript and SAVE TIME

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@SkyKosiner Жыл бұрын
I agree with this. Recently I've been looking back on some old typescripts projects I made years ago and having no return types or messy types everwhere it took me ages to understand what each function was doing, and after refactoring them to have clearer types it was so much easier to undesrstand
@ThePrimeTimeagen Жыл бұрын
thats how i landed on this position as well. i loved the convenience of everything,... then... i realized what i had done
@oskrm Жыл бұрын
Yeah, as someone that has to support someone else's code, I'm hunting logic left and right to understand what's happening
@asdqwe4427 Жыл бұрын
@@oskrm getting the error of { /* some long implicit type */ } does not match { /* some other long implicit type */ } is just the worst
@TheAxeForgetsTheTreeRemembers Жыл бұрын
I'm going to play the devil's advocate here but, you can't tell if it's objectively better immediately after refactoring your code because of course it's going to be clearer at that point. You need to wait days, weeks or months, come back and then judge if it was better. Hopefully it should be better, or you messed up.
@Pictor13 Жыл бұрын
Half of programming is about a clear understanding of Input & Output. The other 50% is the processing inside the algorithm, whatever it is about.
@hamm8934 Жыл бұрын
Exactly. If something looks confusing, it should be refactored to not be. This is a major reason why we have types to begin with - remove mental overhead. If you are adding mental overhead from the types, that should signal you to refactor your code to be manageable in your mental model. The answer isn’t to just pretend that the confusion isn’t there by hiding the confusion in type inference. Great breakdown.
@Captainlonate Жыл бұрын
I strongly agree with adding explicit return types. Sure it helps you write the function initially, but it's main advantage is guaranteeing that when 5 other people mess with that function in the future, that if they accidentally change the returned value, it shows the error IN THE FUNCTION, rather than in the calling code in some other file. And for projects which are not 100% fully typed (allow the use of implicit any), it's a must. You have to make sure that at least YOUR function is typed and always will be.
@reaper84 Жыл бұрын
A few days ago I saw a video advocating for dropping return times most if the time. I totally agree with your assessment. The more type declaration the better, since it's automatic documentation for the next Developer.
@ThePrimeTimeagen Жыл бұрын
@JeyPeyy Жыл бұрын
Just use inlay hints in your editor, it's *actual* automatic documentation for you and the next developer. If your editor doesn't have inlay hints, upgrade to a better editor, it's 2023 ffs your editor should have inlay hints! I just make sure the inlay hints generated look reasonable. If they don't, I create a type alias and add it as an explicit return type. My code is safe, it looks cleaner and it represents the true form of the returned element more accurately.
@reaper84 Жыл бұрын
@@JeyPeyy depending on your company, you might not have control over your editor, plus, code views in GitHub (for example) won't help you either. Also, if by chance you add an "return" in an if statement (for example) by accident, the whole return type of the method changes, and chances are, you won't even notice it, since the method won't break. You'd have to rely on the code invoking the method to break, or rely on you detecting it with your inlay hints by chance.
@javierflores09 Жыл бұрын
@@JeyPeyy so you are working around things, basically. Just use the damn types, they are there for that reason
@JeyPeyy Жыл бұрын
@@javierflores09 I'm not working around things, I'm using the strength of the typescript type system. I speak from experience and knowledge about how the type system works: in many cases you'll write a worse type than typescript can infer, and you'll suffer in some other part of the code due to it. It's not about being lazy, it's about writing more maintainable code.
@samueldostal309 Жыл бұрын
I like explicit return types more, but the first argument about not seeing return types for old / foreign code is puzzling. You can just look at the return type in your IDE with hover / virtual text LSP feature. Kind of similar to the old C convention of prefixing variable names with its data type, or C# 'I' before interface. I don't think these conventions are used anymore, only because of how powerful IDEs (or text editors) have become. I 100% agree with the other points though
@shaco6 Жыл бұрын
Totally agree. Just use IDE for sane people and you're all set.
@benheidemann3836 Жыл бұрын
You can but sometimes the return type gets messy. Basic example: type UserData = (AdminUserData | DefaultUserData); function getUserData() { if (x) return { … } else return { … } } The annotation in the IDE will not show the UserData alias. This can be confusing especially when types are big since it will truncate the type with “…”
@yevhenkozlov286 3 ай бұрын
@@benheidemann3836 from the other side, seeing alias may make things more clear but as well it may be a source of additional confusion
@yoerivanwassenhove673 Жыл бұрын
I like this format. Clear, concise and educational. Thanks for taking the time to explain your position.
@ThePrimeTimeagen Жыл бұрын
yayaya! its also one shot :) one take
@Slashx92 Жыл бұрын
@@ThePrimeTimeagen first time!
@industry_std Жыл бұрын
I didn't even realise this was the second channel! The live conversation with Theo was actually amazing. I always feel like I'm learning much more when I watch that type of content than any other.
@mausmausmaus1 2 ай бұрын
Hey, is the live conversation between the two available somewhere? :) Sounds like I could learn something from it, as u describe!
@gubfhidnom4714 Жыл бұрын
My flow is define a function (i.e. name, inputs and return type) then implement it. I already know what type I want to return and, by specifying it upfront, the type checker can help me implement the function successfully. Leaving the return type implicit means I'll realise I messed up when trying to _use_ the function, not when _writing_ it.
@atla5_ Жыл бұрын
Next TS hot take: DON'T use types in TypeScript, writing without them is so much faster!
@ThePrimeTimeagen Жыл бұрын
this is 1/2 of the other sided argument...
@Pictor13 Жыл бұрын
I'd ask: "faster" than "slow", or "faster" than "without return types"? Because, guys, also convincing business to ditch the idea and not code the thing at all... is faster. TypeScript is too typed! Let's come back to Javascript unconstrained foot-shooting universe! It's faster! (yes, faster to write down.... but slower to debug and fix and keep coherent, after the fact)
@NNOTM Жыл бұрын
You're joking, but in a language with good type inference (e.g. basic implementation of Hindley-Milner), you can absolutely have a program that's completely typesafe without actually writing any types yourself. In fact, it would be perfectly feasible to have a statically typed language like this that doesn't even *allow* you to write type annotations. That said, in practice there's two reasons not to do this, 1. types are good for documentation, and 2. most languages have features beyond Hindley-Milner, e.g. typescript's union types and inheritance
@JeezLeWeeze Жыл бұрын
They should make a language just like typescript, but without strong typing, it would be so much better
@heavierthanlight7173 8 ай бұрын
Respectfully disagree. But if IT works for you... by all means!
@Richard-sp3ul Жыл бұрын
One of my favourites of your videos for a while. How to use types, made the case for why you should use em.
@idonoD Жыл бұрын
Saw the argument with Theo first before watching this vid. I completely agree that defining return types will improve ones codebase in the long run. Implicit returns can be useful when dealing with inlining functions or factory functions/methods. A step further is to use function overloading and match input data with the return type. Makes it clearer what role returns what type.
@classic-25 Жыл бұрын
I agree with this totally, typescript is meant to be used as a guide and not for intellisense purposes. People who want inferred type just care for the intellisense feature of typescript. Statically typed languages have type guard as a core feature code intellisense will and always will be an add on
@benheidemann3836 Жыл бұрын
This is a… confusing take… 😅
@ashikurrahman2247 4 ай бұрын
Absolutely agree. Programmers nowadays cannot even think without LSP. Explicitly typing out stuff to make the code easier to understand is a confusing concept for them. Because we can hover over and see the inferred types and all we don't care about the ones who do not use these features
@Vennufius Жыл бұрын
Honestly I see both sides of the argument, but the only reason this is even discussed is because of the flaws of TypeScript. It just makes me sad that you can't really trust the type system, which makes me crazy. I just think the TS/JS ecosystem has a lot of benefits over other languages and makes if worth using for now.
@ThePrimeTimeagen Жыл бұрын
this is probably the best take
@ivanfoofoo 3 ай бұрын
How can't it be trusted?
@rtsbase Жыл бұрын
My hot take: I use explicit return types in some places and then in other places I think it is better to use implicit. Both are useful!
@Slashx92 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, for simple 3-5 line functions I feel like the return type is not that important. I still put them most of the times, but if a functions is lacking an explicit return type, it better be a function I can understand in under 10 seconds
@zeroww7 Жыл бұрын
With generics, you can also have the correct shape returned based on the input which is better than having a union of types where you have to place guards outside the function too.
@canozkan8886 Жыл бұрын
could you show how the function would look like with generics? Would appreciate
@RGjolstad Жыл бұрын
Since I'm working almost exclusively in C I really can't imagine _not_ specifying what you wish to return if you have the option to do so. It simply makes things a whole lot easier to read and understand. I see some here mention that their IDE or LSP will show the return type, but if you're reviewing code somewhere which has limited access to such things you're really making things difficult for everyone...
@snekface1707 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for this. Was watching through a typescript course where the guy just implicitly returns everything, and I was second guessing myself (who started off by explicitly typing everything).
@dmytrostruk5025 Жыл бұрын
It's simple as that - without types you won't be able to survive in really big and complex project. You can avoid types if you are experimenting with something or your project is small, but in complex domain you either use types and feel yourself comfortable in Production or good luck and have fun!
@stephenpaul7499 Жыл бұрын
Darnit you've convinced me. I had these sort of issues with TRPC. I really like the library but the types are incredibly opaque and inferred to hell and back. I eventually gave up extracting some common logic because wrangling the types was such a pain. Liberally employing typeof... Paramaters... ReturnType... etc. was exhausting. Also, I think this ties into the Svelte Authors latest preference for writing libs in javascript with a 'facade' of types. Libraries are better tested with unit tests than types and types tend to simply get in the way more that they help. Libraries should rather focus on DX (and that includes well-named types). I would still prefer Typescript for building libs but he's not wrong. I think that explicit return types in applications do make for better DX, and AI tools like copilot know how to autocomplete the return types.
@Szergej33 2 ай бұрын
Explicit typing is also faster. Much less work for the LSP to do. If you open a file that uses this function, TS only has to go as far as the function declaration to get the return type. Otherwise it would have to go through the whole function, even if this file wasn't even open. In a few dozen files, it doesn't matter. In a large codebase, especially with lots of hot reloads, your TS Server will be many steps behind you if it runs slowly.
@bren.r Жыл бұрын
Verbosity people. I've always been as explicit as possible with types in TS projects and it's served me well.
@ThePrimeTimeagen Жыл бұрын
the thing is that when you find that you haven't got them right, its because your thinking of types was wrong. that is a GOOD thing.
@FastFSharp Жыл бұрын
I write F# and the F# language is famous for having type inference and inferring types for you. I still type all my parameters and return types because it makes it clear to the compiler what I'm actually intending to do. This makes debugging compiler output much easier to understand.
@ocaska 8 ай бұрын
Hey Prime-aging you're absolutely right man! And I suppose it all comes down to what project you are working on, types are a tool - use them in your advantage. If you're hacking together a super simple React app with super simple data, go ahead and just use implicit types be my guest; if on the other hand you're writing a library or a module with complex logic probably you want to go with explicit types. As you said, explicit types are all about expressing your intention. So it also depends on how many people contribute (or will contribute) to the project. If it's a solo thing and you won't come back to it in the future hack it however you want; if it's a joint effort, perhaps it's easier to express your intention with good explicit types instead of having people come over to you every 10 minutes to ask "Hey man what was this function intended to do when you wrote it one year ago? Because I'm going to fiddle with it". The example you gave is a bit of a complex function which for sure deserves the extra care of explicit types, there's no question about it. Keep up the good work!
@bobDotJS Жыл бұрын
Prime > Theo
@kahnfatman 9 ай бұрын
TS gives us the illusion of type-safety.
@daniellynch3724 Жыл бұрын
I agree 100% although I will say in VS Code, intellisense tells you the implicit return type when you hover your mouse on the function definition.
@ThePrimeTimeagen Жыл бұрын
i have the same thing in vim :)
@cherryramatis2508 Жыл бұрын
Every editor that implement LSP has this
@NeoChromer Жыл бұрын
I mean, why use TS if you don't use one of the best features it provides... Types? I mean you can use JS if you don't want to do types.. I really like your approach even tho I work with frontend for years, I see the benefit of doing this and in my company we even have a rule enabled where you MUST provide a return type.
@ThePrimeTimeagen Жыл бұрын
i am down, even if that type is `: void`
@NeoChromer Жыл бұрын
@@ThePrimeTimeagen yeah, and we have those type of functions.. it gets annoying tbf with some function that return Promises but still it forces you to have a type safe function and always know what is being returned and not say "oh i hope it does not break here".. I've been too long in JS world, so I don't trust JS to get anything correctly
@thekwoka4707 Жыл бұрын
It's just nice to have the errors of "we changed the contract for this function" be at the function itself, not in some other functions somewhere else. Especially when you didn't intend to change the contract.
@headlights-go-up Жыл бұрын
You explain things in ways even a noob like me can understand.
@ThePrimeTimeagen Жыл бұрын
:) goals
@JamieAlban Жыл бұрын
"explicit is better than implicit" is part of PEP 20 - "The zen of python".
@julians.2597 Жыл бұрын
And I hate it so much, the fact that this is in the zen of python, that is. Because python is full of implicit stuff. Zen of python: - explicit > implicit - only one - and obvious! - way to do things - Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules and yet we have stuff like implicit string concatination: def f(): return "hello " "world" The Compiler compiles down the "hello " "world" into a single constant "hello world" implicitly. This is an exception, where with other types like number you have to explicitly add them. And this is all over the language.
@ze2like Жыл бұрын
100% agree with you Mr Prime! Having a well defined interface contract for classes/function allows for dependents to rely upon this contract. Return types are en essential part of if ! Being explicit allows for a clearly defined architecture/code, enables better maintainability, and serves a purpose as a documentation of what was the intent of the developer. As we developers may often fail to express our thoughts in code or align the code with the requirements, I find it better to not rely on the compiler but trying to document how we conceived the system by defining types/interfaces/contracts of all kinds. It also allows for easier code review. It avoids you to scratch your head in the next 6 months when you have to introduce a new feature and make the code evolve, cause contracts and return types helps you read what this is all about. Development is not just about code, it's about structure, logic, and clearly expressed well-articulated concepts. I think Theo missed that point and will one day end up with a big legacy PoS, and that's his problem ! But I'm not fond of his devil may care attitude, kinda dangerous for the new minds in the game of development IMHO. Prime, you are the voice of thruth. Thank you for taking the time and effort to debunk this.
@dandogamer Жыл бұрын
I prefer explicit typed functions, for some reason it forces the dev to think more about the inputs/outputs of that data and help define a clear contract for that work. As they say lock that shit up and ship it out
@eriklundstedt9469 Жыл бұрын
Something I've learned from writing quite a lot of fennel code (*Fennel is a dialect of lisp that is written in (and works a lot like) lua and thus doesn't have types is to put comments at the start of most functions (technically it's a docstring, which is a part of the language itself(actual fennel code): " (fn add25 [args] "Takes args and returns args + 25" (+ args 25) " , but it can be replicated by a comment )
@DevinRhode2 Жыл бұрын
Matt Pocock agrees with you on this example! If you have if statements.. he recommends adding return types..
@wrux Жыл бұрын
I always thought that implicit return types are an indicator of technical debt somewhere down the line
@blenderpanzi 10 ай бұрын
What do you do as a newbie to the codebase? You hover the function name with your mouse and get told the type by your IDE. However, I also think explicit is better than implicit, because it is a contract. If you're not explicit about your return type it can change without you noticing screwing with users of the function.
@cadekachelmeier7251 10 ай бұрын
I find it can help catch bugs within the function itself. If you forget to return the right thing in some branch of the function, it shows the error in the right place. With implicit types, the errors are thrown ouside the function.
@codeChuck 8 ай бұрын
It is so interesting but also so confusing! Both Theo's and yours, Prime, arguments seem so VALID whey you talk about them :) It is hard to choose from! For the backend code - I do agree with you, Prime, because I personally wrote a small backend for one of my freelance projects using explicit return types in Express functions serving REST api. But for the frontend code I would like to inter return types, as Theo is doing using zod and tRPC ;) Obliously I didn't worked in a big projects, where type inference would slow down TS server to a halt :), so I'm kind of a noob here ;)
@TobyGWilliams Жыл бұрын
I think it's wild that people are trying to come up with generic rules for all different types of functions. - react components - api calls - functions in side [].map - functions handed off to libraries or the DOM - pure functions - main functions in side index files All need different appraoches to types. My own soap box is that people over type things. Type the function, not what your expection of how it will be used is, then Typescript can then compare the types and understand if the types are compatible.
@TECHN01200 Жыл бұрын
Ultimately, the return type is part of the contract and if you are leaving information out if that contract, it becomes harder to figure out where things go wrong.
@Danielo515 Жыл бұрын
Even in the greatest type systems (so, not typescript, but anyway) typing the return type will save you from a lot of ridiculous type errors
@leonasdev Жыл бұрын
Anyone who has graduated from an CS department will 100% agree with you
@jojo-gg1iz 10 ай бұрын
Honestly, it’s cool to see how dynamic typescript is that we can have conversations like these even though it’s obviously wrong to never include return 😁
@dangerousmob6628 Жыл бұрын
I see your point here, but I would not agree regarding readability part (on the function declaration) as you can just hover over the function and see that it does return even if implicitly typed (atleast in vscode). Though, I agree, it still may cause problems because there are no guards against returning wrong type.
@ThePrimeTimeagen Жыл бұрын
but i would argue back, using your LSP to tell you what your function returns has to set some flag off in your head of "... hmmm"
@niZmosis 10 ай бұрын
Viewing all these different point of views, i'd have to say using return types is the best. You did miss one thing when explaining, and I know you don't use a mouse, but if you hover the function, it will show you the return type, so there isn't any point in reading the code to find each return unless your IDE is behind the times. Now with that being said, you can easily break what ever that inferred return type was, and you'd have to go hover the function again to make sure the return is correct, even make sure a null or undefined didn't sneak in there, but that brings me back to just using return types as it would just give you and error if you break the return type contract. You can also write your function first, then copy and paste the inferred return type if the function is return some crazy unions you don't feel like typing out.
@EhteshamShahzad Жыл бұрын
I do agree with you that types should be explicit. However, I don't 100% agree with your reason of a new dev having to inspect code to understand what is being returned. In VS Code, you can hover over the function name and the code editor will inform you of the return type of the function. So a new dev can just hover over the function and understand the return type. But then it is up to the developer to make sure if they make any changes, the return type is same as before (again, by hovering over the function name).
@MiceInDownpour Жыл бұрын
I agree. Also the "ask another dev if return type xyz is valid in certain situations" will probably lead to nothing, because it is rather unlikely everyone keeps all this code in their head at all times. In most codebases the other dev will likely have forgotten most of the intricacies of certain code after a couple of days or weeks and the person who knows this code best will be the one asking the question at that point. I am still absolutely pro explicitness, but I as stated I don't think the reasoning here is particularly helpful...
@danylo.s Жыл бұрын
Well, the thing is, your cool code editor doesn't show return types as hints, but WebStorm does, and I guess VSCode does it too.
@TFDusk Жыл бұрын
As a PHP dev I 1000% agree with this take. Return types make it substantially easier to be able to know what you are trying to accomplish with your function and more often than not will prevent you from making silly mistakes. Working with a codebase that has weak return types used for the sake of documentation is such a terrible experience to deal with when you have to deal with runtime bugs happening in your codebase that are coming through because nothing is preventing that code from being seen as an error from either your IDE or from whatever intellisense you're using. The argumentation against using types specifically in typescript seem at least to me to be top priority bugs that should be addressed immediately since return types can actually lie to you, deriving how truthy a value actually is seems arbitrary to me in the exampels theo counters with as ultimately if your expecting a specific type of value coming from a type, your likely going to be wrapping that value in a conditional to check if its true, otherwise handle it in whatever different way that you're looking for.
@ametreniuk Жыл бұрын
Agree 💯 but how do you approach TS “specifics” like having weird behaviours on return types or God forbid “any”? Do you adapt depending on the type system?
@69k_gold Жыл бұрын
I'd say eliminate dynamically typed languages entirely, what's the point of hiding a data type from a programmer, it's like hiding a cop's gun, sure he can request for it, but what's the point of not having it readily available?
@hamm8934 Жыл бұрын
I agree. Dynamic types just add extra mental overhead that isn’t needed. Outside of simple scripts, you need explicit typing.
@Zzznmop Жыл бұрын
You’re missing the point of why those languages are used. It’s not bc they are the best for the task, but rather the best skill set most people have that the software will live in the hands of
@raianmr2843 Жыл бұрын
You're judging an entire paradigm based on some of it's worst examples. If you look at languages like Elixir and Clojure you'll find that it's way, way easier to model chaotic systems in them compared to some of the most sophisticated type systems out there. Languages like Python and JS, on the other hand, adopted dynamicity for a completely different reason: to defer having to come up with a decent type system. This is why these languages are in the process of undoing all the damage while the former breed of languages are flourishing as they are.
@ammarhusain6235 Жыл бұрын
I don't get the metaphor. If the cops gun is the data type, that's a good thing to have readily available. Footguns are things you want to hide away. And cops with ready access to guns tend to shoot themselves or innocent people in the foot.
@smthngsmthngsmthngdarkside Жыл бұрын
Leewl inb4 Portland crowd
@MrMudbill Жыл бұрын
I use implicit return types for simple functions and explicit return types for more complicated functions, especially if that type is potentially useful elsewhere, since I'll have to be exporting that type anyway. I guess I don't feel the need to explicitly write that a math function returns a number if the actual calculation is 1-5 lines long. But functions that return objects, or unions of primitives, or anything more complicated than an existing type, I might need that type in a different part of the code where I'm actually calling this function (such as a React useState hook).
@johnh1353 Жыл бұрын
With software engineering, especially in teams, "intent" is imperative and types (especially with a language like JS/TS where general use can clobber anything) are declaring intent. I'd also like to bleed into this same mentality when it comes to refactoring/updates etc ... and the monolithic commits (version control commits) ((RANT)) I understand PR's can be big but in refactoring and large PR's you should do the minimal amount of work to retain functionality then commit .. making point in time milestones that are more easily digestible during reviews and also your own development ... I commit often and sometimes find myself combining commits after the fact .... stop the monolithic commits!
@chrispian Жыл бұрын
Team Prime on this one, especially the part where you talk about going with whatever the team you are on is doing. In my own work, I'm very opinionated. In a team setting I'm fine with whatever the team has agreed on. But if the team is all doing it differently, I do have a problem with that and generally try to push for us to come up with a way we all agree on. And if no one has opinions I default to mine.
@nodidog Жыл бұрын
Use implicit types for basically everything, but always explicitly type function return values - the benefits outweigh the cost. It also makes me pause and think about what the function should be returning, before actually starting to flesh it out.
@gauravsingh1963 11 ай бұрын
We can always hover over the function name to know the return type but giving return types does helps
@joerivde Жыл бұрын
Love both your channels, but 100% agree with you in this case.
@DragonRaider5 Жыл бұрын
In case you're using a modern IDE you'd just hover over that function and see the implicit return type, meaning you have to weight the arguments again.
@TheBiggE. Жыл бұрын
You should do this in Python too. I have saved myself SO much time, especially coming back after six months, or a year, to add a feature. Oh ok, I just need to input this thing into this new feature function and we are rocking and rolling. It also saves time for tests too. Types are just awesome!
@filipmajetic1174 Жыл бұрын
Personally, it's fine not to specify a return type for simple 1-5ish liners that return string/number/bool, but everything beyond that gets a type
@RandomGuy-hq3js Жыл бұрын
As a VSCode user I would just hover the function name and see what Typescript thinks the method is returning. If your variables are typed properly then your functions and methods will be auto typed properly by Typescript.
@ThePrimeTimeagen Жыл бұрын
vscode user, emacs, intellij, vim, helix, they all contain this. its "hover" implementation from the LC.
@RandomGuy-hq3js Жыл бұрын
@@ThePrimeTimeagen So wouldn't you be able to see the return type from there? I can see the benefits from a "hardening of the codebase" perspective but having all these hardcoded types everywhere will slow down devs in the future as things iterate, at least thats what I've run into in the past
@asdqwe4427 Жыл бұрын
Theos reasoning boils down to him stating that a return type never is explicit enough and he calls that lying. Example function X(param) { return param ? "admin" : "user" }. He feels that typing the return type as string is lying, because it's not specific enough. To me, this argument doesn't hold water as you could create a type Role = "user" | "admin", making the return type really specific and saving you some trouble as you come back to the function in a moth or a year. One of the worst feelings in the world is getting the error that :{ /*some long implicit type*/ } does not match {/* some other long implicit type */ }
@ThePrimeTimeagen Жыл бұрын
@apollyon144 Жыл бұрын
I feel strongly that your opinion is correct
@paroxyzm21 Жыл бұрын
Agreed on the return types! I'd upgrade the return type to use discriminated unions, though.
@j-wenning Жыл бұрын
I vehemently oppose overriding TS inference because of the fact that I can (A) hover/highlight variables to get typings if inlay hints are disabled, (B) am rarely returning complex types from functions, and (C) am usually wrong when writing initial implementations. An isolated instance of a refactor is a rarity. I typically need to touch 2-3 functions, and if those functions are returning data generated from a nested function. This either means trivially definining poorly-abstracted types for groups of related functions, and all the wasted time on naming that results from such, or being required to touch each fn manually, leading to longer PRs to scan through without meaningful changes. LSPs are supposed to save time. If we're not going to bother using their features, why bother with anything outside compilation errors in our terminals?
@jasonrooney1368 11 ай бұрын
There are only a few cases where I think return types should be avoided, or narrowed: 1. If you're returning a union of primitive constants, you probably want to know exactly what those consts are and generalizing the return type to say, string, would detract from the experience from the consumer side of things. In that case, either explicitly define the return type, or leverage inference. 2. Some library hooks can have absolutely gnarly return types that offer no benefit when explicitly defined. You just end up copying your inferred return type. Maybe it's worth it for refactoring purposes? Maybe not. In any case, the DX sucks, so I completely understand just not explicitly defining those return types.
@JohnLadan Жыл бұрын
I think finished code should always have explicit types. Explicit types are in-code documentation that can actually be confirmed by a static analyzer. While prototyping, implicit types are convenient (maybe you're not sure what the type should be), but once the code is "done," types should be made explicit for documentation and a first check that the code is correct.
@DryBones111 Жыл бұрын
I would agree with this except Theo made a really great point about how TypeScript return types can actually exist exclusively from their runtime values. The fact that this departure is possible is a bit of an issue with the type system itself, but if implicit return types alleviates the risk of type lies, then I think the price is worth paying. Why use types if they can lie, might as well infer them and be more correct.
@ThePrimeTimeagen Жыл бұрын
he didn't, re watch, he mistakes "different from" to "doesn't include all," of which is a regular pattern that people use all the time in every language ever existing. if you use return types it doesn't lie. now you are going to make me make a video. but he did show was that overloading is clearly broken and i told him that it was clearly broken
@DryBones111 Жыл бұрын
@@ThePrimeTimeagen I see, I guess I didn't understand it as much as I thought I did. Will have to dig deeper into it.
@RasmusSchultz Жыл бұрын
"typing less" should never be a concern that guides any decision, ever. Even if you're a 1-finger typist, typing isn't where most of your time in software development gets spent - unless most of your work is boilerplate (waste of time - automate or choose better abstractions!) most of your time should be spent thinking, planning, designing, researching, learning, and so on. Typing is the least of your concerns.
@evandroprogram Жыл бұрын
Since JS I was already using StandardJS and when I moved to TS I keep using it, as one of the rules for Standard for TS is to explicitly declare the return type, I never have used inference for functions. Points on Standard for that!
@marcusradell7544 Жыл бұрын
Conclusion: write short and simple functions and 90% of your bike shed is done.
@andresaguirregonzalez8651 Жыл бұрын
I get it but you could just hover on the function to see what it returns, usually the typing is in the variable where you are setting the result of the function so breaking things because of not typing the function seems unlikely
@scottiedoesno Жыл бұрын
100% agree here. Code is for people and this costs nothing performance wise
@jasonconsiglio5256 Жыл бұрын
This debate about return types reminds me of how you and Theo disagree about unit testing. I respect both of you imensely and try to tune in to both of you as often as I can, but I think you are correct in both discussions. Type safety is there for a reason, use it or not.. Like you said yesterday, you each just have choose where and to what degree you want to be bit.
@devinhoover1129 3 ай бұрын
Love these vids
@irlshrek Жыл бұрын
couldnt agree more. lock your shit up and make the contract explicit
@ThePrimeTimeagen Жыл бұрын
@PGDJ88 Жыл бұрын
I largely agree with you.
@mvargasmoran Жыл бұрын
Always do what other people in the project do, if you want change, run it by the team.
@akam9919 11 ай бұрын
3:00 I know this is supposed to be a dumb example for a video and the point isn't really about `Perm`, but... Perm should be a discriminated union, i.e.: type Perm = {role:"admin", data:AdminP} | {role:"user", data:UserP} | {role:"guest", data:GuestP} Otherwise, you'll end up having to make a bunch of pointless checks to stop typescript from complaining because otherwise the role field has no relevance to data field. A somewhat better but also more complicated way to make it would be to make it a generic interface. type roles = "admin" | "user" | "guest" interface Perm{ role: RoleType extends roles? RoleType: never, data: this["role"] extends "admin"? AdminP: this["role"] extends "user"? UserP: GuestP } The benefit of this is that now you can type a function like this... function getPermissions(role: roles) : Perm{ // blah blah you get the picture } Best part is that the generic component is completely optional in this case, so you can still use it as you would if it were a type.
@flamendless Жыл бұрын
Agree. Explicit is always better imo.
@ibrahimalshubaily9520 Жыл бұрын
Big fan and didnt know about this channel. #JustSaying
@ThePrimeTimeagen Жыл бұрын
yeah! its me trying to make content that is "easy" to make i want to talk about a lot of things but i don't have time to 8 hour edit + 5 hour script write. instead, just turn on the camera and just spout my raw feelings.
@S-we2gp 5 ай бұрын
You’re right explicit is obviously better. However even that perm return type is gross and would lead to horrendous code. “Because I know what you are I know what you do” is a terrible thing to have in your programs
@theondono Жыл бұрын
I always get a bit confused when you talk about this, because there’s two issues were I’ve seen using the same term for. One is “implicit return types” (type of the return on function signature), and with that I’m 100% with you. Implicit return types are a demonstrably bad practice that lead to more bugs and should be avoided. The second one is “implicit return” proper (return at the end of a scope without the need of the ‘return’ keyword), and here I don’t agree as much. While I use return on most of my proper functions when writing Rust, having to put returns would remove the ability for highly readable and expressive Rust (IMO). I don’t want to write ‘return’ on every closure, or when writing inline stuff like ‘if let’ or things like that. And I’d be equally sad if the language lost consistency just because the feature can be abused.
@ThePrimeTimeagen Жыл бұрын
yes, we are talking typescript. this doesn't have no keyword return returns. you must be explicit with the keywords. i am talking about return _types_.
@theondono Жыл бұрын
@@ThePrimeTimeagen that make sense, I’m still a script kiddie when it comes to js and ts
@mario7501 Жыл бұрын
Dynamically typed languages are a true nightmare. I hate this in python as well. That's why not never use python for anything serious that other people might use at some point. I'm not in the web dev space, but as an outsider, it's truly a feat that a language like javascript with its lose type system managed to take over the Internet, even at the enterprise level. No wonder I have to close my browser window and delete cookies if I want to log into the Microsoft teams account of a different organisation.
@monochr0mat Жыл бұрын
I don't understand the mindset behind loose typing. Types make me think much more clearer about everything that's going on. Like return types help channel my problem solving and helps so much with in the long run. I don't get the other side
@StevenBoutcher 7 ай бұрын
"But it saves keystrokes" "But I should be able to trust implicit return types" Skill issue.
@zokalyx Жыл бұрын
rust enums looking juicy today
@ThePrimeTimeagen Жыл бұрын
@michaelhildebrand-faust4039 8 ай бұрын
With VSCode and other editors, if you don't explicitly declare the return type, you can simply hover the function name and tooling tells you the return type. Can't vim do that???
@animanaut Жыл бұрын
i can see a case for private helper function, but for pretty much everything else it should be explicit.
@eshanchatterjee1250 Жыл бұрын
I had this realization a few days ago on how, the company I'm working for is just filled with people who want to do everything "halfa**ed". I look through the code base and there are at most 100 comments in a codebase over 1million lines. How when I said that I'm just writing comments, so that in future if someone read it they would know what I was thinking, and I got the reply "Comments are not important". I genuinely don't understand how you can have this less of an interest in good practices, and still want to write code. How i can't use a formatter, because it will be hard to merge a svn commit.
@grandemcfloofin8376 Жыл бұрын
What plugin is prime using for the ohmyzsh like autocomplete suggestions that we see in his text editor?
@andrewpagan Жыл бұрын
The goal of code is for it to be easily understandable from first glance, top down. If you don't know what it returns and you have to go on a Home Goods scavenger hunt, it's not clean code.
@lkda01 Жыл бұрын
you didnt puts the long code block into if statement, do you?
@thegrumpydeveloper Жыл бұрын
Maybe write the function then have something auto gen the return type and confirm it to lock it in place. I only type things now when it’s a complex type beyond a few params but it’s hard to make a rule to say “don’t type it unless…”
@Jasonjjsong Жыл бұрын
The only Type we need is Coconut Oil.
@jaye5632 Жыл бұрын
Vscode and the compiler, can infer what you are returning, and that is what they do they infer, defining a return type indicates what you intended to do. I as the developer are saying this is what I intended rather than the compiler saying this is what you did. It is easier looking at a function declaration and knowing what it should do, yes you can do this with inference also. But there are many other benefits, refactoring etc, and isn't this what typescript does partially, introduces types in a non-typed language if you are typing params then why not type returns. The reason why not adding explicit return types works is because tooling like the ide/editor are getting smarter, and the complier is getting smarter.
@ThePrimeTimeagen Жыл бұрын
You have confused many techs while making the argument. VSCode knows nothing. TSServer does the work. The LC in VS communicates and that's it. It's the same tool in vim
@jaye5632 Жыл бұрын
@@ThePrimeTimeagen I partially agree with your response, I don't know if I confused anyone. However you are correct, that these editors be it vscode, vim or whatever are reliant on other parts to do this like a LSP integration whether that be with tsserver or whichever provider. The cohesive nature of how this works leads people to believe that their editor is responsible and this could have been better clarified by me. The same tooling which does the inference, is also the same tooling which does the type checking on declared types. I believe being declarative has more benefits like function/method design, and refactoring.
@Kriszzzful Жыл бұрын
dont know about vim but the implicit return type is revealed in my editor when I mouseover it
@Luxcium Жыл бұрын
You should probably do that after writing the function unless you have a precise requirement and then you must do it first maybe 🤔 😅😅
@hannessteffenhagen61 Жыл бұрын
I'm surprised there even is even an argument here. What am I, a compiler? I'd like to be able to know what your function returns from looking at the top bit (you know, where the function interface goes), not by parsing the code and typechecking it... or worse, relying on your documentation which is probably lying anyway (granted, because typescript is VERY GOOD and does not have ANY FLAWS WHATSOEVER it lets you lie about the type of your functions too, but let's not go there). What exactly are all these advocates for write-only code thinking?
@karnellschultz6446 Жыл бұрын
great vid
@mechaD 6 ай бұрын
I think return types are not always useful and you should definitely decide on a case-by-case basis or depending on the project. For example, a functional component in React does not need a return type in my opinion. Not even if it is longer. With a React component, it is always clear what it returns. Even specific functions in the application code that are only used in a relatively local context do not necessarily need a return type. Closures only very rarely anyway. The more code is shared with other components or modules, the more important return types are. Whenever the stability of an API is relevant, return types must be mandatory in order to avoid inadvertent errors caused by changes. I think the argument from the video about readability/understandability in the function header is nonsense. TypeScript is usually developed with extensive tool support. From linting and formatting to tooltips with documentation and IDE extensions for more specialized features. - Inferred types can actually always be seen immediately if you know your tools. In this respect, for me this is more of an academic argument for people who like to imagine what it would be like to work without tool support. 🤷 Conclusion: The real benefit is that return types increase the effort required to make breaking changes. This reduces the likelihood of it happening by mistake. Where breaking changes are not a problem, return types are purely a matter of taste. In this case, everyone should do as they please. 🪄
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