Again on the very first question of this lecture, a woman points out to a very considerable in weight issue in relation to humanity. And believe it to be, what is recognised as (the inquisition). For anyone interested, the word should be looked up, it's origins more precisely. In doing so, then anyone will understand that inquisition as a investigative form goes as far back as the Roman period, historically. And for most of its use since then, it has had a very particular niche purpose. This purpose has to do with the ability to investigate (incuisita) in as many possible ways available without using or infringing any established laws of the land. Making an injustice very hard to establish or point at as in happening, for the sole purpose of avoiding any possible revolts by any subject under the laws of the land. And for most of it's use, the applicability has been by all levels of power, in order to preserve the level of power, if not even increase it. Inquisition has stopped for a while now as a technique used by the level's of power that made a maximum use since it's historical beginnings, but it has not stopped as an investigative technique at all, by different levels of power now in existence. In fact with the beginning of television (the inquisition) has increasingly been applied to whole masses of population, and now with truly modern and digital techniques the inquisition is being applied to the whole world simultaneously. Together with advertisement inquisitions regarding all types of (heresies) which involve politics, art, science, philosophy, humour, faith and religion are in constant full effect. It has only become a thought for me after I realised the effects of advertisement, but advertisement is only but a part of the whole thing. Because what is TV, media, reporting or social platforms other than a 24/7 CCTV that is not intrusive on the lawful personal space of anyone?!?! And if it is not that, then it is an inquisition. The absurdity is that the very levels of power the were victims of inquisitions for most of its historical use, are now fully involved in preforming with pleasure as inquisitors, and the levels of power that made maximum use of inquisitions are now victims also, depending on which side of the heresies they are found to be. Making the expression: The table's have turned, absolutely confusing and pointless in any possible meaning. (Algorithms are the hard proof of the levels of inquisitions that are in the process of being active).