it looks nice never seen flame one. Build few simple ones nice camo
@WarGamingNewbHistorical2 ай бұрын
Thanks, Lucian!
@basicminiaturepainting2 ай бұрын
Very cool
@WarGamingNewbHistorical2 ай бұрын
Thanks, Justin!
@goforitpainting2 ай бұрын
Looks cool.
@WarGamingNewbHistorical2 ай бұрын
Thank you kindly!
@totalburnout54242 ай бұрын
Another nice unboxing. I like the way you say "Flammpanzerwsgen". 👌🏻 The grey uniform of the crew member makes them optically a bit dull. But otherwise the model is very nice. 😊
@WarGamingNewbHistorical2 ай бұрын
I was only going off the box art for the uniforms on the crew. I couldn't find any images for this kind of suit. Appreciate you watching, Bjorn! Thank you!
@totalburnout54242 ай бұрын
@@WarGamingNewbHistorical It wasn't meant as a criticism of your painting. 😉 More of an aesthetic criticism of the Warlord template.
@WarGamingNewbHistorical2 ай бұрын
@@totalburnout5424 I didn't see it as a criticism. I was just trying to find the most accurate representation of this specialized uniform but had t settle for Fieldgrau. Thanks Bjrorn!
@MiniWarMuttАй бұрын
I do like the Bolt Action model kits(Italeri, right?). Nice unbox video. Keep at it!
@MiniWarMuttАй бұрын
Great work on the paint!
@WarGamingNewbHistoricalАй бұрын
Italeri indeed. Just hate the tracks on the tanks, though. Thanks, Brian!
@WarGamingNewbHistoricalАй бұрын
Thank you kindly!
@joehendrson3815Ай бұрын
Is this flamepanzerwagen still in the game no listing in third edition
@WarGamingNewbHistoricalАй бұрын
Correct. No listing in the 3rd Edition Rulebook. But, that doesn't mean it won't be in an updated Armies of Germany book. I guess we'll have to see.
@demonjaymzАй бұрын
I simply do not have the patience to paint like that
@WarGamingNewbHistoricalАй бұрын
This actually did not take me to long. It helps that I used Army Painter Desert Yellow as the base, then sponged on the camo. Other than that, wasn't too bad of a paint job. Four or Five colors I think? Thanks, James!
@demonjaymzАй бұрын
@@WarGamingNewbHistorical you'll notice I said patience not time lol
@WarGamingNewbHistoricalАй бұрын
For me, it's the same difference. If I can't paint it fast, I don't have the patience to finish the model.