Uncle Iroh is not Perfect (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

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Sage's Rain

Sage's Rain

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@SagesRain Жыл бұрын
The Rise of Kyoshi update is available now for free for iOS and Android devices. Download it today from the App Store or Google Play Store! App Store: app.adjust.com/59ahxyp Android Token: nvyb8nf
@SpammytheHedgehog Жыл бұрын
Uncle Iroh is best uncle.
@Joshualacruz Жыл бұрын
Idk what to do with the android token, but the link at the end of the video did bring me to the Play Store page. I think it's very cool Nickelodeon made this game and sponsored you. Hope my comment helps a bit. Cheers.
@ktefccre Жыл бұрын
When will there be a web browser based version? 😢
@msk-qp6fn Жыл бұрын
Fun fact, despite the creators claiming Rangi's name meaning tiger, based a word that means tiger in Korean, horangee or horangi, by omitting the ho part, they essentially made her name mean wolf instead of tiger.
@ChroniclerV Жыл бұрын
Yes, Iroh isn't "Perfect" but that's also kind of the point.
@Spongebrain97 Жыл бұрын
Something that always stuck with me when rewatching ATLA was how in Book 1 by then Iroh had already become a grand master in the White Lotus, met the Dragons, and achieved spirtual enlightenment but what was weird is he still actively helped Zuko in trying to capture Aang and doesn't stand in the way of the Fire Nation. Together they shoot a fireball at team avatar in episode 2 and later on Iroh and a disguised Zuko on Zhao's ship still plot to capture Aang. Why is Iroh, who went through all of that past stuff doing this? I think the reason being that unbeknownst to viewers in Book 1, Iroh was in the final stage of his own redemption arc. The final straw for him was Zhao and the Fire Nation trying to assassinate Zuko as well as destroy the Moon spirit who Iroh respected. And thus in book 2 onwards Iroh has completed his arc of becoming a traitor to the Fire Nation and tries to put Zuko on the same path
@kylegonewild Жыл бұрын
Zhao is a twisted reflection of what Iroh could have been. Smart, capable, learned, self-assured. He even learns from his hotheaded interaction with Aang. Trying to have Iroh's surrogate son killed turned him against the people who orchestrated it. Seeing the Moon Spirit harmed was the breaking point for abandoning the whole of the Fire Nation and its war philosophies. The people can change, but the crusade started by Sozen was evil, willing to throw life itself out of balance in the pursuit of domination.
@mellomoose_ Жыл бұрын
they prolly just didnt develop his character as much at that point. but i also think that at the time he had to sorta "play-dead" in a sense. because if he tried to resist capturing the avatar at that point he would have no chance to help zuko, zuko wouldve left him behind.
@hendricksroshane Жыл бұрын
I was confused on this as well. At the time of just watching the show I had some amount of reservation for him because for me he was hypocritical or conflicted. How could he be so honourable yet corrupted at the same time? Thanks for the perspective 🙏 really shows how truly intelligently written this show was.
@eltemmieincreiblementeaweo7872 Жыл бұрын
Mmm,I think he was just giving hope to zuko,going along whit him in his journey before he finally could change his mind and purpose,but he never actively tried to help him to capture the avatar Like you said,in the second episode they shoot him a fireball But just like that,like,one fireball,that wasnt even that powerfull The same Iroh that could stand a chance against the fire lord,and he only shoots one fireball I think that if he was really into capturing the avatar,he would have no problem in doing it right there I think he stated his redemption when he lost his son and finally saw what war makes to people,and for the start of the series he already was convinced of all that
@majkerr9544 Жыл бұрын
like comment above me said He "helped" Zuko, or at least tried to, in his adventure to capture Aang. But you can see that was "uncle Iroh" helping Zuko, not the "war veteran/strategist general Iroh". If he refused to capture the Avatar, you know how it goes - he's ousted from the Fire Nation, and from Zuko. Did he wanted that? No, obviously. So he helped, as little as he can.
@ciscosoto5737 Жыл бұрын
Iroh was never perfect. He could’ve easily become as terrible as Sozin, Azulon, or Ozai if his circumstances had changed slightly. It’s precisely because of how easily he could’ve been a monster that he’s such an amazing character. I believe he’s an example of how despite your environment, it’s still up to you to decide how you’ll respond to that environment and change.
@hez859 Жыл бұрын
People don't talk enough about Iroh's influence of Ozai
@danurkresnamurti3598 Жыл бұрын
Agree. Even iroh should be the next fire lord and on the line heritage
@danurkresnamurti3598 Жыл бұрын
​@@hez859 yes it is.
@vullord666 Жыл бұрын
I feel like it's easily forgotten that Iroh was the hard favorite (which is fair) of Azulon to the point Azulon made Ozai kill his own son at the suggestion of pulling the firelord seat up from under Iroh. I think Iroh would have been a good person as Firelord (Ozai was really just twisted) kinda like Zuko turned out where he cared about the citizens and soldiers and still had good values while believing in the imperialism of the fire nation.
@AfroAdam Жыл бұрын
he still killed alot of innocent people and took over nations and never felt bad until his son died, he's a likeable character but he's a genocidal maniac and yall are weird for not acknowledging that.
@harryblocks Жыл бұрын
Correction, he himself knows he's far from perfect as there's much to learn Such as the humble journey of Iroh
@writerlairchannel2636 Жыл бұрын
"life is not bad or good, its your emotions which matters, if you bring happiness, you will live happy, balance of life
@metanightmare4454 Жыл бұрын
Also, I'm pretty sure that the Air Nomads were wiped out before Iroh's time. Sozin did that, so that might've been even before Iroh's father, Azulon, ascended to the throne, much less after his son, Lu Ten, died.
@angelajaime5155 Жыл бұрын
I love Uncle Iroh, but my heart will always break for Azula, how she was left behind by every adult in her life, because she wasn't soft enough, that her own family forgot she was a child.
@NotHere07 Жыл бұрын
This is my question to the writers too. Azula and Zuko's destiny can be interchanged if Iroh stayed and guided Azula. But it will harder than guiding Zuko. Azula's life is a cycle of 'im toxic > because no one guided me to the right path > because im toxic > no one will stay'. It's sad but this is the reality for some people. If this isnt a kids show, maybe the writers might had gone into a more darker path in Azula's story.
@kcirtapelyk6060 Жыл бұрын
Azula was too much like her father to ever really grow or change. Iroh knew that, which was probably why he favored and nurtured Zuko instead of her. Unlike Azula, Zuko from a very young age displayed warmth, kindness, compassion, honor, and empathy, which meant that he had the most potential for great change and personal growth. Even if he wanted to reach out to her, she would’ve dismissed this as some sort of cynical ploy to gain power or saw it as some kind of pathetic weakness on his part.
@NotHere07 Жыл бұрын
@@kcirtapelyk6060 thats why paranoia is one of the hardest to deal with in terms of mental disorders. Its even harder if the person had paranoia and absolute power, like Azula and some tyrant dictators and conquerors.
@angelajaime5155 Жыл бұрын
@@kcirtapelyk6060 I don't agree that she was too much like Ozai from an early age, he shaped her to his will thru manipulation. Now, it is true that Azula would have seen Iroh's attempts at kindness with mistrust, Zuko and Azula are very different, and Iroh would have needed to take a different approach when reaching out to her. It is understandable that Iroh preferred Zuko, since he was indeed naturally kind and reminded him of his son; I believe Iroh just didn't know *how* to reach out to her. I believe that when it comes to people like Azula, you need to become someone worthy of admiring in their eyes, and then they'll listen. I guess I just have a soft spot for Azula, she reminds me of myself when I was younger. A perfectionist, "advanced" child, that lacked empathy, and CRAVED attention from certain adults.
@obehiikhigbonoaremen1241 Жыл бұрын
​@@angelajaime5155 I completely agree! Azula was raised in the SAME culture Zuko was in. People just believe she was born "evil" because she wasn't nurturing to her OLDER brother like Katara was.
@leeeeedle1844 Жыл бұрын
We criticize characters because we love them. To blindly follow and adore a character ( like some iroh fans) is NOT love, it’s fanaticism. Iroh did some messed up things and should be held accountable. He’s flawed and that’s ok! He’s complex and to rewrite his character as a “perfect wise Sage and mentor” is stripping him of his complexity and harming the series as a whole. Now ofc iroh is a great positive influence on zuko and others, but let’s not forget his shortcomings.
@rawdasalmataman7908 Жыл бұрын
I definitely agree
@riverbanzachamploo9725 Жыл бұрын
@lukep7885 Жыл бұрын
What we see from iroh is effectively the wise mentor. But I don’t think that’s why anyone really appreciates his character. It’s his acceptance of his failings and his determination to bios a positive impact that makes him beloved.
@SeanT-l6p 6 ай бұрын
This was written by a woman
@Balke_Beesnuck Жыл бұрын
I interpreted him calling ba sing se his greatest failure not only to mean losing his son, but the him recognizing how wrong and awful his actions there were. I think his son’s death was a wake up call for him, and allowed him to see how truly wrong his actions were. I do agree that iron is not perfect, but in a way I think it makes him an even better role model. None of us can ever be perfect, but I think it is important to try, and even if you do not achieve your goals, you still did the best you could and that is enough
@numbernumber25 Жыл бұрын
Indeed, there is much difference in the views of life when such a large emotional point takes place. It is not entirely clear on Iroh's life as a young man, we are only really aware of how he was when he was a father and how he had a change from when the loss of his own son led to him to when we first saw him on screen. I think you are right on the death of his son, we often do not sense the emotion of loss until he came face to face with it. After it happened, he must have started to focus more on loss and saw the many civilians and soldiers of the earth kingdom left without life. The realization of emotion and focus revolves around many parts of life. When a person loses a dog, the take the pain and start to feel the emptiness of where their companion once was. Then they start to focus on the other dogs around, the other people that are smiling and playing with their own dogs. Seeing the death of his own son, then seeing the pain the earth kingdom citizens must of shifted his view of the war and the mentality of the fire nation. This of course is only a guess to how he started to change, but I am sure the deaths of others started to course a deeper sense of sadness after his son was gone. Mistakes allow for growth, Iroh is open to making mistakes for the sake of making even a stranger's day a little bit better. He may not be perfect, but you are right that we should all do our best even if we do not reach our goals.
@Alaryk111 Жыл бұрын
It's not the case. Iroh was also a coleader of the invasion of the North Pole he joinded after Zhao personaly requested him to join. Obviously Iroh joined to help Zuko BUT; Why would Zhao ask him to join in the first place? 1)Zhao was petty and didn't liked having his authority challanged and Fire Lord's brother was someone who could do that. 2) Zhao expected Iroh's betrayel. 3) They were not in good relations at least since Zhao's Agni Kai with Zuko. And yet despite all of it Zhao asked him to join him. Why? There must have been a military reason for that. Weather it was inspiring the troops and boosting their morale or taking part in planing the invasion(Iroh was a tacticall and strategic genious) Iroh had part in the conquest of the North. Also notice that his only concern with killing the moon spirit was that it would affect Fire Nation negativly. He only given up on Fire Nation after Azula wanted to arest him and Zuko and not because he was against what fire nation was doing but because it was his person(and Zuko) that was now hunted by the Fire nation.
@Balke_Beesnuck Жыл бұрын
@@Alaryk111 I think you have some good points, but I think Iroh was in a way intentionally misleading the Fire nation, and would have left long ago if it wasn’t for Zuko. I can fully imagine Iroh doing this, but I don’t think we can know for sure. I interpret his comments on the moon spirit to not be about his concern for the Fire nation, but as a way of appealing to Zhao, who is still invested in the Fire nation. Either way I think Iroh has a lot of good lessons, and a lot you can look up to, but it is still important to be careful of idolizing other people (especially those in history and real life)
@dargron7614 Жыл бұрын
@@Alaryk111 Zhao's only motivation for inviting Iroh to the North was to gloat. Zhao was ambitious, egotistical and wanted his achievements to be recognised. As much as Iroh was dishonoured by his failure to conquer Ba Sing Se, he was still recognised as royalty and one of the Fire Nation's greatest ever generals. Zhao wanted Iroh there to bear witness to his greatest victory - perhaps in the hopes of gaining validation from a peer, or more likely, simply to rub Iroh's nose in the dirt. He wanted to be seen as superior to Iroh, and what better way than to have the man himself present to remind everyone. Much like with Zuko's quest to capture the Avatar, Iroh's support of Zhao's invasion is entirely passive. Iroh offers Zhao no advice that would gain him strategic advantage over the Waterbenders, only warnings that might help avoid needless casualties.
@AstroSully 6 ай бұрын
Same. His actions of liberating Ba Sing Se shows that.
@lughskywalker Жыл бұрын
Mention of the knife inscription got me thinking about it’s meaning in Zuko Alone. Zuko offers the knife to the kid at the end, to then be rejected and scorned. It seemed to represent the kid simply hating Zuko for being a fire bender and rejecting his wisdom because of that, but it goes deeper. The advice and wisdom imparted to the kid by Zuko in a large part owes to the inscription on the knife, which was stolen from an Earth kingdom general. So the kid is symbolically rejecting the wisdom of his own people (just like Zuko was for a time rejecting his true identity) in that moment of hatred for the fire nation. In the way he yells that he hates Zuko, it reminded me of how Zuko himself scorned Iroh when he tried to teach him the right path. Iroh’s story is almost his own extended “Iroh Alone” story.
@godsstrongestmagicalgirl5217 Жыл бұрын
@colorblockpoprocks6973 Жыл бұрын
yea you're totally right oh man! the kid scorning the earth kingdom wisdom on the knife purely from prejudice against the fire nation is a direct parallel to the way that Zuko did a very universally kind thing but they still refused to see its value, simply because of his heritage! :0
@trueblade3636 11 ай бұрын
@@godsstrongestmagicalgirl5217 Yeah indeed! Also, Sage rain was wrong about Azula & the doll. Zuko needed courage, so he gives him the knife. Azula already has courage and a lot of skill. Sp she gets the doll to try to nurture some more
@kylegonewild Жыл бұрын
There's also something just very heartwarming about seeing a heartbroken old man finding joy and happiness in his life again, knowing the depressing context behind his journey of personal growth.
@ComposedSage75 Жыл бұрын
Iroh never claimed to be perfect. He saw the imperfections in life especially in people and still found reasons to love people regardless of where they came from. Iroh had done crimes in his past and realized the horrors he’d done as well as the families he ruined. He didn’t want his nephew to go down that same path so instead he aided Zuko in coming to terms with who he is and what he wanted to be for himself. Not because of some nobility. That’s how I saw Iroh.
@Moesie Жыл бұрын
Yeah but too many people overate iroh too much I feel like iroh is one of the most overatted character All bevause he got great charm
@msk-qp6fn Жыл бұрын
It is not that Iroh considers himself perfect, it is the audience that often tend to glorify him a bit too much.
@Moesie Жыл бұрын
@@msk-qp6fn yeah i hated it and the audience are iroh simps I could understamd ur mesmorized by irohs charm Ur u got some daddy issues Or the grandpa u wish but never had But cmon? Why being so bias? There was a quiz vote 1.Who is the nicest character Ty lee, suki , aang , iroh? Iroh won with 70% votes 2. Who is the most spiritual? Ginora, aang, iroh, or the bald guy zaheer 80% voted iroh. Reason? Iroh could see spirits and his body attached the spirit world aang couldnt Like 1st of all thats not what spiritual means 2th of all are u all not being bias? U iroh fans? Now what? Who is the most handsome , iroh? Who got the best sixpack? Ronaldo , ozai, bruce lee or iroh? Ofcourse these blind brainwashed iroh simps would vote iroh for the best sixpack....
@Moesie Жыл бұрын
@@msk-qp6fn iroh won the vote for being most spiritual Even more then aang zaheer jinora Iroh won the vote quiz Who is nicest Even against ty lee suki or aang iroh got most votes These iroh fans dont think and they annoy me with there biased
@oreo-postraphe Жыл бұрын
​@@Moesie"They don't think" Just because you disagree with them doesnt mean they arent critically thinking
@mr.skateandwatch Жыл бұрын
“I was never angry, I was sad* because I thought you have lost your way…” Bone chilling It shows that Zuko wasn’t the only one of the duo struggling with his own journey.
@somegaykid9187 Жыл бұрын
shit gets me choked up just reading that quote lol what a show
@Pattmore Жыл бұрын
He said sad
@yamataichul Жыл бұрын
There are ppl who gag (maybe not all in bad faith) this moment for being too on the nose. But it was enough. Book 3 is mostly about every character after all and honestly, it takes a lot of strength to figure out your pain in words. The scene is not overated, is indeed powerful!
@maph12 Жыл бұрын
The picture of Iroh holding Zuko may have been from before Azula was born.
@Kitty-the-Bunny 7 ай бұрын
Yeah I think it was; Azula is two years younger and Zuko looks like a baby there
@seonghong784 10 ай бұрын
The fact that Uncle Iroh is not perfect, and that he never claims to ever be perfect, is what makes him so virtuous and admired.
@RadElNew Жыл бұрын
3:39 The Air Nomads were already wiped out decades before Iroh was born.
@kjokjojessica Жыл бұрын
The speech that Iroh gives Zuko about asking what he wants perfectly sums up how he had gone through that exact phase himself.
@loafoftofu6773 Жыл бұрын
Iroh isn’t a perfect character but he actively works to make himself and other around him better, that’s what makes him compelling.
@Mf_CHIP Жыл бұрын
Uncle Iroh is not perfect. That's what makes him perfect.
@msk-qp6fn Жыл бұрын
@jonathanhoward562 11 ай бұрын
You get it chip
@Sun-Warrior1911 Жыл бұрын
Iroh is the blip of light in a dark world. He proves that with a little bit of hope any obstacle you face, no matter how daunting, you can climb & overcome!! Change is possible!!
@Ki_Adi_Mundi Жыл бұрын
And that's why he's perfect.
@jonpruitt8376 Жыл бұрын
An imperfect person who still has many words worth hearing.
@comradekolbot2220 7 ай бұрын
“Seems like everyone just wants to start over…why not just get it right the first time?”-CJ
@sivanlevi3867 Жыл бұрын
The emphasis on imperfection in Avatar is profound, more than most series I've ever seen in my life. But calling to mind a certain lyric, they're perfect imperfections. Zuko made mistakes, Iroh made mistakes, Sokka made mistakes, and Aang inherited whole lifetimes worth of mistakes from previous Avatars. While some like Ozai, Azula, Amon, Unalaq, and many others aren't given a chance to make up for them, others like Zuko, Iroh, Aang, even Zaheer and Kuvira managed to find that inner strength or have that life-changing luck to metamorphose into new, better people. The reason why I admire the characters of A:TLA and A:LOK is that I don't let these flaws define my view of them, one must see things from all sides. Now, I'm going into far future by two Avatar cycles and tell a new story of my own.
@davismorgan99 Жыл бұрын
Loved your mention of the Korra villains as well. I think that series is criminally overlooked by so many. It is messier and not as tight as The Last Airbender, but there are so many moments of genuine growth and I appreciate how the creators chose to tell a story that is completely different from Aang’s. Aang was the kid who didn’t want to be the avatar in a world that desperately needed him, and Korra wanted to be the avatar the world needed when the world didn’t see a need for an avatar. Two beautiful shows.
@TheInfectiousCadaver Жыл бұрын
irohs been coming up a lot in my life. ill take it as my 2 deceased uncles letting me know they are still here.
@sonh788 Жыл бұрын
A lot of people forgot that iroh murdered hundreds of people as a military conqueror . As a Humbler , his son's life was the trade-off
@kcirtapelyk6060 Жыл бұрын
That’s kinda what made him such a great character. He shown that anyone is capable of great good and great evil.
@jatdaman 6 ай бұрын
​@kcirtapelyk6060 but the show barely touches on his crimes. By the time we see him he is entirely absolved from his actions that were only 5 years ago 😂😂😂
@bw5020 Жыл бұрын
I think that folks like Iroh but don't realize that to get Iroh energy from a Zuko kinda person is to have an expectation of better but allowing the grace to get there. Otherwise, you get an Ozai. Iroh chose better when better was hard, if not dangerous. I wish we could give that same grace to folks in real life when they sincerely attempt better, instead of hanging folks opportunistically when we know we would wilt to the same energy. Be a Iroh when it's afforded.😊
@miklestevens2797 Жыл бұрын
I think Iroh and Azula's relationship or lack thereof is based in a misunderstanding of Azula. I think it is one of the core elements of Azula's character. From a young age, Ursa and other positive figures for her like Iroh never understood her or why she does the things she does. She does them out of wanting to be accepted and wanted. From training hard to be a firebending prodigy and being perfect in every aspect, in order to please and garner attention from the only place she can which is Ozai and even at that Ozai doesnt understand her, he just respects her prowess. I think Iroh definitely made the mistake of not trying to understand Azula when she was younger. He never made an effort to get to know her or even bond with his niece and this is further cemented when he gifts her the doll. It is a representation of his inability to guide Azula due to neglecting her as a person. If I'm being honest Azula is a mischevious child and she manipulates to get what she wants, which is attention, but if Iroh would have taken the time to attend to her aswell, I think Azula would be a completely different character. Both her and Iroh are alike in a lot of ways and had he catered towards her and Zuko equally things would be WAYY different.
@dargron7614 Жыл бұрын
Does Iroh fail to understand Azula, or does he understand her better than we think? Azula lacks compassion and empathy. Iroh's gift of the doll could have been a deliberate and subtle attempt to encourage Azula to develop those aspects of her personality that were severely lacking, just as Zuko's gift encouraged him to . Just imagine had Azula accepted the doll. Imagine the possible positive effect on her if through the doll, she were to learn to care for something other than herself - specifically a doll that so clearly represents the enemy.
@obehiikhigbonoaremen1241 Жыл бұрын
​​@@dargron7614 Sorry, develop Empathy for the very people Iroh just killed and conquered? 😂 Azula didn't like the gift because she didn't like dolls, lol. She's more interested in other stuff. Azula accepting the doll wouldn't necessarily teach her empathy. Imagine if Iroh gave her the knife.
@Alpha_Runaway Жыл бұрын
@@obehiikhigbonoaremen1241 it’s not about it being an earth kingdom doll, just a doll in general. The message sent with the doll was for it to be friend to Azula, it was meant for her feel comfortable and safe with it the same way younger kids do with their dolls/action figures. Zuko got a knife so he’d more confident and Azula a doll to be more compassionate
@obehiikhigbonoaremen1241 Жыл бұрын
@@Alpha_Runaway It’s hypocritical of Iroh to do so though, a doll from the people HE has conquered and joked about killing. Lol, Azula believes the same stuff Ozai believes. Besides Azula isn't the type of girl to be interested in dolls anyway. Iroh was obviously closer to Zuko and that played into the gifts he gave them. Iroh gave Zuko something he would actually like, while Iroh went with the most generic thing for Azula.
@colorblockpoprocks6973 Жыл бұрын
@@obehiikhigbonoaremen1241 hypocrisy does not make you wrong. you can kill people all you want but the second you say "killing is bad" it does not change the morals of murder nor does it change the reality that you killed.
@swagman2001 3 ай бұрын
Him not being perfect is what makes him perfect his passivity and knowledge comes from experience which makes him so amazing
@anime_world6684 Жыл бұрын
As a kid I thought he was, the perfect mentor for Aang and zuko but over time other than the writer no one is perfect
@aran.m977 Жыл бұрын
True. He himself knows that and I don't think he even sees himself as a good man because of everything he did in his past.
@SpammytheHedgehog Жыл бұрын
A lot of us need to think like Uncle Iroh.
@StrangerE0ns Жыл бұрын
He’s not a perfect human being, which is why he’s a perfect character
@DarkShadow-ne3bu Жыл бұрын
I asked my parent's what it ment for Iroh to be a general, they explained that he was once a bad person but he is trying to repay his sins
@MrWill9002 Жыл бұрын
It’s true but he made himself a better man that he was before…only wish it hadn’t come at so great a price
@jebuscrust1435 9 ай бұрын
That hug between Zuko and Iroh in the last episode always makes me tear up. I don’t even need to hear it. I thought you would be angry. I was never angry at you I was just scared you had lost your path. Always gets me every damn time
@ThatGUY666666 Жыл бұрын
If I remember correctly, there was an interview with the creators that stated that during his time as a general Iroh was "Not cruel, but good at his job" or something to that effect. If that is the case he gives me some real Erwin Rommel vibes in that both were incredibly gifted and high ranking military leaders who were definitely on the wrong side of a war, but were not themselves guilty of war crimes. On another note, I hope this goes without saying but your work as always is beyond fantastic
@mausousap Жыл бұрын
tbh, im probably gonna love the video still, but the ad right at the beginning was such a big mood killer
@yukiscarletmoon660 Жыл бұрын
One immutable truth of existence as a whole, is that nothing is perfect. Not the smallest grain of sand, nor the most colossal star. Nothing can ever be truly "Perfect". The pursuit of perfection will only lead you into an intoxicating paradox... Peace
@Alamand1 Жыл бұрын
In the beginning of the search comics there is a panel that shows that Iroh hopes for Azula to find peace by finding Ursa, so even the creative leads have acknowledged that he isnt so condeming of her as it was made to seem.
@anaccidentthathappened Жыл бұрын
“I believe people can change for the better I believe in second chances”
@DSAEAyushSK Жыл бұрын
3:40 I want to point out that the massacre of the Air Nomads happened a generation before Iroh was even born. So there is no way he could have had anything to do with it.
@brandonbrown7674 Жыл бұрын
your videos are amazing man🤞🏾
@obadijahparks Жыл бұрын
Wisdom is pain beneath the foot of a man willing to climb.
@okiemax 9 ай бұрын
I love the Journey ost being used. Great choice for the video
@maytalacedo20 9 ай бұрын
Iroh is inspiration that anyone can change and grow but also taking accountability while changing into a gentle person is why Iroh is so memorable.
@sweet_rain8352 Жыл бұрын
The fact that he's not perfect makes it even better
@OhNoTheFace Жыл бұрын
It's extremely human but telling it took a personal death to "unmonster" him, to wake him up. And monster is appropriate for him before, with him joking about a conquered and killed people. But that is what making amends for it so interesting
@shake4259 Жыл бұрын
5:38 Azula wasn't born yet lol
@virginsovietunion5876 9 ай бұрын
Iroh was not a part of the air nomad extermination as he wasn’t born yet it was firelord sozin that did that
@savvivixen8490 Жыл бұрын
Iroh's my favorite in the series BECAUSE he's imperfect. All the wisdom he spits, the choices he makes, come from a wellspring of experiences he spent all over the moral spectrum, and the life he leads and guides others on at this point is the best he knows up to that point! I love him for that! As far as him "helping" Zuko capture the Avatar, his heart wasn't in it from the start. Also, even though he lost alot of prestige on paper, he needed to at least go through the motions of executing the mission in a competent way in order to protect Zuko from a possible power schism, or mutiny. Iroh may not have kept all the shiny political power, but he *still* was a f'ck-matherin General, and kept all the practical power and experience to back it up. Azula? Fair. He dropped the ball on Azula, and almost all females he came across in his life, the only real exception being Toph. He had alot of growing to do still. ...I wonder if meeting Toph (and eventually Katara) changed his perspective on how he saw and treated women? 🤔 But yeah, while this one stings a bit (for me) it kinda grounds him more in reality for me as someone who is a real guy with flaws to still iron out instead of this unrelateable paragon of morality. It also gives a bit of hope that even at that age, there's always room to grow. 😊
@raven3067 Жыл бұрын
Iroh the parental figure we all wish we had.
@willnash7907 Жыл бұрын
I don't think the knife / doll argument works. I think the gifts were actually both thoughtful. Zuko was a bit too soft and apprehensive, but Azula was the opposite, and seemed to lack compassion and empathy. I think getting them a knife and a doll respectively represented pushing them towards a more balanced direction. Also, in general, the idea that he disregarded Azula too early just doesn't work for me with how evil she was characterized as from a very early age. I think he got psycho vibes from her early. I do like the idea of the Iroh redemption arc taking place in stealth during the finale of the first season.
@eulyc.959 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, azula was a disturbing little kid. But generally, that's where you want to step in before it gets worse. She was a child, and by the end of the series she was also a young teen. She felt like her mom loved zuko over her and that haunted her until it drove her crazy. And Iroh clearly performed Zuko. He gave Zuko grace no matter how much he messed up, disrespected him, or betrayed him. No one ever gave azula that same chance. Also, you'd think that, with how in the flashback of Iroh writing a letter of how they were going to bring down the earth kingdom, how he's chuckling at the thought of killing all of these people, you'd think he'd gravitate more towards azula, or at least understand where she's coming from. But nonetheless, who do you think a child will gravitate more towards if she feels like her mom and uncle showed favoritism to her brother? Her father. Same way that zuko, although craving his father's approval, gravitated to his mom and uncle more, cause ozai favored Azula. And she takes refuge in a person that is manipuive, violent, self serving, etc. Instead of deterring those traits in her that are more disturbing, they're fueled by ozia. Iroh loved Zuko, but never gave azula a chance, who was just a kid. Azula does have her moments of empathy in the series. Small ones. When she goes and gets zuko from the house at the beach, when she stops a prisoner from being tortured, and when she doesn't tell anyone that she knows zuko is visiting iroh in prison. And a moment of vulnerability on the beach. Maybe they could have made her a better person has someone taken the time to show her a better way
@omednazari5573 Жыл бұрын
Last time he saw Azula before the siege she was 6-7. I’ll be honest that shows more a flaw with him when he already disregard such a young child. I just think Azula and Iroh don’t have a relationship at all, they don’t know each other. When watching the show we can see Itoh does it like Azula and vice versa. Azula I think doesn’t like him because her father told her his opinion on him early on and ofc a child is going to side with their parent. Otoh Iroh dislikes her because I hc he projects the dislike of his old self on her because 24 year old Azula reminds him of his younger self since imo the do seem to be similar.
@willnash7907 Жыл бұрын
@@omednazari5573 I don't think you guys remember exactly how messed up she was characterized as even at a very young age. This is generally an issue with the show. A lot of good writing elements, but subtle villains are not one of them. I think one can easily fall in the trap of projecting too much empathy to characters that are deeply anti-social or mixing up explanations and excuses.
@omednazari5573 Жыл бұрын
@@willnash7907 hm, looks like you think I'm just making excuses, well you can see it like that idc. I'm not here to change your mind. FYI I've seen the show pretty recently again but thanks nontheless. Also there are cases where people project their irl bullies on her. :)
@willnash7907 Жыл бұрын
@@omednazari5573 I think you may be underestimating how ham the show went with the Daemon-child trope. In the flow of the flashbacks you may not see relative time that clearly, but Azula being sadistic manipulative and awful at thirteen and her being all these things at eight are two very distinct and important points in her characterisation timeline. Because the characters are young one does not get into the mind to think of relative age, but eight is a very early time to demonstrate antisocial behaviour of that caliber. This is preteen serial killer material. I think it's important for the show to point out that, just as people can be redeemed, many will just be irredeemable monsters, particularly under regimes that breed antisocial stock.
@SpammytheHedgehog Жыл бұрын
People like to assume that Iroh is perfect. In truth, he was just like Ozai in his early days until his son died.
@hez859 Жыл бұрын
He influenced Ozai.
@pxhx1129 Жыл бұрын
Iroh, Kratos, Mike Tyson, 2 ficitional and 1 real, and all 3 had a crazy past of violence and later became calm
@chelseabradham3889 Жыл бұрын
The thing is I don't think the doll was impersonal, it was an attempt. A feeble one by comparison perhaps, but an attempt. Zuko needed strength and validation, Azula needed to understand that fighting, war, and domination isn't all there is to life.
@Saiyato Жыл бұрын
I would love to hear you talk about the characters in a series called red vs blue their character developments their past the challenges that the agents of project freelancer faced in their time as a soldier even into The Director if it wasn't for the decisions he made the series would not exist I'll give you a headsup the first 2 seasons were more or less what the lives of coworkers are like there relationship together when they're stuck together whether it is a comfortable or uncomfortable position they somehow made it work but their character development was one i would have never expected i was really young when i first heard about the series and i never regretted watching it till this day
@pixelladridge9744 Жыл бұрын
I’m a bit late to this and probably going to be overlooked by all the other comments, but I feel like Iroh coming across his sons killer years later would’ve been a perfect thing to show, cause we know that he wouldn’t feel anger nor hatred but regret that he was blind to the consequences his actions were bringing upon others during his conquest. Just imagining a Earth General or Soldier recognising him and realising that Iroh stepped down because his son died and their interaction years later would be good.
@jtgd Жыл бұрын
2:55 the siege of Ba Sing Se was 600 days, but I don’t think he was in the earth kingdom for that long. Probably longer.
@Khalil_44 Жыл бұрын
Chill on Iroh.
@TheSantaCruzJokerShow Жыл бұрын
Uncle Iroh wouldl tell you that nobody's perfect
@tr0n4556 Жыл бұрын
I feel so often that the wieght of the world is on my back and that only I can carry all of it. Iroh reminds me that It's okay to be a failure, so long as you get back up and try again. try to be better. I Aspire to be as good a man as he was, but also to atone for my past mistakes.
@milahkay212 Жыл бұрын
5:35 In that picture, perhaps Azula wasn't born yet? but I could be wrong 🤷🏾‍♀️
@hilgigas09 Жыл бұрын
My impression is that Iroh sees his younger self in Azula. She like him was a prodigy, arrogant, and thought nothing of killing. This ties into my theory about Lightning Bending it's purely about Killing intent and control. Azula did not hesitate to aim Lighting at her own brother the same way Iroh would not hesitate if faced with Ozai. To Iroh the only way to help Azula is for her to be humbled and find her own way otherwise any true change for the better won't stick.
@silverknightly77 Жыл бұрын
Isn't Zuko older? He's a baby in the portrait which would explain why Azula isn't there, she wasn't born yet. But I could absolutely be remembering wrong
@lwandomadikizela2213 Жыл бұрын
Iroh embodies wisdom, kindness and compassion. Sure he ain't perfect but he's the type of person that can change for the better after a traumatic event like losing his son to the Earth Kingdom soldiers. Hence raising his nephew Zuko like his own son and giving him advice and wisdom despite of Zuko's impulsive nature.
@thedarkknight727 Жыл бұрын
Don’t forget where Kratos began. I wonder how a conversation between Kratos and Iroh would go. I’ll pay real money to see that. 🙂
@eltemmieincreiblementeaweo7872 Жыл бұрын
Iroh its a great character,but yes it is anoying how much people like him over all the characters in all ways,combate,develoment,personality Iroh its a great example of how people dont get has bad their bad actions until something bad happens to them,not a perfect cinamon roll that loves everyone Good video
@theGazzer Жыл бұрын
The fact Iroh was never perfect always made his character to me. He had just simply decided to be better, and that was what made his character.
@CarlosCooksChi Жыл бұрын
Alright. I'll rewatch Avatar
@zainmudassir2964 Жыл бұрын
He's not perfect. He's a human who learns and changes unlike most of his family
@DashedSimpusMaximus Жыл бұрын
The growth of a person through loss and pain, made him into a greater person, he could've become like his brother, but created and made his own path towards love and forgiveness.
@Poppomatic64 Жыл бұрын
His sons death was the catalyst to the beginning of his change. Not when the change occurred exactly
@Neo-bd9dk 3 ай бұрын
Iroh only stops helping Zuko capture Aang after Azula is introduced.
@thetheorizermoore7476 Жыл бұрын
Yes he made mistakes but learned from them
@Grayson-Winchester Жыл бұрын
Iroh wanted to walk away from the fire nation and sought a different path. Although he could have been on the very top
@danpatrickth2759 Жыл бұрын
Awesomeness dude. Thanks for your viewpoint. 😎
@Kaijugan Жыл бұрын
Funnily enough I know this great Avatar Fanfic called Blue Rebirth where Iroh actually apologizes to Azula for basically abandoning her. The scene itself was really touching, I highly recommend it.
@t.j.aarons889 Жыл бұрын
This is why Iroh is one of the most respected characters in media. We know he once a very cold hearted man through his actions. So many bad events happened to him, that he realized what truly mattered in life. The death of his own child and so many good men on both sides showed him that life truly mattered, and what you do with it. Just as stoicism was based off of a man who had lost everything, and learned that you cannot change what happened, and that all you can change is yourself. Iroh is that man in this world.
@jnzupka 6 ай бұрын
“Perfection and power are overrated” ~Uncle Iroh
@johnmartin4119 Жыл бұрын
In regards to the choice to give Azula a doll and Zuko a dagger, I often flip flopped between Ed two other reasons what those gifts say. Now the more nicer interpretation is that he got them gifts that were representative of what Zuko and Azula needed that their father wasn’t giving them. Zuko needed a sense of self worth and a standard of honor to hold himself to so he gave Zuko the dagger of a brave general with an equally powerful inscription. Meanwhile Azula because she was raised to be the perfect soldier was missing a normal childhood, an element we see later in the Beach episode where she doesn’t know how to be a normal kid only a soldier. So he got her a doll to try to remind her that she is allowed to be a child and have fun. And I’m guessing Iroh probably tried to connect with Azula but she was too brainwashed by her dad and then Zuko got banished and he had to choose to stay with Azula or Zuko and chose the later. But another interpretation I have of why he got a doll for Azula and a dagger for Zuko is to show that in Iroh’s mind when he was a ruthless invader, those two things were of equal value as toys for children. He probably got that knife for Zuko cause he saw it as something Zuko can play with, similar to a lot of parents and grandparents who got/gave knives as gifts for kids in the past. To the general who surrendered to Iroh giving that dagger up was probably a sign of respect to his enemy, but to Iroh it was a cool souvenir to give his nephew no different than the doll wearing the latest fashion
@baymax6024 Жыл бұрын
Yeah his doll take and June take missed the mark completely obv the June thing was a bit and azula was a psychopath from day 1 because of her father and despite her mother
@thekingcastle 5 ай бұрын
Are people forgetting that this dude; (Iroh) was trying to hook up with a TEENAGER
@rodolforodriguez4447 Жыл бұрын
And that`s why he`s so great Because he improve on himself
@TranquilAshes Жыл бұрын
THANK YOU. I LOVE IROH but ppl choose to forget the majority of his life.
@GenerationalDisappointment Жыл бұрын
Hard to say they choose to forget when you aren't really shown what he's done to even really remember it in the first place. It's more likely that they just accept that he's changed and go from there as the show essentially wants you to.
@tropicalcomedy6497 Жыл бұрын
I know this might never happen, but i would love a comic or a novel where Iroh serves tea to a man who is revealed to be Lu Tens killer. And that Iroh killed his brother or son in the war of Ba Sin Se. Two men who tries to live new lives gets dragged back to war becuase of the man in front of them took everything from them.
@Cold_Zero_The_Wise 9 ай бұрын
Something i leanred from Jordan Peterson is that you have to be a monster, be capable of dangerous things to be virtuous, if your not dangerous your harmless, a rabbit is NOT! Virtuous its just incapable of committing harm, a man who can inflicte great harm but choses peace is virtuous.
@evieb8187 Жыл бұрын
I love that the avatar characters have flaws. Seeing them struggle and grow into better people is what makes them so great. Iroh's dark past and hardships is what turned him into the great man he became.
@noahmoore334 Жыл бұрын
In the portrait Azula clearly wasn't born. Considering Zuko is 2 years older then her. Also you really think Ozai would let iroh take Azula. Plus that doll was gift to tell her to tone it down.
@brokenmask333 Жыл бұрын
I’ve always wondered what would have happened if Iroh had become Fire lord
@guy84838 Жыл бұрын
as someone who has been touched inappropriately irohs behavior with june hurts. as someone who has been abused by a parent and suffered mental health issues irohs behavior with azula hurts. i like him but i do feel genuinely hurt by some of his actions. it's nice to know other people notice and i think this is a very cool video that goes over the characters strengths and weaknesses
@GenerationalDisappointment Жыл бұрын
What is Iroh's behavior with June that would be comparable to being touched inappropriately? Also he's not Azulas parent so how does that correlate?
@guy84838 Жыл бұрын
@@GenerationalDisappointment respectfully not interested in talking about it. i just appreciated the video
@GenerationalDisappointment Жыл бұрын
@@guy84838 Respectfully, you brought it up on a KZbin comment which opens up dialogue and I responded asking how it was relevant or comparable. Odd, in my opinion, to bring such a thing up but not be able to say why it's applicable. All good though, just wanted to understand what you were getting at. Have a good one.
@niemandzuhause4897 Жыл бұрын
You know the feeling when the bass is vibrating in your chest? Thats gonna be this mans voice in about 4 videos.
@empatheticrambo4890 Жыл бұрын
Whoa that’s a legit sponsor
@monicavix6036 Жыл бұрын
There's one interpretation of the gifts Iroh gives Azula and Zuko that I feel might be relevant. The knife to Zuko, telling him to toughen up, how he's been too soft and passive in the family. The doll to Azula, telling her the opposite, telling her to enjoy herself and quell her lust for destruction. (From Overanalyzing Avatar, may be misquoting his reasoning.)
@bornimusic Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this beautiful analysis
@freedomwarrior4534 Жыл бұрын
You should do a video on the Vinland saga man, that’d be killer.
@tss3393 Жыл бұрын
This is such an important perspective to keep in mind when it comes to course correcting your own actions. It's a process to work yourself down from those wrongful actions, and it doesn't happen all at once. One important loss or realization may be enough to set that deconstruction in motion, but it takes dedicated work and self-reflection to really dig out the root of it all. Until then, those set ways and that programming is going to stay firmly in place as acceptable behaviors until you dig deep enough to question them. It's far from an easy process, which is why you see so many people staying stuck in their ways, but the more grace you give yourself to try and the more you can accept that it's not supposed to be a comfortable process, the easier it gets to find that momentum to keep putting the work in. Iroh said it himself, "Sometimes life is like a dark tunnel. You can't always see the light at the end of it, but if you just keep moving, you will find yourself in a better place."
@sirwonkyofthewesternfield2251 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this video!
@aimalrehman3777 Жыл бұрын
Respectfully, you can catch these hands
@seto_kaiba_ 11 ай бұрын
"As they went on to wipe out all the air nomads" Um bro-you do realize that happened before Iroh was even born right?
@lolsfordays5921 Жыл бұрын
my headcannon is that iroh failed to take ba sing se on purpose. i havent watched the show in a while so i dont remember exactly how my theory went. but its how i interpreted it on first watch and when during my second binge, i had the same interpretation
@CharmCityGamer Жыл бұрын
Iroh isn't perfect, no one is, but he's damn sure close to it given how losing his son allowed him to see the Fire Nation for the misguided nation they were. Thanks Sage!
@writerlairchannel2636 Жыл бұрын
Avatar was so ahead of its time that it handled the theme of toxic masculinity with ozai😂
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