身為馬來西亞人,懂漢字的人,Uncle Roger 終於走對了路線,沒有為人民幣低頭,埋沒良心⋯⋯如果Michelle Yeoh 目光低就不會有今天奧斯卡影后的榮耀!世界不是只有大陸市場,而且,作為華人我也希望中國的口碑比日本好!我們不是辱華,比較像「恨鐵不成鋼」吧!中國好,其實也和馬來西亞人沒很大關係。但中共的愚民政策讓羊群走向自毀模式,公道公正不說,這作風會影響到華人思維。就國泰事件,明眼人一看就知道是個沒有頭沒有腦的斷章取義分裂社會和諧的事。單憑幾十秒把香港人給扣帽子,卻不談惡劣乘客累積的行為。沒人會無端端討厭一方。《大學》:治國,齊家,修身前先正其心!馬列主義已經把古人美德忘掉了。不要緊,我想海外華人會努力做好自己,香港被下架的書,我願意全部收養!
国泰空姐的事情如果是真的就是歧视,不一定是辱华。但肯定是歧视non english speaker。私下讨论说实锤了他们的行为。玻璃心不对,但不代表要对一切歧视与不公忍气吞声。
@zeaxlho256 Жыл бұрын
贊成你 文字獄
@princessleia9794 Жыл бұрын
@asteror3008 Жыл бұрын
i saw it myself that those PRC dont follow air stewardess instruction to sit down during take off and start standing up to open the overhead cabin to take their luggages before the plane stop many years back, i agreed that some of the hong kong stewardess can be quite attitude but at the point of the time they have no choice but to speak louder to stop those passengers for safety reasons. Till now i still dont understand why cant those PRC just follow simple instructions and when other question them.. they will said other discriminate them
@ying9184 Жыл бұрын
Well, it is not right not to follow instructions, however, it is not a reason that an employee should discriminate customers. Fair that they get fired.