lateral decubitus view is one taken with the patient lying down on the side. It helps to determine whether suspected fluid (pleural effusion) will layer out to the bottom, or suspected air (pneumothorax) will rise to the top. For example, if pleural fluid is suspected in the left lung, check a left lateral decubitus view (to allow the fluid to layer to the left side). If air is suspected in left lung, check a right lateral decubitus view (to allow the air to rise to the left side).
@Allibaby7812 жыл бұрын
The lateral chest radiograph is taken with the patient's left side of chest held against the x-ray cassette(film) (left instead of right to make the heart appear sharper and less magnified, since the heart is closer to the left side). It is taken with the beam at 6 feet away, as in the PA view. The patient is standing too
@tinatanner24410 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@palmasi1111 жыл бұрын
Excellent videos, thank you sir.
@chocolatemousse19924 жыл бұрын
Too good !!
@Allibaby7810 жыл бұрын
Lateral decubitus position The patient can also be examined in a lateral decubitus position. This could be helpful to assess the volume of pleural effusion and demonstrate whether a pleural effusion is mobile or loculated. You could also look at the nondependent hemithorax to confirm a pneumothorax in a patient who could not be examined erect. Additionally, the dependant lung should increase in density due to atelectasis from the weight of the mediastinum putting pressure on it. Failure to do so indicates air trapping.