I was surprised to hear the late, great (to many Adventists) Desmond Ford say in an interview conducted with a prominent Evangelical that he essentially disagreed with a literal 7 day week of creation. Obviously he could not see many of the interconnected biblical teachings/sactivities that were brought out in this discussion. Once people get really drunk on Babylon's wine, it's extremely difficult to sober them up. Much prayer and patience are needed that they may develop a love of truth to help them desire it. These last day deceptions are STRONG. They do not depart except by PRAYER and FASTING. LOVE abd PATIENCE must be shown at all times also. Thank you for a thoughtful and challenging discussion.
@catholic4sure976 Жыл бұрын
Count the number of people who keep the Sabbath in Genesis 2 and tell everyone here how many and their names. The Adventist teach that Adam and Eve kept the Sabbath so “all mankind” is obligated to follow their example! However, there is NO example. Unlike the Adventist teaching, no one in scripture teaches to follow Adam and Eve in their Sabbath keeping. Moses didn’t! Christ didn’t! The prophets didn’t! and either did the Apostles! And, the reason is, there is NO example. • The Adventist teach that Adam and Eve kept the Sabbath so “all mankind is obligated to follow their example! Yet, NO ONE IS SCRIPTURE SAYS EITHER TO FOLLOW THEIR EXAMPLE OR THAT THEY KEPT THE SABBATH. • The real truth about Gen. 2. • *Genesis 2 demonstrates that the 7th day is not a day of the week, because, it has no morning and evening to it.* • It does not say that humans rested or were told to rest. • It does not say that humans were told to follow God’s example. • It does not say that God taught Adam and Eve on the Sabbath. • It does not say God created the Sabbath, or that humans kept it. On the seventh day of creation, God “rested.” But he was not tired; what it means is that he stopped creating. The creation was complete. He stopped creating when he came to the seventh day. But he didn’t stop every week - he stopped only once, and he did not create at all on the seventh day. Jesus taught that not He and his Father Work on the Sabbath, not REST.
@catholic4sure976 Жыл бұрын
@NamelessUsers Count the number of people who keep the Sabbath in Genesis 2 and tell everyone here how many and their names.
@catholic4sure976 Жыл бұрын
*Let's be honest, the Adventists have never kept the Sabbath day according to the commandment and neither will God or Christ credit them as such. It's all one big deception.*
@catholic4sure976 Жыл бұрын
@NamelessUsers Everything you quoted from scripture and stated is an utter fabrication and lie. Not one word of it is true relative to Christians and Sabbath keeping .If the Adventists cared at all about *"MORALS"* , they would have NO association with such an immoral and dishonest group as the Seventh Day Adventist cult.
@catholic4sure976 Жыл бұрын
@NamelessUsers Seeing there is not another day after the 7th, it is clear that Adam and Eve sinned on the 7th day as it is the habit of the Adventists.
@catholic4sure976 Жыл бұрын
@NamelessUsers where is that in Genesis 2? Nowhere of course