www.youtube.com/@museemerging Hi everyone! I just wanted to add a note in here to thank you for watching this video. I also wanted to say that I use this method myself and it truly is powerful. Things start changing fast. So get your skates on, you're going for a bit of a ride lol. It is really important to record your voice talking excitedly and enthusiastically about this wonderful life and the amazing things happening for you. YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND ACCEPTS WHAT IT HEARS FROM YOU AS FACT. If your mind tells you, that's great, but if it's your own voice with it's resonant energy and high emotion....BAM!!....skates on, off we go lol. It's a multi layered approach, script, voice, affirmations in writing, meditation to clear the mind and focus intention. Is it worth the effort, which really isn't that much and let's face it is exciting, HELL YES IT IS, YOU DESERVE THE BEST!!! I would truly love to hear your thoughts and experiences with this method.