It warms my heart so much, to see you back, looking healthy, feeling strong, and passionately digging into the Father’s Word, Tim! Embrace the earthly shepherds the Father leads you to, stay open and bendable, and keep pitching your tent with Him. This passage is a tough one…I’ve gone back and forth on it many times in my long walk. I admit, I still don’t know exactly what Yahshua is referring to, but I lean toward these maidens all being believers. I am not “owning” it though. 😊😊. As we go, He continues to reveal more and more nuggets of His Truth. That’s what we yearn for…our desires to be replaced with His desires, and for Him to reveal exactly what He wants us to know because we ask in His Will. It’s simple, really-As long as Yahshua is our First Love, we have nothing to worry about! Number One on a list of One! ☺️☺️⛺️. Shalom and blessings, and thank you for sharing your growth and your journey.