Great video. The Hindu and yogic idea that everything is consciousness, is contradicted by its own idioms in multiple texts, By the statement that all consciousness is not equal, and further by the statements that deities and Yogis are beyond matter, and eventually, Brahman, the highest Deity, is beyond even consciousness itself. I would add that True consciousness is A) quality and B) subjective, which is what gives it self-awareness and separation from particles matter etc. In the context of these observations we could say that the materialist view of consciousness is an AI and that indeed yogically unawake human consciousness, also is a kind of AI. Materialism puts Subjectivity in a little aesthetic and emotional box, whereas real subjectivity far supersedes aesthetics and emotion and moves into both utilitarian material pursuits as well as transcendence and abstractions from mathematics to ethics. In summary I posit that consciousness is outside of the brain and the body and outside of the material universe, and this theory is supported by Vedic texts that describe sahasrara chakra as precisely this transcendent consciousness & intelligence that connects into the human brain. In spiritual terms we could say that Sahashrara chakra is the bridge for the soul to enter and exit and entangle with the body. So consequently of this view which is not Pam psychic but transcendentalist of another order, the answer to the AI question is no: AI will never achieve real genuine authentic subjective quality awareness and consciousness. That however, will not prevent AI from working potentially brutally on humanity, just as brutal primitive calculating AI type humans and their fraternal networks and organizations do. It will take awakened Yogis ethical engagement to stop The current March toward world domination by materialist structuralists. AI development and quantum computing is highly financed by military and supranational corporations who couldn’t care less about poetry and pleasure and who have in the last hundred years killed over 100 million people and the two world wars and subsequent interventions that Neil colonialist adventurous. I will end my response to your video suggesting that all the positive aspects of a solution you mention must engage in stopping all current wars and social any quality. In other words ethical high intelligence cannot exist and neglect what corporations and states are doing, Bust my butt must engage and rejecting all evil and demanding the end to war the end to income gap the end to homelessness etc. etc Thanks a lot for your very engaged and interesting video.
@cosmicwit Жыл бұрын
Appreciate your thoughtful comments! I've been studying yoga philosophy for over two decades, including in India with yogi masters. I have yet to come across a text that contradicts the basic assertion that everything is unity consciousness at the most fundamental level. Of course the yoga / Hindu tradition has no central authority so there will certainly be all sorts of texts that seem to contradict each other, especially if read without context. Add to that the skewed interpretations of centuries of European scholars who bring all of the baggage of Western metaphysics and it can be challenging to understand the Vedic cosmology unfiltered. Anyway, I'm happy to see that we agree about AI and the pressing need for bringing more wisdom, mindfulness, and holistic approaches to its development.
@HenrikYdeArt Жыл бұрын
Asato ma sat gamaya = bring me from the unreal to the real. Gita. The essential duality of Vedic & yogic dharma is stated in above mantra & stanza, and thousands like it. The nondualist counter, which is never stated by any nondualist, could be something like “oh yeah, but that duality only exists at the outset of the quest for enlightenment - and in the end, after a lifetime of discriminating all non-self objects as non-self, self-realization happens and the self suddenly realizes it is every object.” Aside from the denial of this process being real, and deriving from dualist view, the alleged or claimed nondual basic reality must stand the siddhi test - I.e. the claimed equalization of all particles AND the absolute / Brahman / Parabrahman - must be evidenced by the true experiencer of it manifesting it’s subjective quality into objective quantity - I.e. perform & demonstrate the no dual reality by power of consciousness over matter - by “supernatural” yogic power. Theory is one thing - Reality another. So, he who understands & knows - will realize - manifest - materially - objectively, quantitatively - what he knows subjectively, qualitatively. Consequently, for nondualism to scale collectively - as fact, not theory - and to compete with materialism & AI - IT MUST MEET BOTH THE MATERIALIST AND THE YOGIC TRADITIONS OF EVIDENCE BY ACTION AND POWER OVER MATTER. And that is what consciousness essentially is: Power.
@cosmicwit Жыл бұрын
@@HenrikYdeArt Unity is the ultimate reality.
@HenrikYdeArt Жыл бұрын
That is an assertion / claim / ideal / theory - what is the evidence? - and, what is the significant UTILITY? Without utility, a claim / theory is poetry / subjective - without objective function & meaning. Quantum Computing attempts utilization of Quantum Theory. Similarly Unity Utility must attempt utilization of Unity Theory - for IT to evolve from subjective emotion impression poetry to objective social structuring principle - and that cannot and will not happen by assertion / claim / dictate - but only by manifesting IT-SELF as power - replacing ACTUAL divisive & exploitative structures, which claim unity, but manifest inequality and disunity. In other words, without manifesting actual ethical structure, unity theory is useless. Negotiating & evolving the relationship between the individual experience and the collective quantitative reality - is THE primary philosophical AND practical challenge - right now - because all ideals & theories to date - throughout all of history - have failed - have skipped building that bridge between the two factors : which are the essence of our conversation - ultimate / absolute V relative - etc on down the hierarchy of derivatives.
@cosmicwit Жыл бұрын
@@HenrikYdeArt I'm not sure this is the right forum to discuss these nuanced ideas, which is why I simply said, "unity is the ultimate reality." In short, I know this because I have experienced it directly, myself. And every yogic system, whether Vedic or Tantrik, etc. speaks of the immense unity that gave rise to multiplicity. Brahman or the Goddess was unitary and then, like a spider, spun the manifest out of itself. So, yes, bring me from the unreal (the illusion of separation) to the real (unity). Gita. This interpretation has also been confirmed by every master I've studied with in India, including Anand, who you know. Finally, from a logical and aesthetic standpoint, it is far more elegant for there to have been a unity, an infinity, that split in two at some point (or many points). Thinking that there was always a dualism strikes me as far less elegant and a bit odd, to be honest. The Tao de Ching also speaks to this in the first chapter. Anyway, there is no way to "prove" this with "evidence," except the direct experiences I and others have had.