Update on Long Covid

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UCSF Department of Medicine

UCSF Department of Medicine

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In this Covid Medical Grand Rounds, we’ll update the science and epidemiology of Long Covid, with three of the nation’s leading experts on the topic. We’ll cover new findings about the mechanisms by which Long Covid causes symptoms, progress in trying to identify effective treatments, and our growing understanding regarding the impact of Covid infections on long-term health outcomes.
Ziyad Al-Aly, MD, is chief of the Research and Development Service and director of the Clinical Epidemiology Center at the VA Saint Louis Health Care System, as well as a clinical epidemiologist at Washington University. He serves on the White House Intra-agency Policy Committee on Long Covid, co-chaired the Biden-Harris Administration committee that developed the U.S. Government National Research Action Plan on Long Covid and serves on the Federal Government Long Covid Coordination Council. He has had numerous publications in Nature regarding the long-term impacts of Covid.
Akiko Iwasaki, PhD, is a professor of immunobiology at the Yale University School of Medicine. A leading scientific voice during the Covid-19 pandemic, she is also known for her advocacy on women and underrepresented minorities in science and medicine. Akiko is the director of the Center for Infection and Immunity and is at the forefront of several Long Covid investigations including the Mount-Sinai Yale Long Covid study, Yale LISTEN study, and Yale Paxlovid trial. She has been elected to the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Medicine, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Michael Peluso, MD, is an infectious disease physician at ZSFG. When the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic emerged, he led the efforts to implement the Long-term Impact of Infection with Novel Coronavirus (LIINC) study examining Covid’s long-term effects on health. LIINC became one of the first studies focused on understanding the biological mechanisms that drive Long Covid and has supported over 50 scientific collaborations. Through LIINC, Michael now leads a Long Covid clinical trials program. He also oversees the implementation of the NIH’s RECOVER initiative at UCSF.
Note: Closed captions will be available within 48-72 hours after posting.
Bob Wachter: Introduction
00:04:49-00:14:13 - Ziyad Al-Aly, MD, chief of the Research and Development Service and director of the Clinical Epidemiology Center at the VA Saint Louis Health Care System, clinical epidemiologist at Washington University
00:14:25-00:28:20 - Michael Peluso, MD, infectious disease physician at ZSFG
00:28:30-00:45:08 - Akiko Iwasaki, PhD, professor of immunobiology at the Yale University School of Medicine
00:45:18-1:03:02 - Q&A
See previous Medical Grand Rounds:
• November 30: Updates in TB: From Basic Science to Global Health Policy
• Updates in TB: From Ba...
• November 16: Updates in Addiction Medicine: Overdose Reduction, Equity, and Innovations in Care Delivery
• Updates in Addiction M...
• November 9: 2023 Updates in Anticoagulation
• 2023 Updates in Antico...
• October 26: Bridging Synthetic Immunology and Genome Editing to Advance CAR-T Cell Therapies
• Bridging Synthetic Imm...

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@avaarsaga7750 9 ай бұрын
I'm a long haurler, 18 months. I follow all of you, and your work, and want to say thank you for you brilliant effort. There's good progress. Even if I find myself still bedbound much of the time. I continue to be hopeful. Being hopeful matters.
@lseh4720 9 ай бұрын
Find someone who practices nutrition response testing. My practitioner has people with long covid coming to see her in the SF Bay Area, from L.A. to Canada. She’s helped me immensely and is helping people who couldn’t get better with traditional medicine. My practitioner has a PhD in physiology and was a scientist at UCSF.
@Lp78Ch 9 ай бұрын
You sure this is not just some random reaction to the booster?
@ElGatoMarcus 9 ай бұрын
@@Lp78ChYou don’t know as much as you think. Learn more about the science of the spike protein.
@geauxp 9 ай бұрын
@@Lp78Chone of my doctors had severe neuro reaction from the booster… it looked like severe essential tremor. He used low dose naltrexone and after 3 months is almost without tremor now.
@tracysmith245 9 ай бұрын
@@lseh4720 i think a lot of this is linked to gut health and nutrition there are so many on KZbin I tried to limit how much I eat and my chronic illnesses have been a lot better than i was ten years ago every person is different time will tell i hope nutrition and exercise is a good outcome mine was due to not having vitamin d a lot of people can not get vitamin d i nearly lost my kidneys just before covid been on the kidney diet more or less low phosphorus ie processed western diet. if i go and do to much i get flare ups like flu symptoms
@jennycatlike 9 ай бұрын
Very informative and each presenter had a great delivery style. The capper at the end was learning that each presenter is still taking significant precautions. This is a wakeup call for me. I had been hyper cautious until my fifth covid vaccination after which I met with family in New York City and kinda hoped for the best. I'm going to get back to taking robust precautions again. Thank you for the reality check. I also want to share my heart felt hopes for a cure for those who suffer with long covid. Thank you researchers.
@GeeAre 9 ай бұрын
1:01:10 (bookmark of the last question) Thanks for your comment.
@jenniroberds1571 8 ай бұрын
Why does your comment seen so AIish
@karyzma99 9 ай бұрын
I have had 5 infections. My 2nd one in 11/2020 gave me Long covid, Pericarditis, Autonomic nervous system dysfunction like symptoms, autoimmune symptoms/ chronic pain. My D dimer is consistently high. I have no insurance and doctors at the clinics in my rural area of Fl don’t even speak about LC, they just give me prednisone and think it’s some form autoimmune disease although my ANA & CRP are normal. My life has pretty much stopped and I’m practically disabled at 47. I was relatively healthy and active before covid. Thank you for working towards a solution. I feel abandoned and like I’m just waiting to die.
@kathleentrinity7367 9 ай бұрын
Yes, primary physicians seem to throw up their hands when so many things have been found out like clotting, inflamation, endothelial damage, etc. Referrals to specialists often yield few results because they're looking for the wrong things or waiting for overwhelming evidence.
@DominicWong 9 ай бұрын
I hope some breakthrough comes through for you. So sorry to hear of your situation and my prayers are with you 😢🙏
@joannadavis6716 9 ай бұрын
Kary, contact the FLCCC and get treatment from one of their doctors. I too have long COVID after infection in March 2020. I was taking Ivermectin prophylacticly and escaped the Delta variant. Got Omicron in December 2021 because CVS refused to fill my remaining refills for Ivermectin, off label, after having done so for over a year. I was right back where I started, microclotting, threw a microclot in February 2022. Only help I received was from the FLCCC. My FLCCC doctor saved my life.
@Islamisthecultofsin 8 ай бұрын
Vaccine injured.
@Richexperience1 8 ай бұрын
Check out the FLCCC.
@arshianikounejad9641 7 ай бұрын
disabled at 20 years old from covid induced ME/CFS. i wake up every day hoping i’ll hear the news they’ve found a treatment or cure, and every day i get more and more disappointed
@vornamenachname1069 7 ай бұрын
When I was 20, after a flu I got fatigue, anxiety, weird pains, lichen sclerosus, migraines and incontinence. Took me one year to get back to almost normal. Then I got Covid and had no symptoms afterwards. Then I catched Bartonella and shortly after that Yersinia bacteria AND while this alone already messed me up so bad, I got Covid a second time and basically, in total, I had been sick for half a year back then. After that I went to Japan and had the time of my life. While in Japan, I catched some children's disease and got weird ticks from that but now, after more than one year, that went away too. What I want to say: Life is a rollercoaster so never give up hope that you will do better one day! (And try to prevent infections of any kind by cooking your meals, using hand sanitizer, masks, condoms and anti bug bite spray) Get all "non-Covid" vaccinations but don't let doctors give you multiple vaccinations at once. (I made that mistake as well)
@jewelleryaddict 7 ай бұрын
I was struck at 35 with chronic fatigue syndrome. Millions of us have this and waited and waited for help. 30 years of my life now wasted with similar symptoms. It's more then frustrating. At least the are trying to help you. They never believed we were sick, called it yuppie flu, made fun of us. Yea, been real fun. Losing your life to a invisible illness. Loss of friends and jobs and homes, you name it. Hope for your sake they can help you. I had women in my support groups I started in 1990s that were your age. It's terrible. I hope you get help. Study and keep reading online see what other people are doing that helps. That's where you will get the most help with ideas and suppliments. I wish you the best.
@elmuchogrumpy 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for asking the last question about masking. I still mask religiously too when indoors and sometimes it feels like I'm the only one. Glad to hear every one of these long COVID experts are doing it too.
@Lp78Ch 9 ай бұрын
I see people like you everywhere. Very sad.
@ElGatoMarcus 9 ай бұрын
@@Lp78ChYou’re at the wrong video here. You might have better luck at TikTok.
@Lp78Ch 9 ай бұрын
@@ElGatoMarcus I'm here to mock people stupid enough to believe this BS.
@helenaquin1797 8 ай бұрын
@heynow01 8 ай бұрын
The masking question has been studied and answered. Unless you are using a full face mask in a level 4 bio hazard lab, you can't filter out a C-19 virus particle that is smaller than the weave of your N95 mask. But what your mask can do is make you sick from breathing your CO2 and lowering your O2 level and create a great conditions for bacterial pneumonia.
@headbangingidiot 9 ай бұрын
It's telling when this video gets 7k views in 2 days, while the rest of the videos in this channel only have a few hundred
@andreadt-c4818 9 ай бұрын
Well I had 3 vaccinations before and 2 after 7-22 infection and paxlovid and still severe long covid. Mostly bedridden since 2-23 due to gaslighting by dr's including 5 days in the hospital 2-23. It didn't have to progress to such an awful state....
@davidwilkie9551 9 ай бұрын
Be worth asking professor Vincent Racaniello if previous high risk Viruses have left us more susceptible, as the Dr reports in sequential infections of COVID, because Measles is definitely a prior failure of immune system leading to others.
@Tinky456 9 ай бұрын
So sorry for your suffering. Wish something could help.
@ezza1236 7 ай бұрын
Did you have chest pain
@andreadt-c4818 7 ай бұрын
No chest pain
@juliethcornejo845 7 ай бұрын
Natural remedies. Bare feet every day "grounding" has helped me tremendously. Please don't give up. You'll get better. Prayers sent your way 🙏❤️ Oh! FLCCC contact them.
@DrAbeBenavides 7 ай бұрын
Hi, thanks so much for catching us up on the latest. I caught COVID and developed longcovid during the first year of my family medicine residency at Swedish First Hill in Seattle in December 2020. My colleagues and admins didn't believe me bc of negative PCR tests, so they prescribed steroids to keep me working until I was hospitalized in our ICU. I was gaslit and couldn't return to work nor allowed to go on disability for longcovid or PTSD. I still have longcovid and it feels like the sacrifice of my career and body is now forgotten, but I appreciate knowing people like you are working hard to legitimize our struggles. Thank you.
@jewelleryaddict 7 ай бұрын
So sorry. Know what it's like, was a advocate for chronic fatigue syndrome. Wrote a published study, facilitated support groups at hospital for 23 years until my own chronic fatigue syndrome took me over completely. Been 30 long years. I do understand how you feel. Hope better days are coming, soon.
@DrAbeBenavides 7 ай бұрын
@jewelleryaddict Thank you so much for your empathy. Hard to find understanding people like you on the web, so it's much appreciated :) Wishing you all the best, too!
@jennyrice6065 9 ай бұрын
I've had Long COVID since the beginning of the pandemic, almost 4 years now! My worst symptom is severe erythromelalgia in feet and hands that has remained unchanged, and severe migraines and tinnitus that have gotten worse. It would be great to see more research into why people are ending up with erythromelalgia, in particular, after COVID, as it is usually a chronic and very painful condition with no specific treatment and no cure.
@fartherdude5062 8 ай бұрын
Question is this Covid that is still causing these symptoms or was it the fact that your Covid infection brought out these other issues that are now persistent? Many diseases have the ability to increase your chances of bringing out health issues particularly if you’re older. I hope you can work through it though.
@marce11ove 8 ай бұрын
Did you receive the Covid vaccine? If so, there is your answer.
@jennyrice6065 8 ай бұрын
@@marce11ove No, I didn't, but I had COVID before the vaccine came out, and was already experiencing symptoms of dysautonomia/autoimmune/erythromelalgia by the time the vaccine did come out. At that point, I was advised not to get the vaccine because of the risk of further autoimmune response.
@jennyrice6065 8 ай бұрын
​@@fartherdude5062Yes, that is a very good question and it seems nobody has the answer. But even young children are experiencing these same symptoms after having COVID, as well as the vaccine, and erythromelalgia is now a known (and published) side effect of the Moderna vaccine. Erythromelalgia is considered an extremely rare condition, and it's even more rare to have the inherited form of it, so it seems somewhat unlikely that so many people have it now due to COVID or the vaccine and it could all be shrugged off as due to a genetic component. I think there's more to it. For now, I guess it's a mystery.
@johnmitchell2741 8 ай бұрын
When he mentioned the CDC guidelines and get vaxxed I stopped watching and went to the comments@@marce11ove
@michelemcneill3652 8 ай бұрын
It's too bad that people were denied medications that worked very well in other countries. Crimes against humanity.
@safeeffective385 8 ай бұрын
Denial of informed consent = all kinds of illegal AF.
@ocdave4549 5 ай бұрын
Regeneron, Ronapreve, monocolonal antibodies, I know people who have tried paxlovid and it didn't help. When paxlovid came out Regeneron pulled there product. I personally know a person who had long covid severe miocarditus, shingles, he got the Regeneron antibodies and was cured, also Florida had simular results. Remember DeSantis bought a bunch of the antibodies but Biden Fouchi wanted you vaxed, fda pulled the plug on the Regeneron product. I tried to get it but you need a prescription and go outside the USA. Stem cells have cured some people as well.
@MichaelBarclay 9 ай бұрын
Dr. Iwasaki's segment was really interesting and was the most informative. Please have her on this program again.
@resslerartstudios 9 ай бұрын
I had c19 2x, all the vacs and boosters then in march 2023, i suffered a basil ganglia infarction better known as a stroke. My attention perked up when she mentioned the basil ganglia at about 38:00 i also took the plaxovid each time
@BGcam 7 ай бұрын
So grateful for these presenters dedicating their intellect towards the understanding of this post-viral illness. Healthy 30 year old in March 2020 when I got infected. Now severe memory issues, brain fog, myocarditis, PEM, shortness of breath, ED, frequent headaches, and costochondritis. Praying for treatments! So far only gabapentin has relieved the headaches and costochondritis.
@StephanieDefinitely 4 ай бұрын
I am taking gabapentin, topiramate, and Emgality for my migraines, which have reduced my almost daily migraines to maybe 5-8x a month (still have daily headaches, but they aren’t as severe.) If I have a really bad flare, I get an occipital nerve block with steroids from my neurologist which gives me instant relief.
@OmarTravelAdventures 9 ай бұрын
Such an amazing team. Thank you Dr. Wachter for assembling this team and recording the grand rounds. A special thanks for hosting Dr. Al-Aly, I appreciate his outstanding research. Also, I agree, for some reason ID physicians are the least concerned about being infected or infecting others. Q: Did they become ID specialists because they were not concerned about infections, or did they become less concerned after becoming ID specialists. We migth need an NIMH funded longitudinal study on this topic to crack these nuts 🤷‍♀
@Wds__99 9 ай бұрын
We need doctors with the balls to help people. They seem to be too terrified to try anything without a 10 yr study. This is an emergency. People need help. Use your education and experience and get to work.
@Cathy-xi8cb 9 ай бұрын
Go ahead and take something w/o any study into whether it will harm you. Then report back to us. Science isn't tossing things at the wall and watching what sticks.
@Wds__99 9 ай бұрын
@@Cathy-xi8cbobviously I’m not talking ingesting a poison. I’m talking about approved drugs and supplements and using them off label.
@Cathy-xi8cb 9 ай бұрын
@@Wds__99 Like the Ketamine that Perry took in his hot tub? Yeah, that went well.
@jaykanta4326 9 ай бұрын
@@Wds__99 Bet you've used ivermectin and HCQ.
@Lp78Ch 9 ай бұрын
@@Cathy-xi8cb You _seriously_ believe that report?
@MaxMakerChannel 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for your work! I am relatively well off, but a ton of people are not. For those these video give them hope to wait for treatments.
@AnitaB_1987 9 ай бұрын
excellent, thank you very much. the work you all do is so important.
@Gina-dn6xm 9 ай бұрын
I was diagnosed with a positive lyme test about 6 years ago. The years in between, I have been diagnosed with reactivated Epstein Barr and chronic fatigue. I had a case of covid about a month ago. I went on antivirals for about 5 days. I was getting better, and so was my chronic fatigue. As so as I went off the antivirals, I became worse. I have now been diagnosed with long covid. My question is, why can't we be treated with antivirals long term? In my 6 years of treatment of chronic lyme, I have been on 29 to 30 antibiotics. I personally wouldn't hesitate to go on long antivirals. If liver testing is needed, then let's do it. I understand you need studies, but people are losing their jobs, homes, and families because of long covid. I respect the researchers and people in charge, but I think they would be bedbound and not be able to work if they were in this condition. I'm thankful for the research, but this needs attention now. You can Not get disable if you have chronic fatigue or chronic fatigue. These people can become homeless. At least find biomarkers so people can qualify for disabled like they would with cancer or MS.
@jaykanta4326 9 ай бұрын
You don't need antivirals or more antibiotics. You need a psychologist.
@Gina-dn6xm 9 ай бұрын
@@jaykanta4326 Haaa You are so wrong! Did you know that MS was once considered a psychological condition. With time, research will find those biomarkers.
@jaykanta4326 9 ай бұрын
@@Gina-dn6xm I know far more than you do. And no, it's unlikely that anyone will find "biomarkers" for your condition, dear. You're a hypochondriac and you need mental health care. There is no such thing as "chronic lyme". You were suckered into a grifting cult. Please go get competent mental care.
@danielmeixner7125 9 ай бұрын
​@@jaykanta4326no one used the phrase "chronic lyme" dude. Also... you're on a video about post-infection illness medical research, antagonising a patient with said illness. And you're claiming to have special knowledge about the issue? Yeah, definitely believe you.
@breezylyn2168 8 ай бұрын
​@@jaykanta4326that's a very non smart statement
@lseh4720 9 ай бұрын
Swollen and cracked tongue and lips after covid..for two months. Also, immense chest pains 3xs, then couldn’t move my lower legs while crossing the street. Doctors couldn’t figure it out. Nutrient response testing found spike proteins in my ❤ Brain and lower back. Finally feeling better after treatment.
@backalleygaming7096 9 ай бұрын
Can you please tell me more about this nutrient testing ? And also what treatments you got ? I really need help thank you
@lseh4720 8 ай бұрын
@@backalleygaming7096 Look up Nutrition Response Testing in your area. Where are you located?
@lseh4720 8 ай бұрын
@@backalleygaming7096 Also, none of it is covered by insurance.
@lseh4720 8 ай бұрын
@@backalleygaming7096 Please look up anyone who practices Nutrition Response Testing in your area.
@rehmankhan3991 8 ай бұрын
@@backalleygaming7096 share
@Jablicek 9 ай бұрын
Fabulous to see research like this, very hopeful we'll have a way forward for future ME/LC patients, and imagining where this research can also take us from there. Thanks for this synopsis of the state of your current work.
@nwbw217 9 ай бұрын
Why not just call it what it is: Permanent Damage from a viral infection
@strawgynxking5944 9 ай бұрын
Except that many have had much improvement with nattokinase, 10,000 IU of fish oil per day, and many other therapies, including Ivermectin, also bromine (pineapple)
@tinoyb9294 9 ай бұрын
And from the mRNA vaccines.
@marce11ove 8 ай бұрын
Or post Covid 19 vaccine jabs injuries
@joanhyde1745 9 ай бұрын
Wonderful discussion! So much good information presented.😮
@karenkaren3189 9 ай бұрын
Viruses are weird things. That’s my assessment after many years as a nurse.
@Cathy-xi8cb 9 ай бұрын
Right from the start, we knew a lot about viral transmission and viral treatment. That is how a vaccine could be created in a year. What we did not know was how easily this virus could be transmitted, how long the incubation period was, how long people are contagious, etc. And how devastating this particular virus could be. We have treated people with post-viral syndromes for decades, so not a shock. The triggering viruses for those syndromes had been circulating forever, so their incidence has been small but the effect can be devastating. A novel virus? Way more vulnerable people.
@Lp78Ch 9 ай бұрын
@@Cathy-xi8cb Seriously?
@safeeffective385 8 ай бұрын
@@Cathy-xi8cb The US DoD had been developing mRNA "vaccines" for decades. Most have no clue as to how heavily-involved they are with all of this.
@johnmitchell2741 8 ай бұрын
Especially the ones made in a lab
@jodithomas9303 5 ай бұрын
Thank you. Please figure this out!
@Turtledove2009 8 ай бұрын
Thank you very much for the excellent guests and host.
@ParsAreOk 9 ай бұрын
Hopefully, someone will see this note that can help me. I am in bed on Christmas Day feeling like I am dying, quite literally. This is nothing new as I contracted Covid in April of ‘20 and still have almost every known symptom. If anyone knows any doctor that is making progress with actual results , please let me know, thank you. I am on my third team of doctors and no results. Prior to Covid, no issues at all. No meds, good BP, good cholesterol, etc. Since Covid, everything is askew. I live in Atlanta, fyi. Thank you in advance for your consideration!
@Richexperience1 8 ай бұрын
Check out the FLCCC. The people in this vid are worthless. They say they treat patients but won’t even say what they recommend for treatment. Akiko is nothing more than a Pharma rep.
@ex8280 8 ай бұрын
yeah, try FLCCC. I did their preventative protocols for Covid. I don't think I ever caught it. Buddy caught it, and it was a day of lost of taste and a stomach ache. But we both smoke cigaretttes, I guess nicotine is suppose to stop it. Anyways good luck. FLCCC is a good starting point, Everyone is different, so document everything.
@saratimothy5247 8 ай бұрын
Me as well I have no help ran out of money and hope they all think I'm some kind of nut.
@marce11ove 8 ай бұрын
Were you COVID vaccinated? If so, the vaccine is the problem.
@saratimothy5247 8 ай бұрын
@@marce11ove no vaccine has its own issues. This is a chem war fair attack that was swept under the carpet
@ClimateTechnologySolutions 8 ай бұрын
Are vaccinated or unvaccinated more like to get long covid?
@ex8280 8 ай бұрын
there's so few unvaccinated left, so the vaccinated are more likely now.
@safeeffective385 8 ай бұрын
Jabbed, by far.
@HeavenShallTremble 8 ай бұрын
God, I wish I could participate in the research in some way. I'd love if my suffering has at least some sense in helping to develop a treatment or even cure.
@Dr-386 5 ай бұрын
Cymbalta and keto significantly helped by long-vax (which is LC caused by the vaccine). I’m a PhD that’s done vaccine research (I work at NIAID), so you can imagine my frustration.
@tatonka411 9 ай бұрын
Way beyond due. Thanks for having them on - these grand rounds have had people minimizing covid when the clinical reality is much much different. Public Health and politics are way behind the protection of people.
@Lp78Ch 9 ай бұрын
You should blame Francis Collins and Anthony Fauci. They did this to science.
@MariettaFarley 7 ай бұрын
I am in year 3 and do believe Akiko's study will solve my issues!!!! Keep up the great work and DO NOT GET COVID!!!
@nishiki393 9 ай бұрын
Another great panel, thank you Dr Bob for your excellent moderation, and all your effort over these past years surrounding COVID, and getting factual empirical information out to the public the best you can... I follow you and many other similar professionals on Twitter, and it's my firm belief that only from lack of knowledge do people not take to COVID seriously. Sadly even this has been reduced to tribalism, so so many refuse to get educated for the stupidest of reasons. But we live in a natural world with natural consequences that don't care about our political beliefs, so unfortunately many of these people will suffer the consequences. Unfortunately public health at large also suffers as a consequence, but God bless you guys for all your effort to make a difference... you definitely have... things would only be much worse without voices like yours! 🙏
@EmanM45 8 ай бұрын
Clots?? What about blood type??
@barbarablanco5767 8 ай бұрын
I am shocked they are recommending that dangerous vaccine for children
@djquick 5 ай бұрын
At the end they say they still wear masks, so…
@ryriffs 8 ай бұрын
What about vaccine injured? Any research on this?? There are so many with long vax now too.
@ex8280 8 ай бұрын
no such thing, vaccine=no covid=no long covid. Get the booster to ensure you don't get it.
@Lp78Ch 8 ай бұрын
@@ex8280 Did you get your 27th booster yet?? If not, you're antivax.
@jgonsalk 8 ай бұрын
Incredible work, really appreciate this
@JimsPub-ds3qs 9 ай бұрын
Thank you all.
@vickigreco9717 9 ай бұрын
Is the research beginning to include patients with post-COVID-19 vaccine long-term health complications? It seems that studying those individuals would be helpful in the understanding of Long COVID, as the symptoms are frequently very similar between the two groups.
@geauxp 9 ай бұрын
Right, at the flccc site the treatments overlap
@woodyshoemaker168 9 ай бұрын
We must study vaccinated people with long Covid compared to unvaccinated people with long Covid. Until we’ve done this honestly we know very little.
@Turtledove2009 8 ай бұрын
As far as I know, these studies are underway, and Dr. Iwasaki is involved.@@woodyshoemaker168
@safeeffective385 8 ай бұрын
@@woodyshoemaker168 There is a massive effort at trying to convolute the jabbed w the unjabbed.
@hannimali4143 5 ай бұрын
What a fantastic collection of talks, thanks so much for posting this on the open
@janetaylor4814 9 ай бұрын
Keep in mind that unless you were hospitalized during your initial infection UCSF's position is that you cannot have long covid. The only doctor they had who accepted all long covid patients was a functional medicine doctor at a poorly funded clinic who left because of the conditions and they didn't bother to replace her. Her entire roster of patients were dumped and left with no ability to fill prescriptions,
@resslerartstudios 9 ай бұрын
I was never hospitalized but had a stroke Convid in late 2021, then in 2022, mild symptoms, 2023-stroke, left side paralysis bummer
@satiatedghost9216 9 ай бұрын
Who made you the one to define who has long covid and who doesn’t LMAO
@Tinky456 9 ай бұрын
I never went into hospital but have had LC for 3 years
@breezylyn2168 8 ай бұрын
Same never hospitalized .. I have had severe long covid for over 14 months
@Iwonder2 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing this information with the public.
@cheviotsue 9 ай бұрын
What about the vaccine injured? They are affected by the spike protein as well.
@tinoyb9294 9 ай бұрын
VACCINE ADVERSE EFFECTS REPORTING SYSTEM STUDY! You have to get the spike proteins out of the body whether they came from covid or the vaccines.
@ex8280 8 ай бұрын
yeah, they don't want that.
@mykatawato2043 4 ай бұрын
Great video, valuable information, my only criticism is that it was MUCH too short and lacked the details we all want as patients and medical professionals. Any chance the next one can be 2 or 3 hours in length and much more in depth? I would also suggest that each researcher go very deep into details about their areas of expertise. For example on Dr. Peluso's blood work panels used for diagnosis more info on the numbers for proper Vitamin D3 blood levels, B12 levels and Thyroid panel would be useful. Is there any benefit in using high dose calcitriol or calcidiol in treatment for the severely ill in hospital over time? Maybe you could go through an anonymous patient workup on initial findings and end goal blood levels. We KNOW that low Vitamin D3 blood levels cause a severe deficit in the immune system, causing autoimmune states, and that restoring higher, proper Vitamin D3 blood levels regulate the immune system to a proper state of function. It seems to me that Long Covid is an autoimmune disease and ALL autoimmune disease are caused largely, not entirely, by malnutrition. Low Vitamin D3, low Vitamin C, low B12, low Thiamine - B1, low Omega-3, low steroid levels, low minerals like magnesium, potassium, selenium, folate, low iron, low iodine, etc...causing an entrance scenario ready for infection and inflammation. I also feel that current recommendations for Vitamin D3 blood levels are still MUCH too low. (100ng/ml sounds about right for a base level) Also how do you feel about Dr. Paul Marik's MATH+ protocol for Covid and Sepsis which includes steroids, ascorbic acid, thiamine and heparin amongst other essential vitamins and minerals. It seems even more appropriate now with the discovery of low steroid levels in long Covid patients. Finally is there any value to be gained in treating severe long Covid patients with IGIV and PLEX (immunoglobulin and plasmapheresis) as front line GBS (Guillen-Barre Syndrome) patients are initially treated to save their lives? Many thanks! www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8912998/ covid19criticalcare.com/protocol/math-covid-hospital-treatment/
@youtubecensors5419 Ай бұрын
Interesting that many of the symptoms of LC are the same as the most common V injury symptoms.
@williamhayes6854 5 ай бұрын
I have had Long COVID since Nov. 2020. I had tested "critically high" for Covid-19 and I was in the hospital a couple of times with pneumonia and other complications. I was physically fit before getting the virus. I also had 2 Pfizer shots in Mar. 2021. The second shot nearly killed me. I had to leave my job of Industrial Construction. I thought I would get better over time. But, I have gone down hill quickly over the past 6 months. I now have severe dysautonomia, severe orthostatic hypotension, POTS, fibromyalgia, extreme fatigue, post exertion malaise, small fiber neuropathy, atonic bladder, large post void urine retention, I now have to wear a permanent Foley catheter, I have ileus in my intestines, my colon does not move my stool like it should, I have left ventricle failure, the bottom of my lungs are collapsed, and I have several other health problems. Unfortunately, I know of many others like me who have been fighting the virus for 3-4 years now and who are also getting worse. We need answers and help before it is too late.
@wallacegrommet9343 8 ай бұрын
I have never had covid, remain up to date on shots, exercised social distancing, and masked consistently in crowded indoor public spaces. That and four international flights during the pandemic.
@zenzenchi 9 ай бұрын
We all be waiting
@michaelt.8956 9 ай бұрын
Absolutely fantastic. One of the best Rounds I've seen yet.
@safeeffective385 6 ай бұрын
Dozens of long covid treatment clinics are popping up all over (heavily jabbed-up) California. What does the tell you?
@StephanieDefinitely 4 ай бұрын
It tells you that there are a lot of educated doctors in California who are responding to the massive amount of people who are dealing with LC after actually getting the virus…? Seems pretty obvious to me. You can still get sick regardless of vaccination status.
@djquick 5 ай бұрын
I found considerable improvement from LC symptoms by treating with IM Cycloferon injections. 1 ampule (2ml) daily for 4 months.
@benedem4175 9 ай бұрын
Symptoms of vaccine adverse events are often similar to long COVID-19 so it might be worth extending the research into that domain.
@Cathy-xi8cb 9 ай бұрын
This is completely inaccurate. Please do not spread inaccurate information.
@benedem4175 9 ай бұрын
@@Cathy-xi8cb How about "sometimes similar"?
@Cathy-xi8cb 9 ай бұрын
@@benedem4175 Like how chest pain is a symptom in heart attack, GERD, and aortic dissection? Two of those can kill you, and one can be caused by your corned beef sandwich.
@benedem4175 9 ай бұрын
@@Cathy-xi8cb That is why we do research. Thanks for your comment!
@jaykanta4326 9 ай бұрын
Hello anti-vaxxer. You have no evidence.
@stephenfitness2393 7 ай бұрын
short of breathe going on 9months this is so bad
@phillipdarling2642 9 ай бұрын
Any consideration for long COVID from the spike protein RNA therapy? I’m curious if that is addressed or only LC from the actual infection itself.
@phillipdarling2642 9 ай бұрын
I’m sensing some vailed BS in the first two speakers…
@phillipdarling2642 9 ай бұрын
Masking question should have been asked at the beginning. Then we would at least know we were dealing with honest liars. Nobody in science or medicine actually believes that. Thanks for the talk. Better than not having one, but these people are all captured talking heads. Please add someone from outside of big pharma/university’s influence next time.
@tinoyb9294 9 ай бұрын
They are covering it up.
@matt566 8 ай бұрын
likely a much much much lower risk
@safeeffective385 8 ай бұрын
@@matt566 On Christmas Day, my GF and I spent 7 hours visiting, eating, and chatting with about 17 people who are all fully vaccinated. At least 8 of them are either currently sick with covid or just getting over it. One guy who is also fully vaccinated and recently boosted tested positive for covid on the 23rd, so chose to stay home/missed the party. Neither of us have had any vaccines at all, and are doing just fine today w zero symptoms. Have since heard from 100's of other unjabbed that report experiencing the same thing.
@brendabrenner2891 6 ай бұрын
Thank u.. this is gold🥇.. I follow all these Drs separately, as well d Wes Ely Tn), Dr sayid Haider TX (has long COVID), Dr Sabine Hazam(ca gut) + have studied this for 2 years (was pre med).. I am severe autoimmune w celiac, gut dysbiosis, Long Lyme, celiac dermatitis, mold injury.. I am vac injured + within 7 days ist shit, had all common symptoms, (early 2021).. I see1o Drs in RI, none gave me oaxmivid , nor ivermectin), next 2 shots made me much worse , bed bound, migraines, autoimmune reactivation.. im 83 , with no help.. sin+ brother out of state.. this presentation sums up my studies + reaffirms my hope.. Mt Sinai doing top work(only for new Yorkers).. NO ONE APOOACH is correct! I can ask my Drs what to take for protocol, as all were trained 25 years ago, + have no knowledge on gut/ brain connection, amino acid, enzymes, etc.. im sornt hrs w advocate groups + have begun some common protocols, up b complex, up D3/k2, reservatroo, bgoline, mushroom complex, nac, nad/serrateoase, acetyl carnitune, low food map diet, (I have hi condetion, tinnitus), nicotine patch, NOT SAYING RUN OUT + buy, these are recommendation Drs are trying (Mas General, Boston) I buy ONLY hi end pure supplements, w no fillers, eat very simply , magnesium thronate crosses blood/brain barrier, mag glycinste help me sleep.. MUST TEST before taking (point made in video)know your baseline, learn to pace when tired, dizzy, .. complicated diseases require complicated solutions.. it's a process.. I went through grieving for my old self + now understand acceptance.. (see 5💕stages of grief).. I. MUST have good mindset, I must fight this, or I will die, I am. Praying for all of us + am thankful to the amazing dedication, timeless devotion these outstanding Drs relentlessly invest in.. yess, foccc good resource.. blessings🙏❤️😻
@MariaDeAngelusMcCoy 6 ай бұрын
V are clearly protective against long Covid? Tell that to the V injured people 😢
@alperenylmaz1344 7 ай бұрын
Im a long hauler more than 3 years. Symptoms start after first month of acute covid infection. After 1 years of long hauling visited more than 50+ docs tried to explain them, i became disabled after covid, i diagnosed with Long covid and Ehler Danlos syndrome. Now they saying i have to live like this due to my genes. I dont know if its true, why all symptoms just start after covid? Pots, mcas, fatigue, extreme joint pains, eye problems, tinnitus etc.
@ladyjayne777 8 ай бұрын
For the first week I had fever, throwing up,, diarrhea, migraines, I was lucky to even make it to the bathroom let alone go out and get an antiviral was so sick. So going on two plus months now dealing with breathlessness, rash, raised lymph nodes in neck went to doc and shows bronchitis, so the next stage I guess, but did not address the rash or lymph just gave out steroids. Financially it's going to be very difficult and may have to sell my home after 23 years. Are doctors interested in what they are spraying in the air everyday is that a concern for us or the environment?
@janakingking3022 9 ай бұрын
Thank you so much!
@pablosdog2808 9 ай бұрын
Can anyone share any scientific paper(s) that prove the root cause is what is claimed?
@jeffreycliff922 9 ай бұрын
There is no justifiable reason why this should be restricted by copyright, and why it would be youtube standard license rather than creative commons. Downvoted
@gear7057 9 ай бұрын
What supplement did she mention at 49:10?
@elissagore8840 9 ай бұрын
@gear7057 9 ай бұрын
@berniemiller591 9 ай бұрын
Very nice Grand Rounds. Thank you for publishing. As Dr. Al-Aly noted at the end, vaccination reduces risk of severe infection and thus long covid. There is a subgroup of long covid patients where the vaccine triggered long covid or made it worse. What is the current recommendation for this group? Stop vaccinating? Perhaps try an non-mRNA vaccine? Antivirals?
@jaykanta4326 9 ай бұрын
"There is a subgroup of long covid patients where the vaccine triggered long covid or made it worse." Citations required.
@danielmeixner7125 9 ай бұрын
​Vaccine adverse events are rare for all vsccines but do happen. It's a credible enough hypothesis for some cases that these researchers explicitly address it in this video and control for it as a potential confounding factor in their research. What's your issue with extending some credibility to people's suffering?
@jaykanta4326 9 ай бұрын
@@danielmeixner7125 Sealioning, eh?
@Lp78Ch 9 ай бұрын
@@jaykanta4326 You need a citation for the existence of your brain.
@woodyshoemaker168 9 ай бұрын
Could the omicron variant, and not the vaccine, be the explanation for less severe Covid and hospitalizations?
@vin5388 9 ай бұрын
Thank you so much; this was very helpful!
@jaynebailey 3 ай бұрын
Going on 3 years horrible inside storm
@davec3568 7 ай бұрын
11 mo into LC from working out while having nearly asymptomatic covid. I recently tried Ivermectin with massively positive, night and day results. The only other thing that helped was Wim Hoff breathing and cold exposure. Good luck to everyone with LC!
@eloisebush4595 8 ай бұрын
I also take natokinace ,nac.glutathiione ,glycine ,bromalain,clear lungs formula from ,Rigecrest ,thyme , marshmallow fo breathing.they all help.😮😮😮❤❤❤❤
@eloisebush4595 8 ай бұрын
Mullein tea also.😮😮
@joe-mama6451 8 ай бұрын
How is long Covid diagnosed?
@strawgynxking5944 7 ай бұрын
I don't know exactly, but the people claiming to have it have also been "vaccinated". I don't know of anyone who didn't get the vaccines that is sick.
@DJ_Dutchess 5 ай бұрын
For me I've never had a formal diagnosis. I've gone to so many doctors and had so little answers. Most of my recovery has been from my own relentless research to return to a semi normal life
@JohnPatterson-bt2ru 4 ай бұрын
I found magasimum on KZbin wow life is coming back It's on the shelf at store's or Amazon
@micscottjr 8 ай бұрын
Is there anyone with long covid who hasn't had the vaccine?
@MistrettasMedia 8 ай бұрын
@micscottjr 8 ай бұрын
@@MistrettasMedia how do you know you have long covid?
@simonpedley9729 8 ай бұрын
me too…got it months before vaccines were available
@ex8280 8 ай бұрын
@@simonpedley9729 did you eventually get the vaccine?
@Kilodank1 8 ай бұрын
I got long covid . Never got the vaccine
@louiscervantez1639 9 ай бұрын
Thank You - appreciated the update -
@Cathy-xi8cb 9 ай бұрын
Occupational therapists are the profession LEAST likely to exacerbate post-exertional malaise. PT is the MOST likely.
@soniavos8065 8 ай бұрын
Not good all long covid funding and researching any help has been stopped and that was the first time long covid was even mentioned here in Canada 🇨🇦
@valeriefierro4433 3 ай бұрын
Jesus is the only healer hes the cure
@MichaelMerritt 9 ай бұрын
Is there anything someone can take during the window of exposure to acute Covid phase to iincrease your odds of beating Covid before acute phase? Like pharmaceuticals like metformin, or nutraceuticals, Chinese medicine, etc? Excluding all the common stuff like continuing to wear a mask and reducing further viral load, sleep, diet, etc.
@benedem4175 9 ай бұрын
My anti-viral prophylactic measures are Quercetin, zinc, Vitamins C and D, melatonin, NAC, and Xlear nasal spray, most of which I take daily. For a breakthrough infection, I took Ivermectin (I only had one suspected case of COVID-19.) which cleared my symptoms in two days.
@megancunningham9471 9 ай бұрын
Ivermectin does not work on COVID. That has been definitively proven. Do not spread disinformation.
@geauxp 9 ай бұрын
@@benedem4175hey, same here except my nasal spray is cofixRX,oh and I take the unnamable drug 1x per week during flu season
@Wds__99 9 ай бұрын
If any researcher needs a long hauler for a study, feel free to contact me.
@Lp78Ch 9 ай бұрын
@@gferraro8353 Gee, at least he had income. Many of us were deemed to be "non-essential" by the COVID cabal. One of my businesses lost $72,000 of potential income. Whom shall I sue?
@geauxp 9 ай бұрын
I think u have to ally for studies. Try calling the university.
@litsci1877 9 ай бұрын
Dr. Wachter, next time not with the window behind you, it's making your light levels fluctuate distractingly and zoom's not keeping up. Thanks for all of this -
@mitakoda1 9 ай бұрын
@koerttijdens1234 9 ай бұрын
Long Covid can best be treated with Boosters.
@vespahandle 9 ай бұрын
any links for data on that statement? thanks
@koerttijdens1234 9 ай бұрын
@@vespahandlewe gotta save the planet
@IAmAlpharius14 9 ай бұрын
@@vespahandle hes trolling
@koerttijdens1234 9 ай бұрын
@@IAmAlpharius14Please, take yur Booster.
@Kingfishgraybar 9 ай бұрын
they should be administered intrabrain particularly for the "experts".
@SimplyApollo 9 ай бұрын
Keep it up! Let's find the cause by next December!
@jaykanta4326 9 ай бұрын
What are your accomplishments in science?
@CoreyChambersLA 8 ай бұрын
Long Socialism
@ex8280 8 ай бұрын
who doesn't like free?
@CoreyChambersLA 8 ай бұрын
Long Propaganda
@jewelleryaddict 7 ай бұрын
From your reply I assume you are very young. You have never really been sick or have a loved one that is sick. You never watched anyone die or have never served in the military. Well let's hope life continues to treat you kindly and you never suffer from anything and if you do people don't make fun of you or your illness. Maybe grow up. Your comments are insulting to many suffering adults.
@talega1 9 ай бұрын
Check the long covid data from Sweden and Denmanrk......numbers/risk is way lower.......so probably the US data is wrong.......or is the population SOOOO different......
@amiesparkle00 9 ай бұрын
They barely even test for Covid in Sweden. I wouldn’t look to them for complete data.
@Lp78Ch 9 ай бұрын
@@amiesparkle00 At this point, if you are _still_ testing for COVID, you have some extreme fear issues.
@kathybrady4033 8 ай бұрын
Denmark turned off the spigot of vaccines for under-65s a couple of years ago. No boosters for young people. I have family there.
@amiesparkle00 8 ай бұрын
@@Lp78Ch being interested in data doesn’t mean extreme fear issues. Seriously, grow up and ditch the tin foil hat.
@omarlocke4351 9 ай бұрын
the other very large looming question in the room is - how many of these people “suffering from long covid” were vaccinated...
@gbernardwandel4174 9 ай бұрын
And for people who contracted Covid in April of 2020 were isolated for several months got vaccinated and boosted yet sequentially with every vax and boost developed worse symptoms of long covid most recent boost being 11/9 and now has the worst bloodwork since 2020 and the worst POTS since around the same time is supposed to hear your question as a friendly inquiry?(I have a good friend who’s living this hell) Please do not ask these “looming” questions in a vacuum I would never tell anyone to get vaccinated or not Despite the recommendation. Of staying up to date being prudent for the average person if anything this virus is not average and doesn’t favor certain groups of people and as this video points out much is still elusive. Finding out the long COVID folks who are vaccinated will only help a little for data analysis but for those who developed it pre-vax are still in a conundrum
@christopherrobinson7541 9 ай бұрын
The evidence is that those fully vaccinated are less likely to get Long Covid than those who have not been vaccinated, further the duration and severity of disease is also less.
@omarlocke4351 9 ай бұрын
@@christopherrobinson7541that is demonstrably false. nevertheless, your comment is a direct example of how mis, dis, and mal information has utterly destroyed the credibility of the medical community, public health administrators and “infectious disease experts”. you shouldn’t spread that any longer. misinformation can kill...
@tatonka411 9 ай бұрын
It's answered in the video - we know vaccines decrease the likelihood of long covid.
@jaykanta4326 9 ай бұрын
@@omarlocke4351 You are an anti-vaxxer, and so you're just a known liar.
@safeeffective385 6 ай бұрын
Well over 65M Americans have had zero covid jabs and we are all doing just fine today w no issues or regrets. If we were truly "being hospitalized and/or dying at higher rates" then it would be relentlessly covered by the media, wouldn't you think? Yet, we hear nothing of the sort.
@ex8280 8 ай бұрын
If it wasn't for Biden we would have more people with Long Covid. We need more mandates, more injections, every month before Trump takes it away.
@Lp78Ch 8 ай бұрын
You sound like a true Democrat. Please continue to get your boosters until the day you die.
@andrewstrakele6815 9 ай бұрын
If the risk of Long COVID is greater with multiple COVID-19 infections, perhaps strengthening the Immune System to prevent infection is more important in dealing with this affliction than attempting to temporarily patch a chronically and severely compromised Immune System with vaccinations and pharmaceuticals. Lifestyle Changes may be more important to fully recover. Post-Vaccination Syndrome, Long COVID, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME, Chronic Lyme Disease, Fibromyalgia, MCAS, and POTS all indicate chronic Immune System dysfunction. Viral Persistence and Autoimmunity also are indicative of Immune System dysfunction. It is notable that other pathogens may come out of Remission in Long COVID to cause new infections and complicate this disease . What is the Root Cause of this dysfunction? Addressing the Root Cause will be a key part of any Recovery Program. I believe research into the Root Causes of Post-Vaccination Syndrome, Long COVID, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME, Chronic Lyme Disease, Fibromyalgia, MCAS, and POTS will reveal a greater connection between the MIND and BODY than is currently understood. At present, the Traditional Medical Community recognizes the Placebo Effect - if you Truly Believe a drug can cure or relieve your symptoms, it WILL for some people, even if they were (unknown to them) just given a Sugar Pill. New drugs must provide greater efficacy in relieving the disease than the Placebo Effect in order to be approved by the FDA. STRESS has a similar Mind over Body effect. It suppresses the Immune System and Digestion. This is important in the Short Term. If you are running from a Lion, you don’t want to spend energy fighting a disease or digesting food - You want to run as fast as possible and have the most strength to fight off a possible attack. SURVIVAL is the most important thing at that point. After the danger has passed, Immune System functions and digestion can return to normal. The problems arise when the Body is put under a state of CHRONIC STRESS. Immune System response is suppressed all the time, leaving the Body open to infection. Suppressed Digestion results in improper absorption of essential nutrients, resulting in deficiencies that can affect many Body functions. Nutrition Deficiencies, particularly in the B-Complex Vitamins, can cause Leaky Gut. Leaky Gut allows undigested Foreign Proteins and pathogens to directly enter the Bloodstream. There, they will be attacked by the Immune System. Nutritional Deficiencies can also cause Immune System dysfunction, resulting in a more damaging cytotoxic attack that may also cause collateral damage to the Body’s normal cells, known as Autoimmune Disease. If you have a Leaky Gut from Nutritional Deficiencies, it is also likely your Blood/Brain Barrier (BBB) will also be Leaky, allowing Foreign Proteins and Pathogens to enter the Brain. A dysfunctional cytotoxic Immune System response in the Brain may cause Dysautonomia, Brain Fog, Dementia, Migraines, Depression, Anxiety, and other neurological symptoms. I propose that CHRONIC STRESS is the Root Cause of Long COVID, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME, Chronic Lyme Disease, Fibromyalgia, MCAS, and POTS. The Chronic Stress must be addressed in any Recovery program. The progression is Chronic Stress 👉 Nutritional Deficiencies 👉dysfunctional Immune System 👉 Leaky Gut & Leaky BBB 👉 Long COVID and/or the other diseases (which are chronic dysfunctions of the Immune System) 👉 other pathogens come out of remission and/or new infections occur as a result of the compromised Immune System. This can be very important as some people may bring Epstein-Barr virus or Lyme Disease out of remission. They present many of the same symptoms as Long COVID. The KEY Point is Long COVID, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME, Chronic Lyme Disease, Fibromyalgia, MCAS, and POTS are developed over a long time. The last infection or stressful event prior to these diseases is merely a Trigger that results in a complete breakdown of the Immune System. More importantly, it is Lifestyle Changes, such as a change in Mindset, Meditation, Breathing Techniques, Sleep Habits, Nutrition, Fasting, Supplementation, etc. that will best address the Root causes. What causes CHRONIC STRESS? Loss of a Loved One, Divorce, Loss of a Job/Financial Security, a Traumatic Accident or a repressed Traumatic Childhood Experience are typical examples. Less known are a Type-A Overachiever/Perfectionist personality and Athletic Overtraining. Many suffering from these chronic Immune System dysfunctions exhibit BOTH! Their striving for accomplishments and Personal Bests often result in poor health choices and insufficient time for Full Recovery. They are also the ones who try to return to their original lifestyle as quickly as possible, resulting in numerous relapses, making these diseases worse. Probably the Worst type of Chronic Stress is living in Fear that symptoms will return with any new physical or mental exertion, and blaming oneself for the outcome. That is why I believe a mental Change in Attitude, a Personality Change, is the most important breakthrough step to Recovery. It took a long time to get to this state, so those attempting to recover should be patient and realize some time may be necessary to Recover. You have to Truly Believe that Recovery is possible, and that you are willing to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes to achieve it. LifeWithKyle, JUST ROB, Mind Body Integrate, Raelan Agle, and Gez Medinger are other KZbin Channels providing important information for those on their Journey to Recovery. I wish all of you Good Health!
@Richard.Atkinson 9 ай бұрын
How dare you suggest something that works better but doesn't make any money for big pharma!?
@kathypaup 9 ай бұрын
So, if a person goes to their doctor with these symptoms and is told it’s chronic stress you just need to change your attitude and you’ll get better, wouldn’t that be considered gaslighting?
@christopherrobinson7541 9 ай бұрын
Keeping up to date with vaccinations and changing lifestyle to maintain the immune system are not mutually exclusive.
@andrewstrakele6815 9 ай бұрын
@@kathypaup- Thank you for your good question, Kathy! If the doctor said the symptoms were caused by Chronic Stress and you just needed to change your Attitude, that WOULD be Gaslighting. A person with Long COVID has numerous physiological problems that must be addressed.: - There is Inflammation in the Brain, which results in many of the symptoms. - A Leaky Blood/Brain Barrier, which has allowed the Spike Protein and/or other pathogens to enter the Brain. - A Leaky Gut, which has allowed pathogens and foreign proteins to directly enter the Bloodstream, where they can be transported throughout the Body, and cause Autoimmune Diseases and Inflammation when the dysfunctional Immune System responds to the invasion. - There are multiple Essential Nutrient Deficiencies that resulted in the dysfunctional Immune System, Leaky Blood/Brain Barrier, Leaky Gut, and other problems. - There may be secondary infections of Epstein-Barr virus, Borellia Bacteria (from Lyme Disease), Herpes Virus (Shingles), and other Pathogens that have remained Dormant in the Body until the Immune System became too compromised and allowed them to come out of Remission. - There may even be more aggravated responses to Environmental Toxins, such as Heavy Metals and chemicals. The Essential Nutrient Deficiencies can only be addressed through Proper Nutrition by eating Nutrient Dense, Low Carbohydrate (and in some cases, Low Histamine) Foods. This must be combined with a targeted Supplementation Program, specifically to provide the necessary Vitamins and Minerals to Optimize the Immune System, restore integrity to the Gut & Blood/Brain Barrier, and build up Antioxidants. Getting out in the Sunlight has shown to be helpful to increase Intracellular Melatonin, a powerful Antioxidant. Fasting will help the Body restore integrity to the Gut and Blood/Brain Barrier, repair damaged tissues, and reset the Immune System. A Low Carb Diet is important to allow the Body to more quickly enter the Fasted State. Deep Sleep is the Only Time the waste products of Inflammation and normal metabolism are removed from the Brain. Sleep must be improved by providing a Dark and Cool Sleep Environment and removing Stress through Deep Breathing Exercises (the “Physiological Sigh” is excellent), and Meditation. The LifeWithKyle Channel offers Guided Meditations specific to Long COVID to help you convince your Nervous System that you are Safe, limiting initiation of a “Fight or Flight” response that produces relapse symptoms. But the most common Breakthrough to Recovery reported by Long COVID and CFS suffers is when they decided that Recovery WAS Possible. They no longer wanted to be defined by their disease and INTENDED to Recover by doing whatever it takes for as Long as it takes. This was the Attitude Adjustment that they claimed had started their Road to Recovery. There are several examples on the Raelan Agle Channel. Pharmaceuticals do have their part in reducing some symptoms. Dr. Bruce Patterson has developed a Diagnostic Method to identify Long COVID, CFS/ME, and Vaccine Injury. He offers a 6 week Treatment Protocol of Cytokine Antagonists and a Statin to help eliminate Vascular Inflammation in the Brain. This treatment has helped reduce or eliminate symptoms and has recently been accepted by Insurance Companies. But this treatment protocol does nothing to address the Root Cause of Chronic Stress, which caused the Essential Nutrient Deficiencies that led to a dysfunctional Immune System, Leaky Gut, and Leaky Blood/Brain Barrier. These are Metabolic Problems that must be corrected through the Lifestyle Changes I described. The most important one reported by those who HAVE Recovered is a change in Mindset. However, other Lifestyle Changes must be implemented to complete the Recovery.
@andrewstrakele6815 9 ай бұрын
@@christopherrobinson7541- Thank you for your rely, Christopher! That is true. They are not mutually exclusive. Vaccinations are definitely important in helping to prevent or reduce the severity of infection. Vaccinations work best for those who have a property functioning Immune System. However, Vaccinations do Nothing to REPAIR a Chronically Dysfunctional Immune System. This is a Metabolic Problem that cannot be addressed by pharmaceuticals. What causes some people to develop a Chronically Dysfunctional Immune System while others are able to avoid it? I am suggesting CHRONIC STRESS is the Root Cause of this Long COVID problem, as well as similar afflictions that have confounded Traditional Medicine.
@KidCity1985 8 ай бұрын
It's all nonsense, I'm sorry to all you who have gotten this. I saw it coming.
@3ATGL 9 ай бұрын
Long flu !
@sherrybutts5947 9 ай бұрын
Why do u all draw back from including cancer recurrence in your list of diseases that are activated or reactivated
@jaykanta4326 9 ай бұрын
Because you have no evidence.
@Lp78Ch 9 ай бұрын
@@jaykanta4326 There is evidence. You just refuse to accept it.
@jaykanta4326 9 ай бұрын
@@Lp78Ch Why didn't you bring any of that evidence? Cite it. Just the name of the research publication, the author, and the date. Just do that.
@ex8280 8 ай бұрын
@@jaykanta4326 Evidence? CEO of moderna just bought a small cancer research company for 41 billion dollar.
@asmazak 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for not forgetting about us. So many of us suffering with this awful illness. Everyday we pray for a cure. How long do you think its going to take?
@geauxp 9 ай бұрын
Do u have a doc with flccc?
@jewelleryaddict 8 ай бұрын
Hope they help you. If they would have helped us with chronic fatigue syndrome during our main breakouts at Inn line Village around 1989 and other spots maybe this would have been better for those of you suffering near the same symptoms. Been 30 years for me. Good luck. They gave us 20 % of government budget past 30+ years, so not much was done for us.
@Nate-kt9rs 8 ай бұрын
I hear you. I'm praying for a cure too :)
@ex8280 8 ай бұрын
Sadly, I think your better off on your own. They are out there to take all you have and all you will ever be worth, the lab coats is just a costume, their big words just ornaments in their pitch. Take care and wish you the best in your journey to recovery.
@edwarddeal3127 8 ай бұрын
​@@Nate-kt9rsthis jab was referred to as the Luciferian Snake Bite. When snake biten one needs an antidote except there will not be one for jabbed only for the unjabbed which is the Jesus jab. He took sting of death and arose after 3 days. By taking jab, one was trying to save themselves not realizing God gives life and he ends life however He chooses. This is man way of playing god
@SteveTheBookGuy 9 ай бұрын
Always appreciate Dr. Al-Aly! Thank you for tackling this topic, it's really something that we need to get addressed as a society!
@wildgardens 9 ай бұрын
Great panel discussion, Im so so grateful to these scientists and I really hope they can figure out what on earth is going on with our bodies! A message to Bob - Bob, for millions of us we are not merely feeling crumby!! We have lost our health, careers, life savings, friendships, relationships, people have lost their homes, had to move in with family some even have become homeless. This doesn't happen from feeling "crumby" it happens due to becoming completely disabled, many of us have been housebound and/or bedbound for years now. The intensity of the symptoms is on another level one that you could not possibly comprehend unless you get struck down with this nightmare it is like living in some kind of hellscape.
@wildgardens 9 ай бұрын
@@gferraro8353 So sorry to hear that :( I also got covid in 2020 right at the start. It really is a life changing illness for many of us. I hope you are able to avoid it!
@wildgardens 9 ай бұрын
@@gferraro8353 Thanks! Yes this virus is really insidious lets hope we can get through this holiday period without catching it!!
@saratimothy5247 8 ай бұрын
Completely being abused by my own family. Threatening me
@wildgardens 8 ай бұрын
@@saratimothy5247 Oh Sara Im so sorry, its so unfair. Being ill is bad enough nevermind the gaslighting on top. I hope you have someone who can offer support!
@safeeffective385 8 ай бұрын
@@gferraro8353 Was he vaccinated? thanks
@robsonf6683 7 ай бұрын
Nope. Ss soon ss you say to vacvinate. Nope. Goodbye
@StephanieDefinitely 4 ай бұрын
This is great info. I’m so frustrated that none of the (many) providers I see ever acknowledge the impact of long COVID on my health. I was hospitalized with COVID in October 2020 and nearly died and I was barely keeping my head above water after returning to work that December, and then a year and a half later I got diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I really think the combo of LC + cancer treatment was unbelievably debilitating, to say nothing of the (diagnosed) PTSD I have after those experiences. 😢
@Islamisthecultofsin 8 ай бұрын
Mass investigations and arrests are badly needed.
@maryr7593 5 ай бұрын
What about the ppl getting long covid (or MCAS symptoms) from the the spiked protein vaccine? This vid is 4 months old but spiked protein vaccine seems to be known prior to this vid.
@GM-jv9jz 8 ай бұрын
Had covid Oct 2021. I was very ill but not hospitalized. I have long covid . Loss of taste and smell, headaches, terrible tinnitus, fatigue.
@James-lu4en 15 күн бұрын
Jabbed? Here vivid dreams since it, so tired every day it’s awful. And tinnitus
@safeeffective385 8 ай бұрын
On Christmas Day, my GF and I spent 7 hours visiting, eating, and chatting with about 17 people who are all fully vaccinated. At least 8 of them are either currently sick with covid or just getting over it. (My GF actually rode to the event and back in a car w two fully jabbed people who were currently covid pos and sick/showing symptoms for 12 hours each way… without a mask). One guy who is also fully vaccinated and recently boosted tested positive for covid on the 23rd, so chose to stay home/missed the party. Neither of us have had any vaccines at all, and are doing just fine today w zero symptoms. Have since heard from several hundred other unjabbed folks that report experiencing the exact same thing over the holidays.
@eloisebush4595 8 ай бұрын
When I feel something in vein in my forehead above my eye I take a cayenne pepper capsule in case it's a blood clot & it goes away.?????😮
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