Kupas Tuntas Hamzah Washal ll Iqro' Wa Rottil Wartaqi ll Sdr. Mochamad Ihsan Ufiq

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ufiQatar Channel

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@mashurihasan8142 2 жыл бұрын
Maa syaa Allooooh... Al hamdulillaah...(meski agak telat) Mendengar dan melihat ini...sungguh Sungguh sangat manfaat... Jazaakallooh.....
@andirohanaabbas1070 4 жыл бұрын
Jazakallahu khoir ustd..
@zhoezhangadham2075 5 жыл бұрын
Jazakallahu khair syaikh Mochamad Ihsan Ufiq--- Barakallahu fiika-- Bisa buat play list-- khusus makhrojotul huruf-- dan sifat huruf msng2. Dan kmudian tema lainnya.. Salaam
@utinummi9742 4 жыл бұрын
alhamdulillah kami di malaysia dpt nyimak channel tuan, sangat bermanfaat. terima kasih
@khairialfatih90 5 жыл бұрын
Mantap syeikh muhammad ihsan ufiq, Teruskan video2 nya
@dwiyusdarwati9073 3 жыл бұрын
Terima kasih penjelasanya ttg hamzah wasol ..mhn maaf hanya sj tampilan tulisan berada di samping ustad ...buat sy yg sdh tua terlalu kecil jdnya nggak fokus thp penhelasannya krn hrs berulang2 menampilkan lagi..nuwun ...
@ummuhanna3411 4 жыл бұрын
Afwan ustadz tulisannya mohon diperbesar lagi... Biar lebih jelas. Syukron
@Nudibumi 4 жыл бұрын
Izin rekam semoga bermanfaat trs
@DUHRI 5 жыл бұрын
Terima Kasih
@Cipto93 3 жыл бұрын
Ustad apakan ada buku terkait penjelasan pembahasan di atas?
@nrahmawati9312 3 жыл бұрын
ustadz ada chanel TG nya ?
@toke1198 Жыл бұрын
Asalamualikum Afwan ustadz idzin bertanya tentang awal kata yang di awali Hamzah wasal seperti lapadz اءتوني kan di bacanya dengan kasrah serta menjadi mad badal bagai mana dengan lapad yang ada di surat الجاثية ayat ٢٤ lapad nya قالوااءتوبابا jikalau ingin ibtidanya di اءتوبابا apakah dengan harkat domah apa kasrah ustadz🙏
@srirahmawati4688 5 жыл бұрын
Assalamu'alaykum Izin download ustad
@teguhsantoso5610 3 жыл бұрын
Bagaimana cara ibtida' pada kata ٱئتي؟ Apakah hamzah kedua dibaca ibdal?
@ibnu.m37 5 жыл бұрын
Assalamu'alaikum, syukron atas ilmunya ustadz.. 'Afwan mau tanya, judul sholawat di awal mulai video apa ya ustadz? 🙏
@okdesu77 4 жыл бұрын
. Maaf x. 😅. And if if. 😅. And And And by the grace that bbb
@okdesu77 4 жыл бұрын
Hope la well on! Bbbb?... B. Kb... L.... Byk pulak is an an American boy Bobby I know who I have ever met you. you with. Bb!? 😅 😅 You have been so good being with us. Been so long. But you been been busy! 9th March by now now and. K 😅. I have to bring bring the the.. B. B. B. B........ B. B.. B.. B. B.. Bb... Bb. B.. B. B. B. ?!.. 😅 👆 👆 Is a great great movie 🎦 it will never happen happen to be like like nn. me a a ah ah man man 👨 me n. 😅 Kalau I I n. need to n. 😅 be a And And n. And how. N9, because by the best way by the best of 🤔 n by the 8b8.bnn. B. You bb. The. 😅.. 😅 😅 The rest of both you must 99 no doubt 🤷‍♂️ b. B. 😅 😅 By The you and b. a b. a b. The The. The first first b. Bbb. Bbbb Bbbb b. and by the by the by the grace that b. it was. was. that b. A couple couple 👫 and back bb. back by a bunch I guess Bbbb be good if they are now back 🔙 they. 😅 Bb8. They have not bothered by the bank! Because we are. 89 bb. Bbbb b. Boleh buat. Buat b. Boleh buat. Be b. back in breath before you. Be a. Buy b. If. Buy before you. But. Buy b. The. Brand buy b. The b. If brand new brand new brand new product b. becomes more bb.. If b. Bb. 😅 B. Besok Besok b. by the b. by the best of b7b. This b. means you will Bbbb to b.. The The b. best way bb. 😅 And no n. N. The. The. other not. Now. 😅 Nanti n. Nanti Nanti. N. Not. Now Now n. Nn. What. do I b. need a bit of help b. But I better. So I'll be working next weekend so busy. So bored Bbbb. Be nice to be bbq by a ah boy 8 but no luck 🤞 back 🔙 yet another book 📙 you been beaten by both bb8. The next one by n has now seen by many b8b8b:8 BBC the other n. It b. becomes a new book book block b. I believe it. 89 by 99 by the best of best British music 🎶. You must. 020323040129. By buying. Buy. 89 by a number but. But now because. Buy the the. 😅. Boleh. Bingo. Buy books b. You bin 🚮 by your. online shopping 🛒 7.n0..buy your own pet pet online ngan click the click b. on b. top b. 🔝 Your b. order bb. back b. 🔙 And. B. 😅 👌 😁 👌 😁. 👌 😁 Black Bank. 🏦 Black 🖤 by the end by the first half of last page 📄 on news 📰 by the end 🔚 on a different.. 😅 B. Besok not sure by nn. name b. is because the best way. Now that I better be a bit bigger by better 🤔 bbbbbb
@okdesu77 4 жыл бұрын
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@okdesu77 4 жыл бұрын
Plb. N. N. J. 9.99b..b,because of your business or if your business is not a a different b.. Bb..0 polo :bp0b07. PlBbpl090:lp00bp00p
@FitriYani-kk7po 3 жыл бұрын
Seharusnya mukanya ga usah disorot. Khusus pada huruf aja biar lebih mantap. Ga semua orang punya mata yang terang
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