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Heparin formula of Neurotherapy
Use of A to Z Heparin of Neurotherapy Formulas | Use Of Heparin Formulas of Neurotherapy |9718425042
#Neurotherapy #NeurotherapyTreatment
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About Shri Nawal Kishore, Senior Neurotherapist
Shri Nawal Kishore is a reputed qualified Neurotherapist having being trained and mentored by Dr. Lajpat Rai, Father of Neurotherapy. He has been practicing the science of Neurotherapy since 2005 with being the proud recipient of Gold Medal in Neurotherapy in the year 2006. He has also received three times the National Awards in Neurotherapy in the years 2014, 2015 and 2016.
At present, Shri Nawal is associated as Senior Neurotherapist and Health Wellness Consultant with Sewa Foundation Health NGO at Vivek Vihar and Om Bhikshu Medical Centre at Nirman Vihar. His knowledge, expertise and experience of Neurotherapy in treating diseases without using of drugs has benefited over one lakh of patients from across the country. He runs India’s number 1 Study Center of Neurotherapy at Vivek Vihar, New Delhi. He has trained Thousands of people in becoming qualified Neurotherapists from all over India.
Today, Shri Nawal Kishore is one of Best known name of India in the field of Neurotherapy. He has been instrumental in spreading the message and importance of Neurotherapy in providing drugless treatment of diseases and ailments with no side effects. He is a regular key note speaker at various organizations speaking about the role, science and importance of Neurotherapy for overall wellbeing of the health of individuals. Till date, he has organized numerous seminars and workshops on Neurotherapy all over the country. Dr. Lajpatrai Mehra, the doyen of modern Neurotherapy has credited Shri Nawal Kishore for his dedication in heralding a revolution by spreading and providing recognition of Neurotherapy in the health sector.
Nawal Kishore (Neurotherapist Since. 2005)
Health Director: Sewa Foundation ®
OPD Consultant: Om Bhikshu Medical Centre Nirman Vihar Delhi
Clinic: C-190 Basement Vivek Vihar Delhi.95
Contact: 9718425042, 9818425042
E-mail: nklmnt@gmail.com, Kishorelmnt@yahoo.in
आप भी हमें आर्थिक सहयोग करना चाहते है तो संपर्क करें
सेवा फाउंडेशन कार्यालय: 9718425042, 9818425042
Are you suffering from following diseases?
.Diabetes .High Blood Pressure .Obesity .Heart related problems .Cholesterol .Gastro .Intestinal Disorders .Lower Back Pain .Cervical Spondylitis .Lumber Spondylitis .Joint Pain .Arthritis .Pain in the Heel .Asthma .Allergies .Rheumatoid Arthritis .Knee Pain .Varicose Vein .I.B.S. (Irritable Bowel Syndromes) .Chronic Cold .Sleep Disorders .Weakness in the body .Skin Diseases .Migraine .Thyroid Problem (Hyper-Hypo)
.Menstrual Problem .Leadies Problems .Anxiety .Depression .Stress .Knee pain .Back Pain .Cervical Pain .Abdominal Pain .Diabetes .Nabhi ki samsya
.Naale ki samsya .Kodi ki samsya
.Insomnia .Sexual problem .Sex Problem .Male Sex Problem .Female Sex problem
.Infertility .Baccha na hona
And More Important Imbalance of "Nabhi" is the root cause for most of the diseases. If the String of any musical instrument is too tight or too loose, sound produced by the instrument is not soothing. Similarly following Imbalances in the body leads to various diseases in the body.
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Neurotherapy Vivek Vihar Delhi
C- 190 Basement Vivek Vihar Phase I, Vivek Vihar, Delhi, 110095
097184 25042, 09818425042
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