At that time, after crossing the Soviet Union and reaching the Manchurian border, the refugees were welcomed into Manchuria, transported to Harbin by Manchurian Railway, rested, then transported to the US concession in Shanghai, or allowed to enter Japan. The Kwantung Army and the Manchurian Railway cooperated. Japan had a military alliance with Germany, but because the Japanese government was against racism, it steadfastly rejected German protests about accepting Jewish refugees. This escape route was pioneered by Kiichiro Higuchi, Chief of the Japanese Army Harbin Special Military Agency, and Hideki Tojo, Chief of Staff of the Kwantung Army.
@訥訥2 жыл бұрын
Sugihara Visa was the policy of the Japanese government at that time, which can be seen from the fact that Lieutenant General Kiichiro Higuchi set the Higuchi route in the same way and saved about 20,000 Jews who were persecuted in Germany. There is also an example of the Japanese government saving about 800 Polish children from the frigid Siberia.
Thank you for uplaoding this impressive story! Just one person's decision (Mr Sugihara) saved such a lot people. Mr Suguhara did a great job. It is not well known that to let the Jewish people escaping from Europe to Japan, there are other some Japanese military persons who worked hard. Mr Higuchi is famous but TOJO Hideki, who was executed as a war criminal after the WWII, also contributed to the Jewish people entry to Japan. Nazis Germany protested to Japan for its acceptance of Jewish refugees, but Tojo strongly rejcted it.
Thank you for talking about your memory of Mr. Sugihara. And I'm glad to hear that our people treated your family nicely during the most difficult time of your life.
自分を含めてその当時の寛容さとでも言うべき精神は既に失われつつあると感じている。 取り戻したいよね、その当時の日本の精神を。 Including myself, I feel that the spirit of tolerance that can be called at that time is already being lost. I want to bring back the Japanese spirit of those days.
in the rescue of the Jews. While Sugihara's accomplishments are outstanding, many people are unaware of the achievements of Kiichiro Higuchi, Lieutenant General of the Army. Even after Japan signed the Instrument of Surrender on the battleship Missouri and the war ended, He continued to fight the Soviet forces in South Sakhalin. This meant that he prevented the Soviet forces, which had broken the Nonaggression Pact and entered the war against Japan, from landing on Hokkaido. ユダヤ人の救出において 杉原氏の功績は素晴らしいが、樋口季一郎氏(陸軍中将)の功績を知らない人は多い。 また樋口季一郎氏は日本が戦艦ミズーリで降伏文書に署名し終戦を迎えても南樺太でソ連軍と戦闘を継続していた。何を意味するかというと不可侵条約を破り対日参戦してきたソ連軍の北海道上陸を阻止した。