Great afternoon xiao-bei-bei beautiful smile sister for along time take to watch change new body and build in showroom and studio wow!!! change new body new condominium floor ceiling and wall inside outside by stone tiles with beautiful patterns wow!!!👍👍👍👍👍💚💚💚🧡🧡🧡💙💙💙💖💖💖💜💜💜💝💝💝
阿🥬🥬哥 救命呀 我大煱啦 這裡有兩個人 一個不理我兩天了 我用很多時間在西瓜看直播 很好玩 起不了床上班 八點上中文課也沒上 我有時候去我媽咪診所幫忙 二 三 四 去兩三小時 在時在家做 我媽咪還好嬲 點算?他們吃飯都沒叫我下去 they’re so mean to me😪 都已經兩天了 我哥和我爸都搞唔掂我媽咪 我巳經講講對唔住啦 仲嬲!她是一個牙醫 她一直想逼我讀牙科 我討厭再讀書 疫情沒辦法也只好搬回家住 什麼都要聼她的 她同樣的逼我哥 我哥讀了五個月 受不了 逃去了加洲 he is an IT guy, last time I saw him was on 2019 Christmas time, I missed him☹️ 現在不知幾開心 我真想搬去加洲!
小北湘妹子, 俗语有说.:男人恐怕入錯行;女人不怕選擇好屋梁,最怕嫁錯郎 ! 樓宇建築和房屋装修工程是一門專職行業,应選用有诚信責任心,有丰富经驗的主承包商(或分包商)才好。祝万事如意,工程順利成功。 In building construction, renovation or refurbishment, main contractor or sub- contractor must be reliable, responsible and trustworthy with relevant experience of at least a few years in the specialised field. Other relevant information: total costs should be within budget; quality of works must be accomplished and acceptable; and works should be completed within timing schedules, & etc. Good luck !