You're way🙂 smarter than me! Lol, I have tried similar techniques with various gels a hundred times but never figured out touching the tip to the surface gives instant control. Genius! Thanks for your kind sharing. 👏
@aliwilson413010 ай бұрын
I wonder if you can mix it and do henna style art.
@galinagegg8461 Жыл бұрын
@cherylalikhani59573 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the video. A little suggestion, try adding 3 to 5 steel BBs to your bottles to make shaking a lot easier.
@aliceleesmith3 жыл бұрын
I especially love tis video because it shows how messy loading paint etc. can be.
@davidstroker804211 ай бұрын
Your methods for the use of the tar gel can be gotten from other products. The idea with tar gel is that it can create looooonnnggg stringy lines. Part of the process is the loss of control to get certain effects. I would use more economical products rather than the expensive tar gel for using it the way you showed in your video. I think you are missing the point with regards to the use of the tar gel...