I really really appreciate your teaching style. Learn a lot and watch them over and over. Thank you for being so easy to follow
@toon-nagtegaal3 ай бұрын
You're welcome, I'm glad it was helpful and enjoy painting!👍🎨
@margaretstevens498010 ай бұрын
Good information! I hadn’t thought of that.
@toon-nagtegaal10 ай бұрын
I'm glad it was helpful!
@theGreaterAwareness10 ай бұрын
Genius idea! I've got the gel medium but I had only used it for smoke - it never clicked that I can use transparent paint and add my light colors in layers. Thankyou! this will allow me to do many new things with my painting!
@toon-nagtegaal10 ай бұрын
That's great, it's always fun to try out new things!👍
@BrightonBeachNews10 ай бұрын
Thank you. I’ll try
@toon-nagtegaal10 ай бұрын
You're welcome and have fun painting!
@Maria-yy9jx3 ай бұрын
Ademas de que pintas maravillosamente, gracioso, y simpático 😂😂❤❤,
@toon-nagtegaal3 ай бұрын
@jl.773910 ай бұрын
This is great. Subscribed! Can I use the same medium (acrylic) for gouache as well?
@toon-nagtegaal10 ай бұрын
That's the first time I've ever heard this question and I had to look it up! It turns out that you can use it for gouache as well. That's funny, I never tried that and I surely will, because not only can you alter the opaqueness, but the gouache will dry more water resistant as well of course. Very interesting!👍👍
@vincentgoupil1806 ай бұрын
*Thanks* Will try medium. Gel ? Can acrylic medium be used similiar to glazing in that light can travel down through multiple layers of colours and back up for an optical effect of a new colour, i.e. a Van Eyck painting (you're Dutchie/Flemish/Netherlands :) ? Or, is that another tutorial ? Unlike water, medium doesn't effect the binding of pigment to the ground support ? Helpful lesson. Good for blocking in to keep one on an even keel, middle ground, similiar to using a tonal grey canvas then working towards the tints and shades but more on a local area.
@vincentgoupil1806 ай бұрын
P.s. New to your channel, what is your favorite way to start coloring in a painting ?
@toon-nagtegaal6 ай бұрын
Yes, I'm Dutch 😂👍 For glazing there are special glazing mediums for acrylics available. They're thinner, more fluid than regular medium and often they also contain retarders, to prevent it from drying to fast. And indeed: medium is the best way to make paint more fluid, or transparent because it contains binder, so it's very safe to use.
@toon-nagtegaal6 ай бұрын
It depends on my mood! But usually I start with a simple sketch, and then I just block in most important color planes and build on that with new layers to refine and add details. Welcome to the channel and enjoy painting!
@vincentgoupil1806 ай бұрын
@@toon-nagtegaal Dankje for your replies.
@jhdrawings13217 күн бұрын
Does pouring medium have the same effect?
@toon-nagtegaal6 күн бұрын
Yes it does, but pouring medium is more fluid and often more glossy and more expensive than regular medium. But you can certainly use it for the same purpose.👍