Hi there, Meaghan from Level Access here. The speech you here in a video isn’t exactly a setting, but there are built in speech settings on your desktop if you use windows or Mac OSX. I’ve included some instructions for downloading screen readers and for turning on what’s built in here: 1. For MacOSX, you can turn on VoiceOver by pressing Command F5 which will turn on speech and you can interact with your keyboard. 2. For Windows/PC, you can turn on Windows Narrator by going into the settings of your PC, going to accessibility, and turning on the settings there. 3. You can download JAWS from Freedom Scientific by going to their website and purchasing a licensure. 4. You can download the screen reader used in this video on my PC, which is called NVDA by searching for NVDA Access on Google (should be the first result) and downloading that for free. 5. You can turn on speech on your mobile phone on iPhone or Android by going to Settings, then accessibility, and going to the VOiceOver menu for iPhone and the Speech menu for Android.