This was Greatly Appreciated Informative posting and discussion on Cyber SECURITY ❤ revisted 19 June 2024. Dobie Wan Kanobie ❤❤❤
@nixes16366 ай бұрын
Great lecture. I never thought of cyber security on multi state level scale before.
@sj69865 ай бұрын
She’s 100% right, we built the internet on the assumption that it will be used for legal commerce and interchange of information. And not to be turned into a weapon against our way of life and political systems.
@sj69865 ай бұрын
I like the series but would it be possible to drop the over the top opening with all those vistas and triumphant music.
@sj69865 ай бұрын
Hahah! I agree with her strategic analysis but C++ is just as insecure as a hammer. You can use it to put nails in a wall or smash your foot with it - it is a tool.
@sj69865 ай бұрын
Nah! You cannot be caught reacting to attacks because they are constant. A virtual NATO isn’t the answer because what we need are safe waters for trade. The digital perimeter of such safe waters could be guarded as part of NATO or some other existing multilateral arrangement but we need a new safe internet where the participants sign a treaty of digital law and order.
@sj69865 ай бұрын
Loved the talk but I disagree with her recommendation. We cannot solve this just by writing better code, how we integrate these systems and lay business logic on top matters more. In fact, as software stacks get more consistent and secure, the focus of attacks is shifting to attacking business logic especially in the financial sector. What we need is a legal framework that allows digital crimes to be defined amongst participants and allow enforcement of mutually agreed laws of the cyberspace. Simply put, I am happy to buy $5 a dozen socks from China but I do not need their IP theft or I am happy buying Russian steel but I do not want their bots trying to subvert our democracy and why is North Korea allowed on the Internet is beyond me but somehow they are, I guess.
@Meton25269 ай бұрын
The introducer really needs to take a speech class to deal with his constant snapping of his mouth, lips, and tongue.