USS Enterprise-D vs Imperial II Star Destroyer | Star Trek vs Star Wars: Who Would Win

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Today we tackle my most requested match-up ever! The Federation's USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) takes on the Empire's Imperial II Class Star Destroyer. Can the Star Trek universe pull out a victory against their bitter Star Wars rivals?
The Imperial II Star Destroyer is one of the most famous ships in the Star Wars universe, and its wedge shaped design struck fear in the hearts of countless Rebels. On the other side, the USS Enterprise-D, featured most prominently in Star Trek The Next Generation, was a warship also outfitted for science and exploration.
It's a nerd battle as old as time. Star Wars vs Star Trek. Federation vs Empire. Enterprise vs Star Destroyer. Find out which ship would come out on top in a one-on-one space battle on today's episode of Star Trek vs Star Wars: Who Would Win!
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@EckhartsLadder 7 жыл бұрын
People have been asking for this one forever! Really hope you guys enjoy! Watch the rest of the series here: If you want to see every channel update, go here: And, if you enjoyed, subscribe!
@galbert117 7 жыл бұрын
EckhartsLadder if I remember correctly, Star Wars weapons are actually more plasma based, especially the ship based ones.
@SS-2178 7 жыл бұрын
Saber (halo reach space fighter) versus republic arc-170
@thorshammer7883 7 жыл бұрын
Which Universe is the most powerful? Eve online, Homeworld, or Sins of a solar Empire?
@ciaranwilliams647 7 жыл бұрын
FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for this video, My suggestion for the next one: Dreadnought class heavy cruiser vs Aklimator assault ship
@suncrusher7334 7 жыл бұрын
Fourth try, UNSC Infinity vs the Resolute, both ships have their normal crew so he Republic craft would have Admiral Yularen AND Anakin Skywalker at the helm
@DigitalJesuit 4 жыл бұрын
This is how the scenario plays out: (Enterprise is in a star system with three inhabited planets.) Worf: "Captain, we are detecting a massive vessel at the edge of sensor range." Troi: "Sir, I sense a great disturbance, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced." Picard: "Hail them." Worf: "Channel Open." Picard: "Unidentified vessel. This is Captain Picard of the Federation starship USS Enterprise. May we know your intentions?" ISS: "Surrender your vessel and prepare to be boarded." Picard: (Concerned Pikachu face) "We are a peaceful people. Explorers who reject tyranny and work for understanding between planets. Surely you are the same. We would welcome a delegation aboard to discuss and exchange of knowledge and culture." ISS: "...!" (Close channel) Worf: "Captain, they are charging weapons and launching fighters." Riker: "Shields up! Red Alert! Mr. Worf, tactical report." Worf: "Primary and secondary shield generators, a solar ionization reactor, 72 fighters, 60 ion cannons, Approximately 47,000 life forms detected." Picard: "She's a predator..." Worf: " 60 heavy turbolaser batteries, another dozen or so multiple medium and heavy laser turrets." Riker: "... did you say LASER?" Picard: "Maybe she's NOT a predator, they could fire lasers at us till their reactors run dry... but those ion cannons could be dangerous to our systems." Data: "Sir, tactical analysis of their weapons show that their turrets are limited to a range of 5,000 kilometers." Picard: "Helm, keep us 300,000 km away from the vessel." Worf: "Sir, the fighters have opened fire!" (TIE fighter lasers fill the space around the Enterprise. -- Crew nervously waits for the ship to rock from the impacts.) Picard: "Mr. Worf, report!" Worf: "Sir... they missed." Picard: "You mean there was no damage." Worf: "No sir... they just missed... ENTIRELY. The shields do not register and impacts." Picard: "Helm. Well done on the evasive maneuvers!" Helm: "Sir... we haven't moved yet. I was waiting for you to say, 'engage'" Picard: "..." (Looks to Riker) Riker: "Riker to Engineering. Geordi, did you maneuver the Enterprise from down there? We just dodged a barrage of fire from 72 fighters." Geordi: "Sir? It wasn't us. I didn't even realize we were being attacked." Data: "Captain, I may have an answer. Scans show that all of their weapons are manually targeted. They can't keep a weapons track on Enterprise at anything above quarter impulse. Additionally, their main vessel has little aft protection." Troi: "Captain. The commander of that ship is enraged that his fighters missed and that we're staying out of their weapons range. I sense that he's about to target the outermost planet of the system!" Geordi: "Captain, there are more than 4 million settlers on that world and they don't have planetary defenses." Picard: "Helm, keep your distance, but use a short warp jump to put us behind the target. Mr. Worf, target engines and weapons." (Enterprise jumps 300km behind the ISS, leaving the fighter squadron on the other side of the battle field.) Riker: "Engines and weapons targeted." Picard: "Full spread phaser barrage. Continuous fire." (Enterprise fires continuous phased beams at maximum range. ISS tries to maneuver, but Enterprise stays behind and away.) Worf: "Sir, their shields are holding, fighters have regrouped and are making another attack run" Riker: "Continue fire. Target the fighters with photon torpedoes." (Enterprise keeps firing phasers at the ISS while a barrage of torpedoes goes after the fighters. at 500k range) Data: "Captain, scanning their ION cannons, their systems seem to be extremely susceptible to electrical discharge. We may be able to simulate a similar weapon." Picard: "Engineering. Can you create an ION pulse with the deflector dish?" Geordi: "Yes sir. We can run warp power directly through the deflector control and create a massive ION pulse. It might rupture a few EPS conduits, and we wouldn't be able to jump to warp until repairing them, but it will be one heck of a blast." Worf: "Sir, the fighters are retreating from the torpedoes, but the target vessel is 5 minutes from weapons range of the planet's surface." Picard: "Geordi, how quickly can you create the pulse?" Georgi: "Sir, it'll take me 8 minutes." Picard: "Data, go to engineering and help with the modifications, Number 1, we need to draw the fire of that ship!" Riker: "Yessir." (Riker sits back in his chair and looks at his display) "Helm, move us between the planet and the target. Mr. Worf, keep firing. Full spread of torpedoes as well." Worf: "Sir, their shields ARE weakening, but we are unable to penetrate their defenses." (Montage: Georgi and Data rushing to patch connections through engineering. Troi looks worried. Worf keeps pressing the fire button. Riker steps OVER the chair that Data has vacated and takes his station. - 4 minutes later) Worf: "Sir, we are now entering the target vessel's weapons range." (impacts rock the Enterprise as the ion cannons start striking the shields. Around the ship, control panels explode and lights flicker.) Riker: "Report!" Helm: "Sir, we're losing helm control, impulse engines are offline" Worf: "Shields down to 60%" Riker: "Helm, switch to auxiliary controls and use the thrusters to push us back from the target, but keep us between them and the colony." Picard: "Engineering, how much longer?!" Geordi: "Just another minute captain. We're just readjusting the phase compensator to synchronize the plasma flow through the dish with the warp matter/anti-matter stream. If we don't get it right, we're looking at a core breach when we fire the deflector" (Impacts continue to rock the Enterprise. Rocks fly out of the ceiling and debris is strewn around the bridge.) Worf: "Shields at 15% ... Captain, we are being hailed." Picard: "Onscreen!" ISS: "Enemy craft. Stand down and surrender your vessel or be destroyed." Picard: "You have made an act of aggression against an unarmed planet. This is nothing short of a declaration of war against the Federation of Planets. We are NOT your enemy!" (More impacts and the lights go out. Riker is thrown from this console by an explosion.) Worf: "Shields are down! Buckling on deck 9, 10, and 11. Casualties reported on all decks." Data: "Captain, the deflector is ready." Picard: (zoom shot) "Fire." (Huge beam shoots from the Enterprise deflector dish and strikes the ISS. Electricity arcs along the hull of the ship, the engines go out and it begins to drift. - In Engineering, smoke pours from the warp core as EPS conduits explode.) Geordi: "Coolant leak! Everybody out!" (Geordi rushes everybody out then rolls past the closing door just as is slams shut. Dr. Crusher rushes over to injured crewmen and pokes them with hyposprays.) Georgi: "Engineering to the bridge. The kickback from that shot was worse than expected. We've lost warp power until we can cool the core and repair the damaged conduits. We're showing system faults shipwide." Data: (poking at his tricorder) "Captain, the beam worked. The enemy ship is without power. They are working on restoring systems, but by my calculations it will be at least 30 minutes until they have weapons, shields or propulsion." Worf: "We have another problem sir. The ship is still drifting towards the planet. At it's current velocity, it will impact in 6 minutes." Riker: "A ship that size, moving at that speed, will obliterate all life on the surface." Picard: "Mr. Worf, tractor beam?" Worf: "Negative sir. Weapons, shields and tractor beam are all offline." (Geordi and Data enter the bridge.) Geordi: "Damage control is responding, but it will take at least 10 minutes to get those systems back online." Riker: "Options" (silence) Chief O'Brien: (Over the com) - "Captain, the transporters are still working." Riker: "We can't take an away team over there. 6 people vs. 50 thousand?!" CoB: "I wasn't thinking about beaming over an away team sir." (On the bridge, hangar deck and engine room of the ISS. As people run around trying to restore power, there is an electronic hum and a bright light as three torpedoes materialize and detonate. From the bridge of the Enterprise, the ISS explodes into millions of pieces of debris, each no larger than a shuttlecraft. As the debris hits the atmosphere, it burns briefly before ceasing to exist. In the ready room, the senior staff sit quietly.) Picard: "50 thousand lives. I just ordered the destruction of 50 thousand lives." Worf: "Sir, THEY were the aggressors." Data: "Captain, the math is clear, 50 thousand or 4 million." Riker: "We've recovered their pilots and a few hundred survivors who made it to escape pods before the ship burned up in the atmosphere. We've converted Cargo Bay 1 and 2 into a makeshift brig." Dr. Crusher: "A number of the crew appear to be clones. - Our own casualties are light. Mostly burns and broken bones. Lieutenant Barkley was knocked out when the holodeck exploded." Geordie: "We'll have shields and propulsion within the hour. The deflector and warp core will be operational within four hours. We'll need some time in drydock to fix all the burned out systems and repair the structural damage." Riker: "We can drop off our prisoners at Deep Space Nine en route to Utopia Planetia. A few of them are talking, but most of them are in shock. I don't think they're accustomed to loosing battles. Hopefully Starfleet intelligence can find out where they come from and what they want." Picard: (turn chair and looks out the window of the ready room) "I think... we've not seen the last of this... 'Empire'." (Fade to Black)
@rbinatorr7761 4 жыл бұрын
Fr. Robert Ballecer, SJ That is precisely what would happen. Well done Bob 👍🏻
@Nick4kz 4 жыл бұрын
I was so into this story. Maybe you should do the video !
@XDMarine 4 жыл бұрын
Well done! I said that the ISS would win until this! Mind Changed.
@shaunfrazier38 4 жыл бұрын
Brilliantly done!
@emilyminer9706 4 жыл бұрын
I love this
@Rindiculousfun 4 жыл бұрын
Should do what happens when a storm trooper and Red shirt get in a fight. The stormtrooper misses every shot but the red shirt still dies
@3Rayfire 4 жыл бұрын
@tonuahmed4227 4 жыл бұрын
@joeclaridy 4 жыл бұрын
I want to disagree with your argument but I can't.🤷‍♂️
@jessegitchell8114 4 жыл бұрын
A classic truth
@21April853BC 4 жыл бұрын
The red shirt trips and falls.
@josephrogers1282 5 жыл бұрын
I love that you spend the first ~4 minutes diplomatically saying "calm down everyone, they're both fictional"
@weredrgn 4 жыл бұрын
Indeed it is needed, both fan groups are pretty aggressive in this topic.
@sporkstar1911 4 жыл бұрын
Star trek wins Phasers are pinpoint accurate and an exotic damage type, and the Range is a significant factor, ships frequently fire on each other at ranges where they have to request magnification on the viewfinder to identify who it is. "Target their weapons and shield generators" (Cue star trek wrath of khan style internal explosions and heavy internal casualties, star destroyer is crippled and starts moving adrift with visible sparks crawling across it like it was hit with an ion cannon) Enterprise circles around and fires aft Photon Torpedoes on the Thrusters of the star destroyer. Blasting the whole back half of the ship off due to internal explosions and the power of the torpedoes (they use antimatter, effectively are like the antimatter charges used by the covenant, known to detonate for a yield of 20-50 Kilotons each) An unscrupulous captain like Khan or the Admiral from Into Darkness has no problem doing the damage. Id imagine a single photon torpedo being directed at the Bridge Tower of the star destroyer after the shields were down, cratering or blasting the whole apparatus off. Even if the star destroyer managed to open fire, the imperials onboard would telegraph their moves by commanding to surrender and submit to boarding, giving the starfleet crew ample time to target key systems. Evasive maneuvers engaged, very few additional hits, turbolaser arcs of fire avoided - and the Enterprise opens fire while evading causing the above damage to the star destroyer. While gaining a healthy distance from it. Shields likely not drained any appreciable amount. Another issue not often considered is material strength. The alloys used in star wars may seem tougher than modern day stuff but not out of this world in any way - they just have huge infrastructure to spam the material. Meanwhile the stuff used in star trek is so strong its pretty much only undone by disintegrating phasers and antimatter explosions, or literally ramming the damn ship.
@Fosten12 4 жыл бұрын
​@@weredrgn I love both franchises but the Star Wars Ship will melt the Enterprise. But i think the Tech in the Star Trek universe is more advanced.
@histguy101 4 жыл бұрын
@@sporkstar1911 maybe, but not the ent D. Even Voyager could destroy the ent D
@IgnatiaWildsmith1227 3 жыл бұрын
@@histguy101 well voyager was way more advanced than the enterprise d
@trafichat 3 жыл бұрын
The USS Enterprise would have won because they are the protagonists' ship, and the plot demands that the bad guys lose.
@wolfgangBuonarotti 3 жыл бұрын
literally inescapable.
@iKnownot999 3 жыл бұрын
This is the most true argument on here
@kennantjessavi4241 3 жыл бұрын
Unless it's the beginning of the movie... Protagonist need to suffer first before rising up.
@commanderpondscc-4112 3 жыл бұрын
Plot armor. To put it simply.
@Yurixyz 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, because in star wars it has never happened that a storm trupper's/fighter pilots hit everything but the protagonists it seems that the plot shield is everywhere
@hlalakar4156 7 жыл бұрын
The answer ultimately comes down to what imaginary version of physics you are using; star wars or star trek.
@traceystevens7720 7 жыл бұрын
I agree with ya. it's sci-fy. along a physics argument I think that star wars is more "believable" then star trek.
@jpg_sig10 7 жыл бұрын
Star Trek is science fiction fantasy, and it's writers and producers endeavor to show at least some deference to real science and physics. ST takes the trouble to offer somewhat plausible explanations, and establish a set of limitations on canon lore. ST fans demand to know why and how ST lore is and works. ST is about exploration, and improving quality of life for all peaceful species. Space combat takes a back seat in ST. The overwhelming majority on live action canon screen time in ST features peaceful new discovery or peaceful crisis resolution, not space combat. Star Wars is pure and simple space fantasy. Things happen in SW stories just because the writers and producers put it in. SW is like comic books and cartoons in live action on the silver screen, pretty much anything one can make up goes, no need to rationalize or justify, it just is because someone said so. The fans eat it up. Just look at how the SW fans freaked out over meta chlorines when they were introduced in "The Phantom Menace" in an attempt to explain / quantify the nature of the force. SW fans wanted none of it. SW is a lot of space fantasy eye candy, mindless action, cowboys and indians with ray guns (blasters). SW is purely about space fantasy fun, without much care for the how or why of it. IMHO, Star Wars (premiered in 1977) is more fun, but Star Trek (premiered in 1964) is smarter.
@176bammm 6 жыл бұрын
Yup, Star Trek is the way to go for everything! Star wars has "Space Jets, and Space Magic !"
@LouisKing995 6 жыл бұрын
JPGgoSIG10 Star Trek is filled with bullshit science as well, it’s far from the hard science fiction of say Isaac Asimov.
@176bammm 6 жыл бұрын
Trajan @...But, Not so BS for a scifi serial that uses "Space Jets, and Space Magic...?" Hello , SW...Awaken SW FanOBI.....
@rustyshackelford3590 5 жыл бұрын
You know what’s a better fight then these two space ships duking it out? Watching the fight between the two different nerd factions in the comments.
@tgr.4550 4 жыл бұрын
@xaxuelx7987 4 жыл бұрын
Yah... its quite entertaining... been going on since 77
@forestjohnson7474 4 жыл бұрын
Thats simple, I've answered this before. Star Trek has several advantages, but they only need 1 letter....Q!
@clarkstrange2142 4 жыл бұрын
Forest Johnson there are reality warpers in Star Wars too
@Xtravia9 4 жыл бұрын
The way Star Wars is going Disney will probably come up with a galaxy destroyer weapon as a trump card.
@samuelwebster4114 3 жыл бұрын
Enterprise D also has overpowered plot armour, the Star destroyer doesn't stand a chance against that overpowered defence 😂
@valor1omega 3 жыл бұрын
No that would be the overrated defiant. The crap it shrugged off due to plot armor would have Destroyed or crippled the D.
@valor1omega 3 жыл бұрын
@BuyingAthlete 78 But it also depends on the person as well. Kirk lost one ship and heavily crippled another that put it out of commission permanently. Picard lost one ship(good riddance) and had another heavily damaged. The only reason why they destroyed the Defiant was because they painted themselves into a corner and sisko was becoming a Mary Sue as was his ship so they knocked him down a few pegs and destroyed the ship. Voy oh good God that was a bad show. The ship not protected by plot armor but by a plot god. Luke should have been killed once once but twice but protected by plot so thick that they just called it space magic. Vader is well Vader, he was protected by plot until he wasn't.
@valor1omega 3 жыл бұрын
@@ClarkMakesCringe Truth hurts ;)
@darthnick1516 3 жыл бұрын
jokes on you vader would be on the star destroyer we have a match.
@YunoGasaiMC2012 2 жыл бұрын
Bruh, it got wrecked by Klingon Bird of Preys in multiple timelines.
@facelessman9224 3 жыл бұрын
"Worf, target their weapons!" "Ughhhhh..... Which ones, captain??"
@granudisimo 3 жыл бұрын
Lmao XD. It means scanning the SD's systems to locate and damage the power distribution to their weapons systems as much as possible, to overall decrease the enemy ship's firepower more efficiently than targeting individual weapons.
@ravenmoon5111 3 жыл бұрын
Worf, target the shield generators.. Yes Captain. Now a good phaser shot should remove the entire conning tower
@cervantesnetwork8137 3 жыл бұрын
Good one 👍
@K0RIEDAWAY 3 жыл бұрын
@Satanic Microchip v3 no
@K0RIEDAWAY 3 жыл бұрын
@Satanic Microchip v3 I disagree
@robertshort9487 5 жыл бұрын
Now I have watched it and WHAT? This makes no sense. You mention that the Enterprise can fire at greater distances and that it is FAR FAR FAR FAR faster sublight than the Star Destroyer. Thus the Star Destroyer NEVER fires at the Enterprise. You failed to point out that while the Star Destroyer is faster than the Enterprise while in Hyperspace, they can only enter it at specific points, while the Enterprise can warp anywhere it wants.
@joeclaridy 4 жыл бұрын
Technically there is hyperspace in the Trekverse in the form of the Borg conduits. There are other non hyperspace but equally fast if not faster modes of travel in the Trekverse such as the Caretakers Array in Voyager, the wormhole in DS9 and the spore drives in Discovery. That being said I totally agree with your assessment. The firepower used in the Star Wars is phenomenal BUT it does not compare to the firepower in Star Trek. The Trek shields are impervious to laser cannon fire but are vulnerable to phasers and disruptors. If we were to use the Imperial II Star Destroyer firepower against the Enterprise D then most of the star destroyers compliment wouldn't penetrate the Enterprise shields except the blasters which theoretically works on similar principles as a disruptor. In the Trek verse planetary weapons has predate the formation of the Federation which means in theory if the Federation wanted to they could equip each galaxy class ship with said weapons. In Star Trek Enterprise, the Xindi created a probe that was shown to destroy an entire planet. Thankfully the NX-01 captured and destroyed the probe but right after scanning it for its technical blueprints. This was 200 years prior to the Enterprise D construction. The Enterprise D phasers can cut through the Crust of a planet and reach the core which it was shown on several occasions to have done. Penetrating the shields and armor of a star destroyer would be child's play.
@xanderprentice1740 4 жыл бұрын
Uhm warp speed is faster than hyperspeed
@xanderprentice1740 4 жыл бұрын
@@joeclaridy transwarp is the word you are looking for also it isn't hyperspace. Whilst it is in fact faster than hyperspace transwarp is not in anyway in it's own dimension. Hyperspace is however in it's own dimension
@Vermonstered 4 жыл бұрын
@Sean LAM [13Y1] It doesn't matter. Star Destroyers still can't turn. Go ahead and keep jumping in and out of hyperspace in a straight line... Enterprise would just stay behind it, where no Star Destroyer guns are, and blast away. If the Star Destroyer tries to run it's basically doomed as every single weapons system on it is designed to shoot forward and physically can't shoot backward without shooting through its own hull.
@joeclaridy 4 жыл бұрын
@Sean LAM [13Y1] what happened to hyperlanes?
@MrHammy192 4 жыл бұрын
Enterprise E is a battle ship designed to take on the Borg Dis science
@Tullaryx 3 жыл бұрын
I think that's why it wasn't picked. While he said he wasn't as knowledgeable of the Enterprise-E as that of the -d....there's actually more official information on the Enterprise-E's stats than that of the D. He picked a glass-cannon over that of a dedicated warship.
@MrHammy192 3 жыл бұрын
ArleighTSL yh most likely mate
@valor1omega 3 жыл бұрын
@@Tullaryx He isn't even that knowledgeable of the D or it's abilities. Generation tech knows more about the D than this KZbinr.
@LoneWolf0568 3 жыл бұрын
I would actually give the fight to the Enterprise for two reasons, maneuverability and weapon arcs. A majority of the Star Destroyers weapons are laterally and forward mounted. IF the Enterprise could use its superior maneuverability to stay BEHIND and above of the Star Destroyer, then it would be an easy kill.
@chrisblinman9150 2 жыл бұрын
The only answer in favour of the Enterprise that actually makes sense.
@noxsoftpaw5511 2 жыл бұрын
Could just split the ship into the dish and engines parts, the dish area would probably die but the loss of mass and need to power half the ship should help the other half stay behind and hammer at the back
@RunnerX13 Жыл бұрын
You know all space battles happen on the same axis and head to head 😂
@LoneWolf0568 Жыл бұрын
@@RunnerX13 Not in the Wrath of Khan. Spock noted that Khan's thinking was "2 dimensional". And in the Series Finale of The Next Generation, Riker comes in BELOW the Klingons ships with the Enterprise D Dreadnaught.
@RunnerX13 Жыл бұрын
@@LoneWolf0568 it was a joke on 99.9% of sci-fi
@Aeradom2000 7 жыл бұрын
So the US military could defeat a Star Destroyer but the flagship of the Federation fleet couldn't? What sort of logic is that?
@Idazmi7 7 жыл бұрын
Nonsense logic, since Enterprise can easily destroy the surface of the Earth.
@scottanderson1170 7 жыл бұрын
No, it can depopulate the surface of the Earth. Even then it has to create a specific set of condition in the atmosphere and ignite the atmosphere to do so.
@darkwolf4434 7 жыл бұрын
Damian EckhartsLadder could make the video a victory to the Star Destroyer the Star Destroyer could easily beat the US militairy if it was in space
@176bammm 7 жыл бұрын
AngelDyne @-You don't have full understanding of Trek Tech...Why would Starfleet "Nuke" anything...Especially, if such weapons are old an antiquated! Since standard Photon Torpedoes packed an matter/anti matter warhead...equal to 64 , or more megatons....?
@procinctu1 7 жыл бұрын
That is fanboy logic.
@rebelscum9783 3 жыл бұрын
The Enterprise has safety railings, something the Empire hasn’t figured out.
@325xitgrocgetter 3 жыл бұрын
Star Trek and the Enterprise does have the hazard of computer console explosions....
@theprinceofalllightskins5093 3 жыл бұрын
@@325xitgrocgetter the enterprise would get wrecked 🥲
@valor1omega 3 жыл бұрын
@@theprinceofalllightskins5093 Not at all. The Enterprise has weapons, range, speed, shields, advanced sensors/targeting systems, ect. The only thing the isd has is it's hyperspace drive and that means nothing in sublight speed combat. The isd and it's tie fighters are slow and short range. The newest version (predating secret hideout std) the phaser range was like 250k range and the torpedoes have 500k range. SW weapon ranges are 100 to 1k at best. Also trek weapons don't lose damage potential ether at max range. Game set match, ST wins. Thanks for playing.
@kennyscrub9568 3 жыл бұрын
@@valor1omega star wars definitely wins the enterprise won't do shit against this massive killing machine
@valor1omega 3 жыл бұрын
@@kennyscrub9568 You have given no reason other than your fanboy reason. Explain. The Enterprise has range, speed, advanced technology, better shielding, and so on. The empire cannot compete with anything that the Enterprise has. Yes in going from point A to point B the empire has that but at sublight speed trek ships out class the SW ships. Not even your fastest ships in SW could catch the Enterprise let along get into range. The SW ships have been stated in the past to have maximum range of a few thousand at best. Also it takes a bunch of isds to devoid a planet of life in several hours. The Enterprise can do that as well but in a fraction of the time. So if we are going by raw fire power clearly the D has more than the isd. Something else, people love to bring up the astroid section of the movie and has that as proof of raw power. In Star Trek the motion picture Kirk ordered them to fire at an astroid of the same size with phasers. However he didn't know about the upgrades to the ship that ran phasers through the warp engine making them far more deadly. Thus using torpedoes instead. So that means that the original Enterprise could pack the same punch without upgrades. Imagine how much more powerful Phasers are in TNG? You know a ship with ranges that the empire cannot compete with. Enterprise wins. Now by all means I look forward to your counter argument.
@xanderprentice1740 4 жыл бұрын
The Enterprise D has phaser strips which gave it a 360° firing arc so it does not require as many weapons
@BrooklynRedLeg 4 жыл бұрын
Only the dorsal array has that ability. In fact, the Enterprise-D has 2 blind spots: the ventral hull behind the navigational deflector array, but forward of the aft torpedo launcher as well as above the aft torpedo launcher all the way up to just below the dorsal phaser array
@Idazmi7 4 жыл бұрын
@@BrooklynRedLeg They can shoot you from both those places.
@robbomegavlkafenryka6158 4 жыл бұрын
Xander Prentice the ISD is about 9 times it’s size.
@digitalis2977 4 жыл бұрын
@@robbomegavlkafenryka6158 Less than 3 times its length, actually.
@robbomegavlkafenryka6158 4 жыл бұрын
Andrew King size as in tonnage. Doesn’t matter if you’re ship is seven kilometers long if it’s two meters tall and three meters wide.
@calkestis4947 5 жыл бұрын
Um. The biggest intangible: the Enterprise can fly circles around a Star Destroyer. The ISD is a snail. Enterprise can maneuver so much better.
@blazerocker1734 5 жыл бұрын
Sounds right to me. EckhartsLadder forgot about the reduced visibility the ISD II has to the rear. With a skilled Captain and helmsman the Enterprise D can sneak in behind, out of targeting arcs of most of the ISD's weapons, and then melt the command section or engines to slag.
@chaotic9157 5 жыл бұрын
Not really. If you want to make the argument the he forgot something, the SD has TIE fighters. They would be able to attack the enterprise at will. And it is incredibly accurate with its hundreds of guns. Just look at the end of Rogue One when Vader arrives. That one SD destroyed most of the rebel fleet.
@blazerocker1734 5 жыл бұрын
Actually, not really either. If you follow the targeting ability of the Enterprise's phasers against unshielded fighters as seen in the Season 5 episode 'Conundrum' the Enterprise can wipe out TIE squadrons without much effort. As long as the TIEs stay tight the phaser arrays could even be set for a wider dispersion to simply disable closer groups rather than outright incinerate individual ships. All the Enterprise has to do is to clear a path for short range worp, do a Picard Maneuver or two to get in close to the engines and then blast the SD to slag. - Of course actually pulling this off depends on the quick thinking of the command staff at the time and the reflexes of the helmsman and tactical officers. If any of those aren't up to snuff then the battle remains even.
@philipbahia7139 4 жыл бұрын
I totally agree,the Enterprise is faster.
@fin8426 4 жыл бұрын
Also, the enterprise will be able to find the resonant frequency of the SD 2s shields, and change phaser frequency, like seen in TNG, when fighting the Borg they set their phaser frequency to random patterns so they can't adapt as fast.
@lefr33man 3 жыл бұрын
"WTF, there're shooting lasers at us!" "Just beam a photon torpedo on their bridge". Jokes aside, the Star Destroyer is based on WWI & WW2 Warfare with a doctrine of inaccurate volume of fire, whereas the Enterprise-D weapon doctrine seem to be based on at least the cold war era, with less numerous but highly accurate strikes due to the advances in firing control systems. The SD *may* hit the E, but the E *will* hit the SD every time it fires. The E can strike repeated hits with pinpoint accuracy everywhere on the SD, on the engines, the shield generators, the bridge, pick off the turbolasers one by one, hell, even draw a dickbutt on the hull with a continued phaser beam. I think for that reason alone, the Enterprise has the upper edge.
@JoannaJedrzejczyksForehead 3 жыл бұрын
No, fighters. The enterprise doesn’t have them.
@kennethhall289 3 жыл бұрын
@@JoannaJedrzejczyksForehead Correct the Enterprise is a Battleship and a Star Destroyer is a Carrier.
@JoannaJedrzejczyksForehead 3 жыл бұрын
@@kennethhall289 yes, and Nimitz proved that carriers are the pinnacle of naval warfare.
@chaost4544 3 жыл бұрын
@@JoannaJedrzejczyksForehead on the ocean. Much different scenario in space where the Enteprise D has superior firing range and overall better projection range than the Star Destroyer and it's tie fighters.
@valor1omega 3 жыл бұрын
@@chaost4544 Not to forget faster as well. The tos Enterprise phaser range was cited in journey to bable to be 80k range. Torpedoes was stated to have a range of 150k and shown on screen when it Destroyed Nomad a craft the same size as the weakness of the death star at max range. A feat not even Luke could pull off at close range without space magic to make the hit. Nothing on screen has yet to counter those ranges.
@nicholasfarrell5981 5 жыл бұрын
I'd like to see a comparison of Thrawn and Picard.
@KyleStroudVA 4 жыл бұрын
Now that'd be a cool matchup!
@3Rayfire 4 жыл бұрын
That's sexy.
@kekkomartin5848 4 жыл бұрын
@@3Rayfire Also totally 1 sided. The only commander I'd say could make an ISD beat the Enterprise is Thrawn.
@kaedehara3645 4 жыл бұрын
yes i'd like to see this...
@kaedehara3645 4 жыл бұрын
Kekko Martin Bruh, in this video eckhartsladder just said the star destroyer is better...
@shannondwhite 4 жыл бұрын
The funny part is that they both used to exist in the same universe. That is, until the Emperor ticked off the Q.
@kpag3030 3 жыл бұрын
That’s interesting
@Tommy-pv1vh 3 жыл бұрын
Ah yes the standard blame q
@indytiberius 3 жыл бұрын
Same universe, different galaxy.
@felixcintron395 3 жыл бұрын
@@indytiberius far, far away.
@felixcintron395 3 жыл бұрын
@Atheos B. Sapien a long time ago.
@TemplarMan131 4 жыл бұрын
Star Trek may be technologically superior, but we have THE SENATE HIMSELF
@crook7493 4 жыл бұрын
Clitx Pl4sma Wrong.
@crook7493 4 жыл бұрын
Clitx Pl4sma 👎
@crook7493 4 жыл бұрын
Clitx Pl4sma Do you even know anything about Star Wars or Star Trek?
@crook7493 4 жыл бұрын
Clitx Pl4sma so you're biased.
@TemplarMan131 4 жыл бұрын
Wait wut the hell is happening
@gwalchgwynwlisc1706 3 жыл бұрын
Worf: “Enemy is powering lasers” Riker: *mockingly* “Lasers?”
@v3rlon 3 жыл бұрын
Riker ‘status?’ Worf; “Enemy has fired weapons. Estimating time to impact. The computer appears to be in error.’ Data: ‘The computer is correct. If we remain here, the fire from those weapons will pass by our location harmlessly in 6 months, 12 days, 9 hours, and 47 minutes.’ Riker: ‘6 MONTHS to impact’ Data: ‘technically, they will never impact as all weapons fire will miss’ Riker: ‘you’re saying they fired 100 warning shots?’ Data: ‘No sir. This appears to be the limit of their accuracy.’ Riker: ‘who are these clowns? Target engines and weapons systems only.’
@bobjoebo8933 3 жыл бұрын
He would actually say that
@bobjoebo8933 3 жыл бұрын
@@v3rlon Yes
@Rocket1377 Жыл бұрын
No, they actually have 60 Turbolasers and 60 Ion Cannons, plus 10 Tractor Beams to ensnare enemy ships. Despite the name, they do not fire lasers, rather they fire a plasma bolt, similar to other Star Wars blasters, using gas as a power source. Laser beams are used to guide them to their target. The Ion Cannons are used to disable enemy shields.
@KOBUN40 5 жыл бұрын
Picard's diplomacy would have prevented the fight in the first place.
@Kolonol1 4 жыл бұрын
Doubt it ..we should assume they are already ready to blow the shit out of everyone ..
@valiatus6719 4 жыл бұрын
You really wanna make that argument against the Militaristic Empire?
@Kolonol1 4 жыл бұрын
@joeclaridy 4 жыл бұрын
@@valiatus6719 you are totally correct. There is no such word as diplomacy in the imperial dictionary.
@FreezeBombGaming 4 жыл бұрын
But then the Senate is the Senate
@cory6266 4 жыл бұрын
"Holy shit sir, they barely have deflector shields!" "How quaint. Number One, beam a photon torpedo onto their bridge."
@TheReaverOfDarkness 4 жыл бұрын
I don't think they can beam things through deflector shields. Even a simple jammer can disrupt the transporter.
@cory6266 4 жыл бұрын
@@TheReaverOfDarkness Not through, exactly. Star Wars shields don't surround the ship. Remember when the Falcon was escaping the Death Star and Chewie had to angle the shields to keep them between the ship and the fighters? If the shields don;t fully surround the ship, a Federation transporter can get around them, and boom, antimatter charges on the bridge and inside the main reactor.
@TheReaverOfDarkness 4 жыл бұрын
@@cory6266 If you've seen many other sci-fi shows and games, it is fairly standard of energy shields that they can be angled if you choose to, enabling a higher amount of strength in the direction of incoming attack without increasing their overall strength. You can also see this in some Star Wars games such as X-Wing. I don't see any reason to believe that any section of the Star Destroyer is ever not covered by SOME shielding. After all, the ships in Star Trek are covered in shielding even when their combat shields go down.
@cory6266 4 жыл бұрын
@@TheReaverOfDarkness I have, very many. The difference in SW is, there's a visual representation of Chewie angling the shields, it's displayed on a screen in the Falcon's cockpit, and the shields are two flat planes that maneuver around the ship, with gaps at the edges. And this is true for Star Destroyers as well, considering an A-Wing's tiny blasters were able to take out the deflector generator for the bridge of the Executor. It didn't shoot through the shield, the shield was not angled to guard against that direction at that moment.
@cory6266 4 жыл бұрын
@Joseph Douek You can see the shields being angled here, and that they don't encompass the ship.
@johnpierce7551 3 жыл бұрын
Photon torpedos carry warp sustainer engines and have ranges in the hundreds of thousands to 1.5 million kilometer range in the TNG era. The enterprise could make some high speed warp runs outside of gun range and pepper the SD with torpedo barrages. When the shields get weakened, it can park directly behind the wedge and fire into it's back. I agree that the enterprise would be toast if if parked in front of star destroyer, but there is absolutely no way a SD wins in a turn battle with anyone and it's complete lack of weapon coverage on it's flank make it a sitting duck. The SD needs support to cover it's flanks or it loses to anything that is more maneuverable as long as the challenger's weapons are strong enough to break the star destroyer's shields with enough time.
@alexandarvoncarsteinzarovi3723 2 жыл бұрын
You forgot to take into account deep space scanners and gravity well generators, denying its mid warp jump if a modern star destroyer has those, more exactly Imperial 2.5 model pattern, it can create enough engine drag that would cook the Enterprise if it tried to jump,
@huntster1701 2 жыл бұрын
@@alexandarvoncarsteinzarovi3723 Why would Star Wars Interdictors have any effect on Star Trek ships? ST vessels routinely go to warp well within planetary gravity wells. There's either much more going on with Interdictors than suggested (i.e. they're just being handwavey), or they would have little to no effect on a ST ship.
@alexandarvoncarsteinzarovi3723 2 жыл бұрын
@@huntster1701German Space Magic! Duh! It's based on comparisons and notes also both Hyperdrive engines have been called Warp drives
@alexandarvoncarsteinzarovi3723 2 жыл бұрын
@@StallionStudios1234 If you can warp in time, keep in mind rapid or quick warp jumps have caused a cascade failure to most types of engines,
@melchiorvonsternberg844 Жыл бұрын
@@alexandarvoncarsteinzarovi3723 That's not even necessary! The Federation has the ability to cloak while simultaneously flying through massive matter. Of course the Empire is screwed...
@navygrizman 5 жыл бұрын
Star Destroyers are taken out by a hand full of X-Wings.
@kevinwarner3771 4 жыл бұрын
And there you go,,,damn snub fighters tear Warz apart but this fool thinks Phaser Banks from 300K kilometers away AND Photon Torpedos can't get through shielding...not to mention REAL SHIELDS!!!
@mmyatt9560 4 жыл бұрын
Ever notice that there are almost no fighters in trek
@digitalis2977 4 жыл бұрын
@Shayne Duke Which can't track fast enough to shoot at snubfighters...much less a ship moving at 1/4 the speed of light at an oblique angle. A Star Destroyer could only hit a Galaxy Class if her helm were incredibly stupid or the gunnery crews on the Star Destroyer were unfathomably lucky.
@crackgoat9780 4 жыл бұрын
Yes amazing that a handful of x-wings can do what the plot needs them to do for the sake of the plot. It’s like complaining that John McClain would have died when terrorists shot at him with automatic weapons or that air ducts aren’t big enough for a grown man to fit in.
@digitalis2977 4 жыл бұрын
@@crackgoat9780 Care to ask the Imperial Japanese Navy how many ships they lost to a "handful of aircraft"? IJN Akagi's death was decided by three dive bombers; one Miss, one Near Miss, and one Hit. Two 1000 pound bombs from three planes (the only two sizable pieces of ordinance to get anywhere near it) from a whopping three planes sealed the fate of the second most powerful aircraft carrier in the world.
@Aetrion 7 жыл бұрын
The one giant benchmark for weapon power that I would point out for the two universes is what a hand phaser vs. a blaster pistol can do. A hand phaser can literally vaporize people or solid metal objects in less than a second, while a blaster bolt seems to have about the lethality of a large caliber bullet, something in the range of a .50 cal. The levels of power output aren't even remotely comparable. If you assume that the amount of energy that weapons in these universes can put out scales comparably to ship born weaponry then it's not even a contest, Enterprise vs. Deathstar would be closer in respective firepower.
@176bammm 7 жыл бұрын
Aetrion @ Absolutely! Primitive by Federation standards, SW Blasters. Blast tech pistols require multiple "ammunition" sources to function. Such as, a blaster battery pack, and Tibanana Gas cartridges...Where, say a Type 2 Pulse Phaser from TOS: The Wrath of Khan had a self-regenerating, internal sacrum krelleid battery...And we seen how POWERFUL it was. When "Possessed" Capt. Terrell Vaporized a science Tech. from the Genesis project...And then proceeded to Disintegrate himself...
@G3rain1 7 жыл бұрын
lol. A TNG type II hand phaser will vaporize a person on setting 8. It goes up to setting 16. And the power does not scale linearly.
@176bammm 7 жыл бұрын
Geo @ "Yeah, down with the rabid, Star Waries of the clan FanOBI ! Take THAT Star Wars Fanboy base ! Washed up worse than Anakin Skywalker !" " Trekkies, set Phaser$ to level 7 3/4 ! To flambe ! We still have a lot of "Dark Space Magic" to get rid of !!!!" :-)
@G3rain1 7 жыл бұрын
Gerry C No they didn't. At max setting a TNG Type II phaser can vaporizer a building.
@G3rain1 7 жыл бұрын
It was only that one particular type of phaser that was banned, not vaporizing phasers in general, because that one vaporized in a slow and very painful way so it was considered cruel. A Starfleet issue type II hand phaser has 16 power settings. The first 3 are stun only, no damage. 4 and 5 cause serious injuries, 6 and upwards are lethal, and 8 is enough to completely vaporize a person. Above that you start getting in to ridiculous amounts of damage: Vaporizing several meters thick rock walls, small unshielded vehicles and even entire buildings at setting 16. The reason they typically "only knock someone down" is because they are rarely set higher than stun, or in a war situation, 4 or 5. The Federation is a benevolent organization after all. In fact most phasers have a safety that detects when they are on board a starship and limits itself to the lower settings only. There are plenty examples of hand pasers vaporizing plenty of stuff, including people, on TNG, DS9 and VOY.
3 жыл бұрын
Star Trek capital ships move way faster than Star Wars fighters. Star Wars weapons are manually targeted. Unless the gunners are Force-sensitive, even hitting the Enterprise would require a miracle.
@CodeAndGin 3 жыл бұрын
I mean I'm on the star trek side of this debate but it's not a stretch that the turrets on a Star destroyer would have targeting ais while not being manned. (I am no star wars nerd, in fact I think the entire series is pretty dumb, at least outside of video games, just a personal opinion I see why others enjoy it). In Star Wars Battlefront 2, the good one, not the new one, I'm fairly certain that one of the interior things you can blow up if you manage to land on a ship is a targeting computer. Could be wrong there tho and also I imagine that game isn't exactly considered canon lol.
@randomaccount-dq1jq 3 жыл бұрын
The main bennefits of Star wars more than anything else is resources, Star wars is in a galaxy where somehow almost every planet seems inhabited and is able to easily be mined. Star Trek habitable planets are very few and uninhabitable planets face large issues to bennefit from any resources possible. Thanks to this Star wars has an unimaginable humanoid resource and item resource.
@millistiah874 3 жыл бұрын
the troopers manning the turbolasers manage to still hit small fighters such as x wings or the arc-170. The enterprise is fast yes, but its huge, and its saucer section is literally a bullseye with the bridge in the middle, this silhouette only being made larger by the shape of the shields they employ. A single turbolaser firing can miss yes, but what about 80 of them? As the author said this is an extremely unfair fight, in their own right each ship is beyond impressive, however the star destroyer is a WARship, while the enterprise is a science vessel capable of defending itself. Speaking on terms of the crew however, there is absolutely zero question that the enterprise has a vastly more skilled crew, and I believe the federation has better technology as well. That all being said, I actually think this is a close fight, the star destroyer will take pretty damn good damage, however ultimately the enterprise cannot keep up with the blanket of fire that the destroyer puts out... also I disagree with the author in the sense that the fighters would not be effective, sure they have peashooters by comparison but if the enterprise's engines take a hit (which lets be honest we've seen the show, they do) the fighters could swarm and take out the phaser arrays and torpedo tubes with relative ease. Sorry for the essay.
@randomaccount-dq1jq 3 жыл бұрын
@@millistiah874 The Enterprise is a science vessel capable of defending its self ? That is just utter nonsense..... We all know its really just a future version of 'murder on the orient express' / apartment complex really
@captaingeneraltrajann509 3 жыл бұрын
@@millistiah874 Yes but the enterprise is massively faster than any fighter in the Star Wars universe (like absolute velocity being in the range of 1-50% the speed of light) and has massive acceleration advantage over those fighters as well. Not to mention the massive range advantage. In fact the enterprise outs stats a star destroyer in nearly every way possible except for the number of weapons on board, the crew complement, and overall size. I mean if you look at the stats for either you see that the enterprise takes it in terms of shot for shot firepower (this is also by a wide margin), weapons range (this ones like a 60x margin), speed, shield capability, platform flexibility, acceleration, etc. This is like the HMS Victoria versus Type 143a Gepard Class, the Victoria simply does not have the necessary weapons to hit the Gepard Class yet the Gepard can pound it to dust with the 76mm and Anti ship Missiles from out side it’s range. Being a warship doesn’t preclude it from being massively out stated.
@benjaminbeausoleil6124 Жыл бұрын
"The federation never fires first", that I think is one major weakness of them.
@dgerdi 3 жыл бұрын
Photon Torpedoes were specifically developed to do harm on an enemy vessel while your own ship is on warp.
@tehice23 4 жыл бұрын
Regarding firepower: Lets forget star trek has torpedos for a moment. One overloaded pulse canon from nx-01 made a big crater on a moon, 300years prior to Enterprise D, Enterprise D cut inside a planet's core in moments... I would say those phasers can be insanely powerful jet precise. I don't know what to think about star destroyers weapons, i think i saw star wars ships destroy asteroids, but i don't remember destroying something directly comparable, like a moon, planet etc (excluding death star). Orbital bombardent/making a planet uninhabitable is easy, we have this capability for almost 50 years so its nothing to brag about. Regarding shields: we see star trek ship from tos era forward beeing hit by solar flares, explosions of some nebula gases and other cosmic events etc etc... didnt see anything like that in star wars movies.. please someone correct and point me where cases like this occur. Two totally different universes, too little directly comparable data. Star trek ships feel more advanced and highly adaptable, star wars ships feel like old sea frigates, strong, unmovable and powerful. This comparisons are kinda like asking "what is sweeter, paper or salt?" debatable but neverending :D
@acetheaxo7884 4 жыл бұрын
Lets forget the fact that star trek ships have nukes XD
@Vermonstered 4 жыл бұрын
The funny thing is you didn't even mention maneuverability and gun placement. Which universe ships are more agile? Star Trek by a mile because of use of inertial dampers. The Enterprise can turn on a dime rotate independently of movement direction. Star Wars capital ships crash into each other all the time because they can't stop or turn or even move enough to force a Rebel fighter to crash into them when the fighter is only feet off the surface of the hull. Then add in weapon placement, Star Trek has shown they can fire effectively in all directions. Slightly reduced toward the rear but no where near undefended. The rear of the Star Wars ships are completely undefended as all they have is the massive engines that dominate the rear of the ship. Hence ultimately with the Enterprise D with the maneuverability advantage and with the ability to fire in every direction and with Star Wars having a blind spot the Enterprise D wins every time. This isn't even a battle for the most part. As for people who want to argue about the fighter screens realize that 1) Tie fighters won't even dent the shields and 2) Star Trek targeting scanners have shown to have pinpoint accuracy tracking multiple targets firing in succession. So even before you try to measure which universe's weapons are more powerful it's a fairly easy determination to say that as long as the Enterprise weapons are powerful enough to eventually cut through the shields/armor of the Star Destroyer the fact there's little to no rear defenses on the Star Destroyer the Enterprise will win each and every time in a 1 on 1 battle.
@Thetailofthetrident 4 жыл бұрын
@@Vermonstered Amen! The guy who made this video was not using his thinking cap. I feel a bit of preference for a particular Universe/Franchise over another. I am not all that surprised fandom biases are a hard thing to overcome.
@xanderprentice1740 4 жыл бұрын
@@Vermonstered you're forgetting the fact that the Enterprise can also separate its saucer section to do double the damage
@Vermonstered 4 жыл бұрын
@@xanderprentice1740 Wouldn't say I forgot, more like why would you want to? There's a fairly big blindspot but fitting two ships in there is more difficult than one. Additionally you don't benefit from having two attack angles in this case so even if it did 'double' (I don't think it does but very well could be wrong as I'm not that technical) the firepower I'd argue the deciding factor in the fight isn't the firepower. It's the ability to sit right behind the enemy and blast away unchallenged even if it takes hours. Death by a thousand pricks is still death. 😜 More firepower would just make the fight end faster and be that much more overwhelming!
@popcrazyfishProductions 3 жыл бұрын
it has been shown that starships can shoot at warp speed in star trek
@northtexan95 3 жыл бұрын
Yep. This video tosses away every big advantage the Enterprise would have such as warp drive and transporters.
@RA10H56 3 жыл бұрын
Quite right, quantum and photon torpedoes
@anamericancelt6534 3 жыл бұрын
@@northtexan95 But can it hit a target in hyperspace?
@michaelcross7665 3 жыл бұрын
Warp speed is for travel or running away. This is a fight
@RA10H56 3 жыл бұрын
They made that technical distinction in Star Trek TMP, are the phasers limited to sub light speeds in the TNG era? I dont remember either way...
@spectre312 2 жыл бұрын
One point to consider in the Star Trek universe are their ships ability to target weapon shots with precision accuracy against specific systems. The advanced sensors that you mentioned in your video would come into play more prominently in that regard.
@tk5800thesecond Жыл бұрын
and star trek ships can make that precise shot from 200,000 to 300,000 km, the ISD is at most a generous 5000km
@imofage3947 Жыл бұрын
@@tk5800thesecond Battles like that are only ever talked about. We've never seen those kinds of long-range engagements depicted. Every ship-to-ship battle shown on screen is shown to be within ten km, including the fleet battles in DS9.
@imofage3947 Жыл бұрын
Interesting thing about all those precision weapons. The entire weapons array aboard every Starfleet ship is generally controlled by 1 guy. And small, rapidly maneuvering craft like SW snub fighters have been demonstrated to frustrate the weapons operators of all factions. Even the NX-01 Enterprise struggled to accurately target Suliban Cell ships and modified WW2 aircraft. And there was some dialogue related to that kind of tactical engagement where a rookie tactical officer missed a shot against a target that abruptly changed course.
@creed8712 Жыл бұрын
@@imofage3947I mean I wouldn’t something that compared to the D would be like at most a English Frigate from the 1700s compared to a Battleship circa 2022
@frogsaup Жыл бұрын
star wars ships can also target specific systems, that is not a very advanced feat
@p.c.windhamparanormalroman4339 3 жыл бұрын
Star Destroyer vs Wraith Hive Ship I would love to see that.
@nightwingaven69 3 жыл бұрын
because the star destroyer vs the Daedalus would be too much of a one sided fight.
@ajadomonique 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, I would love to see that
@anidiot2284 3 жыл бұрын
@@nightwingaven69 what about the Prometheus
@nightwingaven69 3 жыл бұрын
@@anidiot2284 Prometheus would get completely stomped. That ship was a pile of garbage
@crocodileguy4687 3 жыл бұрын
I'd be happy with anything stargate but a Wraith Hive seems like a good match up
@dr-sy1fs 6 жыл бұрын
Imo your analysis is flawed. An X-Wing fighter, with relatively weak (non-capital ship) and imprecise (point to shoot) cannons , is a potential threat to a Star Destroyer. Compared to the X-Wing, the Enterprises Phasers are by far, far more powerful capital ship weapons, and are by far, far more precise, able to hit small fast moving ships with ease and able hit ships beyond visual range or to target precise systems locations on larger ships. The Star Destroyer has many guns, but they can barely hit a frigate ship in plain sight thats not maneuvering and less than a couple kilometers away. Any engagement thats not a proximity battle is sporadic lucky shots. Sporadic lucky shots are a threat to Star Wars shields but not to Star Trek capital ships. The only way the enterprise would be in real trouble is if it would park itself next to the Star Destroyer broadside so that a large number of gunners would not miss. But the Enterprise has the sensors, combat speed and maneurability to make sure that would never happen and the Star Destroyer is essentially a big sitting duck. Heres how it would play out: The Enterprise scans the Star Destroyer when its beyond visual range and is surprised to see how exposed and easy to cripple is its bridge deflector shield. That its bridge is on an elevated silver plater. And that it has a huge weapons blind spot a few hundred kilometers straight behind it. The Star Destroyer lauches tie fighters to intercept, not realizing that, unlike a Star Destroyer, this ship's capital weapons will not miss them, its like sending lambs to the slaughter. But after a while, as the tie fighter pilots are manually figeting with their controls and turning a knob to prepare for the attack, just before the tie fighters get into range, the Enterprise does not even bother to swat them and warps, instantly appearing all the way to the other side of the Star Destroyer, fires several capital ship phasers into the bridge deflector shield with a quick phaser strike to the main sensor array and a salvo of photon torpedos right into the bridge. The crew guy does not even finish his sentence..."Sir, we just lost our" *boom!* . The clueless gunners are wondering why they cant see the ship that the tie fighter were supposed to attack, before they or the tie fighters pilots know whats happening, the Enterprise warps several hundred kilometers right behind the Star Destroyer and fires on the engines.The star destroyer is now immobilized, mostly blind, confused without command. The Enterprise rapidly manouvers to the ventral side staying beyond visual range and knocks out the ventral shield, largest turrets it can detect, and fires a salvo of photon torpedoes in the exposed hangar, then maneuvers around the large drifting derelict ship and fires on deflectors, turrets, and starts picking off one by one the tie fighters in the distance returning to the Star Destroyer. In the end, the tactical officer says "shields at 90%", and the Enterprise finishes off the Star Destroyer wreckage by teleporting 3 photon torpedoes rigged to detonate in 30 seconds inside the helpless Star Destroyer right next to the still intact main reactor and warps away as a bright ball of light briefly illuminates space in the distance behind them.
@mana6549 6 жыл бұрын
1 thing... i never saw in the star trek show the the ships are moving at fighting just standing still and fire...
@jtob2831 6 жыл бұрын
The Picard maneuver. If you watch any episode the captains are screaming maneuver this way or that. All things in space being relative though you can’t tell against the backdrop of stars. In maneuverability alone the enterprise would whoop ass and it can split in two.
@randomname4726 6 жыл бұрын
Rick Deckard And that's with the enterprise being sporting.
@VBlackadder 6 жыл бұрын
The Star Destroyer would wallow like a garbage scow against a warp-driven starship. Star Trek wins easy. Good analysis of the fight Rick.
@HandsomeBelugaWhaleGaming 6 жыл бұрын
Mana Because there's no point, the other ship could easily match the movements. But if there are a lot of ships fighting against one ships there is a lot of movement and attack runs, ex: W359
@jimdavidson210 3 жыл бұрын
It's apples and oranges, but I think that the ENT's weapons are vastly more powered than suggested: Blowing through the crusts of planets, torpedoes with yields equivalent to multiple-megaton nuclear weapons, and finally the transporters -- if the Enterprise can get the ISD's shields down the fight is simply over by beaming torpedoes aboard or beaming the ISD's crew and key components into space en masse.
@captaingeneraltrajann509 3 жыл бұрын
Not just multi megaton, multi gigaton at the minimum.
@TiagoDdA 2 жыл бұрын
@@captaingeneraltrajann509 Turbolasers are also in the range of multi gigaton, or even teraton
@captaingeneraltrajann509 2 жыл бұрын
@@TiagoDdA S3 E21 the die is cast of DS9 indicates phaser and photon torp equivalents are in the hundreds of Teratons to Petatons. Ive never seen turbolasers having any feats in that range.
@libertyordeath1640 3 жыл бұрын
I’m a huge Star Wars fan but I totally disagree. I think the enterprise would make quick work of a star destroyer. But thank you for the video
@thomasc9789 3 жыл бұрын
Finally a civilized person
@captaingeneraltrajann509 3 жыл бұрын
Huzza a Wars fan of culture and intelligence.
@DavidRLentz 2 жыл бұрын
How exactly? The devil (or the Sith Lord) is in the details!
@brettleisy356 4 жыл бұрын
The Enterprise has been seen on multiple occasions drilling through the crust of a planet, several hundred meters and the time of firing is 1-2 seconds. where as the star destroyers can bombard for several minutes and not breach the surface to any significant level. now this level of power gets shown in shields, if those in the ST universe can do that sort of damage then you figure their primary enemies have the same level of power, which their shields have to withstand showing the vast superiority of the ST universe shields. dont get me wrong, I love both universes, but it is like comparing civil war units vs modern day units.
@nathanielweber7843 3 жыл бұрын
What a dumb assumption. Turbo laser bombardment isn’t meant for planetary destruction, it’s meant for structural obliteration. Proton torpedoes are the equivalent destroyer of crust, where a single proton torpedo has been shown to crater into planets akin to underground nuclear blasts. Beyond that, a star destroyer, being of larger size is going to have larger power plants in order to run its systems. It’s multiple reactors will have far greater energy reserves than some lowly exploration vessel. Look at this logically: in Star Trek, you are looking at earth some few thousand years ahead of us in our current timeline. They’ve been at peace for almost all of it, focusing their research/development on peaceful technology to aid in exploration. Examples: transporters, genesis life creators, advanced sensors for scanning. By the time of the empire and the OT, the Empire, (formerly the republic), is well over 30,000 years ahead from the Rakatan infinite empire, spending 29,000 years in perpetual warfare. As such, they’ve developed weapons far superior to anything seen in Star Trek. Examples: Darth Angrals harrower class star destroyer from SWTOR, Superweapon projects like the Death Star, planetary shielding, and a long list of super weapons designed around planetary destruction working back for thousands of years. The longest lasting peace was between the war against the brotherhood of darkness in the last Sith wars and the clone wars clocking in at about 1000 years. There’s no way a peacetime exploration navy that’s been around for approximately 3,000 years has the weapons, firepower, or tactics to fight a wartime navy built upon 30 millennia of battlefield experiences and developments. That’s the modern day equivalent of putting Shaolin monks against the US Army. Sure, a shaolin CAN fight well. But they are not warriors, they are not trained military personnel. They don’t exist for the singular purpose of war since it’s inception. And this doesn’t even account for the possibility of running into a force-sensitive individual such as Jedi knights, (or in the more accurate case of star destroyers Sith Inquisitors or lords.) Against the powers of brings like Darth Vader, the enterprise would be destroyed outright.
@brickbunny9686 3 жыл бұрын
@@nathanielweber7843 Having bigger power plants means nothing if those power plants are only designed to make electrons flow. The Death Star literally has to be that extreme size to be able to have enough power plants to even fire the laser cannon that is capable of destroying a planet. Star Treks tech allows them vastly more power in a smaller package cause of its quantum controller particle energy tech, allowing something as small as the USS Defiant the ability to destroy planets with phasers alone. The power advantage ST has over SW is simply that orders of magnitude extreme.
@nathanielweber7843 3 жыл бұрын
@@brickbunny9686 I disagree with your assessment about weapons being orders of magnitude greater: if you look at all of Star Trek against all of Star Wars (including legends), Star Wars has equally potent, if not more deadly weapons. But let’s give you your assumptions. Let’s only talk about the enterprise and star destroyers. Even if everything you say is correct, and a one-to-one battle favors Star Trek (which is disputable at best), the empire can field star destroyers at a rate in excess of ten-to-one. Mega-cruisers like the executor or the eclipse themselves would overmatch star fleet in one to ones. Death Star tech could wipe out earth in less than five minutes. Even if I granted each of your talking points in a one on one, Star Wars still wins the war. But to return to the one v one: you may have a more potent reactor, but we have multiples. At best, it evens out. You are not faster in any significant way, and we have the bombers and fighter screens to make up for any range differentials. Our ion cannons can drain your power faster than you can drain ours by simple mathematics. We have over 60 heavy weapons, you have about twelve. Which ever way you slice this, you don’t outclass the star destroyer so greatly that you have winning certainties. If anything, star destroyers have enough overwhelming firepower to decimate your shields first, but I’m willing to concede that it’s close. Ultimately however, I have the satisfaction of knowing that even if we lose some star destroyers, we still subjugate your pathetic exploration fleet beneath the boot of our might.
@brickbunny9686 3 жыл бұрын
@@nathanielweber7843 Wrong. Quantum controlled particle energy systems, intnetionally creating artificial particles optimized to destroy atoms, by the artificial energy particle called Nadeons, being fired at an electron shield is simply a hot knife threw butter, while your ion cannons are merely charged Radon Gas super heated into a weapon, other then that you are only firing electrons against the a particle energy shield. You could fire your electron weapons against a quantum controlled particle energy shield all day with your fleets of Star Destroyers and a single Galaxy Class Starship from the ST universe would slice threw them like a child unleashed into a cookie shop where all the employees quite while the manager was out for lunch. Your entire fleet would be destroyed. Your SW fleets would not be able to do anything to stop a single Galaxy Class ship, even if they tried ramming it with a hyperspace jump. a single galaxy class ship has that much overwhelming power using quantum physics over your SW electron controlled power systems. Even the Tie fighters have no chance. The Galaxy class Star Ship from ST could just Zero Elevation attack and fry them all at once without targeting anything.
@brickbunny9686 3 жыл бұрын
@@nathanielweber7843 When you need an entire death star s worth of generators to power a moon sized space station, just to have enough power for a huge freaking laser cannon, just to destroy a planet, that alone shows just how inadequate SW electron power systems really are, verses Quantum controlled particle energy systems of StarFleet ships that can destroy a planet just as easily. A star Fleet ship half the size of your Star Destroyer ones, capable of destroying planets, that require your SW universe space station the size of earths moon to be able to do the same job. Mass produce your Empires fleet all you want, they will be shredded by the sheer orders of magnitude better tech StarFleet has.
@s727r 5 жыл бұрын
The enterprise has used its phasers to drill holes through a planets crust, I'd say that's powerful enough for planetary bombardment. Star trek focuses mainly on science and complex stories, star wars is more fantasy and action, I don't think you can compare the two
@Fosten12 4 жыл бұрын
I think you can compare the two.
@salih-khan 4 жыл бұрын
yes you can and anyone would gladly do so
@IgnatiaWildsmith1227 4 жыл бұрын
@Dr.Pootis 4 жыл бұрын
It really doesn't matter if you can or can't compare them, people will always try.
@KH4444444444N 2 жыл бұрын
@nathanastruthers 3 жыл бұрын
So I feel compelled to throw in my 2 cents here. First of all I am a much bigger Star Wars fan than I am a Star Trek fan. I think that’s important to state as it lets you know where my bias is. That being said. I see no evidence that more advanced technology is used in the Star Wars universe than the Star Trek universe. Data is clearly more advanced than any droid in StarWars. Star Trek has holo decks, transporters, cloaking devices, time travel, and arguably better medical methods. The Enterprise’s smaller sleeker design would make it a much more difficult target. Plus if need be it could separate into 2 sections. Ultimately, my biggest issue with the Imperial Star Destroyers is that they seem more like intimidating looking carriers. If they are allowed to use their Tie Fighters than maybe we’d have a serious fight, but when considering just ship to ship, well.....; I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a Star Destroyer destroy another ship of any kind. Can I get a fact check on that? I believe it’s implied and assumed that they are credited for having taken out some X-Wings and Y-Wings, but do we actually know that? We do know that blasts from small fighter craft are strong enough to destroy a Star Destroyer’s deflector shields, and that once down, the impact from a small fighter craft is all it takes to penetrate and destroy a Star Destroyer’s bridge. So I think you all know where I’m going with this. Both ships come out of light speed or warp speed. They both throw up their respective shields. The Enterprise moves faster and is harder to hit and has shields that can withstand powerful blasts from other starships. The Star Destroyer is a slow moving sitting duck with 2 easy to target shield generators that can be taken down by a few concentrated fighter class blasts. The Star Destroyer has hundreds of plasma/laser cannons that as far as we know have never hit the broadside of a barn much less a moving ship. So what prevents the Enterprise from locking its phasers on the Star Destroyers 2 shield generators and popping them like darts thrown at a water balloon, and then sending 1 or 2 photon torpedos straight through the Star Destroyer’s easy to hit bridge? I realize there is likely some nuance mixed in somewhere, but isn’t this realistically how most people believe this fight would go down? It’s basically a quality versus quantity fight. The Empire just doesn’t design things that well. Change my mind.
@17wolf359 5 жыл бұрын
FYI...the Borg laser was only effective because the Enterprise's shields were down, otherwise it would not have been able to penetrate the Enterprise D's shields...also the word laser is an acronym, "light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation", so unless light is different in a different galaxy (which it isn't), a laser is a laser is a laser. Shields are designed in both universes to deflect the weapons being used against them. In the SW universe there are lasers, super lasers, ion cannons and various bombs. In the ST universe there are lasers, phasers, super phasers, phaser cannons and various torpedoes. Just comparing the two lists, the SW weapons are inferior in technology to the ST weapons, which means that ST shields would withstand anything a Star Destroyer could throw at it, whereas SW shields would easily be taken down by the Enterprise's phasers...if only because they have never encountered and would have no way to stop more advanced weapons. And size doesn't necessarily translate to power, the USS Defiant could easily defeat a SSD simply because a SSD could not deal with a ship that small and maneuverable and the Defiant's weapons are far superior to the SSD's defensive capabilities. A far more even battle would be between either Star Destroyer and a Omega class destroyer from B5 or a Mercury class battlestar from BSG. Those three universes are very similar in terms of technology...IMHO...
@sevendaggerssix7298 5 жыл бұрын
Special note. A single xwing fighter has always shown to be able to defeat the shields of a star destroyer even the super star destroyer. Also note that the star destroyers shields still allowed crafts to magnetically attach to the hull. (Empire Strikes Back). Star Wars universe uses "Matter Collapsing Reactors" basically fancy nuclear and stated fusion drive technology. Some say it's like Romulan Singularity Cores but no evidence of similarity. Star Trek uses anti-matter and fusion reactors, warp plasma capacitors and charged capacity banks. (Mainly Phasers). Also Star Trek impulse speed are faster than even the Melinium Falcon therefore tracking a target manually would be extremely difficult. Star Trek computers are based on subspace technology so processing would be vastly superior than star wars which is still based off Speed Of Light technology like ours. On top of that, the enterprise d had 12 personal shuttle crafts, ten cargo shuttles, five special crafts (Runabouts) and a compliment of worker shuttles. All had shields, deflectors and offensive weapons,(worker shuttles was the weakest and was not warp capable, mainly used to repair ship in space). Here's a really special note. Star Wars had one advantage and that was their communication technology was far more superior as it even surpassed hyperspace speed. That's how I think the Order was able to track in hyperspace the rebel fleet in "The Last Jedi". Here's two big booming advantages that was not adressed, Enterprise had entered the Corona of a star and photon Torpedoes have been fired at distances of close to 92 million miles from a star.
@SilverFox-qr1ci 5 жыл бұрын
You forgot the Sovereign class. With more powerful shields and quantum torpedoes. If you really want to get ridiulous there is Voyager with Admiral Janeaway's upgrades. What would transphasic torpedoes do to an executor let alone an SD.
@lukeskywalker5392 5 жыл бұрын
Star wars doesn't use laser tho. I love Star Trek and yes the Enterprise would destroy that star destroyer in a few minutes max, but star wars still shoots plasma. So its a small 5000+°C bolt of plasma wich the Enterprise evades 95% of the time. The second the Enterprise would stop moving and stand in Front of the ISD for a few seconds it would be fucked. But it wont do that. Thats why it will win most of the times.
@aidanfallon68 4 жыл бұрын
Imperial technology is more advanced and it would be able to destroy the shields which would then not matter whether it's cutting beam or ion cannon
@kenwilliamsdpm 5 жыл бұрын
Worf " Captain sensors are telling us that the star destroyer has minimal shielding and no weapon to the rear of the ship". Picard" Mr. Data warp us out of here, then come in behind that ship." Riker, " Mr. Worf prepare a full spread of photon and quantum torpedoes. Fire!
@simu31 4 жыл бұрын
I hate myself for knowing this, but Enterprise D didn't have quantum torpedoes. They were limited to Enterprise E, Defiant, and a few others. Other than that, I agree completely the Enterprise would, through faster speeds, better tactics, make short work of a Star Destroyer. Oh, and for Shawn, there was an episode of Star Trek TNG where a group of small fighters without shields (like a tie fighter) were launched against Enterprise D, they had all of 2 seconds on screen before the Enterprise vaporised them.
@neogenmatrix6162 4 жыл бұрын
@Shawn Pruitt yes it has artillery but it's kinetic artillery which is no match for an Enterprise Shield. The Enterprise D has a top and bottom beam array, it can hit many targets at once with pinpoint precision. 72 tie fighters would be gone in seconds. bridge shield generators on the SD would be instantly eliminated due to them being stuck out like sore thumbs. And yes the Star Wars universe uses lasers not plasma. They do use Ion cannons and those eliminate Star destroyers in one hit, particle cannons. Those may pose a threat.
@joeclaridy 4 жыл бұрын
@@simu31 didn't Starfleet do a total refit of the fleet post Wolf 359 in anticipation of a future Borg invasion to include quantum torpedoes?
@simu31 4 жыл бұрын
@@joeclaridy Not that I remember. From what I understand, the Quantum torpedoes weren't available until after the Enterprise D had been destroyed, and even then were limited to certain vessels; like the Enterprise E, Defiant, etc...
@xanderprentice1740 4 жыл бұрын
With great difficulty the Enterprise would take out the star Destroyer. It has 360° weapon arrays that can fire at multiple targets simultaneously with far more accuracy than a turbo laser. Plus the fact that Picard does know a trick in which he leaves a warp double to appear like he is one place and then appear elsewhere in the same system. He did it to save the stargazer. They even crack jokes on the star trek about lasers saying that it didn't even scratch the shields therefore meaning the ship itself can hold up against lasers and drop the shields of the destroyer and basically make the ship into swiss cheese simply because of the fact that the ship has superior tech in both the defensive and offensive areas
@christopherdicks1781 3 жыл бұрын
Eck I think you're mostly right, but Starfleet crew are trained to view their surroundings in very scientific ways. I think you underestimate the speed at which they would figure out that the Imp2 can't fire behind itself (I'm relying heavily on Data for this one). I think they'd figure it out within the first minute and then take maybe another minute to two at most to get there. That gives the Imp2 a max time of 3 minutes to destroy the Enterprise D, all while its still flying circles around the Imp2. I'd give the Enterprise the 7/10 win tbh.
@bobjoebo8933 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, and their phasers can "destroy a continent" so they should have no trouble with a slow turtle
@copterinx0468 2 жыл бұрын
That is crew. The crews aren't taken into consideration, just the ships themselves.
@bobjoebo8933 2 жыл бұрын
@@copterinx0468 Lol, I guess. If they had sisko they would just "prophet" them into oblivion so I guess that would be fair. But they still do have way better sensors, and would figure it out
@copterinx0468 2 жыл бұрын
@@bobjoebo8933 Perhaps. But even then, finding the blind spot is different from getting there. Sure, Enterprise is faster, but all the Star Destroyer has to do is turn. If the Enterprise makes a tight circle around the Star Destroyer, the Star Destroyer's weapons will obliterate the Enterprise much faster. If the Enterprise keeps its distance, the Star Destroyer may be able to turn fast enough. It comes down really to just how much faster the Enterprise is and how much punishment it can take. Hard to call. In Rogue One, Vader's star destroyer was able to obliterate a small fleet and disable a previously-functioning capital ship in...a minute? Capital ship vs. capital ship, you don't get a whole lot better than a star destroyer. It would help if the Enterprise had legit fighters, but all they have are those shuttles.
@deathsinger1192 2 жыл бұрын
If we would consider specific crew (Data) I would just put thrawn onto the ISD and game over, that doesnt work
@TheCsel 6 жыл бұрын
I would give raw power to the Imperial Destroyer, but precision and tactical versatility to the Enterprise. Federation victories are often done through tactical maneuvers and using scientific equipment to analyze the opponent's vulnerabilities. Even if we assume the Enterprise cannot find a scientific way to bypass Imperial defenses, it could outmaneuver it. Imperial firepower does not travel the speed of light and can be dodged, and the Destroyer is meant for formation fighting and has glaring blind-spots in firepower in its rear, if the Enterprise stays behind it, it will mitigate most of the damage while it uses precision strikes to disable the Destroyer. I don't think the Imperials could cripple the Enterprise fast enough to prevent this.
@johnboggs1164 6 жыл бұрын
i think your definition of raw power is a little flawed. star destroyers have never shown a fraction of the firepower potential of a galaxy class like the enterprise.
@TheCsel 6 жыл бұрын
I would agree I suppose. Star Trek has ample amount of scenes showing high tech: shifting continents, tackling huge cosmic anomalies, but extreme precision as well. Star Wars really hasnt shown such feats, maybe they havent had the opportunity but still...
@barghestblue731 6 жыл бұрын
TheCsel The World Devastators built by the Imperial Remnant in Legends were used to strip planets of all their mass, convert it to energy, and back to matter, constructing entire fleets in the process out of the matter that came out. The Celestials are the upper end of technology in star wars and they constructed systems using black holes, but I'm terms of just feats by the Empire and its contemporaries they have done feats that rival those of star trek, such as utilizing a much faster ftl system, creating a weapon that destoys stars, etc. Star Wars tech may be relatively stagnate compared to Stay Trek, but it isn't inherently inferior to it. Also E rejected using the more ridiculous numbers from both universes, so theres that
@johnboggs1164 6 жыл бұрын
the numbers are only ridiculous if there is nothing to back them up. sw doesnt have the proof. EU is dead and not usable. those numbers are indeed ridiculous. when you put the on screen, not legend, feats of sw up against st, sw = epic fail.
@barghestblue731 6 жыл бұрын
john boggs Star Wars Legends is as dead as the non-Kelvin timeline of Star Trek, which is where you are getting your numbers and feats. The main difference is that Disney has only made one good star wars movie, one mediocre, one terrible, as well as one terrible and stupid tv show aimed at toddlers. The Kelvin timeline star Trek movies are however pretty decent. If you are counting the star trek timeline that doesn't count anymore, I can count the star wars timeline that doesn't count anymore. Also the star wars material calls things lasers that aren't rarely is something actually a laser, ion weapons are designed to shut down technology, also star wars has weapons that just straight up undo crystalline materials molecular structure and they also happen to go through shields. Also if star trek really was that much more grounded in reality then it's numbers would be smaller than star wars, at least as depicted. Star Wars also faced the Yuuzhan Vong a species whose technology provided a hard counter to their own and won despite starting the war with every possible disadvantage, something the star trek forces have not done to my knowledge, yes I know of the Borg, but they pretty much just use better more powerful versions of star trek's already existing tech as opposed to actually countering their tech with different tech. The Borg were terrifying, but the Vong were much harder to defeat, if only because the Borg were using tech that was pretty much just more advanced version of the tech star trek was already using.
@tofu_golem 3 жыл бұрын
One complication: In one of the Star Wars movies, someone destroyed one of the sphere things on the outside of a star destroyer, which immediately disabled the shields, which led to the destruction of the ship. Federation star ships have excellent sensors and good science/engineering officers who might be able to figure out this vulnerability and exploit it.
@osets2117 3 жыл бұрын
You have to either breach the shields first or move under the shields of the star destroyer first. Do you honestly think the shields domes are not covered by the shield they emit?
@nicholasyost8400 3 жыл бұрын
@@osets2117 The domes are not the primary shield generators. They just help provide additional shielding.
@tallerstond8105 3 жыл бұрын
assuming you mean during the battle of endor with those a-wings, that had only destroyed a portion of the shields you can hear one of the officers say "sir, we've lost our *bridge deflector shields* meaning that they lost the deflector shields to their primary bridge, but honestly i still dont think a star destroyer has a chance against an enterprise
@thomasc9789 3 жыл бұрын
Should I bring up the exposed bridge of both vessels?
@RunnerX13 Жыл бұрын
@@thomasc9789 if a Star Destroyer loses its bridge, the ship is down. Star Fleet ships can be commanded from anywhere in the ship. Engineering can take over.
@Scoobydum900 7 жыл бұрын
Harrower Class Dreadnought VS Venator Class Star Destroyer
@kennethkates3140 7 жыл бұрын
I've asked for this in the past. I hope you get yours. :)
@Scoobydum900 7 жыл бұрын
Kenneth Kates this is like my 15th time. I wan it too.
@loganmontgomery2597 7 жыл бұрын
Rito Yūki is Ultimate Harem Protagonist so put one of the weakest star destroyers version one of the strongest enterprises ships
@Scoobydum900 7 жыл бұрын
+Lightsoutgw1 m8 What enterprise? Harrower is Old Republic.
@morodaye1417 7 жыл бұрын
Harrower class is what about a 1000 or two years out of date. Might as well send ol' ironsides against a modern destroyer.
@stevenscott2136 3 жыл бұрын
Any time Trek crews lose badly enough, somebody goes back in time and rigs the outcome. The Empire already beat them, but that timeline has been erased.
@huntclanhunt9697 3 жыл бұрын
This is actually a big part of why I don't like Star Trek.
@themolasser9110 3 жыл бұрын
@@huntclanhunt9697 i feel you dude
@manco828 3 жыл бұрын
Star Trek II
@Neteruk 3 жыл бұрын
Time tech is always a win. And unlike the Jedi fools, Trek is not afraid to use it.
@valor1omega 3 жыл бұрын
Time wasn't really used as a weapon for the most part. It was used in the tos movie to save the whales, kinda different than used as a weapon. In most cases they try not to change the past. In ST Enterprise they was trying to keep the timeline as unaltered as possible. It was the borg and an unknown alien that started the temerpal(sp) cold war. During voyager there was an alien race that built a time weapon that was destroying civilizations left and right by removing them from time itself. So let's not try that shall we? I just dismantled your argument with TOS, TNG, and voy. As to the main topic SW doesn't have a snow ball's chance on the surface of our sun in winning. Trek out techs Out speeds Out range Over powers Everything in SW in terms of battle. Only thing SW has is going from point A to Point B in a straight line of a predetermined hyperspace lane. Go outside of that lane and they could run into a planet, star, or a singularity. Remember that was the warning he(Solo) gave luke. Care to try again?
@BurgydaHerky 4 жыл бұрын
*States that the Enterprise would lose* *Also states that the Enterprise would have the speed advantage and is probably more effective at range* *Jackie Chan wtf JPEG*
@bloodyplebs 3 жыл бұрын
Ah yes, speed. The only factor in a fight
@itorca 3 жыл бұрын
I immediately thought genghis khan did what? But he sated no tactics so they just slug it out like two morons
@yeetleskeet854 3 жыл бұрын
Speed gets countered by isds shields and chipping away with laser cannons. Distance gets countered by microjumps. Simple as that.
@itorca 3 жыл бұрын
I'd bet on 40k orks over both of them because orks the meanest and da greenist.
@joshuaarnett762 3 жыл бұрын
@@itorca WAAAGH
@michaelschultz342 4 жыл бұрын
Speed Advantage(Sub-Light, where Combat takes place, in Star Wars anyways...)- Enterprise. Weapons Range Advantage- Enterprise. Sensor Advantage- Enterprise. Target Acquisition and Targeting Advantage- Enterprise. "Micro-jump" Advantage- Enterprise. Ability to Improvise/Adapt(ie, Modulate Shields to cope with Fire, Change Phaser Frequencies to Overcome Shields, use the Transporter, use Shuttles to Distract the ISD and/or Kill the TIEs, etc...)- Enterprise. AND the Fact that the Enterprise is a Exploration Vessel vs a Warship.... Verdict: Enterprise WINS!!! Change My Mind.
@rufusprime99 4 жыл бұрын
You got it right.
@jeffroseborough8160 4 жыл бұрын
You forgot the ISD is crewed by Imperial Clones who couldn't hit the broad side of a planet. I'll take a Red Shirt any day. At least they go out fighting. Who would you pick? Imperial Clones or Spaceball's Morons?"
@michaelschultz342 4 жыл бұрын
@@jeffroseborough8160 Imperial "Clones" are NOT Stormtroopers. I'll take the Clone Troopers in ANY Engagement vs "Redshirts"!!! Stormtroopers are a entirely different Variable altogether(and THAT is discounting the Words of Obi-wan Kenobi on Tatooine..... "and these Blast Points, only Imperial Stormtroopers are so PRECISE".). Vader's 501st are NOT a Joke!!! Star Trek wins in Ship to Ship Battles. On the Ground(in Corridors, etc) Redshirts are NOT M.A.C.O. Operatives. Here's a Question: Which Trooper gets the most Plot Armor???? More "Variables to Consider, No?.....
@MrTheswip 4 жыл бұрын
You forgot the hull strengh!!! in into darkness, the uss vengance crashed into a city, destroyed a good amount of buildings and its hull was pretty much intact afterwards. A star destroyer slowly crashes into the Death star and immediatly explodes ... guess that's another point for the enterprise
@BigD4Del 4 жыл бұрын
I agree with a majority of what you said, however I don’t think the Enterprise would win, and even if it did it would only be barely. The Imperial II Star Destroyer has some of the most powerful Turbolaser batteries in the starwas eu and a LOT of them. Not to mention great shielding and a thick hull. There’s also the factor of starfighter complement, imperial star destroyer can carry a good number of imperial tie fighter and interceptors, not to mention bombers. Though the starfighters themselves may not be Good starfighters, but the skill of the average imperial pilot and the sheer number of them will be a large threat to the enterprise. Even with the enterprise more precise phasers, the speed of the average tie fighter most likely will be able to out run their fire. So though the enterprise may be able to move quickly throughout sub Sub light space, the starfighters will collect enough trouble so that they will have to focus on majority of their attention on to not getting bombed by the Thai bombers and their escorts, not to mention this whole time the imperial to start a steward will be moving into range, if it wasn’t already, and firing a majority of its batteries into the enterprise. The enterprise may have speed and more precise weapons, however its downfall is the fact that it’s a jack of all trades type of ship. It is not meant for war, the ISD is a pure bred warship meant for one thing, the complete destruction of other ships. Hell I’d go as far as to say that maybe even a Venetor class start destroyer could go head to head with the enterprise. Perhaps not win, but it would hold up a good fight. And the Venetor was simply a predecessor to the ISD
@michaelmorris1741 3 жыл бұрын
Bigger isn’t necessarily better. And no, The Enterprise would not trade broadsides with a Star Destroyer. We have no evidence that ray shielding stops transporters, so it’s fair to say those would work. And the only times they fail is when the plot calls for it. Actually, that’s the only reason most things fail on the Enterprise.
@jeanwesleynew 4 жыл бұрын
One thing, the Enterprise can "come about" and completely reverse heading in seconds. Star Destroyers take minutes to lumber around and reverse heading. For that I think an Enterprise has a huge maneuverability advantage over the SD. That advantage may allow the Ent to disengage and continue to attack from distance.
@alanmodimages 4 жыл бұрын
That's a good point. Did anyone see the remake of "The Doomsday Machine"? The Enterprise was unbelievably maneuverable!
@keirfarnum6811 4 жыл бұрын
Jean-Wesley New Was the Ent Treebeard?
@YunoGasaiMC2012 2 жыл бұрын
@@alanmodimages The Doomsday Machine also highlights the Enterprise's shield durability. That machine literally blows up planets with it's energy beams, and the Enterprise survived four hits from it.
@alanmodimages 2 жыл бұрын
@@YunoGasaiMC2012 Indeed! :)
@cptgofer1acb377 5 жыл бұрын
I hope someone already made the argument, but I'll state it anyway. ST, specifically the Galaxy-class starships vs. Imperial-class SDs, has a huge speed advantage, which in a tactical theory, is a winning strategy. The advanced sensors of a Galaxy-class, or any Fed ship, would be able to instantly identify the weakness of the SDs aft firing arc, or lack of one. Get in behind an Imperial SD and hammer away at engines and then target the command tower. Game over. Even in SW lore it was a proven strategy. SW X-wing: The Krytos Trap novel ALONE proved that. Also you mentioned the TIE-fighters and you were right when you said they'd be completely ineffective. A combat ready and equipped Galaxy-class vessel would have combat model shuttles at minimum. Even the maximum number that ship could hold would make space dust of every Imperial fighter and then use their speed and agility to pinpoint target and destroy weapon emplacements with a single shot each. ST starships would dominate SW fleets with ease. The only advantage the Empire has is sheer numbers. And that wouldn't count for much once the ST fleets get into a battle rhythm. Love your vids anyway. Keep on keepin' on.
@avenuePad 5 жыл бұрын
Totally! The Enterprise could just swing behind the Star Destroyer and hammer away at its engines, literally disabling it.
@nyc1164 5 жыл бұрын
I disagree with you when it comes to Tie-fighters. I may able to defeat a dozen of them but it won't able to handle thousands of fighters. Those Tie-fighters will do some damage to the Galaxy-class.
@avenuePad 5 жыл бұрын
@@nyc1164 Thousands? How many tie fighters do you think SDs carry? I believe the agreed on number is 72 (6 squadrons of 12 ships each). I googled it and the answer came right up, but I also went to a couple forums. This number seems to work with Vader's Super SD, which had 144 tie fighters. The Enterprise D would be able to handle 72 tie fighters. And yes, a Galaxy Class starship that is knowingly going into battle would serve as a carrier of sorts. In the Dominion War, Starfleet, as stated in this video, utilized fighters. These fighters would be carried by Galaxy Class ships because of the sheer number of shuttle/cargo bays available on those ships.
@avenuePad 5 жыл бұрын
@criuth lol
@avenuePad 5 жыл бұрын
@criuth I've always found it interesting how Star Trek fans are far more capable of being fans of both franchises, while Star Wars fans, in large part, are incapable of liking Star Trek. That said, I recently converted one of these exact Star Wars fanboys into a Star Trek fan. I first showed him the Tie Fighter animated short that on KZbin. He knew I liked Star Trek and was blown away that I'd be interested in something to do with Star Wars. Then I showed him one of those "modern trailers" of The Wrath of Khan. His mouth was agape. Last I heard he is a hard core Star Trek fan. lol
@desereyagon6457 6 жыл бұрын
How about a match up between the sw destroyers and the Winnebago from Spaceballs? My money is on the Winnebago.
@thegreatbamboozler4837 5 жыл бұрын
Tribbles!!!!!??? Heck, let's have some fun and beam over the Klingon sisters with batleths after a couple of gallons of blood-wine!!! But not Worf… Worf gets knocked down too much :(
@wolfgangBuonarotti 5 жыл бұрын
These fuckers got whooshed
@mjjuntunen 3 жыл бұрын
The Enterprise would simply get on the ass end of the star destroyer and shoot its engines all to help. After that they would just carve it up. The Klingons taught the Federation to weaponize the ship's 6 o'clock.
@bobjoebo8933 2 жыл бұрын
@01000110 ! Nah, they can survive in a star's corona with multiphasic shielding
@brianfeuerman1732 5 жыл бұрын
Data: An extremely large starship just dropped out of warp. Captain: On screen. Worf: They are powering up their weapons. Captain: Raise shields! Worf: They are firing. Shields are holding. Captain: Are there any weaknesses? Data: Their shield generators are exposed. Riker: I suggest a photon torpedo spread aimed for their shield generators. Captain: Make it so. Data: Their shields are down. Captain: Hail them. Data: No response. Captain: Fire at will! And that’s about how it would go from the Enterprise’s perspective. Meanwhile on the star destroyer. Captain: We have located a tiny ship. Should be easy work for us. Vader: Shoot them, make them beg for mercy. Captain: Yes my lord. Vader: Why isn’t it working?? Captain: My lord, it seems they have activated some kind of shield. Vader: We have shields too, why are we losing? Captain: They have disarmed our shields, my lord. Vader: God damn this tiny vessel! And that’s how it would have gone from the Star Destroyer’s perspective. Conclusion: Your logic makes no sense. Star Trek is too technologically advanced in the 24th century than whenever Star Wars took place. They’re still struggling to get food and water on some planets. The Federation has more pressing matters, like the Borg, (which by the way would annihilate a Star Destroyer, but would still be an interesting video to watch.)
@enginepy 5 жыл бұрын
Mini Films Central eh
@progamer00006 4 жыл бұрын
also just a few standard photon or quantum torpedos can damage a planets surface to an extent where its uninhabitable
@tinyman493 4 жыл бұрын
The Borg would not annihilate, they would assimilate.
@incardianify 4 жыл бұрын
Nailed it.
@dannyb7371 4 жыл бұрын
Star Destroyer would launch all it's fighters and with that firepower weaken Enterprises shields so Vader and 501st could board where no-one would stand a chance.. Enterprise D (being a scientific and exploration vessel with children on board) against battle hardened soldiers and a Sith Lord.... Picard would surrender when Anakin carved up a few kids again...
@attorneyjessieolson8925 4 жыл бұрын
The fact that the Enterprise 1701 (the original series Enterprise) could do serious damage to an entire planet from orbit has already been proven in the mirror universe. In ST-TOS episode “Mirror, Mirror” the mirror Kirk threatens to destroy the Halkon civilization from orbit (and it‘s stated he’s already destroyed other civilizations on other planets in a similar manner) and mirror Spock prepares to do just that (though hopefully “our” Kirk talked him out of it) so it probably was not an empty threat. Also I’m pretty sure Spock would notice if some smaller ship clamped to the outside of the Enterprise hiding but Han Solo got away with that quite easily with a star destroyer. Star Wars sensors suck.
@forestjohnson7474 4 жыл бұрын
YEP! Thats happened!
@surferdude4487 4 жыл бұрын
greed. I wish these guys would do their research before making these videos.
@marcmorgan7796 4 жыл бұрын
Why would you ever want to be a red shirt in star trek TOS everyone knows thats a death sentence, i love that satire from Galaxy Quest when guy looses it when they go down to retrieve the Beryllium sphere as he made it clear guys like him (RED SHIRTS!) always die
@aleehomedition8165 4 жыл бұрын
That's plot armor, otherwise the story wouldn't continue
@clarkstrange2142 4 жыл бұрын
Star Destroyers also have the capacity to destroy civilizations quite easily on their own through orbital bombardment, it would of course take less time if there were more destroyers to entirely sterilize a world (base delta zero) of larger and more powerful one, but a standard ISD could get the job done. I agree with eck’s conclusion, the Enterprise is no pushover but I’d give the Destroyer the edge as it’s simply much more prepared and capable for battle as it’s in a galaxy that’s constantly at war
@CardboardSliver 4 жыл бұрын
Even a Star Trek shuttle could actually go head to head with a TIE Fighter, as the shuttle actually has shields, and TIEs don't. Imagine if this was the D with her two Runabouts. Those even have mini photon torpedo launchers, and near star ship shields.
@hoodaticus 3 жыл бұрын
No Star Destroyer I've heard of has been defeated by a frigate.... but that's how Ent-D died.
@bobjoebo8933 3 жыл бұрын
@@hoodaticus Well they had inside knowledge. And a photon torpedo is a photon torpedo
@hoodaticus 3 жыл бұрын
@@bobjoebo8933 USS Odyssey (Galaxy Class) was destroyed by a ramming attack by a corvette. A much bigger ship was torn to pieces by an Imperial SD as it came out of hyperspace with no apparent damage.
@bobjoebo8933 3 жыл бұрын
@@hoodaticus Oh that is what you meant. Yeah, that pretty much sucked. Their shields were down but... You're right. But wait the battle of Scarif! 2 star destroyers and the shield generator were taken down by a single hammer head frigate, which wasn't even a real warship (like the Odyssey). There is also the business with the Mon Calamari battleship Hyperspace-ramming into the Supremacy. Not a frigate, but it's relative size is about that. But yes, the the Odyssey was taken down easily
@dexoearth9167 2 жыл бұрын
@@bobjoebo8933 the Dominion cheated, so yeah.
@aayush1043 7 жыл бұрын
Death Star vs 10 million Tie Fighters
@Umbreona 7 жыл бұрын
You could destroy the Death Star with just One Tie Fighter... If you can aim and know the Video Game style Weak Spot.
@SpiderEmblem 7 жыл бұрын
Giant Enemy Death Star. Hit weak point for massive damage.
@aayush1043 7 жыл бұрын
Tie fighters have no torpedoes to shoot into the exhaust port
@shooter4600 7 жыл бұрын
They did it in a new hope with like 10 xwings and a few bombers lol
@greg.anywhere 7 жыл бұрын
SkullSplitter12 thats a good one
@Fusako8 7 жыл бұрын
I disagree that the Star Wars universe has a higher tech base than the Star Trek one. I feel the star wars universe is higher energy, greater industrialization, but Trek is essentially post-scarcity. The Trek replicator by itself, outdoes virtually any tech in the Star Wars universe. I don't think it really matters, in the battle however. As you recognized, the real question is how far can the star-destroyer shoot?
@Fusako8 7 жыл бұрын
Their FTL scheme is slower than Star Wars. Their sublight speed is higher by a large margin.
@Fusako8 7 жыл бұрын
I'd say most Trek tech is more refined than Star Wars. Example: Time on target for the Primary weapons. Turbolasers are SLOOW projectiles. Phasers are hitscan. Or compare the sensors on the Enterprise to, well, any depiction of SW sensors. Given a minute of staring each other down before the hostilities open up, the Enterprise WOULD detect that surface features are vulnerable on a SD, and would probably detect where the bridge is, and where the reactor is. And is accurate enough to hit them.
@scottanderson1170 7 жыл бұрын
Okay, does it matter if your weapon hit right now when it does insignificant damage versus the enemy shield. I mean the difference between the power output of a Type 12 Phaser and a Heavy Turbolaser is like comparing a 5.56N round to a 120mmAPDS. And that is using canon numbers.
@Fusako8 7 жыл бұрын
Which Eck (and many other people) point out is completely bogus. The 200 gigaton turbolaser rating is FAAAR too high, given everything we've seen in the movies and 'toons. I'd tend to clock them at similar magnitudes. So accuracy absolutely DOES matter. There is also the matter that surface features on the Star destroyers can be shot through the shields.
@scottanderson1170 7 жыл бұрын
Really, that 200 gigatons is actually 16 turbolasers in a Battery so it is 12.5 gigatons per Turbolaser and it is well within the feats we see on screen. And I am sorry to say, but Lucas did agree to the numbers given in the Incredible Cross Sections books, so it is canon. Suck it up.
@TheCasualDrinker 3 жыл бұрын
how is this even a argument... I love both shows.. but its obvious that startrek ships easily outclass starwars ships.. Thats just how they were written...
@iflycentral 6 жыл бұрын
In TOS the Constitution class Enterprise was said to be able to singlehandedly destroy a planet on multiple occasions. The Galaxy class Enterprise of TNG was many magnitudes more powerful than a Constitution class. In order to wipe out a planet the Galactic Empire had to build a massive moon sized weapon. If the Star Destroyer was truly more powerful than a Galaxy Class Starship; why not use a Star Destroyer to destroy Alderaan? It is also important to remember that Star Trek vessels of opposing sides (ex. Starfleet vs. Romulan Star Empire) are often portrayed as having similar fire power. So when engaged in combat; their shields are regularly shrugging off weapons with world destroying potential. It would seem that Starfleet vessels are vastly more powerful than anything in the Star Wars universe; in terms of fire power, defensive shielding, and speed (at least against Star Destroyers.) This is how I see it playing out (provided there is open war already, and the orders are to destroy the enemy, and there is no advanced warning from "the force.") The Galaxy class Enterprise detects the Star Destroyer at extremely long range with it's superior tech, and stops outside of the SD's sensor range. The computer in the Enterprise identifies all vulnerable areas for targeting on the SD, and determines the offensive capabilities of the SD as well. The Enterprise then will potentially reposition to optimize for the attack. It would then likely close distance rapidly firing a full spread of torpedoes, (potentiality photonic, and or quantum depending on the timeframe) simultaneously hitting key defensive systems with phaser fire. The tactics used would largely depend on the Enterprise computer's evaluation of the capabilities of the SD, but could range from a hit and run style attack considering a formidable opponent, or a sit there and Tank the hits approach considering a comparatively weak opponent. In full disclosure; I have never been a fan of Star Wars, and have little knowledge of that universe. I have a substantial amount of knowledge of Star Trek. So my evaluation is based off of what I already know of Star Trek, and what was said in this video. It really seems like a easy win for the Enterprise based on what the presenter said about the Star Destroyer, and that does not even take into account potential transporter trickery. Once you add a "Force User" to the mix; a Star Destroyer becomes much more formidable I think. Without one; it seems doomed.
@husky_clan9455 6 жыл бұрын
You're almost right: even if a "Force User" is on the SD it has little to no chance. Because: 1. The Ship computer is highly advanced and could possibly run the Ship without any crewman (it can create life) 2. One letter: Q (You brought good facts to this "Zone of War". Keep it up)
@Raven1024 6 жыл бұрын
Except if you go by raw stats the each main gun on an ISD is about 2,800 times stronger than a phaser bank on the Enterprise D. Enterprise D has 12 phaser banks, ISD has 60 of those main guns. Plus a complement of 72 TIE fighters to help out. And shields around 20 *billion* times stronger than the Enterprise... If you go by raw numbers from the tech manuals of both universes. It gets a little absurd. They're not really comparable, but from a raw numbers standpoint, all the numbers are bigger in the Star Wars universe, so in direct translation, nothing from Star Trek, not even the Borg, come close. They chose different levels as the "base" level for both universes.
@husky_clan9455 6 жыл бұрын
Raven1024 If you'd know how fast the Enterprise D (the other Enterprises maybe too) can DISABLE, i repeat: DISABLE the ISD...
@Raven1024 6 жыл бұрын
Husky_ Clan It isn't even going to stress the shield.
@LVZVRUS 6 жыл бұрын
so glad somebody mentioned the TIE's
@gatedude07 4 жыл бұрын
The thing is, each of those photon torpedoes is carrying a chunk of antimatter the size of a human torso. Considering that a piece of antimatter the size of my finger has more destructive power than a dozen of our most powerful nukes, imagine a Star Destroyer trying to fend off dozens of these things all at once.
@somehalonerd1176 3 жыл бұрын
You’re just plain wrong in your caculations
@gatedude07 3 жыл бұрын
@@somehalonerd1176 Our best nuclear device has a 0.7% mass>energy conversion. Antimatter has 100% mass>energy conversion. Which means any antimatter warhead is *at minimum* 143 times more powerful than a nuclear device of equivalent mass. Photon torpedoes are capable of carrying an entire human body while still retaining engines and guidance systems. Even if someone argues that a torpedo turned into a coffin would have most of its support systems removed, the antimatter containment would still be *at least* the size of a human torso. Which would put the explosion (using extremely rough napkin calculation) somewhere above the 4000 megaton range. Which means a single photon torpedo is a planet-killer; it probably won't shatter the planet but it is going to kill everything on the surface. Forget Warhammer 40K. In Star Trek, common space battles are slinging Exterminatus-level firepower as a standard attack.
@lucasoreidopunho3556 3 жыл бұрын
And remember that a proton torpedo at the size of a regular-sized bucket has destroyed an entire space station with 160 kilometers
@gatedude07 3 жыл бұрын
@@lucasoreidopunho3556 Well, that was due to taking out the ventilation shaft of a power source capable of destroying a planet. It was less the torpedo destroying the Death Star and more the Death Star destroying the Death Star.
@ascherlafayette8572 3 жыл бұрын
@SPARTAN_Cayde-26 3 жыл бұрын
Enterprice D's deflector system (the orange thingy in the front) is capatible to destroy entire planets if it uses full power from warp core.
@hoodaticus 3 жыл бұрын
The only time they used it in combat, the enemy was not damaged. Wasn't even scratched.
@bighands69 3 жыл бұрын
@@hoodaticus Yes because they are going up against an enemy of equal technical capabilities in certain areas. Transporter systems alone would cause problems that a SD could not handle or overcome. The resources on the likes of the enterprise are far beyond anything an SD has. Replicator technology on the enterprise would cause massive problems for the Star destroyer.
@knightveg 3 жыл бұрын
@@bighands69 problem is beaming people aboard another ship you can only do about 6 people at time Then you confronted with thousands train troops have had many battles with better soldiers
@IgnoredAdviceProductions 3 жыл бұрын
@@knightveg All youd need to do is beam some preset spacial charges into critical areas like engineering and the magazines...
@bobjoebo8933 3 жыл бұрын
The star destroyer: Fires full weapons Picard: Yawns, says "beam a photon torpedo on their bridge"
@xavier84623 2 жыл бұрын
Have you not seen much Star Trek? They often show off the power of the phasers. They can cut holes in planet crusts, and if a ships shields are completely down a single blast will destroy the whole thing. A star destroyer is a very massive ship, but compare it to a borg ship, it is much much weaker.
@CragScrambler 5 жыл бұрын
Worf: Captain! The enemy is firing on us! Picard: They are? Worf: Yes sir! They are using some sort of ancient laser based weaponry. Picard: Disable them and then open a comms channel. Worf: Yes sir!
@plektosgaming 3 жыл бұрын
You forgot the part where Data chimes in "It appears to be short range only - less than a hundred kilometers". :)
@JY-dh7mk 4 жыл бұрын
OK black and white... Star Trek ships would annialate star wars ships. I love both universes, but I'm confident the defiant alone could wipe them all out.
@xanderprentice1740 4 жыл бұрын
Pretty sure a run about could destroy a star destroyer or maybe the delta flyer lol
@JY-dh7mk 4 жыл бұрын
@@xanderprentice1740 yup, I was being nice with the defiant lol, probably those cadet training fighters could do it too
@lukechong4988 4 жыл бұрын
One on one, yes Star Trek ships would win but the imperial navy would kick the federations ass
@shaundavidssd 4 жыл бұрын
Those tie fighters launched say different
@JY-dh7mk 4 жыл бұрын
@@shaundavidssd tie fighters can be defeated with really big rocks or trees
@radubogdan784 5 жыл бұрын
I am Q *snaps fingers* The Star Destoryer goes away in the delta quadrant and is assimilated by the borg :0
@shawnmarrier6340 5 жыл бұрын the Kazon, the borg would reject the Empire.
@xanderprentice1740 4 жыл бұрын
Borg: lower your shields *realizes owned by Disney* We are so sorry let us end your suffering Empire: Thank you!!
@craigsasscer4994 4 жыл бұрын
Darth Locutus?
@phantom6512 4 жыл бұрын
The Borg wouldn't see the point in assimilating them since their tech is shit compared to theirs, they'd just take em out.
@radubogdan784 4 жыл бұрын
@@phantom6512 :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
@Oogobuk 3 жыл бұрын
One quote from the first movie (ep IV)... "It would take a 1000 star destroyers with more fire power..." That said to blow up a planet.... Quote from Star Trek, episode where the planet were romans with enterprise A.... "I hear you don't have to come down, you can destroy the planet from orbit"... These are paraphases not quotes, but still thoes things were said... so not sure you did alot of research on this with the actual shows.
@Idazmi7 7 жыл бұрын
This fool doesn't know either the weapons range nor power of phaser weapons (which are grossly more powerful than nukes).
@simpsonfan13 7 жыл бұрын
lol no. Prove it.
@Idazmi7 7 жыл бұрын
+simpsonfan13 Please tell me that is a joke. They've been that powerful since the first episode of Star Trek ever made.
@simpsonfan13 7 жыл бұрын
So tell me. What episode?
@Idazmi7 7 жыл бұрын
_"So tell me. What episode?"_ Hmmm..... ENT: Deamons & Terra Prime: The Vereron Array (an Earth defense gun) cracks the moon with one shot. ENT: Season 3: The Xindi Superweapon can destroy planets. TOS: The Cage: The Enterprise can destroy a continent with just phasers. TOS: Where No Man Has Gone Before: The Enterprise can lethally irradiate an entire planet without even using it's full power. TOS: The Doomsday Machine: The Doomsday machine eats planets. TOS: Whom God’s Destroy: Phasers penetrating a planetary shield will destroy all life on a planet, including everyone in the armored dome the shield is coming from. TOS: Obsession: Kirk and Spock blow off half a planet’s atmosphere with an ounce of dilithium energized antimatter, that leaves a visible crater the size of Russia. TOS: The Immunity Syndrome: A Giant space amoeba is devouring all energy in the local galaxy and growing larger. The Enterprise blows it up with an antimatter bomb. TNG: Booby Trap: A species with “primitive technology” turned a planet into an asteroid field. TNG: The Chase: A single Klingon Bird-of-Prey can cause a plasma-chain reaction to destroy the biosphere of a planet. TNG: New Ground: A warp soliton wave is able to destroy a large portion of a planet. TNG: Half a Life: Starfleet assists in accidentally causing a supernova. TNG: The Survivors: A single alien ship is able to destroy a Federation colony on a grand scale. TNG: Chain of Command: Cardassians are working on a metagenic weapon that could be delivered via subspace. TNG: Deja Q: The Enterprise attempts to stop an asteroidal moon from causing massive damage to a planet. They could destroy it with just one ship, and it was shown they could push it save the planet. DS9 The Die is Cast: An armada of starships are able to destroy a planet down to its core. The first 8 seconds of bombardment destroyed a third of the planet's surface. DS9: For the Uniform: Sisko uses biogenic weapons to make a planet inhospitable for humans. DS9: By Inferno’s Light: The Dominion attempts to cause Bajor’s sun to go supernova. DS9: Images in the Sand: A fleet of Klingon ships causes a solar flare that reaches out to the fourth planet of the system. VOY: Scorpion II: The Borg can create a bomb that spreads nanoprobes over the space of a whole solar system for mass assimilation. VOY: The Omega Directive: Ensign Kim states that a graviton torpedo can destroy a small planet. VOY: Dreadnought: The Cardassians build a massive missile ship capable of destroying a moon Wrath of Khan: The Genesis Device can destroy all existing life on a planet and make the planet into an Eden at the same time. Search for Spock: Genesis Device (see above) Generations: A Federation scientist creates a weapon that can cause stars to go supernova via a trilithium warhead. Nemesis: The Romulans create a ship with a superweapon that can turn people into fine stony dust across a whole planet. Abram's Trek: The Vulcan Science Academy can create red matter that can make black holes that can eat entire planets and an interstellar sized supernova. Basically all of them.
@bordergore6574 7 жыл бұрын
Idazmi7, not that Simpsonfan13 was proven wrong he will disappear and never comment again to avoid embarrassment.
@arielquelme 5 жыл бұрын
after reading the title "ah... fanboys bait"
@5hogg23 3 жыл бұрын
In Star Trek TOS they said a Constitution Class ship (original Enterprise) had enough weaponry to destroy a planet. The means by TNG almost every ship in Starfleet was more powerful than the Empire's most powerful weapon, the Death Star.
@TheFlyingSailorYT 4 жыл бұрын
You made an error. The Borg cube cut into the E's hull because it managed to adapt to the shield frequency of the Enterprise, thus completely defeating it. The Empire doesn't have that sort of tactic or adaptive technology at all. The Enterprise's shields otherwise would stop and deflect any attacks against it. That and the D's photon torpedoes use a matter/anti-matter reaction that is VERY violent, and the Enterprise carries a f-ton of them, and can fire a massive number of them in one salvo. If properly unleashed a Galaxy Class ship will stomp anything in space, the only ship that does it better is a Sovereign Class ship. The real weakness a Galaxy Class ship has... is those in command of it. The Federation is a generally pacifistic interstellar nation, while the Empire... well.. it goes without saying. The Empire will shoot first, and against such a large ship, with everything it got. Thing is that would also be the last thing it does. Because Federation captains if properly angered... will unleash hell.
@jmfreedome9863 3 жыл бұрын
Agreed... ST shields have proven time and time again to be VERY durable against energy based weapons... at least plenty of time to retaliate with antimatter photon torpedoes...
@somehalonerd1176 3 жыл бұрын
Yet a photon torpedo wouldn’t carry that much antimatter so the explosion would only be comparable to a nuke
@donnerrob6615 3 жыл бұрын
@@somehalonerd1176 except for the fact that 1.2 kg of antimatter contain as much energy as the tsar bomb, the biggest nuke ever detonated... And photon topedoes are pretty we can assume something in the Gigaton range of explosive power
@theendersmirk5851 3 жыл бұрын
I mean, to be fair, the star wars lasers are very rarely anything resembling an actual laser. Every weapon they use seems to have the properties of magnetically contained plasma (I'm something like 90% sure the entirety of Star Wars tech besides holograms and hyperdrive can be explained by extremely advanced magnetics used in weird ways, but that's another subject) so the bit about lasers versus the Enterprise's shield is kind of moot. Better to explain its history against plasma based weaponry.
@StinkPickle4000 3 жыл бұрын
@@theendersmirk5851 lol so true! Magnetics or perhaps... forcenetics? things in space that go pew pew and you can watch stream across the sky aren't lasers!
@tomlathrop4094 5 жыл бұрын
The Enterprise hands down as the Star Destroyers have repeatedly demonstrated their total inability to hit the broad side of a barn.
@BrooklynRedLeg 4 жыл бұрын
​tom lathrop - Then explain the opening battle in A New Hope....
@hotmeatchikenbro5565 4 жыл бұрын
BrooklynRedLeg the empire was not trying to destroy the tantive IV they were trying to board the ship as shown in the movie
@BrooklynRedLeg 4 жыл бұрын
@@hotmeatchikenbro5565 ​ Jalen kabemba - And yet they were able to repeatedly hit a fleeing starship to the point its shields collapsed and shut down the main reactor (instead of blowing it up). Thus the Empire is most certainly capable of targeting and hitting the Enterprise....
@SamSpade903 3 жыл бұрын
Phaser arrays seem able to apply constant damage and have no travel time as opposed to Star Wars laser weapons. So for me, Star Trek gets the edge. Also, the photon torpedo is more powerful than anything a star destroyer can muster; it causes massive antimatter explosions. The planet ending weapons are also interesting. The Star Wars universe needs a platform the size of the Death Star to blow up planets. The Star Trek universe needs the right torpedo
@notouki6364 2 жыл бұрын
Star destroyer in episode 9: i'm not sure about that
@SamSpade903 2 жыл бұрын
@@notouki6364 we don’t talk about the new trilogy.
@eternalhowl8895 2 жыл бұрын
Star Wars fighters have proton torpedos and I’m pretty sure those are the same thing or maybe not
@quantuman100 2 жыл бұрын
@@eternalhowl8895 no, they arn't it's like comparing an RPG to a cruise missile
@Ironcabbit Жыл бұрын
@Hunter Kincaid. I think THAT goes for both series, honestly.
@LaminatorX 3 жыл бұрын
As seen in multiple episodes, the Enterprise has TACTICAL FTL - sensors mobility and weapons. Hyperspace is faster, but is only useful for strategic level movement. Unless immediately crippled, the Enterprise could fall back, and then move on the Star Destroyer 's flank and unleash photon torpedo salvos that would impact before the Imperials ever saw them coming. They rarely pull this sort of thing in the show, because if your enemy also has tactical FTL it's a wash and you're better off with more power to your shields. The Picard Maneuver is an example of this very sort of thing though. Ignoring this is the only thing that makes this matchup even seem close.
@carlosdgutierrez6570 3 жыл бұрын
Then force them to fight in a pitched battle, bomb base delta zero their planets so they either leave them being burned or die trying to fight off them.
@LordtwigPI 3 жыл бұрын
Weapons range in Star Wars is medium. Range in Star Trek is thousands of miles. Lasers can't get through Federation shields.
@mattxgaming1850 2 жыл бұрын
One is a war ship and the other an exploration ship xD
@stainlesssteelfox1 2 жыл бұрын
@01000110 ! Hyperspace is not for tactical movement unless you want to end up inside the nearest planet. Any hyperspace jump requires careful and time consuming calculations while warp is just push a button and go. Yes, once you're in hyperspace, it's far faster than warp, but that only helps with strategic distances.
@melchiorvonsternberg844 Жыл бұрын
@01000110 ! In short distances, it makes no difference, cause Warp Drive can also make pretty quick jumps. Deuce at that point. And there is a differnce to. The Fed.units are very maneurable. No chance to get them by this way. And one small structural gap in the imperial shields, finish the battle, once and for all...
@simontebbutt4037 4 жыл бұрын
Eckhart: star trek especially changes the powers of it's weapons and technology to accoomadate the current plot sitation Admiral Holdo: Hold my beer....
@marcmorgan7796 4 жыл бұрын
And star wars creates new planet killing weapons for its plots too so whats the difference
@simontebbutt4037 4 жыл бұрын
@@marcmorgan7796 yeah that was my point. Holdo being able to hyperspace kamikaze her ship points out to me star wars is just as guilty of making up technology for plot devices as stat trek 🙂
@marcmorgan7796 4 жыл бұрын
@@simontebbutt4037 my apologies. One of the key tenets of Trek that was true up until this new wave of trek shows that don't deserve to bear its name, is that all tech in the series had to be founded in sound scientific theory, that one of the educational aspects of the series. Star Wars, not at all.
@-tcbms-8849 4 жыл бұрын
Marc Morgan it’s a bit hard to work with real science when you have what is essentially space magic easily accessible.
@marcmorgan7796 4 жыл бұрын
@@-tcbms-8849 its true but up until the new creations of Star Trek real science was the basis for most of their technology and the things that they imagined have become reality like the laptop computer and the desktop computer cell phones and whatnot
@jennyangel2137 3 жыл бұрын
All the Enterprise has to do is take out the Shield Generators and then target the bridge with a SINGLE photon Torpedo.
@StinkPickle4000 3 жыл бұрын
@Bill Leonard Does the enterprise get its shuttles then? In ST they replicated their small craft. Then its a handful of shuttles with torpedos, phasers and shields vs the swarm and only 1 needs to sneak through to do what Jenny suggests.
@StinkPickle4000 3 жыл бұрын
@Bill Leonard No not nearly! Kinda like A wings but slower, maybe like Y or more like U wings? Not sure but shields and torpedo's and phasers and could be piloted by data/computer remotely so even warp drive kamikikaze shuttle strikes could be strategically possible... maybe? Most big ships in SW are taken out by smaller kamikazee ship
@chaost4544 3 жыл бұрын
The biggest thing that annoyed me in the video analysis is the lack of discussion about legitimate range issues with the Star Destroyer. A photon Torpedo, which can be aimed, has a maximum range of 750,000 KM. A phaser has a shorter distance but has shown in TNG to be effective at 300,000 KM. The "laser" issue brought up is annoying because it's been established blasters shoot heated plasma, much like Klingon and Romulan Disruptors. Because it's superheated gas, the range of the Star Destroyer is limited because the farther a target is away, the more gas will expand. That's one of the reasons why both the Romulans and Klingons fight up close. The point is, the Enterprise can consistently stay at range and use microwarp corrections so they can keep changing positions so the tie fighters have zero impact in the battle. Remember, this is the crew of the Enterprise D; not some moronic Star Wars officer. Captain Picard is a brilliant military tactician. Even the basic star fleet captain has tactical knowledge that seems to lack in imperial officers who have consistently shown to be frankly horrible at their job. I also believe by the time the movies hit, the Enterprise D had Quantum torpedoes available which in this scenario would completely devastate a Star Destroyer.
@NotARobot-sc3it 3 жыл бұрын
@Bill Leonard phasers would one-shot a tie fighter and is accurate enough to hit them, there's a reason fighters aren't seen in trek
@KalisaFox 3 жыл бұрын
@@chaost4544 the range and speed always seem to never be taken seriously enough in these videos, Star trek has vastly more range, and speeds far greater then that of star wars ships, also star trek ships are far more maneuverable, where as star wars ships have their weapons with very limited firing arcs, the only way star wars would win i would think is if it caught a ship by surprise and managed to destroy it in its initial volly before the crew had time to react. as for top speeds of star trek ships, at impulse they can reach around 1/4 the speed of light, and star wars cannons are fired by people not computer, imagin trying to hit something even 100th that speed. ships are pretty slow in all depections in star wars, even fighters, where as the entireprise has a range of around 300,000 KM (which is almost the distance from earth to moon) with its lasers. All i could find for range for SSD suggested around a 75-150km range, and range seems based on the firing power of said weapons, so ground based weaponns like the ion cannon seem to have maybe up to 5000km of range, still a far cry from the 300k, also it takes awhile for these shots to travel and hit the target, also tie fighters seem to have rather limited range (all fighters seem to, being usually within 1-2km before they start engaging) so enterprise shuttles would be actually faster then these ships, maybe not as maneuverable since we never seen shuttles in those kinds of fights, but pinpoint accuracy with their computers and far greater range. Even giving the empire a huge boost in range over this, the speeds would still be horribly slow trying to hit something moving even afew % tthe speed of light. To be fair to star wars tho, i think they probably have allot more power at close range, at specific arcs, and the tie fighters may be able to do some damage if they could catch the entireprise, but if the entireprise is moving at those higher speeds and ties have limited firing range its very unlikely ties would be of any use in this fight. But Ultimatly, like others have stated, if u actually do a breakdown of the numbers thrown around at these overpowered websites or guide books, both ships defenses are far outclassed by their weapons and 1 shot hitting from either ship should destroy eachother, and thats the really sad part about these universes, they were never really built to be logical when analyzing this kind of stuff, not enough care was done in that area.
@Lennis01 7 жыл бұрын
One aspect of the Star Wars universe that you neglected to mention is that their shielding systems work differently from those in the Star Trek universe. Shields that can defend against both energy and physical impacts are extremely power intensive in Star Wars, and are usually only seen on planetary installations. Most SW ships employ ray shields that can defend against energy weapons, but not physical ordinance or impacts. It's safe to assume that the ISD employs ray shielding and uses its fighters or gunners to shoot down any incoming torpedoes. This immediately gives the Enterprise a huge advantage. It's phaser arrays are extremely accurate and can cover any angle of attack from an enemy force. Since the TIE fighters have no shields, they would be taken out very quickly, leaving only the Star Destroyer's gunners to deal with incoming torpedoes. Gunners in the Star Wars universe are notoriously inaccurate when shooting at anything starfighter size or smaller, so it is a virtual certainty that a ten-torpedo spread from the Enterprise would penetrate the ISD's defenses and cause considerable damage. While the destructive power of photon torpedoes varies wildly depending on the episode or movie you're watching, I believe that hitting the ISD's command tower or underside reactor blister would end the fight regardless - as these are known weak points. The ISD's only real chance is in keeping its TIE's in reserve to deal with torpedo attacks while its turbolasers hammer the Enterprise's shields, but this is not a typical Imperial tactic. Starfleet crews are known for their ability to adapt to new or unexpected situations, while Imperial crews rely on well established but inflexible doctrines. I have to give the edge to the Enterprise-D.
@LogicalTerror 7 жыл бұрын
photon torpedoes travel at close to light speed, there's no way for a tie fighter or gunner to shoot that down.
@Xo-3130 7 жыл бұрын
Lennis01 Star wars ships have kenetic shields you idiot. In fact deflector shields are made up of both particle shields and ray shields.
@Lennis01 7 жыл бұрын
+Emp United No need to get nasty. I'm basing my opinions on visual evidence and things that have been stated in-universe.
@Lennis01 7 жыл бұрын
+ Storm Lead Agree that inconsistency is a big problem across both universes. On the subject of crews, I stand by my opinion of a Trek crew having the edge in this contest, and that's based on the assumption that neither side has encountered the other before now. Its all about flexibility. Imperial crews would have a huge advantage engaging known enemies on account of their military training, but unknown enemies using unconventional tactics or technologies would give them trouble. Generals have a habit of always "fighting the last war", and this can make them vulnerable. We see this happen time and time again in real life, and this thinking also afflicted the Empire during the Galactic Civil War. In the Clone Wars, Republic/Imperial forces trained to fight pitch battles against peer forces using similar tactics. The GCW was a very different conflict, with small Rebel forces using hit-and-run tactics and keeping their forces decentralized - always shifting their base of operations to keep the Empire confused and on the defensive. Starfleet crews are not all that militant, so they seldom succumb to "fighting the last war". They do not make assumptions when facing the unknown because as explorers they are trained not to. This would make all the difference. To Starfleet, the Empire is an unknown but knowable enemy. To the Empire, Starfleet would be both unknown and unknowable. This maxim only applies to the forces in general, however. An exceptional leader like Grand Admiral Thrawn can overcome the natural limitations of a rigid military doctrine because he does not make assumptions when facing the unknown, and instead adapts his tactics as the situation develops. But let's face it, there are much more Admiral Ozzels in the Imperial Navy then there are Thrawns.
@jessicamason2526 6 жыл бұрын
emp united before u call someone a idiot please learn the lore your blindly protecting a ISD 2 dosnt have kinetic shields and i can even give a example from the movies even more so i can give the example from vaders own death squadron which was a ISD 2 which as its part of vaders personal fleet would of had better gear and crews then the wider norm of the empire remember in the empire strikes back when the millennium falcon evades the imperial fleet in a asteroid field and they end up taking refuge in the asteroid with the space worm well yeah remember the scene where the ISD is destroyed chasing them ..... if u dont believe me heres a link smart guy and thats just a un propelled asteroid not a photon torpedo which is capable depending on the payload (which yes can be changed even in combat) of anywhere from a large explosive detention to even planet killing type bombs as seen in DS9 when sisko made a reluctant worf launch one such modified torpedo
@Waddyaknow 4 жыл бұрын
Data could just plot a course at warp 8 where the Enterprise “appears” out of nowhere, launches a torpedo salvo, pops up over here does the same, pops up of there, again and again and again. How does the SSD defend against hundreds of photon torpedoes simultaneously coming from all directions, from an enemy they can’t see? Game over
@patricklevens777 4 жыл бұрын
The enterprise dose not have hundreds of thoughs
@CtisGaming 4 жыл бұрын
The Enterprise doesn't have 100s of torps, but the back of a Star Destroyer is uncovered and Trek is all about their scans and work arounds. Identifying their enemy's strengths & weaknesses relative to their own is almost immediate for Trek, but a nightmare for Wars. They just have to immobilize them and then concentrate their Phasers on the rear long enough. The TIEs wouldn't even be a problem. Their shields would neutralize such small wpns and they'd be able to splat them by ramming their shield into them. Warp also means Trek is free to engage, disengage, and resupply at will. The replicator also gives them effectly infinite food & water supplies while Destroyer crews need to resupply regularly for their massive crew compliments.
@marcmorgan7796 4 жыл бұрын
Its known as the Picard maneuver, its been done before so its cannon and a verified tactical strategy that works
@aptaylor75 3 жыл бұрын
@@marcmorgan7796 a version of the Picard maneuver was also done by Capt. Lorca, aboard the Discovery, against the Klingon Cleave Ship with the Spore drive 100+ years before before the Battle of Maxia, so it is doubly in the canon. Though Stamets almost died pulling off so many consecutive jumps.
@deliciouslambshank4705 3 жыл бұрын
Something most people seem to be forgetting is weapon range! I am not an expert, but after doing a little research it seems that the Turbolasers have a max range of about 6,000km while photon torpedos have hit small objects at 90,000km and some sources even say they have a max range of 1 billion km. And that does not seem like a fair match to me. Also: 4 years late to the party just like I always am in rl!
@otherCarlotron 2 жыл бұрын
Yep, finally someone who gets it. Also: 1 year late to the party just like I always am in rl!
@Rocket1377 Жыл бұрын
Distance is irrelevant, considering that Star Destroyers always drop out of hyperspace at point blank range.
@lukas_ls 10 ай бұрын
It was mentioned, but there is hardly any canon source for that. You'll also find higher numbers and numbers with ridiculously high weapon yield (Gigaton to Terraton Range with a single shot). In the cross section to rots. There the range of a venator class star destroyer was mentioned to be 10 light minutes.
@Whitepaint 4 жыл бұрын
The technologies are laid out and can somewhat be compared, via their manuals. The shielding in the ST universe would likely absorb the SW weapons. The ST universe also has a range and aiming advantage, while the capital ships are far more maneuverable in the ST universe. ST is OP as compared with SW. You have to keep in mind that the SW universe ships are role based, thusly the fighters. The ST ships are multi-role units and need to be able to hold up in war.
@Bartonovich52 5 жыл бұрын
Lasers? Those won’t even penetrate our navigation shields.
@EyeOfMagnus4E201 5 жыл бұрын
The Borg and Cardassians both did a good job proving that statement incorrect.
@ZacLowing 5 жыл бұрын
@@EyeOfMagnus4E201 did they use "LASERS"? Never. Laser flashlights can't hurt a battleship.
@Brainstorm4300 5 жыл бұрын
@@EyeOfMagnus4E201 how do you know they were lasers?
@revvy13 5 жыл бұрын
The Borg cutting laser is a different animal altogether. Also, it's only useable AFTER a hole in the shields is created. Prior to collapsing the shields, it's useless or the Borg would just open a fight with it (after all, efficiency is the trademark of the Borg.)
@Brainstorm4300 5 жыл бұрын
@@revvy13 how do they open a hole in the shield? I'm guessing they emit a disruptive wave that creates the "hole" in the shield? Does it have to be laser then? I don't think their weaponry is limited to laser range, the energy emissions are only visible for the audience. I mean it wouldn't make good tv if the waves are not visualized.
@philippschmitt2569 5 жыл бұрын
The real question one has to ask themself is: In case of a showdown, on which ship would you rather be?
@midikontrol1044 5 жыл бұрын
Well,...the Enterprise. Cause, if you're going to die, you might as well do it in style.
@enginepy 5 жыл бұрын
ISD a hundred times over. Enterprise would be destroyed in the first volley
@snaggledog0079 4 жыл бұрын
Enterprise. Her captains are always more insightful and creative.
@GT-mq1dx 4 жыл бұрын
@midikontrol1044 4 жыл бұрын
@Victor Nikolai star fleet admirals dont die
@kaeaja 3 жыл бұрын
@EckhartsLadder I felt I should point out here that at 4:41 you mention the Borg Cutting beam cutting into the Enterprise D's hull, bear in mind this happened AFTER the Borg Cube had completely disabled the Enterprise's shields, leaving it defenseless, this same cutting beam would have been absolutely useless if the Enterprise's shields were still active. 5:30 The Star Destroyers, both the Imperial I and Imperial II classes have 60 Heavy Turbo Lasers and about the same amount in Ion Cannons, still a great deal more weapon platforms then the Enterprise D but I felt I should point this out :3 Before I say more I would like to add that I really do like your video, very nicely done! All of this is still dependent though on whether or not the Turbo Lasers and Ion Canons can even do anything to the Enterprise's shields. Since Ion Weapons are effectively EMP weapons in a since, we can presume that the Enterprise must have some kind of shielding against such effects as we know Ion Canons work to disrupt electrical systems within a ship and disable them, giving all the anomalies that the Enterprise encounters on a daily basis or has and will, the ship would likely be shielded against Ionic interference and or be able to easily compensate for it. As for the Turbo Lasers? They are actually Coherent Plasma bolts, so no they are not Lasers but they start OUT as Lasers, hence why they are called Turbo Lasers. So these could actually do damage to the Enterprise D's shields yes. However there are a few things here that were not exactly considered. Such as the yield of Photon Torpedos, a Photon can have a variable yield from dealing minor damage, to leveling a city, or even blowing up a small moon in one shot, given the average size and density of a Star Destroyer, it is not impossible to think that it would only take a few direct hits on the Star Destroyer for the Photons to do massive crippling damage presuming the Enterprise has disabled the shields of the Star Destroyer, which is ACTUALLY not that hard to do if you know what to aim for, those two massive globes on the top of the Star Destroyer's bridge which contain among other things, the Shield Generator system, these globes are actually vulnerable to direct attacks as they've been penetrated and destroyed by small craft such as fighters, and this was done to an Executor Class Dreadnought (a vastly bigger and more dangerous Star Destroyer I might add) shortly before a single A Wing promptly gave the unshielded bridge of the Dreadnought a BIG F you causing the Dreadnought to be immediately disabled and it crashed in a fiery explosion that would impress Michael Bay. While it is true those globes are the source of the shield generators, they are some of the most vulnerable parts of a Star Destroyer and are easily targetted and anyone would be able to figure that out with sensors like what the Enterprise D has in no time at all, as you said, presuming the crews are all equally skilled clones on both ships, it is 100% likely that the crew would take all the scans they can of the Star Destroyer and then focus fire all of their weapons on the shield globes, and I say this with no bias as I really REALLY do love both Star Trek and Star Wars equally, that if a squadron of fighters can pulverize the shield globes on their own, a ship like the Enterprise D certainly can on it's own and very likely do it faster. Secondly, ALL of the weapons aboard the Star Destroyer are on the top and bottom of the ship and to bring all it's firepower to bear on one target the Star Destroyer would need to be able to aim either all of it's top mounted weapons or bottom mounted weapons at the Enterprise D, which it wouldn't be able to do consistently due to the Enterprise D being faster, but not only that, anyone with a BRAIN STEM would never position their ship to be within the firing arc of all the weapons on the top or bottom of the Star Destroyer and would do the SMART THING and get into the Star Destroyer's blindspot, which is anywhere directly behind it, there are little to NO weapons that are protecting the back end of the Star Destroyer. All the Enterprise would have to do is hide in this blindspot and the Star Destroyer would be very much so screwed. So it all rests on whether or not the Star Destroyer can actually keep enough of it's weapons on the Enterprise, but because of the maneuverability of the Enterprise D being superior with the ship being MUCH smaller and the ship being capable of firing off a large number of it's photons at once and setting them to maximum yield, I cannot really imagine the Star Destroyer winning in this match. The Enterprise D would be able to divert all of it's warp power to it's shields to make them insanely durable to the point that it is all that the Enterprise D would have to do to slip behind the Star Destroyer, take out the shield globes, blow up the Star Destroyer's engines and then continue tearing it apart by taking out all the now unshielded Turbo Lasers with a massive Phaser and Photon Torpedo volley. That all said, again, I loved your video all the same and keep it up
@archerdwags 2 жыл бұрын
I read this
@deathsinger1192 2 жыл бұрын
well, guess it comes down to the ISD winning while having the offensive, it would just jump in and toast the enterprise by surprise, otherwise I guess Enterprise would win
@kaeaja 2 жыл бұрын
@@deathsinger1192 Hard to really tell ultimately but I am rather confident that Ent D would win, antimatter weaponry and all that.
@jamesp7987 4 жыл бұрын
There isn't any reason to suggest that the Borg's cutting beam is a plasma based weapon. In ST: Enterprise it was referred to as a "Particle Beam" which could mean that it's either a disruptor phaser or laser weapon. Given that all plasma based weapons should be able to be blocked by the shields (as the ship needs to be able to safely traverse through dangerous environments, such as plasma storms). Therefore, all we can really say is that it definitely isn't a laser weapon, similar to those in Star Wars, and it might be a phaser or disruptor or something else. It might even be similar to a subatomic disruptor which was seen in Voyager on a 29th century starship, but the Borg may not have been advanced enough to produce those. Therefore, the Borg cutting the Enterprise's hull shouldn't be used as proof that not all laser weapons are ineffective against Federation shields. Furthermore, there are at least a few canon sources stating that lasers in Star Wars are superheated plasma. Also, Data is far smarter than IG-88.
@Crevasse 4 жыл бұрын
YES this video is pretty much haha I didn't do any research on Star Trek and I love Star Wars
@pooinside123 4 жыл бұрын
Also, on next gen, The Borg were seen as a species far ahead to that of Star Fleet. The cutting beam was an example of the tecnological difference between them. So much that the cube could cut through the most advance ship starfleet had at the time and for the same reason was that the cutting beam was left unspecified. Now, here he is using it as proof that the sar destroyer can damage a Galaxy class when he also stated that it would only "slightly" be ahead technologically.
@Timelord2001 4 жыл бұрын
Plus let's remember that the Borg cutting beam *only* works *after* the target ship's shields have been brought down first. So, since lasers won't do a thing to Starfleet shields, they'd never get to even try to cut through the hull.
@thehistoryman9332 4 жыл бұрын
@kommandantgalileo 4 жыл бұрын
R2 will beat out data
@aaronl9530 7 жыл бұрын
2nd try, Vatican vs Jedi order
@dezkiir 7 жыл бұрын
spiritofthewolf15x I feel sorry for the padawans
@alexanerose4820 7 жыл бұрын
Other than the child molester joke, we really don't know what mystical messed up satanic texts they've been keeping away in their archives. Remember they've been playing this game for a very long time and I think they're seen some $#@! and kept them too
@dezkiir 7 жыл бұрын
Alexane Rose I bet somewhere down I their archives it states Catholicism is bullshit
@michaelt4256 7 жыл бұрын
id be more interested to see the jedi run across betazoids
@alexanerose4820 7 жыл бұрын
+Dezkiir Or their keeping all the awesome bull$#@! to themselves
@ericgieskieng4262 3 жыл бұрын
With greater maneuverability of the Enterprise, and the complete lack of a rear firing arc on the Star Destroyer would make this a very short fight.
@nunya_bizniz 3 жыл бұрын
Indeed, this video lacks any consideration for tactics, as if Picard will just sit in front of hundreds of weapons. Stupid vid so I downvoted.
@knightveg 3 жыл бұрын
No wrong the star destroyer has more guns all over it ship from all angles
@nunya_bizniz 3 жыл бұрын
@@knightveg they have a blindspot in the rear. This is well known my dude. Enterprise could easily maneuver into that blindspot at impulse speed (1/4 light speed) and the SD wouldn't be able to even track it or shoot at it. Easy win for the Enterprise. They can also use the Picard Maneuver where they enter warp for short distance and just warp to the blindspot position, but really that isn't needed because guns on the SD can't even target them in there slowest speeds.
@justingates4985 3 жыл бұрын
@@knightveg The Empire specifically does not put weapons on the aft section of their Star Destroyers to prevent their captains from trying to retreat from battle.
@valor1omega 3 жыл бұрын
@@nunya_bizniz The Picard maneuver is a joke. It only works on sensors, the human eye would not see the phantom ship but would see the actual ship.
@Kenny-tl7ir 3 жыл бұрын
One Enterprise D would make short work of an entire fleet of laser shooting star destroyers LMAO
@Starkiller-cu1iw 7 жыл бұрын
U.S.S vengeance vs imperial 2 star destroyer
@theimmortalsuperbeing549 7 жыл бұрын
Ya and there nearly the same size too.
@SrMissileMonkey 7 жыл бұрын
Starbrick Studios this i feel is a much more even fight.
@violetiris69 7 жыл бұрын
@th3comb1ne13 7 жыл бұрын
Good matchup
@Dalipsingh111111 7 жыл бұрын
Cool, but too bad this match will never get in this video, because the Vengeance nerver accoured in a movie, so no muggle knows it exists. :(
@metalavenger23 4 жыл бұрын
i remember it being established in an episode of star trek the next generation. the enterprise came across a species with laser based weapons. the enterprise's tritanium hull skin actually reflected enough energy away from the bolts that they didn't even bother to raise their shields.
@osets2117 3 жыл бұрын
The weapons in star wars are not lasers. Look up how weapons work in star wars first
@osets2117 3 жыл бұрын
@@metalavenger23 I have a book from 2006 that would say otherwise
@danielr.golightly38 3 жыл бұрын
That’s just lasers. Phasers are lasers. The laser beam is used a transportation device to send photons to the target. It’s good for space technology because once you shut it off it stops moving. It’s the same reason in Star Wars universe why their blasters disintegrate after a distant. You don’t want a weaponized object to keep in moving throughout the galaxy. But lasers by themselves wouldn’t harm any reflective material. It’s how you use the lasers that count. In Star Trek it’s probably the computer that’s measuring the distance so the phasers don’t bounce off. Or maybe they’ve perfected the beam so the photons exploding disrupts it so it can’t bounce off.
@rdmrdm2659 3 жыл бұрын
@@danielr.golightly38 um ... phasers are explicitly said to NOT be lasers.
@danielr.golightly38 3 жыл бұрын
@@rdmrdm2659 The beam it uses is technically a laser. The weapon itself is a photon particle beam. The laser is just what transmits it to the location. Like your blue laser in your blue-ray transmits the data.
@ForteGigasGospel 3 жыл бұрын
The Enterprise has taken on multiple warships at a time, often getting attacked by 2 or more Romulun ships at a time. The gun array can basically attack in all directions and are automated. Warf basically gets the command to press the "kill that thing" button. "Target the guns," the enterprise starts barraging the entire ship pinpointing every single gun on the thing. As for ammo of the Wars series, games tell us that they fire plasma bolts. We also usually never see shields effects at all in star wars. I'm convinced that the Enterprise would win, but it would take a lot of damage in the process, if not be crippled by the end of it.
@mrrexychomp9829 3 жыл бұрын
I think the shields in star wars don't have an effect like in star trek, unless they are thermal shields then they are not visible and only block damage like a second invisible layer of armor, I think that these ships would be very evenly matched though if the ISD starts getting Ion cannon hits on the enterprise to disable its systems or catches it in its tractor beam then the battle would shift in favor of the Star destroyer
@ForteGigasGospel 3 жыл бұрын
I think tractor beaming the Enterprise might be one of the worse mistakes the SD could do. To my knowledge the tractor beam goes right into the hanger. You don't want to have a ship that has arrays of pinpoint accurate guns all over it with any opening inside your ship visible, especially with those weapons being automated to aim at the most important spots, once the hanger is even in sight that array is firing the full force laser right inside.
@mrrexychomp9829 3 жыл бұрын
@@ForteGigasGospel The tractor beam can either move small ships like corvettes and shuttles into the docking bay to board them (the enterprise is way to big to be boarded like that) or it can be used to simply trap a ship and stop it from moving while disabling its engines and weapons to prevent damage to the ship, though if absolutely necessary the tractor beam could be used to move an enemy ship to a different docking port on the side of the ship though I doubt the SD would do this as that would put its hangars in view and you don't want to risk a room full of explosives near an enemy
@jmurray1110 2 жыл бұрын
No we see that it can immobiles ships On rebels an officer is able to stop darth vaders ship from moving (he was aiming for the ghost but it hyperdrived a tad early
@fishfossils8858 2 жыл бұрын
Pssssh the fact the people this this is a close fight is hilarious. The Star Destroyer has ION Magnetic shielding, basically rendering the Enterprise lasers completely useless. The only chance the enterprise would have is its torpedos which are physical armaments and not energy ones, which star destroyers have proven to be weak to be weak against. However the torpedoes are slow, and the star destroyer would probably just shoot them down. Add on the fact that the enterprise would be under constant bombardment from Tie fighters and Tie bombers, i doubt the Enterprise would lay a scratch on the Star Destroyer. Simply the Enterprise is a research and exploration vessel, and the Star Destroyer is a weapon of war. Remember its a literal upgrade from the ships that were winning the Clone wars. So yeah, Star Destroyer wipe the floor with the enterprise.
@kojowilson1385 3 жыл бұрын
Combat tactics?!? Starfleet Captains use combat tactics. Star Destroyer Commanders depend on their many guns and Tie fighters. The Star Destroyer has a massive blind spot on the rear that Data or Worf would quickly identify after 10 - 15 seconds of battle while engaged in evasive maneuvers. Get directly behind the Star Destroyer and fire phasers and torpedos. Maneuvering to the underside of a Star Destroyer and firing several torpedoes directly into the hangar bay will take out the Tie fighters and potentially cause a massive loss of combat effectiveness for the Star Destroyer. I believe the USS Defiant would be an even more effective ship to use given its increased maneuvering capability.
@WyrdBlogger01 3 жыл бұрын
The Enterprise D transports over a tricobalt device onto the SS. The end.
@tastyfishsauce4410 3 жыл бұрын
It only need to trasport a single TRIBBLE.
@chaost4544 3 жыл бұрын
I find it a bit dubious when people use the Shield argument for the Empire as evidence transporters wouldn't work. The type of transporters on the Enterprise D can actually transport things through low level, outdated shield designs and have zero issue transporting things through deflector type shields; the type of shields the Empire uses on a regular basis.
@valor1omega 3 жыл бұрын
Only problem is they don't have tricobalt tech during the TNG era.
@WyrdBlogger01 3 жыл бұрын
@@valor1omega They have torpedoes, Data, and Geordi La Forge - a massively destructive device would be no problem.
@valor1omega 3 жыл бұрын
@@WyrdBlogger01 Are you talking TNG era or the movies?
@Verse84 6 жыл бұрын
Enterprise has superior range, technology, and tactics. The star destroyer is designed to intimidate, the positions of its guns are impractical in battle and it has terrible manoeuvrability. I also think that you are not giving the transporter technology nearly enough credit.
@AdeptPaladin 5 жыл бұрын
Jesse Hoffman The Enterprise swats Maquis raiders out of the sky easily. Plus she has 10 shuttlecraft with comparable range and firepower for their size. Type 4 or even 5 is markedly less punch than then big arrays in the Enterprise but their range would still be measured in hundreds of KM and capable of punching through asteroids easily.
@shaneboltpara-vet7390 3 жыл бұрын
another factor not mentioned would be the swarms of Ties being deployed which may not be effective against the Enterprise's shields but would add a lot more targets to be tracked and dealt with
@winngedhussarmalaka7685 Жыл бұрын
And which isd it was. The Chimera was equipped with defenders which were the best star fighters in the galaxy
@kipp1231 Жыл бұрын
They are nothing but annoying mosquitoes to a galaxy class ship. They couldn't penetrate the shields.
@nuperaa6617 Жыл бұрын
​@@kipp1231how do you know it? Tie bombers are made to destroy capital ships how much do you think enterprise could resist against all that fier power, in star wars fighters are made to stop the bombers, its literally a warship against an explorer ship.
@leavingYoutube-m6i 11 ай бұрын
The Enterprise Has multi phasic target lock. This clip literally shows the Enterprise D destroying Several fighter like drones with minimum shields within 6 seconds. Tie Fighters have zero shields. they could destroy an Entire Tie fighter compliment within 3mins.
@aldrinmilespartosa1578 11 ай бұрын
@@nuperaa6617 because naming convention does not reflect its capabilities. Like imagine a ww2 Iowa battleship fight off a modern frigate, on paper the higher rank would win but we all knew one programed torpedo under the belly of it would easily sink it.\ Aside from hyperspace, Star Trek has technologically superior weapons, shields, and navigation intel tech.
@RealRonTV 2 жыл бұрын
Never happen. The enterprise has much more speed and maneuverability than the destroyer and can easily pick apart the defenses with pinpoint accuracy while they move out of position disabling one entire side of the destroyer before moving to the other side. The Destroyer is built for a head on attack and can't move fast enough to adjust. Not to mention the ease at which the Enterprise could locate the power or shields source to disable. A full spread of torpedoes could easily disable all the manned guns in one quick volley.
@cannoneer155mm 4 жыл бұрын
Considering the example you gave about the Romulan attack on a planet during the Dominion War. Given that the Romulans did inflict major damage to said planet, remember the the Enterprise of the Mirror Universe had the capability to destroy a planet with its weaponry as well. Also in TNG series the Enterprise could and did use its Phasers to pacify a highly seismic planet when Data established contact with a pre-warp culture on the verge of being wiped out by their own planet.
@LordProteus 5 жыл бұрын
Picard: "Data, transport all of their bridge crew into our brig." Data: "Aye sir."
@xeserupseinopelttil4574 5 жыл бұрын
Lord Proteus lmao, directly to the matter-antimatter chamber
@chrisn4315 5 жыл бұрын
lol ... yeah! :-)
@patrickspeegle9558 5 жыл бұрын
Data: "Our transporters are unable to get a lock, sir. They appear to have...shields!" :|
@chrisn4315 5 жыл бұрын
Picard: "Ok, Data. Maximum Power to the Deflector Array." (According to Trek Tech, that gives the Enterprise a density similar to matter inside of a neutron star). Data: "Power Diverted, Captain" Picard: "Set a course straight through that ship and engage at Warp 1!" ...and the Star Destroyer is ripped apart like tin foil hit by a meteor, and Enterprise probably not having a dent in the hull...
@patrickspeegle9558 5 жыл бұрын
Data: "Yes, sir." Riker: "Captain, how do we plan on destroying them? All we've got at the moment is a giant layer of Bubble Wrap around us."
@rando_webb8704 3 жыл бұрын
The Enterprise has superior defensive capabilities, while the star destroyer has superior offensive capabilities.
@lordsquares5646 3 жыл бұрын
The Star destroyer has a complete lack of armaments and or armor on its rear end that is its Achilles heal
@arounor 3 жыл бұрын
Also the weapons are different. Some are overpowered lasers. Others are phased lasers. Some defense shunt laser bolts aside. Some absorb
@charleshodgdon6168 3 жыл бұрын
@@lordsquares5646 the star destroyer does not have a complete lack of armaments or armor on the rear end. The armor is the same. It is very low on armaments, but still has some. This does make the rear the best place to attack. With the enterprise being around 642.5 meters long and the star destroyer being 1,600 meters long. The enterprise would be easy to hit by size. If they stayed in the rear, the rear guns and the port and starboard rotating mounts near the back would have an easy target. The speed of the enterprise could keep it in the rear once it reaches there. The only speed that I could find for the star destroyer other than hyperspace was atmospheric. I could not find any interplanetary speeds for it. I think the atmospheric speed was around 675 km/h. It should have interplanetary speed much higher. The enterprise interplanetary speed was I believe in the millions km/h. I could not find atmospheric speed for it.
@Ballin4Vengeance 3 жыл бұрын
Enterprisse has superior plot armor capabilities.
@arounor 3 жыл бұрын
@IRONHILLdwarf * define weak. They have different type of phaser phased lasers. And only some torpedoes can penetrate ones that are designed to. But sheilds still block allot before they get holed. Also the sheilds can withstand being near a supernova. Also pre Dominion war would be different then post Dominion war as well. Energy drainers have less effect due to them contracting the breen
@generalcodsworth4417 3 жыл бұрын
Of course, the Enterprise could always go outside turbo canon range and fire photon torpedos at the star destroyer
@lostsoul2508 3 жыл бұрын
Agreed, not to mention the versatility of their tech means that using warp to position oneself strategically is possible, i.e. The Picard Maneuvere
@galenwolf 3 жыл бұрын
TNG Season 5, Episode 9 - shows the Enterprise D drilling into the core of a planet. ISD's cannot do that.
@realhyperhamster 3 жыл бұрын
@@masters8536 dude think about it the empire had to build a fucking death star to destroy a single planet, the enterprise and any starfleet vessel can melt the crust of a planet and get to its core alove to destroy it. The empire would be at the mercy of the federation of they encountered them
@adrianobecherucci35359 3 жыл бұрын
@@masters8536 Depends all when they face up, if after or before voyager's end. If the federation can use against star destroyers the transphasic torpedos, in one shot every imperial vessel would be destroyed. And with the ablative tecnology the federation would have almost indestructible ships. Watch the last two episodes of voyager, everything is there.
@mpjstuff 3 жыл бұрын
The Death Star beam and the phaser are roughly the same. The Death Star has more power than the typical ST ship. Also, blasters are useless plasma bolts. Star Wars is fun because ye olde Cowboy and WW II era tactics and people with swords still work. Star Trek tactics are about figuring something out - so tactics and tech can be obsolete much more quickly.
@coreysteeegs8255 3 жыл бұрын
The discovery can drill into Mars but it can't fight. This is about battle. Not utility
@mpjstuff 3 жыл бұрын
@@coreysteeegs8255 Yes, the Federation CHOOSES not to do battle with a lot of powerful tools. It does not mean if they got into it with the Empire they couldn't repurpose their "tools." Their phasers are pretty much like a lower power version of the Death Star beam.
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