As traduções para inglês e português das legendas podem estar erradas. Se você identificar algum erro, por favor aponte o erro nos comentários. The translations for English and Portuguese of the subtitles may be wrong. If you identify some mistakes, please say for me in the comments.
@Canada19943 жыл бұрын
My Four Time Great Grandfather fought in the Grande Armee. He was 20 when he survived the Russian invasion. He also fought at Leipzig and at Waterloo.
@rose72br3 жыл бұрын
That's cool! You must be very proud of him.
@Canada19943 жыл бұрын
@@rose72br I am. He was also an ethnic German from Alsace-Lorraine and he was captured by the Prussians at Waterloo so I bet he was a part of Grouchy's 30,000 sent after them. He spent six months at a POW camp at Danzig and I bet he was a translator between the German speaking Prussians and his French speaking comrades. If I have a son, his middle name will be Nikolaus in his honour.
@TLOK19183 жыл бұрын
@@Canada1994 He was very fortunate to have survived Russia and the Napoleonic Wars! Although, if he was captured at Waterloo, how could he have been among Grouchy's detachment? Grouchy never made it to the battle. He was probably in the right wing of Napoleon's army, defending Plancenoit from the arriving Prussian forces. Grouchy won a battle at Wavre--ironically costing Napoleon the battle at Waterloo--and fell back in good order.
@Canada19943 жыл бұрын
@@TLOK1918 The entire three days of fighting and the four battles in those three days all fit under the Waterloo campaign. The British made the Waterloo medal for both British and Prussian forces who fought in those battles regardless if they fought on the Waterloo ridge or not.
@TLOK19183 жыл бұрын
@@Canada1994 Of course they fall under the umbrella of the Waterloo campaign. But you must grant that when you say "captured at Waterloo", it sounds like you're specifically referring to the Battle of Waterloo. That's how anyone would interpret it. Anyway, what difference does it make? It's an honor to have an ancestor who served under Napoleon. Cheers!
@schwich3 жыл бұрын
Anthems of france 1 veillons au salut de l'empire 1791 2 La Marseillaise 1792 3 Le Chant du départ 1804 When you’re so revolutionary that you make 3 anthems when you only needed one
@خبرةاسود3 жыл бұрын
He is not ànathem of frànch empire the orgin anathem name chant du depart
@rose72br3 жыл бұрын
Some historians (as Steven Englund) point out that the "Veillons au Salut de l'Empire" would be the anthem of the French Empire.