I have an idea for you you could make a My little pony movie with happy tree Friends with celestia and luna in 20 years tired of retirement wanting to be princesses again traveling to the other side of the sea discovering that there is an Equestria for two discovering the world of happy tree Friends seeing a castle in the city and discovering that the one who rules there is the good shadow king from the mlp comics and that his friends are the characters of happy tree Friends, and there the villains would be neozor and Big BOSS and that they have a army of purple bears and that they are the mane 6 of the future and that neozor and Big BOSS pretend to be their friends by telling them that celestia and luna were planning to become princesses again, and telling them that the shadow king was alive and that he was thinking of retiring and give their place to celestia and luna Twitlit and her friends travel to happy tree Friends just the day they were planning her coronation when they realized that she was coming they canceled her for her presence only until go just try it, I'll just give you an idea and I open you with a lot of respect but only test in this 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏