Vermintide 2 l Unchained Mastery Guide l Talents Traits Tactics

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@ThePartyKnife 4 жыл бұрын
I do apologize for the suboptimal audio quality and blowing into the mic! I've since gotten my hands on a propper microphone and started scripting all my guides for better optimization. Appreciate your understanding and thank you very much for watching!
@kundogb 4 жыл бұрын
I love how unchained just has a trully unique way of playing.
@ThePartyKnife 4 жыл бұрын
Sigmar approves of this statement.
@Drprophetius 4 жыл бұрын
When I started playing, I quickly found myself liking Unchained the most. Played couple of days straight, was exited and started looking for guides. This video had came the day I started playing... Has been a great help, thanks for good video. Plz more guides.
@ThePartyKnife 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks man i'm glad you liked it! More guides are coming as fast as i can get myself to make them! :)
@Karpata1 4 жыл бұрын
Great to see there are still new people trickling in every now and then
@Drprophetius 4 жыл бұрын
@@Karpata1 Yeah the steam sales surely brought more than me and my friends, game seems to be getting updates too
@Avoozl 4 жыл бұрын
For both Mercenary and Unchained I do agree with your choice of build, even though I sometimes choose defensive builds on both. I would LOVE your take on Slayer next! That is my no.1 character; always!
@tahutahu2446 3 жыл бұрын
This guide is outdated, but it's still a very good primer. - Burning Dregs is now "Abandon", which trades HP for Ability Cooldown. - Fuel for the Fire is now "Wildfire", which causes you to gain an aura for 10 seconds that burns all nearby enemies, and increasing the stagger power of Living Bomb (iirc, it's enough to stagger bosses if it doesn't already, or just knockdown big enemies) - Fireball staff does not grant any stacks of Barrage on the first hit, and can only give one stack per attack instead of 2 and 3. If the fireball hits multiple enemies at the same time, it will only grant a stack if the last enemy you hit is hit next. Beam and bolt staff still work for fast charging, if you're inclined to still run Barrage - I can't remember if this video is pre or post beam staff nerf, but quick-scoping (LMB+RMB) does significantly reduced damage, and takes a second of laser pointer to do full damage. Holding the laser pointer on a target and never missing causes it to deal increasing damage over time, which was an effective boss killer at some point - Bolt staff has definitely been tweaked a bunch, and while I'm not certain for it's cataclysm worthiness, it still has insane body and headshot damage on armoured - (not sure if change was before or after this video) Dagger has +2 more stamina, so it's up to 3 shields. Which... isn't amazing or make the dagger top meta, but it's absolutely usable now. I know it's gotten some tweaks on the move sets values but I can't say for certain which. Charge 1 inflicts burn making it available for a burn build, and charge 1 is unique in that it can cleave and hit multiple armoured targets and I believe has increased stagger power now too - You never showed off charge 1 of the mace, only light attack 1! The charge attack right now is almost as fast, does more damage, and has stacking burn damage - I know you intended to keep staff details for another video, but talking about breakpoints to hit using staff stats would have been a great addition, since breakpoint information lets people choose between needing to land a headshot or a body shot to get a kill Actual question since I don't play cata, is power vs chaos actually hitting important damage points to be worth using over power vs armoured? I had always thought stormvermin being one-shot was important, and dealing enough damage to straight up kill or almost kill shield vermin on openings. If 10% damage to chaos is enough to kill them in one hit though, that's definitely the go-to for chaos hordes
@Gaden6893 3 жыл бұрын
Just came to this guide hoping for some current-patch knowledge. Tysm for taking the time to write this update 👍
@savasolarov8424 10 ай бұрын
Thanks a ton for the informed comment.
@balakkei 4 жыл бұрын
I thought to myself, "I dunno if I wanna play Unchained at all. It doesn't seem like it would work well in the absence of Unusually Calm." Me, checking KZbin: "Well there's a guide by ThePartyKnife so...maybe I'll give it a shot"
@ThePartyKnife 4 жыл бұрын
Haha aww thanks man!:D I very much appreciate that! ;)
@rendorwilliams9116 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this video. Obviously you put a lot of work into this, testing and editing and lots of other stuff.
@ThePartyKnife 4 жыл бұрын
You are most welcome
@theenglishbean7586 3 жыл бұрын
Heya partyknife 😁 I have a question?? Sienna's lvl 25 middle is now "abandon" I was wondering if you have an opinion about it?? I'm thinking it's no good but i feel like I could be missing something... like it isnt eating as much health as I think or something??
@ThePartyKnife 3 жыл бұрын
I think it's a great talent especially for newer Sienna players since it really provides you with a sort of get out of jail card as long as you have hp which makes the class less punishing! :) And thanks for watching!
@MrKrauhn 4 жыл бұрын
Love these indepth vids. Great stuff! :)
@ThePartyKnife 4 жыл бұрын
glad you liked it! :)
@EscapeTheGuitar 4 жыл бұрын
Hey I know you're more into class building but any chance you're running a guide for complex okri's challenges ? Btw love your videos VT2 needs more content creators
@ThePartyKnife 4 жыл бұрын
Sorry I seem to have accidentally overlooked your commennt. Thanks for the kind words and at the moment I am doing a playlist with the 13 base map cataclysm challenges. I think there are 5-6 of them so far (ill link playlist below) and i'm doing 2 more a week until I've done all 13 at least. I have consider doing a series on some of the harder ones and id love 2 do that if people want me to. If you have a ''specific'' challenge in mind please do not hesitate to ask. Have a nice day my good sir!
@poimaster 4 жыл бұрын
Doesn't enhanced power increase your DOT for builds like Fire-Sword and ranged attacks? Cheese's Cataclysm guide recommends Enhanced Power over Mainstay, but I'm very melee focused, so I pick Mainstay anyways.
@ThePartyKnife 4 жыл бұрын
yes it does :) Which is why you often pick it on the battle wizard. Thanks for watching friend!!!
@karlfox009 4 жыл бұрын
do i need max barrage stacks to be able to stagger multiple shield storm vermins? i tend to avoid fireball staff on QP for fear of burning my teammates who insist on jumping in front of me to crisp, btw love your videos man, patiently waiting for an indept pyro guide.
@ThePartyKnife 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much man I appreciate that a lot! But i'm afraid there is no simple answer to your question as calculating wether or not you will stagger X minions is quite complicated and depends on a huge variety of things. Higher power will always increase your chances quite significantly but it can also depedn on wether the minion is attacking or not attacking which makes it even more complicated. But here is a list in case you wanna dive into that rabbit hole! Wish I could be more precise but this is the best I can do. Also I got a battle wizard guide coming this friday which (although not pyromancer) probably has atleast a few tips and mechanics that apply to both. Thanks for watching and asking m8! :) Player wise: 1. What’s the hero power? Increased power will increase stagger. Increase power vs race/armour type will also increase stagger. 2. What type of weapon? Generally stagger power of 2h weapon > 1h/dual wield weapon. Also weapons with tank property have better stagger. 3. What type of attack? Generally stagger power of heavy attack > light attack. 4. Where did it hit? Stagger power of head shot/crit shot > body shot. 5. How many enemies? 1st hit enemy is more than likely got staggered than 2nd / 3rd hit enemy. Enemy wise: 1. What’s the stagger resistance of the enemy? Values are available in the mod Bestiary. 2. What’s the armour type of the enemy? Generally monster > armour/berserker > infantry. 3. What’s the state of the enemy? Enemies that are performing attacks (especially charging attacks) are harder to stagger. How to determine if the next enemy will receive damage/stagger? If (Stagger/Damage Clave Limit* (100% + Raw Power Increase)) - (Total Mass of enemies already received damage/stagger * Mass Modifier) >= 0
@labakrapscalio451 4 жыл бұрын
I wondered if you knew exactly which mechanic makes it so sometimes I'm saved from an accidental explode, where I should die, but I don't die. I thought maybe having a mellee weapon out with soul quench and hitting a rat with my accidental explode, granting me health back at the moment I should have died. Just wondering if you had any theories.
@ThePartyKnife 4 жыл бұрын
Not 100% sure but something of that nature seems likely yes. A smimilar thing can occur when you have natural bonds on and fall from 180+ dmg falling high but survive with 1 hp becuse you gain 1hp it at the right moment. I might have to test your hypothesis firsat though but thanks for watching and asking! :)
@labakrapscalio451 4 жыл бұрын
@@ThePartyKnife just food for thought. I enjoy listening to your different builds. Been a big fan of Sienna since the first game. Fell in love with the beam staff
@dalehawley9197 4 жыл бұрын
How did he bring up that menu that shows which attack provides stagger values and such?
@ThePartyKnife 4 жыл бұрын
You simply need to install the ''Armory''' mod and you can find it by clicking N or in the bottom left corner after opening your inventory screen. It takes 1-2 minutes to setup and my most recent video has a tutorial for it if you aren't familiar with the process. Hope that helps and thanks for watching. :)
@samk3141 4 жыл бұрын
Nice guide, although I find it wierd playing a character clearly designed as a tank, being used as a dps. Do people not play tanks in this game or is it something you personally don't do? I've basically gone for the polar opposite of all your suggestions haha, going for like 100% block cost reduction, buring enemies deal less damage etc. etc. I guess I just assumed that in high level play, tanks would be required, never considered playing unchained as a dps
@Beanpolr 3 жыл бұрын
The character definitely isn't designed as a tank, more of a bruiser if anything. The main reason the character is used as a dps is because, well, they have great dps. The main reason you would be playing like a "tank" is with a class like ironbreaker that has below average damage output but great defensive options. In the case of the unchained though, that dps is too good to pass up, with pretty nice survivability to boot. Edit: It's also worth mentioning that tanking works a bit differently in this game. Taking hits is NEVER something you want to do on higher difficulties because everything hits like a truck. That damage reduction from burning enemies only helps so much because really your goal is to be killing things and not getting hit as much as possible.
@fwjoona 3 жыл бұрын
So its 2 non-charged heavy attacks or 1 fully charged to get five stacks...?
@cuteface88 4 жыл бұрын
I run Dissipate all the time over Conduit in Cataclysm. I constantly play aggressively. If I get surrounded and I'm at all worried about dying, I'll just hold block for a few seconds, and BOOM, no more risk of overheating. After that I'll back up, take out my bolt staff and spam into the horde to get my overcharge back up to where I need it, then carry on. +2 stamina on my necklace is enough to allow me to do this safely.
@ThePartyKnife 4 жыл бұрын
I used to love running Disspiate as well with the dagger and a conflag staff and attempt true solo speedruns with unchained xD It was suprising effective with one exception of lacking boss damage when you had no bots hehe :D Anyways thanks for watching and sharing you build! ;)
@MrKrauhn 4 жыл бұрын
I seem to have trouble generating temp hp with the Soul Quench talent. I'm using the flail, but might not be using it correctly. Do you primarily use the heavy attack on the flail?
@ThePartyKnife 4 жыл бұрын
Firstly make sure you have ''boon of shallya'' on your neclase as the 30% also applies to temp hp generated. And I primarely use the light attack especially for hordes. However I often initiate with 1 or 2 heavies whenever I have the room and then continue with light attacks. I hope that helps and thanks for watching
@MrKrauhn 4 жыл бұрын
@@ThePartyKnife thanks man, good to know! Currently running Barkskin, but i'll play around with Boon of Shallya and see if it improves my game! :)
@oscarb9636 3 жыл бұрын
Since this video was made had there been any patches
@ThePartyKnife 3 жыл бұрын
Yes there have been a few changes to her talents but overall she still pretty much plays the exact same way!
@oscarb9636 3 жыл бұрын
ThePartyKnife I’m looking for a decent melee/ crowd control but idk who to devote my time to
@tysonmccartney 4 жыл бұрын
I dont have the dlc, is there a good melee weapon in base game?
@ThePartyKnife 4 жыл бұрын
Depending on your skill weapon I would either go with 1h sword as it is fairly versatile and easy to use, or the firesword if you are experienced as you can regen your ulti extremely fast with this weapon but it can lack a bit on armor dps :) Thanks for watching, hope it helps
@Faravid829 4 жыл бұрын
I usually run with the Firesword and Enfeebling flames with the rest pretty much how Knife has it.
@Hypnoticool 4 жыл бұрын
Awesome video dude. Im a fairly new (~40h) Unchained main player and its really annoying how she seems to be much less useful than Pyro but so much more fun. My friends wont let me run her in legend (which is the highest difficulty we can currently play). Question I haven't seen asked yet - what is the best way to farm up red loot ?
@ferrumchnop6617 4 жыл бұрын
Champion speed running will get you the best chance/time ratio. I recommend just playing and they'll come with time tho.
@Musewhisperer 4 жыл бұрын
Emperor Vaults. You get 1/6 chance of finding one. Play maps where there are boss fights such as The Skittergate and 5+ Loot Dies are guaranteed.
@tobiasbollig6394 4 жыл бұрын
Unchained and BW are way stronger than Pyro in 2.0 by far.
@Musewhisperer 4 жыл бұрын
@@tobiasbollig6394 What you say depends on the player playing perfectly all the time. Since that's not possible, is it truly useful to classify them? Pyromancer has the best talents with regards to attack speed, which can make her mace viable. That's Pyro's perk, and that's that.
@tobiasbollig6394 4 жыл бұрын
ManaNeko it is definitely not possible to play perfect I completely agree but I can just compare from the cataclysm difficulty and the value it gains. I was always a huge Sienna fan from the beginning. Right now we finally got what we wanted all time long with 2.0. BW was only playable with the endless blockbuild. Now the living bomb build can delete every pat single handed and has the best crowd control in game and well unchained is just a running killing machine. Pyro had his glory but right now in comparison to his other classes I think he misses unique quality’s in a team setup. And that’s totally ok. BW and unchained were long time not played at all because Pyro was so highly overtuned. Since 2.0 BW is a loooooooot of fun and I highly recommend everybody to try here
@The0nlyy 3 жыл бұрын
@Alcadior 3 жыл бұрын
idk about unchained my man that skin looks pretty chained up
@lobbinbobbin 4 жыл бұрын
Intro and guide introduction was quite cheesy and almost scared me off, but the rest was very informative, helpful and well explained.
@ThePartyKnife 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah maybe I took that a bit too far... xD I'm glad you liked the rest and I appreciate the feedback
@johnwayne9244 4 жыл бұрын
kNARF yeah man, people like you compose the swamp on reddit and shit who thinking theyre the smartest in the world because theyre cold, revolting and informative, power up your intellectual ego with a side of positivity, being a pessimist does not make you a smart realist, it makes you a dipshit.
@lucasnoble2841 4 жыл бұрын
hyper judgemental was a perfect description, but hey that happens when youre depressed, hating everything but thinking that youre the smartest or that your shit doesnt stink, then you start vocalizing your disgusting opinions just because you can formulate an argument in response does not mean you arent a gross personality that needs a serious rework.
@11--------- 4 жыл бұрын
kNARF fucken narcissistic nazi
@Kanashi_9 4 жыл бұрын
he does that for all his vids, it can be cringy but you get used to it and maybe even like it lol
@Karpata1 4 жыл бұрын
The only good use case for searing grasp that I know of is for soloing very high weaves with a DOT build. Can't remember the video anymore but it works very well but it's very slow and boring. Might not even be an unchained build dunno ^^
@allanLbear 4 жыл бұрын
Really good video! May I ask which mods you are using? Specifically keeping you always full health and able to switch items in game
@ThePartyKnife 4 жыл бұрын
The full health is a command from the ''Helper'' mod where you type /invincible_toggle and the inventory mid game is the ''campaign'' mod :) Thanks for watching!
@interdimensionalsteve8172 3 жыл бұрын
If you can pattern your attacks vs. a horde to prioritize the flail's second heavy attack, this makes Reckless Rampage the obvious choice. You're hitting 5 targets every second this way ;)
@ThePartyKnife 3 жыл бұрын
True! :)
@plbennett 4 жыл бұрын
for reasons i cannot fathom, you skipped the flail. how come?
@ThePartyKnife 4 жыл бұрын
It was due to an editing mistake!! :) I included the flaming flail guide in this video to make up for it! :P Anyways thank you for watching and asking!
@plbennett 4 жыл бұрын
ahh! all good man! thanks for the fast reply :O
@ThePartyKnife 4 жыл бұрын
@@plbennett np :)
@hatterpatter2285 4 жыл бұрын
Great video, very informative and helpful, hope to see a guide for zealot in the future keep it up
@Kanashi_9 4 жыл бұрын
i really like your guides, you explain each aspect of what and why for talents and potential synergies as well as explain why some talents arent very desirable. very in-depth stuff, thanks a lot :) now after you make your waystalker, could you make a guide for slayer? he has a lot of good builds and hes very flexible and hes a glass cannon horde/elite cleaner, since you're a filthy elf shade main im sure you'l like him.
@ThePartyKnife 4 жыл бұрын
Slayer was gonna be the next one until I heard he had major balance changes in the season 2 beta so opted for Waystalker first.. :) But yes I am planning to do Slayer next! Thanks for watching and commenting!
@chekitatheanimatedskeptic6314 4 жыл бұрын
best guide ive seen so far about unchained. Very good Work!
@ThePartyKnife 4 жыл бұрын
Why thank you very much friend! :) I much appreciate the kind words!
@GOBRAGH2 3 жыл бұрын
That intro was BADASS!
@ThePartyKnife 3 жыл бұрын
Why thank you very much kind sir of the internet! :) Wasn't as good at editing back then but at the time I was amazed I could make even this xD
@FtwGrickeyFtw 3 жыл бұрын
Hey man, a lot have happend with her melee weapons since the video came out. any thogths on what melee weapon to use now adays or is it still the same?
@ThePartyKnife 3 жыл бұрын
Am working on an unchained guide atm so shouldn't be too long
@Leeterthanthou 4 жыл бұрын
sorry for mean comment couple days ago, i was drunk and frustrated
@Leeterthanthou 4 жыл бұрын
this video is actually gold since everything is explained once again sorry
@niorblanc 4 жыл бұрын
Im going to miss the 30% cooldown reduction
@sacriHaru 4 жыл бұрын
i miss 25% max overcharge =(
@WhoStoleMyNachos 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this. I've been trying to get myself to stop playing Unchained because her other careers are just way way better, but exploding absolutely everything is just so damn fun. The only other Careers I enjoy playing are RV and all of Elf waifus careers, and i've been trying to force myself to play them more because they're much better than Unchained, and much easier.
@ThePartyKnife 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah there is unfortunately no getting around the fact that in the current meta on the highest difficulties, Unchained, is a high risk medium reward class. But I honestly just love her playstyle! :P Anyways I'm glad you enjoyed it and thank you very much for watching! :)
@ssykkurssykkur1637 3 жыл бұрын
hey there, is this guide still viable in 2021?
@jelojones 3 жыл бұрын
The only issue I had was building stacks with barrage by hitting a group of minions. It doesn't seem to work anymore. I have not looked through patch notes to confirm. I also think the stagger talent changed in implementation. I use the cleave to generate temp health.
@yallia6197 4 жыл бұрын
Very nice video, thanks for taking the time to put it all together. I have a question tho, and maybe you mentionned it and I overlooked it but, the 5% crit chance on the staff doesn't apply to our melee stats right ? And if so, wouldn't it be better to get power vs infantry or skaven ? For higher dmg on the specials ?
@ThePartyKnife 4 жыл бұрын
That is correct. Stats on weapons only apply to the weapon currently equipped. In terms of the infantry/skaven you are kinda right yet kinda not. It all depends on the specific weapon's breakpoints. If you deal 10 dmg and a minion has (hypothetically) 23 health, increasing your dps vs that minion by 10% is irrelevant as you now deal 11 + 11 = 22 which means you still need 3 attacks to kill that minion. In such a scenario if you can now kill it with 1 attack + 1 crit then crit chance will be preferential. Hope that answers your question and thanks for watching and commenting!
@Gratasoles 4 жыл бұрын
Loved the video. Great work man. But I have a question, I think u said it but i don't remembee now and I can't find it so what's the bonus for the crowbill and fire stuff? Thank you
@ThePartyKnife 4 жыл бұрын
Not 100% sure what you are referring too as ''fire stuff''. Very long video and a lot of fire stuff is there :D If you mean in relation to the crowbill. It has a light attack sequence of 1-2-3 identical attacks followed by the fourth attack which deals higher normal dmg, less armor dmg, and has burn modifier applying a dot to target. If that wasn't what you ment feel free to ask again :)
@Gratasoles 4 жыл бұрын
@@ThePartyKnife I meant the bonus of the weapon like 5% atack speed or something like that. The bonus of crowbill and the fireball staf.
@ThePartyKnife 4 жыл бұрын
​@@Gratasoles the item properties you want 5% crit chance and 5% attack speed + (swift slaying) on crowbill. And on fireball either the safe buil 1: Power vs Chaos + Crit chance and (thermal equalizer). Or the aggressive build 2: Power vs chaos + power vs infantry/armored with (Barrage)
@Gratasoles 4 жыл бұрын
@@ThePartyKnife Perfect! Thank you soo much!!
@henhenhen19 3 жыл бұрын
Did he skip flail in melee part?
@ThePartyKnife 3 жыл бұрын
I did yes.. due to an editing error! XD Watch the video ''The most important thing in vermintide'' for that bit! :)
@laiuhhajad65 4 жыл бұрын
Great vid! Are you planning to do every career? Can you do Bardin Ranger Veteran?
@JamaicanMile 3 жыл бұрын
Great guide man! Also, you've a good voice to listen to
@ThePartyKnife 3 жыл бұрын
Aww why thank you very much man! :) Glad my (at the time) shitty ass microphone didn't ruin the video hehe :P Thanks for the compliment and stay awesome my friend!
@savasolarov8424 10 ай бұрын
I absolutely enjoyed the number crunching, analysis and explanation. Sub + like.
@davidthane9002 3 жыл бұрын
@ThePartyKnife: So, did you end up discussing the staffs somewhere? I didn't see it in your BW video and there is no pyromancer mastery.
@benjaminenglish6559 3 жыл бұрын
I just started and I got an unchained cosmetic for Sienna but it won't let me equip it. I don't understand
@TrickyJebus 2 жыл бұрын
Wait whats wrong with dagger?
@Manuel-lj8ps 4 жыл бұрын
Great video! cant wait for the other sienna videos
@ThePartyKnife 4 жыл бұрын
Glad you liked it m8! :)
@huynguyenquang580 3 жыл бұрын
your mouse is all over the screen, pls point at all the stuff you're talking about
@FirstLast-wk3kc Жыл бұрын
I hate her mask. I ve bought the skin without the mask on it's release
@onoffa 3 жыл бұрын
does anyone know, how much damage the new talent OUTBURST do?
@discgoldude 3 жыл бұрын
Hey, first up, nice and very informative as always! You didn´t really go into why the Flaming Flail is your weapon of choice though, did you? At least i cant seem to find it. I mean it looks like it is pretty obvious, why this weapon is good, but you went into so much detail on all the other (viable) weapons, i was just wondering why not explain the Flail a little more?
@ThePartyKnife 3 жыл бұрын
I've linked 2 videos that go into more detail on the flail. In the first I also explain that I had kinda accidentally left it out by mistake :P And in the second I go through all of siennas weapons optimal attack sequences. Hope that helps and thanks for the nice comment and for watching friend!
@junnibeib 4 жыл бұрын
nice work. fine guide :) i like unchained.. i was with you when you said choose your melee weapon and pair with staff.. but then i didn´t get my answer.. i am not high playing yet, i´m in champ and legend.. but i run conflag with flail (also don´t like the crowbill for the reasons you gave) i am switching into boltstaff bc conflag is dangerous for friendly fire (even though i feel i´m the boss at positioning it) but i´m not sure what melee will do the most for me.. flail? mace? or flamesword even? i do the same talent tree btw.. any advice?
@ThePartyKnife 4 жыл бұрын
Sorry for not responding but KZbin has decided i get enough comments now that i only get notified on newest 10 videos xD And yes you are correct I accidentally cut that part out ... xD Flail is by fat the strongest and most versatile weapon atm. I would say you shouldn't worry at all about friendly fire though on the conflag staff. The dmg is so miniscule compared to you staggering enemies around your teammates. Bolt staff has a very high skillcap and while i love it because it's fun, it's very inconsistent. Another option would be the beamstaff as it's both easy to use and has the advantage of the shotgun attack very quickly putting your overcharge at near max. Anyways thanks for watching and commenting
@junnibeib 4 жыл бұрын
@@ThePartyKnife Nice.. thanks for the reply man!:) i´m on the right track..
@afiresalamander1633 3 жыл бұрын
@ThePartyKnife what mod do you use for practicing against monsters in keep?
@ThePartyKnife 3 жыл бұрын
Creature spawner! :)
@spacelouie9955 3 жыл бұрын
how long do your grind for so many red items? I have a 100 hours in the game and i found 1 :O
@ThePartyKnife 3 жыл бұрын
That´was ages ago xD Took me 200 hours to get my first red item but that drop rates were increased since. Think I have a couple of hundred ret items atm but I also have 4600 hours played xD emp vault has about 16% drop rate for red items general 12% soldier 10% and merchant 8% Hope that helps and thanks for watching!
@emanon888 3 жыл бұрын
Did you skip the talent abandon ?
@DaHackerCatcher 11 ай бұрын
Man, this aged like fine milk.
@iLooking123 4 жыл бұрын
good video
@ThePartyKnife 4 жыл бұрын
Glad you liked it :)
@jeffreya8584 3 жыл бұрын
Okay so I freely admit I haven't watched the whole video but I thought I'd as a question anyway because I heard comment sections are super nice... using his example at the beginning.. you get hit for 60 and 30 gets turned into the overheat thing, does this mean you take 30 damage or do you take the 60 with the heat as additional?
@jeffreya8584 3 жыл бұрын
Be gentle
@bofad6074 4 жыл бұрын
is mainstay still better then enhanced power in the current patch?
@ThePartyKnife 4 жыл бұрын
i think it depends a lot on your choice of melee/ranged weapon. I would say both are viable in their own right. The important bit is making sure if you are using enhanced power to utilize that to hit a ranged breakpoint. Again thank you for watching and asking
@bofad6074 4 жыл бұрын
​@@ThePartyKnife Ah gotcha, explains why its recommended in the steam guide. And thank YOU keep up the great work man, hope to see you in qp sometime
@MrFahqup 4 жыл бұрын
Sienna Longsword gang 4 life. Spam that heavy melee.
@ThePartyKnife 4 жыл бұрын
@zafiredragoon5192 4 жыл бұрын
Nice. Though i prefer going with Dissipate talent and a dagger because of the wide slashing. I'm not pro or anything, that's just my personal experience.
@somnus7959 4 жыл бұрын
Did I miss the Flaming Flail? I don’t remember him going over that
@ThePartyKnife 4 жыл бұрын
You are correct. Due to an editing error that part never made it :P Which is why I included it in this guide ill link below. Also thank you very much for watching! :)
@somnus7959 4 жыл бұрын
ThePartyKnife thank you kindly
@_diplomata 3 жыл бұрын
With the new Abandon, is it viable to use now instead of reduced overcharge?
@Isacc143 4 жыл бұрын
thank you for your video
@ThePartyKnife 4 жыл бұрын
You are most welcome. Thanks for watching friend! :)
@Kanashi_9 4 жыл бұрын
i almost forgot, how much damage you take when you vent your overcharge per/sec?
@WYVnico 3 жыл бұрын
I want the Unchained quick build guide :(
@ThePartyKnife 3 жыл бұрын
Sorry... That kinda got put back a bit because of the chaos wastes release... Might just get to work on that again asap! :P
@WYVnico 3 жыл бұрын
@@ThePartyKnife all good man, take your time ^^ i started playing last week and your videos helped me insanely much to improve keep up the good work!
@UCBirdi 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you, excellent guide
@Mr_iAN 4 жыл бұрын
Every time I play her I go kamekazi....
@theredpandar 4 жыл бұрын
Best guides for Vermintide 2
@ThePartyKnife 4 жыл бұрын
Best comments for youtube
@henhenhen19 4 жыл бұрын
Puff that mic
@ThePartyKnife 4 жыл бұрын
yeah i know, i've had a new one since then :P
@Drprophetius 4 жыл бұрын
Hey! I got my first red item (took 100 hours... ) and it's a dagger for sienna. How would you build Unchained around the dagger as you skipped it in guide? I do prefer the sword but the dagger feels pretty fun. I'm currently trying to finish all maps on legend (with mah boyz) so I guess using the dagger isn't too serious of a setback?
@ThePartyKnife 4 жыл бұрын
I would still get a flaming flail if i could and save the dagger for pyro/battle wizard. But if you really want too i would build it all the same with crit chance + attack speed and swift slaying. Important thing to remember with dagger is the second heavy attack has (by far) the highest armor damage output. So light attack the trash and attempt headshots on elites with second heavy :)
@Drprophetius 4 жыл бұрын
@@ThePartyKnife Thanks dude I knew I could count on you! Gonna lan party the whole weekend so if things start to look hopeless, I'll switch. Currently too poor for the DLC even if it's on sale, but I felt like the 1h sword was really good, of course got kind of used to having hard time against elites, or maybe not hard, but slow.
@interdimensionalsteve8172 3 жыл бұрын
Unchained w/ flail and conflag staff is f*cking unstoppable
@ThePartyKnife 3 жыл бұрын
It is indeed! :)
@JeanMarceaux 4 жыл бұрын
>no cool horned helmet from the intro on unchained Boo, unsubbed, reported for gay
@ThePartyKnife 4 жыл бұрын
That's because the first is a ''Cinematic''... Meaning it's made to look good. This is a class guide... xD :Like i'm sure if you look har enough you can find a video on my channel with the helmet on :P
@JeanMarceaux 4 жыл бұрын
@@ThePartyKnife it's okay, I just noticed that it looks cool. Is this an actual headpiece for Sienna, or is it a part of Loadout Modifier mod?
@ThePartyKnife 4 жыл бұрын
@@JeanMarceaux I'm sorry to disapoint! :( But it's a handmaiden helmet and I use a mod so you can put any helmet on any hero (though not every hat works on every hero) and put on unchained because (as you noticed) it looks fucking amazing :P
@JeanMarceaux 4 жыл бұрын
@@ThePartyKnife curses :( Oh well, time to move to a modded realm then :]
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