online mostly 杀猪盘... if you are lonely...find a friend locally...not online
@debbieshih9347 Жыл бұрын
@cluwong2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing. I get lots of message too even though my account is really small. I'll probably fall for the traps if I'm single and lonely. I always wonder what happens next but I don't want to deal with the consequences. So I just block and delete whenever I get those messages.
谢谢你的警示 If it’s too good to be true, it probably is 现在网上有很多50来岁的姐姐 说自己在美国左右逢源 一次约3-4个优质男性 有大律师,飞行员,小鲜肉,肌肉男。等等。。 让很多四,五十的网友都听的春风荡漾。 我一直 认为里面没那么简单 有很多坑 误区 当我提出疑问 她就把我拉黑了