Vet goes viral after revealing the best and worst dog breed

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The Daily Telegraph

The Daily Telegraph

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@jodisoakenwolf1950 2 жыл бұрын
Yay! A vet that says it as it is. I see so many people with GSD and B/ms with next to no training. Not giving the working dogs enough stimulation and exercise. Shitty owners. I had my ex military general purpose German Shepard that needed stimulation every day all day. Great if you know what you are doing. A nightmare with the public who usually have no idea. They usually have sad end of life. Due to hips/ bladder and degenerative disease. Harder to care for as they are a bigger breed. Carrying out to toilet during the night so they don't have accidents when they get old. The best trained ones hate not being able to controll their bladder. Have accidents then they feel bad about it. All they want to do is please the handler. So loyal.
@Deej496 2 жыл бұрын
I couldn't have said it better. 🐾
@jodisoakenwolf1950 2 жыл бұрын
@@Deej496 thank you 🐕‍🦺
@vikingdogmanship 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with her, and another one i would ad to the not owning list would be Border Collies and herders alike
@eljefemaximo5420 2 жыл бұрын
I can't even be in the same room as a gsd. I am very allergic
@Tarquin67 2 жыл бұрын
The German Shepherd is the best dog hands down if it has training. It is intelligent enough to start training when a very young puppy. These dogs literally understand you when you speak to them. The ONLY place my dog was aggressive was when he was working, guarding his home and yard. He was never aggressive over the fence to the two ancient old lady neighbours I had, as he was introduced properly to them, and was told they live there and are not a danger. If he did happen to see them and bark before he recognised who they were, they could give him my command to stop barking. Then he would do his friendly woof to them. I had a 2 and a half foot fence on one side, and a 4 foot fence on the other side. He was a large dog and could have easily just stepped over one fence, but was taught to stay in his yard. My mother ran a babysitting business from our house, and again because he was trained well he would put up with any sort of accidental rough treatment the toddlers could dish out. He also was very protective towards the surrounds when these children were in his presence. My house was NEVER locked as he had the full run of the house when we were not there. He was trained only to go upstairs if there was an intruder, and lived downstairs. I would recommend a German Shepherd above ANY dog, if the person is the type to train the animal properly.If they were not, I would tell them not to bother getting a dog. People don’t understand that you get out of a dog what you put into it, just like a child! NOBODY should own an unruly dog. There is absolutely no reason for a dog with poor behaviour. It is an exact reflection of its owner. It was an absolute pleasure owning this intelligent, magnificent animal, so much so, that I will never own another dog ever. The pain to lose a friend like this after 13 year is too much to bear ever again.
@skylarfortune3043 2 жыл бұрын
we had a basset hound before. he lived for 11 years, died from old age. He was the best guard dog. He wss loyal af. He kills rats, he kills any critter that shouldnt be there honestly. We miss him so much.
@traci7375 2 жыл бұрын
My friend's chihuahua would charge at me and bite me for no reason. I tried to avoid the little $hit, but it was out to get me. Can't stand chihuahuas. Our beagle is the best dog we've ever owned. So sweet, calm, loveable and snuggly.
@YSLRD 2 жыл бұрын
I have a chi mix who loves everybody. My mini beagle would bite at the drop of a hat. She did come from a bad situation, though.
@rridderbusch518 2 жыл бұрын
@@YSLRD That it's a "mini-beagle" indicates to me that he/she was inbred. Our beagle came from a very bad situation, too. She lived to 21 and only bit her food! ;-)
@laurenanderson61 2 жыл бұрын
Every dog I've owned has been a mutt. Wouldn't have it any other way.
@GoldenHeart83 2 жыл бұрын
And this Lady is a vet? A Bassett, really? Eye and ear infections, problems with the knees and hips. She can‘t be serious
@kimoda9451 2 жыл бұрын
@whc7958 2 жыл бұрын
I like how she compares pugs to her husband.
@andreafranco1477 2 жыл бұрын
Not her rating the basset hound as number 1, those dogs are smelly as hell and prone to skin, ears and eye diseases and obesity
@doylejodi7502 2 жыл бұрын
Mine was a Bichon Frise. Nicest disposition ever. Very friendly. Never heard a single growl out of her ever. So kind, so sweet. We only had her 13 years but she was an amazing dog & loving part of our family.
@vikingdogmanship 2 жыл бұрын
A breed with so much allergies. They Can get very protective over everything and their owners with the wrong training/no training. But there is good and bad amongst all breeds.
@alaalfa8839 2 жыл бұрын
imagine nobody would adopt them from a shelter because of the popularity of certain breeds. or the opposite they would end up in a shelter because of breed, not the training changes. Training is possible to learn.
@smallfeet4581 Жыл бұрын
A neighbour had one and it was so friendly , we looked after it a few times and never had any problems with it , we even took it to other people's houses and it was great , really an older persons dog tho , or with young kids , don't know if they are all such good natured
@missharry5727 2 жыл бұрын
The only dog my family ever had was a mongrel but looked a lot like a half size black and tan GSD. He was energetic, friendly and lovable but had health problems from quite a young age, especially distemper teeth, and died at 8 with kidney disease. I'm afraid I prefer rescue cats, but I do know a very sweet golden retriever who coul change my mind. He has a harness which says "friendly" on it and he will talk to anybody.
@clintongriffin2077 2 жыл бұрын
Poodles suck. Everyone knows. Poodle mixes also suck.
@lousialb8962 2 жыл бұрын
I've never had one, but I've heard that the standard poodle is a stellar and highly intelligent dog with a very agreeable temperament. Perhaps the breed is maligned owing to the ubiquity of the (ugh, deliberate) congenitally deformed (ie, the tea cup and toy, and the many mix breeds created from those? The miniature anything is always annoying as all get out, even more so since the owners are always ignoring the bad and weird behaviour while they insist everyone tell them how cute the dog is. It's like an ineffective parent with an insufferably spoiled, bratty child. I don't invite them over.
@rileyjothecorso9732 2 жыл бұрын
Cane Corsos 100+ pounds of sweet loving, loyal, sensitive big baby's; that can also be trained into you better not make a mistake breaking into our home dog breed!
@christinescopas1441 2 жыл бұрын
I love cane corso Italian mastiff
@rileyjothecorso9732 2 жыл бұрын
@@christinescopas1441 I've owned several pitbulls throughout my life and now I'm a first time Cane Corso owner and I would definitely have to say that the Corso is definitely my favorite dog breed now.
@mauricematla8379 Жыл бұрын
That goes for most mastiffs though. Most of them are basicly gentle giants. At least around here. Funny thing they have a rep for agression allthough in actuality i observe way more agression in the small "lap dogs"....
@whales302 2 жыл бұрын
My yellow lab has been the best family dog I could ever hope for. A sweetie to this day at 14 years old.
@vikingdogmanship 2 жыл бұрын
I work with dogs daily. Labradors will always be my number one breed. Know that i once said that i will never own one. Now they are my first choice among ALL the breeds
@alexblaze8878 2 жыл бұрын
@@vikingdogmanship 👍 for the lab as the #1 pick for me also. To me they’re the perfect dog
@jlruiz7634 2 жыл бұрын
Labradors all the way. Best dogs all around. Goldens are a close number 2
@sandycarpio4877 2 жыл бұрын
I love the gsd and the chihuahua! I had both these breeds at the same time. I’m a stage IV breast cancer survivor and they helped me thru chemo. My chihuahua was the best and smartest one I’ve ever seen. She would sit, shake, and give high fives. She was great with everyone, couldn’t bite because she was so little. My gsd taught herself how to sit, shake, fetch, high fives…she was super smart. I would have any breed because I love them all. I currently have a Chipin.
@bekind1297 2 жыл бұрын
Happy you are a survivor! Look into idodine therapy ( easy just aply a few drops daily on each breast, research for more details) to prevent breast cancer in the future.. God bless you with many many more years..!
@sandycarpio4877 2 жыл бұрын
@@bekind1297 thank you. I’m an 11 year survivor. I started off stage IV in 2011. I was 45 years old. I had to have both breasts removed.
@DJ-fn3jm 2 жыл бұрын
Did she say that 1st dog "Feels like a ball sack." 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I would love her to be my vet.
@godwins5929 2 жыл бұрын
What about labs? I personally rate them as sweet and friendly as the the golden retriever. Would you agree? Love them both! 💛🖤
@doylejodi7502 2 жыл бұрын
Labs: Super High Energy. 😳
@jodisoakenwolf1950 2 жыл бұрын
Great if you are going to put the effort in to work them.
@vikingdogmanship 2 жыл бұрын
@@doylejodi7502 you do know there are two "types" of Labs right? Labs are the number one dog for seeing eye dogs for a reason. Working with many breeds everyday. Yhe English type Labs are my absolute favorite breed.
@vikingdogmanship 2 жыл бұрын
Golden retrivers to me, are kinda like the doodles. Far from a Labrador willing to please.
@eljefemaximo5420 2 жыл бұрын
I find Goldens to be calmer than labs but also more stubborn. Labs love to steal your stuff. Both breeds are the best.
@stacie1199 2 жыл бұрын
A livestock guardian is not the same as a herding dog
@Sabre22 2 жыл бұрын
My Late mother called mixed breeds the All American dog
@Buffalohump77 2 жыл бұрын
People should only be allowed to buy a pure bred puppy when all the shelters are empty. Its a crime that dogs should be put down while puppy mills crank them out for Xmas presents.
@pandabear7216 2 жыл бұрын
very true
@paxdomini6061 2 жыл бұрын
@@silentnot4812 I have a purebred pitbull I got from the shelter and a pitbull mix I got from a rescue group. Both are great dogs. My mix has some German Shorthair Pointer, Boxer and Lab and is pretty hyper. She is super sweet and loving though - she just requires some extra training.😀
@whitenoise8039 2 жыл бұрын
Most people pick breeds for the look of the dog. Most people haven't actually got a clue about basic dog training its insane. The other day I saw a Malinois get decapitated by a bus, its head was literally hanging by a strand and its rib cage was open it looked like the butchers... so horrific, keep your dogs on the lead by roads even if you think your the dog daddy
@alexblaze8878 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed, if we chose dogs based solely on good temperament we’d all pick retrievers and border collies. Very intelligent and excellent temperament as well as being versatile and adaptive to their environment. To me the ideal one out of these is the laboratory retriever-all the same traits as the golden retriever sans the need for grooming.
@angeladawn619 2 жыл бұрын
jesus. u coulda kept that horror story to urself ;p
@jasonbrown2630 2 жыл бұрын
She’s not wrong about doodle dogs. Dead eyes like a rabbit lol.
@vikingdogmanship 2 жыл бұрын
They are clowns...
@markduncan7638 2 жыл бұрын
We have two dogs at the moment, The male is a Staghound/German Shepherd and the female is a Staghound/Bull Arab. The male is just under a year old, the female we rescued about 2 months ago and is a year and 5 months old, both are super loving friendly dogs who both love visitors, the female was abused and we drove interstate to go get her, she gets overwhelmed sometimes and goes to her safe spot, this is going to happen a while I think but she definately knows she is in a loving safe home and our male has been absolutely gold with her, both sleep on our bed (Thankfully its a massive bed) and usually fall asleep cuddled into me or my wife and by the time we usually wake they are cuddled into each other. The rescue has been steadily getting better and last week we had a group of people over for a party and she stayed with us about 95% of the time, went and timed out a couple of times only and came back tail wagging on her own. Love both of them to bits.
@robinpigeon2070 2 жыл бұрын
Why did you leave out pitbulls?
@NoOne-bp2jw 2 жыл бұрын
Every dog breed has a perfect owner, it's a matter of matching them up. Educate yourself before adopting any dog breed. However, I disapprove of breeding dogs, or any animal, for a specific look if that results in health problems.
@jodisoakenwolf1950 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed! Working with shelter dogs will educate people as there's no perfect fit for the dogs usually. Only what the owner perceives to be a perfect fit. I won't get another after my last GSD passed away a year ago.
@bettywhite8407 2 жыл бұрын
Well spoken. My favorite friend is a registered Jack Russell . Far too many J R.'s were, due to that crazy TV sitcom/ Fraizer, showcasing a highly popular intelligent breed/ in an city apartment, caused more harm to this particular Breed than any disease, ever. Due to it's small size, intellectual abilities, popularity quickly rose Doom that breed. Firstly J Russell are highly / intelligent active/ so named """ working dogs". Definitely not cute lap dogs. This TV show caused a huge impact on the JR., breed with over breeding / thus inter breeding/ by ignorant etc., for $$$$.
@curlyqt99 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for showing the rescues some love!!
@alexblaze8878 2 жыл бұрын
No love for the Laborador Retriever??? I can’t believe you left out the “short-haired, no grooming necessary” version of the Golden Retriever!
@vikingdogmanship 2 жыл бұрын
Owning a dog buisness working with dogs everyday. I agree with the 5 she would not own list, but would ad the border collie/Aussie types to that list. As for my 5 favorite breeds to own would be Labrador on my first choice 100% Other favorites would be: R. Rigdbacks, Pointers, Jack Russells and Berner Sennens
@alexblaze8878 2 жыл бұрын
@@vikingdogmanship I agree with all your choices except the jack russels. They’re too high energy for my tastes. Yes, it’s surprising she left out border collies.
@vikingdogmanship 2 жыл бұрын
@@alexblaze8878I dont recomend them to many people. But I think i have a special strain of Jack Russells;) Probably one of their kind. Since they all can walk of leash without running away or chase after anything moving. They grew up among chickens, rabbits, horses, other dogs etc. I like their devotion they have to follow me everywhere and learn so quick. They do great with anything from Skiing, Running, hiking etc. They are the only "small" dog breed i like for my type of living. Big at heart for sure! Living up to 18 years is also a plus
@mobstercrow7515 2 жыл бұрын
i hate when people buy or adopt high energy dogs like corgis, GSD's, belgian malinois, pitbulls, papillons, rhodesian ridgebacks, vizlas etc. they never train or play with them and they develop behavioral issues which is why lots of pitties attack people, they are amazing dogs but they turn into shitty dogs due to the owners, if you want a high energy dog then you have to have at least 2 extra hours a day to walk them and play with them, i have a rhodesian ridgeback mix service dog and i have to walk him AT LEAST 1 hour a day or play with him for at least 2 hours in my back yard, if you cant spend enough time with your dog or take them to a trainer weekly then you dont need to have one
@theShamrockShepherdWagon 2 жыл бұрын
Not sure if her criteria for this list was only medical, because you should be well aware hounds bay and for that reason I won't have one. Hounds are barking dogs and they make an intense barking bay call because they're bred for HUNTING. It's like "ru-ROOOOOOOOOO" without let up. That's what they do. Think about that before you choose one in a neighborhood. A barking dog is rather miserable to hear, let alone live with. Barking for a purpose is good. Incessant barking is a headache for you and your neighbors. I have Border Collies which I've had on sheep on a large property, they're gentle with chickens, kittens and small children. Excellent companion dogs too. Extremely intelligent and easy to train. Intelligent breeds need a gentle consistent hand, a heavy hand will ruin them.
@mlackey9812 2 жыл бұрын
Basset hounds......AND THEY STINK!!!! ALWAYS!
@Brian-uy2tj 2 жыл бұрын
German short haired pointer, number one. Had one as a kid, it was the smartest, most loving dog. I had one as an adult. One day she was outside (rural) and I called her, she was with the neighbors 2 pittbulls that didn't like people. When I called her they started to come. I had just had kidney surgery the day before and wouldn't have been able to defend myself. She turned, got in their faces and they backed down. What a good dog. I just can't say enough good about the breed. Loved that dog.
@vikingdogmanship 2 жыл бұрын
I also grew up with a german shepherd like that. 30 years ago. I have yet to find one like her. I think we never will. Labradors are my first choice now
@Brian-uy2tj 2 жыл бұрын
@@vikingdogmanship German SHORT HAIR, not shepherd, sorry. A friend of mine had a German Shepherd and they loved that dog so much. They went to great lengths to keep her comfortable and happy as she got to be an old dog. As long as you have or have had a dog it's all good. Dogs are the most wonderful companions.
@vikingdogmanship 2 жыл бұрын
@@Brian-uy2tj I see. I do love pointers alot! Usually always happy dogs that loves to work. I go flying on kickbike with them. Great outlet for these dogs when not hunting.
@Brian-uy2tj 2 жыл бұрын
@@vikingdogmanship I'm just surprised I don't see them in the dog agility contests. Some day I will get another GSP and will probably try working it in agility and see how she likes it. You are right, they have to have something to do to keep their mind and body active and engaged.
@vikingdogmanship 2 жыл бұрын
@@Brian-uy2tj That would be awsome. I support that. In my country they mix Husky with German pointers. They are called Euro hounds and used for dog racing. The Pointer are insanly strong and fast, so i understand why they would do this mix!! Im so impressed
@sirmize1230 2 жыл бұрын
I have two German Shepherds and they are by far the superior dog breed when properly trained
@patmaurer8541 2 жыл бұрын
Lol! Who would've thought that the perfect dog for a busy person would be the lethargic one! But it works :-)
@lousialb8962 2 жыл бұрын
I guess... Personally, I have no interest in paying for food and medical maintenance on a dog that gives so little in return. This is subjective, but I don't even find them cute, so that costs me a lot to keep finding love in exchange for smell, expense, and indifference. I want more reciprocity than that in any relationship!
@zxgy4774 2 жыл бұрын
Since these breeds are her choices, she’s entitled to her opinions. However, I don’t think she gives a good objective set of reasons for her #1 choice (as she does for the others on her list that she is for and against). This selection is where her personal bias seems to outweigh her reasoning.
@badabing661 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed. She says it’s her own option but also adds “as a vet” to it. I would have liked a more impartial take too.
@lousialb8962 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed. Her beloved basset hound seems to have several characteristics she used to justify rejecting certain breeds. You have to use a consistent metric when making comparisons.
@oatlord 2 жыл бұрын
She certainly has opinions. Not sure those opinions have anything to do with the profession of being a vet, more personal preferences. Basically I can't stand her, and I imagine she's very loud and has a bumper sticker about being too much to handle or some such nonsense.
@mainemountainman3743 2 жыл бұрын
Got my Am. pitbull terrier mix as a stray. Friendliest 75 pound bully ever! Loves everybody.
@danpatterson6937 Жыл бұрын
The vet is a sweetheart, AND her comments are well put.
@rebeccatexaschick7621 2 жыл бұрын
The only two basset hounds I've come across were both grumpy and aggressive.
@amputeemarksman Жыл бұрын
I have/had 2 from the list. Pugs - Pugs are great dog. Very loyal, easy to train and all around great dogs. They do have health issues so make sure you have $ for vet bills however I have never regretted owing a couple of these. GSD - The jury is out. I have a young male. He is a great dog but you need to spend a lot of time training them, get ready for 30 minute walks 3 times a day and you must socialize them. That means bring them with you all the time from when they are a pup so they get exposed to other humans outside their local family pack.
@sherrellrichmond4307 Жыл бұрын
I love hounds. I have had a B&T, a foxhound and a beagle. The beagle was the most challenging!
@jmf5246 2 жыл бұрын
Daughter came home from college with a golden doodle. We had a cockapoo for about 12 years and it was very independent and loved hikes. The doodle is a total velcro dog and neurotic. She has to be on top of u all the time and cant be left aline! Worse than a human baby but very loving and cute.
@DJ-fn3jm 2 жыл бұрын
It's a real shame with the doodles. They have fallen prey to the fad "breeders". Cranking them out with no regard for the animals or the families that will buy them.
@ezraoberheim1081 2 жыл бұрын
They were a bad idea from the beginning. Mixing the coat types of a poodle and a dog with fur rather than hair always has the potential to come out really bad, resulting in way more matting, etc. You should breed dogs with similar coat types to avoid issues like that if you're going to mix breeds at all.
@YSLRD 2 жыл бұрын
@@ezraoberheim1081 I don't care about coats but cross breeds should definitely come from breeds with similar temperaments. Otherwise, it can cause a serious psycho dog.
@kbkatherineb3944 2 жыл бұрын
LOVE that you recognize how great mutts are! I agree and no problems that arise from over breeding
@thatsrealroughbud...2394 2 жыл бұрын
As someone that does a lot of rescues for mutts, that's simply not true. It's propaganda to get people to adopt mutts over "pure bred" dogs. I still advise people look into adopting, especially adult dogs over puppies, but the worst genetic issues I've even seen come out of mutts. Mutts often come off the street or from backyard breeders that have little to no care for genetic integrity. We get most of our rescues from reserves where extreme inbreeding is a major issue. Our goal is to get dogs into their forever homes, and I always advise people get insurance. We've ended up keeping some of the worse cases unsuitable for others to adopt. Our foster fail regularly blows the yearly max for insurance, same with the cat. Issues are from inbreeding since these dogs and cats just run around breeding without any control at all. Mothers with sons, brothers with sisters, compounds if they're pretty looking mutts pulled off reserves and used for puppymills. There are a LOT of genetic issues with mutts, and I just wish more people would be honest with that because it means fewer dogs stuck in adoption and return cycles.
@janetingacollins6409 Жыл бұрын
She’s absolutely right - get a mixed breed rescue❤️
@MrScaryPasta 2 жыл бұрын
My dog Buddy is a GSP mix. He’s such a wonderful friend. He is very friendly, energetic, loyal, protective, and smart. Hence why we named him Buddy, which means close friend.
@smithwesson7765 2 жыл бұрын
Spot on, her opinions are based on experience not heresay and she has a great sense of humour. I'm a Lab person, they let me sleep on the bed, they take me for walks and the occasional swim and I get ice cream if I'm good.🤗 Our new neighbours have a Blue Tick Coon Hound and Marley is an absolute sweetheart. She knows we have cookies so, when she thinks her mum isn't looking, she sneaks over to our yard and paws on the screen door for a treat and a few cuddles. The Hounds are very impressive.
@vikingdogmanship 2 жыл бұрын
My Lab is also Called Marley. I own a dog buisness and work with many breeds everyday. But my Absolute favorites will always be the Labrador Retrivers, (And Jack Russells:) since we are Living on a farm.
@HenryPhD 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, never own a snoring husband. lol
@americanmullet6083 2 жыл бұрын
Pitbulls are the best get it straight. There loyal fun and forgiving. Raised even mildly correct there super good
@amandah2490 2 жыл бұрын
Just so long as anyone watching this realises this is the vets personal likes and dislikes and are not necessarily based on health problems, grooming, noise etc. Doodles may need regular and expensive trips to the groomers but Pyranese need plenty of grooming too; they are also guard dogs so can be overly protective. Pugs may have face wrinkles that can cause skin problems but Bassets are prone to ear infections, have low slung bellies that can drag on the ground if they're overweight or breeding females and they are hounds so have loud booming barks and their recall off lead can be terrible. Do your own research thoroughly, people!
@laurap239 Жыл бұрын
I have a mutt, and after having to put to sleep a few purebreds due to genetic problems, I will NEVER get a purebred again. Mutts are just as loyal and sweet, WAY healthier, and will live longer and not cost you an arm and leg at the vets. Besides, if you are not the most athletic type (I'm 70yrs old, in good shape but not a marathon runner) you can get a 3-4-5 yr old who is less energetic than a puppy and easier to train
@infiad1275 Жыл бұрын
How many people love going to the doctor? Why wouldn't dogs feel the same? Her interactions shouldn't be taken as the gospel.
@megl6148 13 күн бұрын
A German shepherd is completely different than a Mal. German shepherds generally are very sweet dogs.
@atomiccracker Жыл бұрын
I have Chihuahua's... Yes, they have issues, but not as many as People. My dogs of choice, have always been Dachshunds and Chihuahua's. Im at the age, where Im pretty sure that the dogs I have now, are my last... and I wouldn't trade them for anything!
@chrismcloughlin163 Жыл бұрын
Fair and well placed comment on GSD's and Mals. (declaration: I own two Belgians but long haired). GSD's can just be too quickly disposed to aggression if not handled properly. Mals need a lot of attention and stimulation. They've shown up in a few movies and people might think they're great.. but do you like your garden and your furniture?
@galakari 2 жыл бұрын
egarding the Chinese Crested Dogs. They are not greasy!!! I'm sorry if you have gotten this wrong impression of the breed! When groomed correctly they are soft, warm and smooth to the touch! And hardy! I'm a breeder of Chinese Crested Dogs, and we live in Norway. We have cold winters and lots of snow. These naked, little, dogs do great in the snow. They only need a winter coat and they are good to go! Love and light from Norway!
@lacystacychick 2 жыл бұрын
I have a mixed breed basset hound mix . So I have the top two all in one and I couldn't agree more . I love them
@ji3946 2 жыл бұрын
Short Haired, the most lovable non aggressive beautiful dog I ever owned, period.
@Charliesdad98 2 жыл бұрын
Oh my god you obviously never owned your own German shepherd
@GetaPetaHome 2 жыл бұрын
Me? MUST NOT HAVE the power to remove an arm before I could call 911. Why? Look it up.
@samuelchoi1432 2 жыл бұрын
I got two doodles and they cost hella money don’t even do it
@vikingdogmanship 2 жыл бұрын
they cray cray🤣
@larrymarcus3176 Жыл бұрын
The best dog breed to own is : your dog. They all are the best. All dogs can have illness and disease, temperament issues, be destructive anti social aggressive temperamental yadda yadda but they are all worthy of what they are. The provider of unconditional love and companionship that completes our humanity and makes a direct connection to the world of nature and hopefully our better self. To say one is better is naive. Unless you’re a cat. They have much more exclusive social opinions
@janicehursy2698 Жыл бұрын
My husband and I are the proud owners of a cute cockapoo who is the sweetest dog ever ❤ .I have just retired and have lots of time to look after him. He has been very easy to train and comes running when I get his brush out. I brush him every day,which takes me about 15mins and he goes to the groomers every 6-8 weeks and so far has never been matted. He loves ❤ other dogs and people who we meet on our walks. We live in the UK 🇬🇧 and doodles over here seem to have a much better press than doodles in the USA. We really love our dog but I don't think that 🤔 we would have had him if l was still working.
@eveyk.1204 2 жыл бұрын
I would say no to Chihuahua, Pincher, Rotweiler, Pugs and yes to Golden Retriever, Husky, Corgi, Border Collie and my absolutely favorite: Mixed Race dogs
@JazzAbrena 2 жыл бұрын
I have a belgian malinois, so far he's not biting anyone's face off at the clinic lol. he's way too friendly to people, i'm afraid that his friendliness could one day, follow a stranger to steal him from us. but his prey drive to small critters (cat, rodents, even birds). are superb.
@Esaquimi 2 жыл бұрын
Chihuahuas get the worst rep. I’ve had two my whole life and both were very loyal, and sweet. A little territorial, yes, but they’re cuties!
@impalaSS65 2 жыл бұрын
No mention about every starry eyed first dog person getting huskies or malamutes? If you are getting ANY dog you need to have time for them. They are pack animals, i.e. only when they constantly socialize with their family will they thrive. Time away from your dog - is torture for "your" dog. If you have the time mentioned above: by all means get almost any dog - because then you will have the time to activate "GSD and malinois" properly. GSD's is a easiier than Malinois. Both are smart and leader obedient dogs, so they are rewarding to train. If you are a natural leader, that is. She doesn't know much about breeding genetics if she believes "mixed" dogs are healthier. They are simply mixed with even less control. Serious breeders keep track of sires and bitches with complications and take them out of breeding. They have detailed data many generations back, from all over the world. "Mixed" dogs are the stochastic result with whatever outcast street dog (for expensive desease showing up perhaps?). Any herd protector/LGD (lifestock guarding dogs) is unsuitable as your regular pets. They are often as challenging as wolf hybrids if they are proper LGD (not watered down).
@warpdriveby 2 жыл бұрын
I grew up with Goldens and Bassett hounds, and love those breeds to eternity. Today I own a very low key relaxed GSD who is by far the smartest dog I've had, he adores training and tasks. With proper training and patience in finding a lower drive GSD, they are amazingly rewarding and easy to train, even compared to the Goldens. Bassetts do have a big issue, they will follow their noses to anything they love to eat, and when motivated will figure out how to open doors, cabinets and bins, and surprisingly my Dudley can clear a doggy gate twice his height (admittedly he often got his back legs hung up and flopped the rest of the way). He also surprised me by being PERFECTLY behaved with children, he was the gentlest of all my dogs with them, and tolerated things even the Goldens wouldn't. They'd bail from toddlers quickly but Dudley just wanted to be around them ear pulling and all. I'm with you, bigger dogs are usually more stable.
@Deej496 2 жыл бұрын
No big deal. She is entitled to her opinion.. She is talking in general terms. I'm sure she is a good vet and loves all dogs... 😉
@brandyugaz3988 2 жыл бұрын
Her OPINION people!
@Splashstar216 Жыл бұрын
I find it odd that humans (being the hairless apes that we are) tend to dislike other hairless animals. But 1 in 8 Goldens will get cancer 😭 otherwise they're so goofy. And I'd never get a basset hound due to all their health issues related to their short legs.
@jiritichy7967 2 жыл бұрын
A dog with most visits at veterinarian: French bulldog.
@stevedeleon8775 2 жыл бұрын
I'm into the BEAGLE BREED I've had two Tri Colored "Cooper" & currently "Sammy"
@bbaff8622 Жыл бұрын
Im very surprised the Blue/Red Heelers are not on this list. I have a half Border Collie/half Blue Heeler and it too an immense amount of training to get the heel nipping to stop. And so much energy
@schmittyconstanz 2 жыл бұрын
Every dog is unique.
@scottrobertson1880 2 жыл бұрын
Staffordshire bull terriers are the best for me . Loves to exercise, loves my kids . My only problem is he likes to get out on his own and wander the neighbourhood
@darcybarnes6970 2 жыл бұрын
I had a beagle hound named Misty! What a wonderful dog, I truly miss her, Labs are awesome, Dogs are awesome.
@rridderbusch518 2 жыл бұрын
Beagles are the best! Our neighbor had a Basset. It was as dumb as a box of rocks.
@simeon2851 2 жыл бұрын
The Golden Retriever. Always number one. Always.
@carrowxhex6891 2 жыл бұрын
The best watch dog I have owned/emotional support dog...deer head chihuahua. The best guard dog I have owned was a cane corso. The smartest dog I owned was a mixed breed pound dog, looked like a mix between a black lab and a Belgian malinois. The dumbest but sweetest was a Great Dane. The meanest was a cocker spaniel.
@supaspydamn 2 жыл бұрын
Why did she say "mixed breed" like that?
@aliciabarnett4337 2 жыл бұрын
Too bad she’s never owned one. Disagree 100%
@ellamaeloftus3493 2 жыл бұрын
Have has a few German Shepherds. Not one has been aggressive. The only drawback is lots of shedding. Interesting watching a few of the veterinarian's videos and opinions. All opinions vary
@catherinewhite4313 2 жыл бұрын
I like that you mention your FIRST dog.
@Kate98755 2 жыл бұрын
i rescued a border collie GSP mix….she’s so smart, only 10.5 months old, my outside with her every day, fetch, walk, long fetch in a field=real running, i’m now teaching going through weave poles, she’s dreamt up catch….she throws it back, with her mouth, her paws or pushes it with her nose, she likes to play with two balls-one in her mouth one to pounce on…so going outside she’ll push the second ball down the stairs to the door, i’ve been ready to go out and i’ve said go get a ball….she runs upstairs and goes through the rooms until she finds one 🤦‍♀️smartest dog i’ve ever owned….DO NOT get this type of dog if you don’t like outside, she’s a working breed, 4 paws on the floor sun up to sun down, i make her nap every 2 hrs during the day, she collapses into her bed when i give the command’time out’…she’s a great dog, a must train situation…trying to fight off neighbors who stick their hands through the fence which allows her to self reward, so i’ve had to build a corral type fence to keep her 3’ from the wrought iron fence, need to add more rails because she’s figured out how to go under AND over. 😂🤦‍♀️
@pollypurree1834 2 жыл бұрын
My Staffordshire is the friendliest dog in the world. Fabulous with cats, dogs and all animals.
@robertrobert7924 2 жыл бұрын
I am a long time Labrador owner. After my last Lab died from OA, I volunteered to dogsit my Physicians dog when her family went on vacations. He was a very large Autistic Doodle who demanded constant attention. While working on my laotop he would drive me crazy. He dragged me on regular walks even though he wore a restaining metal collar with neck prongs. The last time I sat him, he bite me while I was pushing him away from my laptop. I told my Dr. he was crazy and I would no longer dogsit for her.
@pollypurree1834 2 жыл бұрын
I've seen some vicious Golden Retrievers
@lavonnewr 2 жыл бұрын
Love a beagle, yes to hounds
@Jono_93 2 жыл бұрын
She is just voicing her opinion but its mad that people are offended by it, she's actually just spitting facts.
@VoteBlue4Peace-LoveInUSAagain 2 жыл бұрын
Golden Retriever are phenomenal ✨️ And after my GR passed,, it took me 9 years to get over it and I got a 2nd generation Goldendoodle (boy GD got out and took off 4 blocks to mate with a girl who was in season) who is almost as amazing. More expensive for sure, but a phenomenal best friend and I would recomend. I got the runt who ended up being a bigger dog that the lot of them, including his parents. ✌🏼💗☯️
@cissy2194 Жыл бұрын
My dog was a terrier mix. He lived to be 16 years old, had zero health problems until 4 months before he passed of an oral melanoma. Unfortunately it spread very fast while waiting over 3 weeks to see an oncologist. Chemo and removal would have only given him 3 more months. He was super smart, obedient, patient with kid. His only negative was the shedding, and he could not be inside with another dog. VERY territorial.
@chaoarecool 2 жыл бұрын
The beagle is the best, All praise the Beags
@stephanies1474 2 жыл бұрын
I love GSD and they have to be trained. It's a must. They're too big to just let be wild. I have 2 now and have always had one since I was 18..not an easy breed.
@RPGScotty 2 жыл бұрын
Number one is the pittie
@luckdragongirl 2 жыл бұрын
I've only ever had mutts and they're awesome. I do already know that the best fit for me in a purebred is 100% the Standard Schnauzer. Checks all my boxes for a perfect dog (looks don't matter so much, I'll admit I don't think they're the cutest dog breed, but they hit everything else).
@1lorijb Жыл бұрын
Everyone has there favorites, I always get my dogs from a rescue.
@VelveteenRabbit77 2 жыл бұрын
All my Boston Terriers can breathe just FINE! They sped around the yard like race horses! They do have snorts sometimes. “ Im scared” snorts when it lightening outside. “ Happy” snorts when I whip out the treats and the “ Hey I have arrived in the room” snort. But all the ones that I have owned breathe fine.
@YSLRD 2 жыл бұрын
Boston are often less squashed than some others.
@VelveteenRabbit77 2 жыл бұрын
@@YSLRD We have had both. Happy little rascals.
@christinescopas1441 2 жыл бұрын
Staffies are the best loyal, and loving
@tzytzy7171 2 жыл бұрын
@americanmullet6083 2 жыл бұрын
And I got 2 golden doodles and there terrible
@marietgagliardi 2 жыл бұрын
Don't care. I still love pugs and chihuahuas
@eljefemaximo5420 2 жыл бұрын
The dogs I would never own GSD I am deathly allergic and I have never seen one live past 10. Akitas they are afraid of their own shadow in a very aggressive way. Dachshunds only breed that has ever attacked me. Bull Dogs they don't live long. All yip yip breeds. A dog has a 20 minimum for me.
@fooshpoof 2 жыл бұрын
I definitely get the hound love, I've had one hound breed and now again have the same breed even though being honest it might not be the best type of dog for me because they are a lot while I prefer being more chill and not that active. I do put in effort for them though and there is just something so sweet and addictive about hounds and they are full of personality and sensitive characters
@CyndiGarguilo Жыл бұрын
2 of the most popular dogs and most expensive where I live are on her worst list 🤣
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