This message increased my faith by 1000... I stood in that place and heard everywhere word and I know by the events in my life where my faith was weak God showed my who he is and that he does keep his promises! I TRULY BELIEVE THAT! So I know that promise will be kept and that's so attractive to me... Thank you for your blood Jesus, thank you for your mercy and kindness Lord and kindness and guidance! I'm not worthy of this but because of who you are I am given another chance to increase the works of you to be recorded in my book... Thank you Lord! I SURRENDER and will work everyday to tell this message and remind of this promise
@SaloeMusic18 күн бұрын
Me too fam!!!
@derenay4018 күн бұрын
I'm here again, wanting to talk more about today's sermon. I found the time line as taught very confusing. We last discussed there not being a Rapturing away of the Saints and the 3.5 years of Peace and 3.5 years of Tribulation. One World System, The mark of the beast, the anti-christ etc. At what point does the moon turn to blood, a third of the earth is destroyed by fire and another third is destroyed by something else, falling stars or meteors, when the plagues are loosed? The Millennium, Satan bound for 1k years, then loosed to recruit/reign who? Is the anti-christ and prophet dead then? Those who are Saved are beheaded yet we're back in Resurrected Bodies? Ruling with CHRIST reigning over who? Isn't the world mostly destroyed and the sun darkened? What about there being A NEW HEAVEN AND A NEW EARTH, before or after the thousand years? Is the JUDGMENT SEAT OF CHRIST and THE GREAT WHITE THRONE OF JUDGMENT, one for Saints and the other for unrepentant Sinners? GOD Doesn't keep a record of our wrongs because All of Our Sins are COVERED BY THE BLOOD, HE SAID OUR SINS HE WILL REMEMBER NO MORE, etc., right? Even at the end the pastor asked, "If CHRIST were to come back today, would you be ready...", that would mean a bypassing of the Tribulation?!? What about the Jewish people, GOD'S Chosen People who still believe their Messiah is still coming? Sorry for all of the questions, but if I'm confused I'm sure others are also. This made the "End of Time" seem/sound "messy" ( to me for lack of a better word vs. Seamless, at least my head, that is). I'm definitely going to have to watch this one a few more times. I need clarity. Thanks in advance, I look forward to your response.
@stephenhataway844816 күн бұрын
@derenay40 - Thank you for asking these questions. One of the ways you can see someone growing in their faith is by the questions that they’re asking. We really do appreciate you sharing them with us. As I began to type out a few answers, I thought it might be better if we connected over a phone call, if you’re able. You can reach me directly at and I’ll respond right away. With a book as in-depth as Revelation, we wish we could have devoted years instead of months to it. But good news! I have somethings to share with you that I think will truly help us with our understanding of some of the specifics you mentioned. Looking forward to hearing back soon!