Video #50 Najad 390 NEW Folding Wheel

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Westsail 28 STARWHITE

Westsail 28 STARWHITE

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@Sailing.Bon.Vivant 4 ай бұрын
As owners of an other Najad 390 we also have big steeringwheel thats annoying to get past. We considered the folding wheel but in the end doubted if it would make enough of a difference. So I'd be happy to hear your experiences in real live with the folding wheel. We also have a watertank meter that's not working. I haven't gotten arround to opening the floor yet, but will do so soon. Happy to know where to look for it 🙂Since we most probably have the same model I'd like to ask you where you ordered your replacement. I hope you enjoy the boat as much as we do. We simply love her.
@Westsail28 4 ай бұрын
Hi thanks for watching the video and congratulations on your 390! The folding wheel has made a HUGE difference in our ability to move around in the cockpit when we are not underway. It also makes entertaining a group much more comfortable and eliminates the isolation of those seated behind the steering pedestal. It has of course made no difference when it is unfolded and in use! I found the watertank sender thru Fisheries Supply here in Seattle, it was a special order item. I am told any VDO dealer can order it, I used the part number that was stamped into the top of the unit.
@stevehislop 5 ай бұрын
I´m watching your channel since its beginning. Even though I´m a bit dissapointed that you didn´t upgrade to a Westsail 32, I´m very very grateful to find your peaceful content during the hours ahead of the Trump/Biden debate:) Anyways... your quality content is always nice to watch and especially your soothing voice is great. The Najad choice of yours is very understandable for me though, becaus she really is roomy and slick loocking at the same time, combined with a very high built quality. BR from Germany, Tobias PS: What was your job before you retired? Everything you do is so thoroughly thought through and made in such a quality manner, I wonder why that is:)
@Westsail28 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for the kind comments. Our Westsail 28 "Starwhite" is still a big part of our lives. We are currently home sailing her on the Salish Sea. The Najad is moored in the Schengen area so our time aboard is limited by those regulations. We purchased the Najad as we wanted a boat with 2 staterooms that we could keep in a warmer climate. Winters in Seattle are normally grey, wet and cold so it's nice to get away... We considered the Westsail 43 & 42, but their overall length made handling and moorage a challenge. I have worked in several different aspects of the recreational marine industry for the past 45 years.
@Brad.whatthe 5 ай бұрын
With regard to the instrument gauge your going to move from the rear cabin, couldn’t you instead leave it there and buy another gauge to put at the nav station that will plug in to the existing loom, then you can check what’s going on when underway while resting
@Westsail28 5 ай бұрын
Yes, that would be possible and might be simpler. The repeater gives only speed, depth and distance. It's really not of much value in the aft stateroom. But we do enter those numbers in our log at the nav station several times a day.
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