04:07:20 - ➡ ACT IV - CURTAIN I 04:09:58 - 🎭 Prairie Dog Head 1/6 04:10:19 - ✨ Hundred Sparkle 1/2 04:10:59 - 👻 Soul 1 04:11:53 - 👻 Soul 2 04:13:03 - 🪄 Prairie Dog Action 1/4 04:13:45 - 👻 Soul 3 04:14:15 - 🎭 Fossil Head 2/6 04:14:28 - 👻 Soul 4 04:15:33 - 👻 Soul 5 04:15:47 - 👻 Soul 6 04:16:31 - 👻 Soul 7 04:16:46 - 🕹 Bonus Stage 10/21 + 🪄 Fossil Action 2/4 04:19:03 - 👻 Soul 8 04:19:39 - 👻 Soul 9 + 🧸 Wooden Shoe 1/1 04:21:03 - 🏆 Flagrant Misconduct 04:21:32 - 👒 Transformation 6/6 04:21:51 - 🎭 Moon Witch Head 3/6 04:22:05 - 🪄 Moon Witch Action 3/4 04:24:10 - 👻 Soul 10-11 04:24:31 - 🎭 Guitar Head 4/6 04:24:54 - 👻 Soul 12 04:25:52 - 👻 Soul 13 04:26:21 - 🏆 Hole-Diggin’ Varmints! 04:26:37 - 👻 Soul 14 04:26:49 - 🎭 Cowboy Head 5/6 04:27:18 - 👻 Soul 15 04:27:38 - 👻 Soul 16 04:29:05 - 👻 Soul 17 04:29:51 - ✨ Hundred Sparkle 2/2 04:30:49 - 👻 Soul 18 04:31:41 - 👻 Soul 19-20 04:33:45 - 🪄 Cowboy Action 4/4 04:34:20 - 🏆 Surgical Striker (5 of 6) + 👻 Soul 21-51 04:34:30 - 🎭 Six-Shooter Head 6/6 04:36:10 - ➡ ACT IV - CURTAIN II 04:39:01 - 👻 Soul 1-2 04:39:15 - 👻 Soul 3-4 04:40:00 - 🧸 Wooden Shoe 1/1 04:40:11 - 🎭 Steak Head 1/4 04:40:37 - 👻 Soul 5 04:41:30 - 🕹 Bonus Stage 11/21 + 🪄 Six-Shooter Action 1/2 04:49:05 - 🏆 Strapping Jockey 04:49:48 - 👻 Soul 6 04:50:42 - 🎭 Lion Head 2/4 04:51:13 - 👻 Soul 7 04:52:21 - 👻 Soul 8-9 04:52:43 - 👻 Soul 10 04:53:01 - 👻 Soul 11-12 04:53:24 - ✨ Hundred Sparkle 1/1 04:55:01 - 👻 Soul 13-18 04:55:13 - 🪄 Steak Action 2/2 04:56:02 - 🎭 Locomotive Head 3/4 04:56:57 - 🎭 Horse Head 4/4 05:01:28 - ➡ ACT IV - CURTAIN III 05:04:00 - 🏆 Is That a Mask, or Is That Your Face? (1/8) 05:04:33 - 👻 Soul 1 05:05:06 - 🪄 Guitar Action 1/6 + 🎭 Castanet Head 1/3 05:05:41 - 👻 Soul 2 05:05:53 - 🏆 Is That a Mask, or Is That Your Face? (2/8) 05:06:36 - ✨ Hundred Sparkle 1/2 05:07:46 - 👻 Soul 3-5 05:08:17 - 👻 Soul 6 05:08:39 - 🪄 Horse Action 2/6 05:09:33 - 👻 Soul 7 05:10:12 - 👻 Soul 8 05:10:31 - 🕹 Bonus Stage 12/21 + 🪄 Lion Action 3/6 05:12:16 - 🏆 Is That a Mask, or Is That Your Face? (3/8) 05:12:36 - 👻 Soul 9 05:13:06 - 🏆 Is That a Mask, or Is That Your Face? (4/8) 05:13:28 - 👻 Soul 10-11 05:13:39 - 🏆 Is That a Mask, or Is That Your Face? (5/8) 05:13:52 - 👻 Soul 12 05:14:03 - ✨ Hundred Sparkle 2/2 05:14:21 - 🪄 Locomotive Action 4/6 05:14:33 - 🏆 Is That a Mask, or Is That Your Face? (6/8) 05:15:15 - 🏆 Is That a Mask, or Is That Your Face? (7/8) 05:15:56 - 🏆 Is That a Mask, or Is That Your Face? (8/8) 05:16:38 - 👻 Soul 13 05:17:16 - 👻 Soul 14 05:19:01 - 🎭 Rocket Head 2/3 05:19:44 - 🎭 Bull Head 3/3 05:20:01 - 🪄 Rocket Action 5/6 05:21:00 - 🪄 Castanet Action 6/6 05:23:45 - ➡ ACT V - CURTAIN I 05:26:43 - 👻 Soul 1-2 05:26:57 - 🎭 Pumpkin Head 1/5 05:27:39 - 👻 Soul 2-4 05:28:13 - 🎭 Cake Head 2/5 05:28:48 - ✨ Hundred Sparkle 1/2 05:28:58 - 👻 Soul 5 05:29:33 - 👻 Soul 6-7 05:30:02 - 👻 Soul 8-9 05:30:17 - 🕹 Bonus Stage 13/21 + 🪄 Pumpkin Action 1/3 05:33:35 - 🎭 Ghost Head 3/5 + 🪄 Ghost Action 2/3 05:35:34 - 🪄 Cake Action 3/3 05:35:46 - ✨ Hundred Sparkle 2/2 05:37:17 - 🎭 Candy Head 4/5 05:39:35 - 🎭 Brain Head 5/5 05:43:18 - ➡ ACT V - CURTAIN II 05:47:15 - 👻 Soul 1-43 05:48:12 - 🏆 Butterball Bailout 05:48:26 - ✨ Hundred Sparkle 1/2 + 🎭 Candy House Head 1/4 05:50:32 - 🕹 Bonus Stage 14/21 + 🪄 Candy House Action 1/2 05:52:18 - 🧸 Wooden Shoe 1/1 + 🎭 Blynken Head 2/4 05:52:51 - ✨ Hundred Sparkle 2/2 05:53:39 - 🎭 Nod Head 3/4 05:56:26 - 🪄 Candy Action 2/2 05:57:11 - 🎭 Nebula Head 4/4 06:00:22 - ➡ ACT V - CURTAIN III 06:04:37 - 🎭 Garlic Head 1/7 06:05:16 - 👻 Soul 1-3 06:06:07 - 🎭 Garlic & Devil Heads 2-3/7 06:06:29 - 🪄 Brain Action 1/10 06:07:21 - 🪄 Nod Action 2/10 + 🧸 Wooden Shoe 1/2 06:08:44 - 🏆 Nosferatu Blues 06:11:17 - 🪄 Garlic Action 3/10 06:11:54 - ✨ Hundred Sparkle 1/2 06:13:04 - 🕹 Bonus Stage 15/21 + 🪄 Nebula Action 4/10 06:14:54 - 🪄 Devil Action 5/10 + 🎭 Angel Head 4/7 06:17:35 - 🪄 Angel Action 6/10 06:17:59 - 🏆 Surgical Striker (6 of 6) + 👻 Soul 4-44 06:18:10 - 🎭 Reaper Head 5/7 06:20:40 - 🎭 Robot Head 6/7 06:21:15 - 🪄 Robot Action 7/10 06:22:41 - 🪄 Owl Action 8/10 06:25:05 - ✨ Hundred Sparkle 2/2 06:26:28 - 🪄 Blynken Action 9/10 + 🧸 Wooden Shoe 2/2 06:28:31 - 🪄 Reaper Action 10/10 06:30:24 - 🎭 Dog Head 7/7 06:32:20 - ➡ ACT VI - CURTAIN I 06:35:37 - 🎭 Clock Head 1/5 06:35:50 - 🎭 Star Head 2/5 06:36:24 - 👻 Soul 1-3 06:36:59 - 🪄 Clock Action 1/3 06:37:26 - 👻 Soul 4-5 06:38:34 - 🏆 The Other Flying Circus 06:40:21 - 👻 Soul 6-7 06:41:45 - 👻 Soul 8 06:42:22 - 👻 Soul 9 06:43:10 - 👻 Soul 10-11 06:43:51 - 👻 Soul 12 06:44:24 - 🕹 Bonus Stage 16/21 + 🪄 Star Action 2/3 06:48:40 - 👻 Soul 13-20 06:50:15 - 🏆 Super Buccaneer Grapple Master 06:51:03 - 🎭 Cards Head 3/5 06:51:50 - ✨ Hundred Sparkle 1/1 06:53:47 - 🎭 Elephant Head 4/5 06:54:50 - 🪄 Cards Action 3/3 06:55:24 - 🎭 Rabbit Head 5/5 06:57:11 - ➡ ACT VI - CURTAIN II 06:59:23 - 🎭 Topiary Head 1/8 06:59:34 - 🏆 A Speech for Sore Ears 07:00:01 - 👻 Soul 1-2 07:01:39 - 👻 Soul 3-5 07:02:23 - ✨ Hundred Sparkle 1/3 07:02:50 - 👻 Soul 6 07:03:38 - 🪄 Topiary Action 1/8 07:04:06 - 🎭 Beehive Head 2/8 07:05:28 - 🕹 Bonus Stage 17/21 + 🪄 Beehive Action 2/8 07:07:18 - 🪄 Elephant Action 3/8 07:08:22 - 👻 Soul 7-8 07:08:34 - 🎭 Ladybug Head 3/8 07:09:22 - 🎭 Triceratops Head 4/8 07:09:34 - 🪄 Triceratops Action 4/8 07:10:45 - ✨ Hundred Sparkle 2/3 07:11:01 - 🎭 Teacup Head 5/8 07:11:50 - 🪄 Teacup Action 5/8 07:14:09 - 👻 Soul 9-10 07:15:05 - ✨ Hundred Sparkle 3/3 07:16:23 - 🏆 Shmup to Scratch (1/2) 07:16:49 - 🪄 Rabbit Action 6/8 07:17:29 - 🎭 Gargoyle Head 6/8 07:18:13 - 🏆 Shmup to Scratch (2/2) 07:19:59 - 👻 Soul 11-12 07:21:11 - 🪄 Ladybug Action 7/8 07:22:45 - 🎭 Rooster Head 7/8 07:23:58 - 🪄 Gargoyle Action 8/8 07:25:10 - 🎭 Mr. Pink Head 8/8 07:27:07 - ➡ ACT VI - CURTAIN III 07:28:46 - 🏆 No Dragon Your Heels 07:30:32 - 🕹 Bonus Stage 18/21 + 🪄 Mr. Pink Action 1/2 07:33:05 - 👻 Soul 1-6 07:33:57 - 🪄 Rooster Action 2/2 07:34:36 - 👻 Soul 7-15 07:35:22 - ✨ Hundred Sparkle 1/1 07:37:09 - 👻 Soul 16-21 07:38:44 - 👻 Soul 22-27 07:39:22 - 👻 Soul 28-35 07:42:35 - 👻 Soul 36-37 07:44:15 - 🎭 Dragon Head 1/1 07:48:36 - ➡ ACT VII - CURTAIN I 07:51:13 - 👻 Soul 1 07:51:44 - 👻 Soul 2 07:52:18 - 👻 Soul 3-4 07:53:07 - 👻 Soul 5-6 07:53:53 - 🎭 Yeti Head 1/6 07:55:40 - 👻 Soul 7-9 07:55:59 - 👻 Soul 10-11 07:56:39 - 🎭 Snowman Head 2/6 07:57:26 - 👻 Soul 12 07:58:17 - 🕹 Bonus Stage 19/21 + 🪄 Yeti Action 1/5 08:00:01 - ✨ Hundred Sparkle 1/2 08:00:45 - 🪄 Snowman Action 2/5 08:01:01 - 🎭 Christmas Tree Head 3/6 08:01:22 - 👻 Soul 13-14 08:01:36 - 🪄 Christmas Tree Action 3/5 08:02:34 - 🏆 On the Rocks (1/7) 08:03:01 - 🏆 On the Rocks (2/7) 08:03:21 - 🏆 On the Rocks (3/7) 08:03:43 - 🎭 Penguin Tree Head 4/6 08:04:00 - 🏆 On the Rocks (4/7) 08:04:14 - 🏆 On the Rocks (5/7) 08:04:52 - 🏆 On the Rocks (6/7) 08:05:27 - 🏆 On the Rocks (7/7) 08:06:19 - 👻 Soul 15-16 08:08:08 - 👻 Soul 17-22 08:08:25 - 🎭 UFO Tree Head 5/6 08:10:21 - 🪄 Penguin Action 4/5 08:10:38 - 🏆 But Can You Parallel Park? 08:12:53 - ✨ Hundred Sparkle 2/2 08:14:37 - 🪄 UFO Action 5/5 08:15:48 - 🎭 Monkey Head 6/6 08:19:18 - ➡ ACT VII - CURTAIN II 08:21:47 - 👻 Soul 1-2 08:22:26 - 👻 Soul 3-4 08:23:03 - 👻 Soul 5-8 08:23:14 - 🎭 Plane Head 1/4 08:24:20 - 👻 Soul 9-18 08:24:38 - ✨ Hundred Sparkle 1/2 08:24:51 - 👻 Soul 19-20 08:25:06 - 🕹 Bonus Stage 20/21 + 🪄 Plane Action 1/3 08:28:25 - 👻 Soul 21-22 08:29:56 - 👻 Soul 23-24 08:30:27 - ✨ Hundred Sparkle 2/2 08:30:54 - 👻 Soul 25-27 08:31:54 - 🪄 Monkey Action 2/3 08:32:21 - 🎭 Gaff Head 2/4 08:33:28 - 🎭 Moon Goddess Head 3/4 08:36:24 - 🪄 Moon Goddess Action 3/3 08:36:55 - 👻 Soul 28-29 08:40:08 - 👻 Soul 30-32 08:41:02 - 👻 Soul 33-35 08:42:08 - 🎭 White Castle Head 4/4 08:44:01 - ➡ ACT VII - CURTAIN III 08:45:48 - 🪄 White Castle Action 1/3 08:46:31 - 👻 Soul 1-3 08:46:54 - 👻 Soul 4-5 08:47:31 - 👻 Soul 6-9 08:47:49 - ✨ Hundred Sparkle 1/2 08:48:29 - 👻 Soul 10-11 08:50:46 - 👻 Soul 12-16 08:51:08 - 🎭 Grub Head 1/5 08:51:37 - 👻 Soul 17-18 08:52:26 - 👻 Soul 19-23 08:54:25 - 🎭 Black Castle Head 2/5 08:54:50 - ✨ Hundred Sparkle 2/2 08:55:11 - 👻 Soul 24-26 08:55:32 - 🕹 Bonus Stage 21/21 + 🪄 Grub Action 2/3 08:55:59 - 👻 Soul 27-52 08:57:09 - 👻 Soul 53 08:59:35 - 🪄 Black Castle Action 3/3 08:59:52 - 👻 Soul 54-56 09:02:30 - 👻 Soul 57-58 09:04:35 - 🧸 Wooden Shoe 1/1 09:11:24 - 🎭 Moon Bear King Head 3/5 09:11:39 - 🎭 Little Bear Head 4/5 09:11:51 - 🎬 Ending 09:17:05 - 🎭 Kutaro Head 5/5 09:17:31 - 🌌 Credits 09:22:17 - 🪄 Snake Action 1/10 (BONUS STAGE) 09:23:04 - 🪄 Tiger Action 2/10 (BONUS STAGE) 09:24:10 - 🪄 Dragon Action 3/10 (BONUS STAGE) 09:25:45 - 🪄 Gaff Action 4/10 (BONUS STAGE) - Act III - Curtain I 09:27:02 - 🪄 Ying-Yang Action 5/10 (BONUS STAGE) 09:29:21 - 🪄 Bull Action 6/10 (BONUS STAGE) 09:30:40 - 🪄 Pig Action 7/10 (BONUS STAGE) - Act V - Curtain I 09:31:58 - 🪄 Dog Action 8/10 (BONUS STAGE) 09:33:26 - 🪄 Moon Bear King Action 9/10 (BONUS STAGE) 09:36:00 - 🪄 Sheep Action 10/10 (BONUS STAGE) 09:36:42 - 🏆 Double Trouble 09:37:18 - 🏆 Who Needs Enemies? 09:38:56 - 🏆 Supporting Sparkleholic 09:39:53 - 🏆 I’ll Second String YOU! 09:40:26 - 🏆 It’s a Grubby Job, But… 09:41:10 - 🦁 Head Collection/Showcase 09:50:43 - 🏆 Read Between the Lines 10:25:17 - 💍 Platinum Trophy: Best Actor
@Shadow_Knight147 ай бұрын
never in ten thousand years would I have thought that you would make a video about this game.but still,props that you did it
@Videogmz7 ай бұрын
I’m glad I did because you never know when Sony pulls the plug on PS3 servers.
@lisapainfulthe743823 күн бұрын
Words cannot describe how happy I am you made this. Thank you so much bro
@Videogmz23 күн бұрын
Your comment made my day!
@leonardosantin317321 күн бұрын
Quite the plot twists am I right 8:43:01 unless if you remembered the part of the moon stones memory restoring abilities
@Videogmz20 күн бұрын
@siegeperilous076 ай бұрын
Amazing video bro love the dedication you put through felt like I was in a adventure watching this 😄
@Videogmz6 ай бұрын
Thank you so much buddy. Took me a lot of time and effort. There wasn’t a good video walkthrough available, some of my subs asked for this walkthrough.
@leonardosantin317321 күн бұрын
Love it when Pikarena breaks the fourth wall by knowing about the bonus stage
@Videogmz21 күн бұрын
Haha yeah.
@evicerator11Ай бұрын
Thank you for this guide. Was able to figure out a lot of missing togue using this guide. So we'll done and thorough. I truly appreciate the work and effort you put into this. Cheers!
@VideogmzАй бұрын
You are most welcome. This guide took a while, it's shocking there is no true 100% walkthrough available. There are some really good written guide. So I had to make a video.
@leonardosantin3173Ай бұрын
Man I wish this got revamped
@VideogmzАй бұрын
revamped? Like Remastered?
@leonardosantin317321 күн бұрын
@montanajackson371313 күн бұрын
Yeah, I wish this was in the PlayStation classics catalog for download and purchase instead of stream.
@Videogmz13 күн бұрын
There is a hope… the company which brings classic games to PS5, has started exploring PS3 games
@gavingraham95657 ай бұрын
Is general rat’s speech patterns reminding anybody of fawful?
@Videogmz7 ай бұрын
@Emolt765 ай бұрын
I thought Monkey was more of Fawful! I mean, they're both scientific bio-terrorists on the loose! Only difference is one is a Lima bean and the other is a Monkey. Oh and one is a subordinate and the other is the leader!
@93BigShane4 ай бұрын
When COVID came and we were all having to stay in quarantine, I decided to dust off the old PS3 and I managed to play this great game myself. Btw there’s a Kutaro Bot in the new Astro Bot game
@Videogmz4 ай бұрын
I really wish they port this game to PS4 to PS5
@kaylenvee8150Ай бұрын
@@Videogmz saaaame. It baffled me that this was a p3 game, it's no joke one of the best games I've ever seen
@VideogmzАй бұрын
@@kaylenvee8150 Exactly
@Slywolf286 күн бұрын
thanks for the walkthrough
@Videogmz6 күн бұрын
It's my pleasure!
@leonardosantin3173Ай бұрын
Plothole: Kutaro is in front of him 37:31
@VideogmzАй бұрын
@victorbaugh13556 ай бұрын
This game is intriguing. Not what I would play but definitely makes me think about it
@Videogmz6 ай бұрын
If you PS3 or PS4/PS5 can stream the game. The. You should give it a try. It’s quite fun
@victorbaugh13556 ай бұрын
@@VideogmzI might just do that. First I need a decent wi-fi connection lol
@Videogmz6 ай бұрын
LAN is always the best for streaming games
@victorbaugh13556 ай бұрын
@@Videogmz exactly hoping to get WiFi here soon just got hotspot right now
@Videogmz6 ай бұрын
I hope you’ll get a great wifi!
@leonardosantin3173Ай бұрын
Anyone realized how the generals are from the Chinese zodiac I mean c’mon a tiger, a mouse, a snake, a sheep, a pig, a horse, an ox, a dog, a monkey, a chicken, a rabbit and a dragon doesn’t seem like the Chinese Zodiac
@VideogmzАй бұрын
@jane19758 күн бұрын
@leonardosantin3173: They are, the whole game has a space and star theme, its a Rat by the way rather than a Mouse ( ex: Year of the Rat ), the end boss is the Moon Bear King, and the Year of the Dragon which was 2024 is part of the Chinese Lunar Calendar [ Spyro The Dragon 3: The Year of the Dragon was released 2000 and some players got the Platinum for the Reignited Version because of the year ]. This year its Year of the Snake.
@johncraw85727 ай бұрын
Awesomeness video please do more thanks ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
@Videogmz7 ай бұрын
@jamespetzold1417 ай бұрын
Nice Emojis on the Trophy Quest got there :)
@Videogmz7 ай бұрын
You know it!
@aidanrandall74384 ай бұрын
I love how you posted the soul locations too
@Videogmz4 ай бұрын
Trust me. Putting those was tough.
@hiryuADАй бұрын
I do not see any info, but it seems the recording was done with two players? You destroy many enemies using the flying character but when playing solo it seems she cannot hurt the enemies
@VideogmzАй бұрын
Nope, this was recorded as single player.
@hiryuADАй бұрын
@Videogmz But game have few trophies which require 2nd player. Or is there some kind of workaround (hopefully) ?
@VideogmzАй бұрын
There a few trophies, that I just connected second controller. And played with second controller for those trophies.
@hiryuADАй бұрын
@@Videogmz Thanks buddy! 😊 That explains why you don't have recorded trophy pop for those "not dying" trophies 😁
@VideogmzАй бұрын
@tjroberts228312 ай бұрын
Hello! After I collect the hundred sparkle do I need to make it to a check point for it to count? And if yes, can I exit the stage right after. I'm going for the sparktacular trophy. Please let me know
@Videogmz2 ай бұрын
Better do reach to a check point.
@tjroberts228312 ай бұрын
@Videogmz Thank you. I'll start from stage 1 and work my way up 😎
@Videogmz2 ай бұрын
@@tjroberts22831 Great. Remember some of the sparktacular are tricky to get.
@FORETheBabes3 ай бұрын
OVID came and we were all having to stay in quarantine, I decided to dust off the old PS3 and I managed
@Videogmz3 ай бұрын
@maximilianosanchez59437 ай бұрын
god video dude
@Videogmz7 ай бұрын
Thank you 😍
@maximilianosanchez59437 ай бұрын
@@Videogmz Thanks to you, now people will be able to complete the game 100% and learn more about this wonderful game.
@Videogmz7 ай бұрын
I wish more people play this masterpiece
@leonardosantin317321 күн бұрын
Grim weaver and my favorite out of all his cousins 6:16:13
@Videogmz20 күн бұрын
Cool design
@leonardosantin317320 күн бұрын
@ and the only one who is not a scarecrow look at them all don’t they all look like scarescrows ( except for the one with clubs in moonwood forest )
@Videogmz19 күн бұрын
@montanajackson371312 күн бұрын
I hope this game gets added to the PS classics catalog for download and purchase, along with the ratchet and clank future saga and Alice madness returns.
@Videogmz12 күн бұрын
I really hope so
@zakirstocks95144 ай бұрын
I Absolutely Love *Puppeteer* Video Game of the PS3 System! One of THE Best Amazing and Awesome Video Game of the PS3 System there is! I Absolutely Love the Halloween Themed Video Game Level of the *Puppeteer* at 5:23:41 *Act 5: Fear of the Dark!* Definitely has all of the Scariest, Spookiest and Creepiest Halloween Vibes going on there! 🧛♂️🧛🧛♀️🦇⚰️🐺💀💀💀💀👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻🧟♂️🧟🧟♀️🧟♂️🧟🧟♀️🧟♂️🧟🧟♀️🧟♂️🧟🧟♀️🧟♂️🧟🧟♀️🧟♂️🧟🧟♀️🕷️🕸️🕷️🕸️🕷️🕸️🕷️🕸️🕷️🕸️🕷️🕸️🕷️🕸️🕷️🕸️🕷️🕸️🕷️🕸️🕷️🕸️🕷️🕸️🕷️🕸️🍫🍬🍭🍫🍬🍭🍫🍬🍭🍫🍬🍭🍫🍬🍭🍫🍬🍭🍫🍬🍭🍫🍬🍭🍫🍬🍭🍫🍬🍭🍫🍬🍭🍫🍬🍭🍫🍬🍭🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🌕🏚️
@Videogmz4 ай бұрын
@zakirstocks95144 ай бұрын
@@Videogmz Sup' dude! Long time no see! Miss ya!
@Videogmz4 ай бұрын
Hello hello. What are you up to?
@zakirstocks95144 ай бұрын
@@Videogmz I was just working on Mondays-Fridays and helping out with my family. Nothing much. How bout' you?
@Videogmz4 ай бұрын
Pretty much the game. Job from Monday to Friday. Then gaming on weekends
@nikodem123asdf5 ай бұрын
I'm curious, do you actually get anything for completing head collection and unlocking all bonus stages?
@Videogmz5 ай бұрын
Apart from trophy and head show case in the bonus menu. I don’t think you get anything else
@nikodem123asdf5 ай бұрын
@@Videogmz Thank you that's very helpful. I want to record a longplay of this and I'm researching what is actually worthwhile to show. I'll focus on showing the bonus stages and collecting the heads but stuff like soul collection or the shines I won't bother with. The game's actually pretty fun to play with using the move controller but they didn't design it to be played single player that way, it's more like "little sibling co-op" style set up.
@Videogmz5 ай бұрын
I didn’t know that it can work with move controller. The game is amazing though
@elprohuguin24053 ай бұрын
Hi me another time he dosen't give me the trophy all actions with all the heads 😭
@elprohuguin24053 ай бұрын
Any advice?
@Videogmz2 ай бұрын
Did you perform all head actions? In all levels, including bonus stages. The Katuro head, which is obtained after completing the game, can be substituted for every head action in the game as long it is used in the correct location. You should come across it by investigating floating pots once you have completed the game. This should make the trophy slightly easier as some heads can be a pain to obtain and keep until you come across the head action location.
@elprohuguin24052 ай бұрын
Thanks bro finally i have the platinum trophy 🎉@@Videogmz
@Videogmz2 ай бұрын
@jamespetzold1417 ай бұрын
@Videogmz7 ай бұрын
@leonardosantin317321 күн бұрын
I really feel bad for Dog
@Videogmz21 күн бұрын
@leonardosantin317321 күн бұрын
Kutaro is Japanese 9:22:02
@Videogmz20 күн бұрын
@leonardosantin317320 күн бұрын
@ what?
@adityadas66387 ай бұрын
mate plz do robocop rogue city
@Videogmz7 ай бұрын
@elprohuguin24054 ай бұрын
he doesn't give me the mass edoux trophy 🏆
@Videogmz4 ай бұрын
You to replay the level. Don’t cut all the souls of boss, then you’ll get the last kid to save to get the trophy
@leonardosantin317325 күн бұрын
That gross 1:17:35
@Videogmz25 күн бұрын
Haha yeah
@SamuelGriffin-x7b5 ай бұрын
Johnson Robert Thompson Eric Johnson Michelle
@Videogmz5 ай бұрын
@erlinafatah68427 ай бұрын
@Videogmz7 ай бұрын
@Randy-mu7iu7 ай бұрын
I really missed you and this is my other channel of Motorola 🥲