[Vindictus] Eira Aodhan No Hit

  Рет қаралды 81,223

my blue

my blue

Күн бұрын

ATK 43k BAL 89 CRT 192 ATS 91 Additional Damage 6750 Limit Release 1590
4:13 홀딩이 몇번이야

Пікірлер: 83
@SeekGrace 4 жыл бұрын
Aodhan has became Thor. He can control the lightning now. He also upgraded his veteran raimet armor to Artorias the abyss walker's set. What a badass this old man is.
@professor7627 4 жыл бұрын
이 딜레이 개빡치는 캐릭터로 어떻게 이렇게까지 무호흡 딜링을 할 수 있단 말인가...
@참새밤 5 жыл бұрын
감사합니다 굿굿
@limbus715 5 жыл бұрын
델리아보다 4분이 덜걸리네 오우쉣ㅋㅋ
@xtrimerz 4 жыл бұрын
보스가 아이단????? 단장님???? 단장님도 흑화한거에요? ㅠ ㅠ 이세트까지 하고 접었는데 무슨 흑화노기야 뭐야 ㅠ ㅠ
@달빠-d2e 4 жыл бұрын
아이단 만큼은 명분이 있다고 봐도 무방 카단 처럼 흑화된게 아닌 자의로 자신의 신념을 위해 싸우다 죽은게 맞다고 보네요
@xtrimerz 4 жыл бұрын
@@달빠-d2e 스토리가 어찌 흘러갔는지 궁금해서 들어갔다가 뭐가 많이바뀌어서 적응못하고 꺼버렸네요ㅠ ㅠ
@가물치1호-b4v 4 жыл бұрын
스토리... 아이단이 용병단 대장이 되기전 기사단이었을 때 법황청 측의 임무로 나가있던 사이에 아내와 두 딸이 마족에게 참혹하게 살해당했고, 마족에 대한 증오심만으로 살아가기 시작, 그 이후 기사단을 나가고 콜헨으로와서 용병단 대장으로 있으면서 주인공과 만나게 된 시점이 이야기의 시작. 이후 주인공(플레이어)가 여러 모험을 하며 갖가지 업적을 쌓아나가던 중에 마족과 인간과의 연합이 필수불가결적인 상황이 나왔음에 이에 아이단에게도 연합에 참여해줄 것을 요청함. 그동안 마족과 인간과의 갈등은 모두 법황청이 배후에서 이간질을 해서 생겨난 전쟁이었음을 밝혀냈지만, 아이단의 입장에선 자신의 가족을 끔찍하게 참살한 마족들과의 연합을 도무지 받아들일 수가 없었음. 머리로는 연합을 해야한다는 사실을 알고있었지만, 그 분노가 향할 곳이 없었다는게...
@xtrimerz 4 жыл бұрын
@@가물치1호-b4v 감사합니다!
@모르면전진 5 жыл бұрын
컨트롤이 탈인간 수준이네요 ㄷㄷ
@미스터오-z5e 5 жыл бұрын
진짜 화려한 컨트롤;;
@cashsong679 5 жыл бұрын
미울은 안해봐서 어떤지 모르겠는데 이 분이 금손이라는건 바로 알겠음... 진짜 컨 화려하네요ㄷㄷ
@150ping-l4p 5 жыл бұрын
캐릭도 사긴데 손도 사기네요
@iHaveContrl 4 жыл бұрын
Great video with Eira! I wonder what ReShade shader did you use? Was it MXAO?
@robertopavesi4977 4 жыл бұрын
nice one good job!
@Kr33gola 8 ай бұрын
Cool game I never had the system to play it
@브루밍-c4k 4 жыл бұрын
이사람이 하는거보면 다른겜같네 ㄷㄷ;
@케케케케케케케켘케 4 жыл бұрын
금손 부덜부덜;;
@김선호-f9c 4 жыл бұрын
남캐도 쫌 이렇게 간지나는거 나왔으면
@판사님저는오늘만삽니 4 жыл бұрын
보스:나 다크소울로 보내줘...적어도 거긴 이렇게 일방적으로 폭행당하진 않너 ㅠㅠ
@tnlaxj4763 4 жыл бұрын
@루자노스 4 жыл бұрын
이 앞 일반적인 구타 있다.
@rachellee4580 4 жыл бұрын
니가 하면 니가 폭행당함 병신아 ㅋㅋ
@mrpoopytoes7010 5 жыл бұрын
Really need this om console. Bdo gets boring after awhile but this I could play ALOT
@dantevis3659 5 жыл бұрын
Hi you can try bell with Aodhan pls 🙂 btw you are pro 😅
@myblue 5 жыл бұрын
I also want to play bel but I don't have a proper equipment in bel.. sry :(
@dantevis3659 5 жыл бұрын
@@myblue oky i hope soon :))
@seungminback6788 2 жыл бұрын
아이단 : 아이c......
@shkang8058 4 жыл бұрын
전지 전능하신 미울님. 근접전도 되고 원거리도 되는건 미울밖에 없을듯
@평범하게살고싶다 4 жыл бұрын
원거리 좆도 짧던데 카이 미만잡
@Raiden_den 4 жыл бұрын
@@평범하게살고싶다 ㅇㅈㅋㅋㅋㅋ 저게 총인가 싶음
@인과응보-g1o 5 жыл бұрын
마이 블루님 혹시 배글린 우산린 벨 이 3개중 영상 가능한거 없으신가요? ㅜㅜ 매번 신컨 입벌리고 보긴하는데 제가 주력으로 키우는 캐릭 영상은 없어서 아쉽습니다....
@myblue 5 жыл бұрын
린은 해본적이 없고 벨은 보급장비라 할게 없네요. 그리고 현재 부주가 하고있는 미울 제외하면 악세가 하나도 없어서 테섭 열렸을때가 아니면 다른 캐릭은 못해요
@인과응보-g1o 5 жыл бұрын
@@myblue 아쉽지만 다른 캐릭이라도 빈틈 공략하는것만 눈여겨봐도 충분히 도움되니 그걸로 만족해야겠네요.. 항상 영상 잘챙겨보고 있습니다 화팅 ㅎㅎ
@wjdxowkd119 3 жыл бұрын
칼브람 용병단 단장이 이렇게 쎕니다..그니깐 법황청이고 기사단이고 그렇게나 용병단을 데리고 다녓지..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@GOMTINGEEE 5 жыл бұрын
잘보고 있습니다. 벨 아이단 노히트 영상도 보고싶어요!!!
@myblue 5 жыл бұрын
감사합니다. 벨은 보급장비끼고 있어서 테섭 열려도 아이단은 좀 힘들거 같아요
@박푸랭 4 жыл бұрын
와 진짜 멋있네
@花月滿月 4 жыл бұрын
레후 플레이 존나 멋진레후
@Vivid_color 4 жыл бұрын
사람맞누 ㄷㄷ
@MrVali82 3 жыл бұрын
perfect game
@群兒 5 жыл бұрын
@LinLeo-dg7bo 5 жыл бұрын
@冷静冷静 5 жыл бұрын
@群兒 5 жыл бұрын
@@冷静冷静 不不不 我覺得這個很吃天份 我每天打6輪前6 持續了一年多了 現在還是一樣爛 什麼招都直接用臉接
@群兒 5 жыл бұрын
@@LinLeo-dg7bo 真的超強
@冷静冷静 5 жыл бұрын
@@群兒 其实你可以开练习模式慢慢练,他们就是每天开练习模式练了很久。
@가을만있음좋겠다 5 жыл бұрын
아 마하까지 했는데 이거 보니까 다시 하고 싶어지네ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@김홍식-x1j 4 жыл бұрын
C9 국내에서 없어진 후 첨 삘 받는 겜 영상이네..렉이나 겜 다운 안돼나요??
@몰루몰루-l9j 4 жыл бұрын
너프전 6750 딜 살벌하네
@이하눅 4 жыл бұрын
마나홀 컨트롤 지리노...
@cruselove 4 жыл бұрын
really this game is still alive wow
@5Gold 5 жыл бұрын
아이단행님 못본 사이에 되게 성장 하셨네.. 유저들 어깨 너머로 많이 익히셨나
@귀찮-k8r 4 жыл бұрын
@황근룡 4 жыл бұрын
플레이 하실때 R키를 잘 안쓰시나보네요 혹시 R키가 컨트롤 할때 지장이 가나요??
@myblue 4 жыл бұрын
R키가 뭐죠??
@황근룡 4 жыл бұрын
my blue 혹시 키 설정 따로 해 놓으셨나요??
@myblue 4 жыл бұрын
아 그 백플립샷이 R 키였죠; 깜빡했네요 네 잘 안쓰죠. 긴 시전시간에 비해 데미지가 약하니까요 보통 백플립샷을 쓰는 상황은 1. 약화탄 및 중력탄을 쓰기 위해 2. 더블패닝샷 사용을 위해 보스와 거리를 벌릴때 정도인데 이 두가지 목적으로 쓴다고 해도 백플립샷을 쓰는 시간이 딜로스란 사실은 변함이없죠. 그래서 1. 약화탄 및 중력탄을 쓰기 위해 => 패닝샷, 죽창 후에 쓴다 2. 더블패닝샷 사용을 위해 보스와 거리를 벌릴때 => 더블패닝샷을 루인스피어 직후에 쓰거나 2스스스를 사용할 수 없는 상황, 보스와 자연스럽게 거리가 벌어지는 타이밍 등에 쓴다 와 같은식으로 최대한 백플립샷을 사용하지 않는 방향이 좋겠죠
@김한길-k6j 5 жыл бұрын
미울로 이번에 복귀해서 그런데 탭스스스 중간에 뭘로 피하시는건가요? 스페이스로 피하시는건가요?
@myblue 5 жыл бұрын
@KimE-KO 4 жыл бұрын
말입니까 이게?
@myblue 4 жыл бұрын
평소 얘기고 영상 찍을땐 초집중합니다 ㅎㅎ
@gabetastic4775 5 жыл бұрын
The reason why this game is still alive and kicking is because of clueless and ignorant people, listen I'm not attacking anyone that still likes and plays this game without spending anything on the bullshit microtransactions and pay to win items. If it wasn't for Nexon absolutely driving this game into the ground without a second thought, we wouldn't have this problem in the first place but, at the same time, if people keep spending, chances are the game is still going to stick around. Does anyone remember DevCat? No? That's the dev team that made the game in the first place. Did anyone notice that Nexon completely removed their logo from the start up screen? As soon as they got full control of the game, it got even worse. I mean, before the RISE update, the game was still really good, it retained it's challenge, it separated good and skilled players from the casual ones, and it forced casual ones to become skilled players to continue playing without spending a single dime on the game while still reaching end-game and earning everything. Now with enough cash you can pretty much outheal the damage while you keep bashing your face on the keyboard without trying, making the whole point of a Hack n' Slash, FUTILE. I don't have a personal vendetta against this game, I loved it once upon a time. Fuck, I have over 20k hours in this now complete abomination. Just seeing a once beloved game, ruined by greed fueled shit eating scum like Nexon, makes me regret ever praising this game's name before, suggesting it to all my friends, spending the weekends fighting these impossible at first raid bosses with my guild members, yelling at eachother over discord at how much we sucked and were underperforming. It was fun, that's what a game should be, fun. Not this greed fueled shit. KZbinrs that keep making videos on this trash just adds fuel to the fire, dragging more unsuspecting people into it's predatory monetization, squeezing as much blood from a stone as possible, in the right hands, this game could have been AMAZING, it had so much potential. This is a warning to anyone who is considering picking this game up, just, don't. The way they made the ''early'' game easy as fuck so you can rifle through it in no time, it was made that way to get you hooked, speeding your way along the dungeons and bosses. To then crash into a wall, full speed with all the momentum gained from the start, then everything slows to a crawl. Why? So you start thinking about spending. You might tell yourself ''I got this far, I could drop a few bucks, this game seems to be alright for now, why not.'' To then realize that barely helped at all, so you have to spend more to get further. Fuck, even getting something for your cash is randomized, EVERYTHING in this fucking game is randomized! How do you feel about spending nearly a month on an end game weapon, getting it to +13 if you can even get it that far, to then fail and get it destroyed. Oh you can get the +13 back but guess what, you can't upgrade it further until you get those fucking steels, which of course you can buy, and a bunch of rare materials which will take you weeks to collect again. You got the mats? Good. It's restored now? You can upgrade it again? Cool, did you upgrade it? Oh, it failed again, yeah, get fucking used to it, oh and if it fails too many times, there's a chance that it's going to blow up forever, which means you can't get it back anymore, does that sound fun to you? Yeah, didn't think so. That goes for any type of gear in this game, but wait, there's more. The scrolls? Same shit, fail a 7+ rank (Which are the only good scrolls honestly) it blows up, and you have to restore it again. It shields itself by saying ''It's a free game tho'' I don't give a flying fuck that the game is free, just because it's free doesn't shield itself from the fact that it has pay to win items, it's even worse because the stuff you actually need is locked behind payed loot boxes, and chances are you are going to get complete shit for your money. This game does not respect you or your time, it respects your money tho, because of course it does. What about the actual gameplay drop rates for stuff you need? Drop rates? What drop rates? Oh, the chances for getting a rare shard, chunk or ore are 0.1%, oh okay, that's fair. What if I told you it takes like 3 days to reach max level? And why do you think that is, to get you to the spending quicker, and all that dev time and money DevCat spent on all those dungeons and bosses post max level, wasted, made a complete mockery of their hard work. I just wish that some day, someone that actually cares about this game will buy the rights to it and actually bring it back to it's glory days, but I know no one will, no one is insane enough to that, and honestly, I don't blame em. There are so many other games that actually respect you, your time and your money. Code Vein? Dark Souls? Monster Hunter? The list goes on. It's sad that free to play games have devolved into fee to pay ones at this point, completely ruining the original purpose for the idea of a F2P game. Hey, If you got this far, holy shit, don't you have anything better to do with your time than reading some guy's rant on F2P games and Nexon's shitty practices, still I appreciate it, and it shows that you care about Games as a whole. I'm going to copy paste this comment on every Vindictus related video I see from now on, to let people know to stay the fuck away from this company's games, if you want to do that too, feel free, it's about sending a message, and it would make me very happy if you did, if you don't, that's fine, but you should know, that's exactly what they want, the less people that talk, the smaller the chance that their shitty practices will get noticed by most. Every major company got caught in their greed fueled attempts, now let's expose the rest of em that are still well hidden.
@ProR2D2 5 жыл бұрын
First, the game cannot be P2W because is PvE, not PvP. Second, as a F2P player I can participate in all raids, including lvl 100 raids, and the drop rate of steels there (worth double of most rare ores) is about 80% for the party. And third, even thought there is greed in the game, the lack of challenge after RISE has nothing to do with greed. And btw I don't disagree that the lack of challenge is one of the biggest issues with the game right now. But a lack of challenge has to do with a lack of communication, which can always improve. I think what the game needs is social activities like group QTE things in the pool thingy or the town that increase you drop rates, for example. PvE games are not meant to play forever, it requires work to do and it's meant for people to come back and have some fun.
@CaptainCreepsetCie 5 жыл бұрын
I mostly agree on a thing you point out. I discovered Vindictus when the max lvl was 70. I remember how much I had to struggle to go through the dungeons but now, I realized how freaking easy it becomes to go through dungeons hitting buttons randomly. P2W or not, I'm not being able to have a whole opinion about it because until now, I've never hit to endgame raids and such so I can't really tell, but at my eyes for now, I don't think it is. Yes, it's really hard and painful to get rare stuff. Yes lootboxes again and again. But if you're a farmer to the core, you can get great stuff all by yourself. You're rewarded. It will take a lot of time, but you'll get em in the end. This aspect reminds me of old games where you have to struggle to get your stuff. That aside, I completely agree with the enhancement system. This is freaking frustrating when you know that, at some point, your +13 weapon can be shattered after a fail. I still believe that this game can do good things, however, a PvE game can't live long if there's an "end". So ppl come, then leave, then come back when a new released is announced. There's no possibly any way to disagree with what you're saying tho, I love Vindictus, surely not as much as you, but I'd like this game to be 'healthier'. Sorry for my bad english. But please, don't talk bad about this video. Idk this youtuber, I've never watched his content before (recommendation), but he's very good at playing Eira. I also found it strange that the DevCat logo vanished at the start, thanks for pointing it as well.
@gabetastic4775 4 жыл бұрын
@Chanel Oberlin If anything, you just hammered my point home. And for that I must thank you. True, if I had the time and patience I would write a book about everything this company does wrong but, I would much rather spend the precious time I have left on this earth with things that interest me, and, you should too. But again, if you like the game, shoot, good on you, but, what I absolutely despise is when people talk out of their ass when they have no idea what the issue or topic is about. Have a great day, and I hope the time you spend in whatever way you decide, is worth it for you, and remember, we don't have much time, spend it wisely on what matters before it's all over. Peace.
@불타는효자-x7w 4 жыл бұрын
이거보고 복귀 각 잡았는데 어떠하냐
@Ed-uv5nu 4 жыл бұрын
이재호 요즘 항구에서 출항하면 방없음 K 눌러서 빠른전투 ㄱㄱ
@전지은-u4v 4 жыл бұрын
이비도 구르기 만들어줘라.....에휴
@민트-i9r 5 жыл бұрын
룩 몬가요?
@박기현-o4x 5 жыл бұрын
아르메 제복에 신발만 다른거 끼신거 같네요
@공거미 5 жыл бұрын
님 망전 왜접음?
@myblue 5 жыл бұрын
시간도 없고 예전만큼 재밌지도 않아서요
@공거미 5 жыл бұрын
@불타는효자-x7w 4 жыл бұрын
님보고 연어 할려는데 어때?
@dmsahr1674 4 жыл бұрын
리얼액션에서 프리미어 액션.그리고 던파식 액션이됫네 ㅎㅎ
@kimfv1988 4 жыл бұрын
딜 넣기 개편해보이네 이젠 내가 했던 망전이 아니다...
@야야투레-w1h 4 жыл бұрын
저사람이 고인물이라서 저리 넣는거라 생각은 안함?
@agn943 4 жыл бұрын
너가 하면 한줄도 못깎고 행불임 ㅋㅋㅋ
@황선기-v4k 4 жыл бұрын
제가 미울해봐서 아는데 저거 개잘하는겁니다.
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Sigma baby, you've conquered soap! 😲😮‍💨 LeoNata family #shorts