VINLAND SAGA 1x18: "Out of the Cradle" // Reaction and Discussion

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@bolt2134 Жыл бұрын
That's the greatness of this series, you start it because of the fights but you stay for the philosophy, Canute is easily my favourite character of this series
@maxojavierrojasurzua5746 11 ай бұрын
For me, Yukimura is a great mangaka, the fact that he wanted to tell a story where he could express his ideals of pacifism and violence is not the right answer to resolve conflicts in a period of time as bloodthirsty as the viking era, I think is genius and inspiring at the same time. In other series, the fights and violence look spectacular, in Vinland Saga it shows and makes us feel like we really should react to it, with fear and asking that no one of the main cast gets hurt.
@irecordwithaphone1856 Жыл бұрын
"The world. The creation of god is so beautiful, but then why... is there no love in the hearts of men?" One of my favorite quotes from the whole story
@covertCoder Жыл бұрын
I would love to hear their reaction to the ED of the first half of the second season, since it ties into this overarching theme so well. Easily one of my favorite ending themes in anime.
@FrizFroz Жыл бұрын
Watching this in retrospect after a certain exchange in the final episodes of S2. You get the feeling Canute is desperate to be proven wrong, and someone does just that.
@irecordwithaphone1856 11 ай бұрын
@FrizFroz Yeah pretty much. Canute wanted a different solution, to be told there was another way. I've seen people criticize that season 2 moment as unrealistic but given how much setup we get for Canute's character it makes perfect sense imo
@aguerra5 8 ай бұрын
For me it's the "Father, I no longer seek your salvation".
@FellowDegenerateKeo Жыл бұрын
The kind of love that the priest wants to see is how Thors portrays love. All the way back in the first episode, Thors saved a slave not expecting anything out of it. He just wanted to save him, but he unfortunately passed afterwards and lost 8 young sheep for seemingly nothing. He still buried him respectfully and did not regret his decision. Same thing when he fought against Askeladd's crew. He absolutely refused to take any lives, even wanting Askeladd to just surrender and leave. However, the best he could do is just give. He gave up his life so that everyone would be saved. The pirates achieved their goal and the crew kept their lives. It's a very tragic way to love, but that is the ideal I believe the priest wanted which is why the priest kind of bugged out when the two brothers talked about that day with Thors (Episode 14 I think?). Instead of a corpse, I like to think of this as a better way to explain this self-less type of love.
@daniaaal Жыл бұрын
Even Thors himself didn’t expect anyone to be like him, not even his son. He only wanted Thorfinn to be able to live and learn about what it means to live and be alive.
@irecordwithaphone1856 Жыл бұрын
In a way it was also the principle behind freeing that man. He died free
@aohige 11 ай бұрын
It's actually very simple. The priest is defining love as "unconditional love", which is unobtainable for humans.
@LoopLife42 9 ай бұрын
I always loved this theme or belief that a true hero is self less and doesn’t kill others. The only belief that feels purposeful to me.
@Keladinus 8 ай бұрын
Never made the connection quite like that, but it makes so much sense. In that case, it can be said that Thor's legacy is indirectly responsible for Canute's spiritual enlightenment. When Willibald was introduced he was in the midst of a crisis of faith, struggling to articulate his beliefs. But not long after hearing about Thors' story, Willibald tried to save the Welsh village from Askeladd's raid, even though doing so would put himself in mortal danger. After the village raid, Willibald remained skeptical of god's love, but reaffirmed his ideal of selflessness, and conveyed that to Canute when asked.
@Emilis2023 Жыл бұрын
I don't think any section of dialogue has stuck with me more from a show than that discussion of love in this episode. I always believed humanity was fundamentally depraved, but the idea that even what we call love is really just favoring one over another... man that's as dark as it is deep.
@thema8871 Жыл бұрын
Im so glad you guys appreciate this episode! So many reaction channels just let it fly over their heads sadly
@jcon2060 10 ай бұрын
flimbuff, semblance of sanity, romania black
@LoopLife42 9 ай бұрын
Most i feel just dont like it. Or hear the word death and think thats too dark
@xaviermm5506 Жыл бұрын
THIS episode is the reason i started to recommend vinland saga to every of my friends lmao
@Etphoneholmes Жыл бұрын
This episode turned this whole story for me. It made me appreciate what I was watching. It takes a lot for me to feel truly invested in a story. It’s got to have meaning. I’ve tried and dropped various shows/anime because it was missing something. It wasn’t just meaningless anime battle scenes and tropes. This episode though, did it for me. All the episodes after this I saw differently and they all hit differently. It’s one of my absolute favorites now.
@zade8586 Жыл бұрын
Please tell me you've seen season 2. It has SO MUCH MORE of this kind of philosophy.
@Etphoneholmes Жыл бұрын
@@zade8586 season 2 blew my expectations. Sorry if this sounds cringey, but it was almost like a religious experience. Which is weird because I haven’t been very religious most of my life. It’s a complete masterpiece.
@zade8586 Жыл бұрын
Not cringey at all, the best Season of anime I have seen in a long while. Many forms of media try to convey and advocate for a genuine message for the health of humanity, almost all fall flat. Not VS S2.@@Etphoneholmes
@daniaaal Жыл бұрын
@@Etphoneholmes I'm glad Season 2 turned out that way for you. Season 2 really changed my outlook on a lot of things as well.
@Celeborn93 Жыл бұрын
I mean, Vinland makes itself very clear very early on and shows that it isn't just a generic anime. In my opinion, it shouldn't have taken 18 episodes to come to that realization if you also have experience with other anime, which also makes me think that there might be an attention span issue? (which isn't uncommon, don't see it as an insult) Glad you ended up loving it, and season 2 as well. In any case, i can recommend the anime Eighty Six, if you like well crafted stories with a lot of depth and meaningful themes etc. It's a top tier show.
@passdoutcouchpotatos Жыл бұрын
This is THE episode
@daniaaal Жыл бұрын
I'm so looking forward to their reactions for Season 2, given that they've extracted so many things up to this episode in Season 1 so far. Life-changing is an appropriate description for this anime.
@gagrin1565 Жыл бұрын
I think what this show did for me is highlight just how radical the idea of universal love truly is.
@seanfortes7156 Жыл бұрын
I really appreciate how much you two appreciated and resonated with this episode. Have seen a few people get caught up on some of the words and terms used, without really exploring or considering the ideas, meanings and context they were used in, or appreciating that the characters aren't necessarily being presented as mouth pieces, but as actual characters with ideas, philosophies that can develop, grow, and be challenged. For example, I would disagree a little bit with the Priest, but it may not necessarily be that I disagree, as I know the Priest is emphasising agape love, and as a Christian Priest, its likely the highest form of love. To such an extent, to the character, it may only be the truest and most pure sense of love. The highest form of love and charity, a universal love, unselfish, indiscriminate, to all and everything. Much like, to the character, you could say Gods love for man. Ragnar's love for Canute, is more akin to storge love, familial love. Still a very valid type of love, just not the type of love, that I think Willibald is fascinated or focused on. Willibald being the Christian Priest, for clarification. Its worth noting that many notions and ideas of romantic are relatively recent in human history, relatively speaking. Like in the last couple of centuries. Not that it was non existent before then obviously, the idea of it, just many of the customs, traditions, and certain ideas and values tied to it. Eros love, erotic, overlapping with it, as well as philia (friendship), as in lovers who are also very good friends, , to round out with the other concepts of philautia, pragma and ludus, playful flirtatious love, practical love and self love respectfully. With that context, discrimination is a pretty fitting idea to insert into the discussion of perspectives. We could also call back to past episodes, when the Brothers Torgrim, and Atli spoke to Willibald about love. Also, heavily relevant, the idea of what a true warrior is? The conversation often framed and intertwined with the Priests ideas and Canutes journey. Since, of course, the brothers discussion with Willibald covered Thors actions, which lead to a surprised reaction from Willibald. To this episode, where we cut to the Priest after Thorkell questioned Thorfinn (about Thors). I don't think Canute necessarily... I think he is at the point of wanting to challenge certain ideas, he held. Thorfinn as well, which as you both seem to know, can be very painful or at least hard. I don't think you guys read the comments for fear of spoilers, which is reasonable, (so the following may be pointless), but I think you both make very refined and well articulated and considered thoughts and observations on the show, even though they are fresh. Not that there is anything wrong with feeling conflicted either, but I don't think Ben comes off as anything other than sincere, genuine, earnest and thoughtful. That also being said, I always thought it would be a fantastic idea if you two had "Reflection Episodes" where a few weeks after the end of a series or season, you just put out your thoughts and opinions about a season, like a little podcast. Since your fresh observations are often so insightful, and articulated, imagine how much you might want to say on episodes like this one, a few weeks after? Or after another watch in your own time? I think Vinland Saga is one of those shows, that actually gets better the more you think about it, and the more time you give to consider it, and also discussion with others. The amount of times I have read a random comment from someone else, that made me realise something deep or interesting about the show, like a juxtaposition of ideas or themes, a call back or reference the show makes to something, including itself in a past episode. Anyway, great reaction and end discussion as always.
@daniaaal Жыл бұрын
Thank for writing this comment. Even though they may not read the comments, I certainly gained some new knowledge thanks to you. Thank you for explaining about the types of love in Christianity and the position of the Priest towards what he believes is a love that is only worth concerning for. I'm also interested in learning about how the concept of "romantic love" is a fairly recent idea compared to the whole human history. I hope that they will very least give a lengthened reflection on the whole season after Season 1's finale. Truly is amazing how Season 1 has so many things to talk about, and then Season 2 comes and it adds a whole new layer of discussions and interpretations. Looking forward to what comes!
@seanfortes7156 Жыл бұрын
@@daniaaal This is a wonderful comment, thank you for your very kind words. If you are interested, you might want to read more about the Greek ideals and words for love, (specifically Ancient Greek), there are a few more, like xenia, which is akin to hospitality, generosity towards guests. Agape is interesting because it was popularised by Christian writers, perhaps because many of them found it a good way to describe the potential love from and for God. Culturally and historically, romance, love and related terms, is a really fascinating rabbit hole to go down, to learn about. I definitely recommend it, especially if you are a creative type, as I think it can enhance your creative ideas and general empathy as well as understanding. What impresses me, is that Makoto Yukimura, Vinland Saga's writer, must have done so much research for a lot of his themes and story, to cover such ideas, especially with a lot of the implicit context, without necessarily requiring it to be enjoyed either. I hope so as well, I think they would enjoy looking back with more knowledge and time to reflect. I know some people find it a bit slow, but I personally really enjoy Vinland Sagas pacing. It gives extra weight and credibility for me. I very much agree with you about Season 2. It actually enhances my feelings about Season 1. Cheers again, and hope you have a good one!
@prototype014 Ай бұрын
I still don't understand what they meant with a true warrior or true love... I understand their words and some meaning, but not quite where the thoughts come from and where they lead. It's been a while now, a year came turning since I watched the seasons. All I understand is that one might want to be noble in the sense of believing that there's no one to hate, and that other's hate isn't unprovoked or empty enough to be mad about it, and turn hateful for them inside you. But, of course I mustn't know what a true warrior is if I'm not a warrior at all. That might mean I'm just weak or there's no reason to fight for me. I just hope there's a reason to live for me...
@seanfortes7156 Ай бұрын
@@prototype014 Oh hello there! I hope you are doing okay? With the show and such questions, ideas, ideals, philosophies, around what is true and so on, there can be a lot of room for exploration, questions, doubts. So I think if you frame it the way you have, that makes sense too. Another idea that might help, is often that introspection, patience and or time, those traits or ideas, can themselves often change how someone might feel or think or view something. Like a greater perspective, or perspective shift. For example, if I get stung by a bee, in the moment I might feel pain, and felt irritated and annoyed, but if I were to think about what happened for 10 minutes, and no the bee intended no malice or harm... Then if 40 years passed... well many might forget about that one moment. Now if we go back to that one moment, if someone can imagine how in 10 minutes or 40 years might change their view, within that moment, then they might react or feel or think differently in that moment without needing 10 minutes or 40 years (just as examples). You can also contemplate such ideas without any sort of catalyst, which is something many characters in the show do, but Thorfinn in particular. Its something we can all do to an extent as well. So noble could be one motivation, but there can be others as well, There is empathy, reciprocity, compassion, thoughtfulness, consideration, sincerity, mindfulness, general and self awareness as well. They can interact in different ways as per actual situation or scenario. Life can be tough and I hope it hasn't been too hard on you. You don't sound weak, and I hope you find reasons, even if small, to feel motivated to live. Take care and thank you for your thoughtful comment!
@NahNoWayy Жыл бұрын
So wonderful to see you guys appreciate this episode, beginning with hype for the ensuing fight, then for the awakening of Canute. It's such an impactful scene, executed so perfectly. It guaranteed for me, this series was truly special. Apologies in advance as this is very long, quite a lot longer than I expected it to be. I just wanted to say I really appreciate your guys' videos, especially the heart and positivity you put into what you do. Below, I've just typed out my interpretation of what happened with Canute. In my interpretation, the priest was grasping at the concept "agapē", which is the highest form of love, originating from Greek Christianity. This love is different from familial love, romantic love, brotherly love and self love; it is a self sacrificing love, that "transcends and persists regardless of circumstance". This love is represented wholeheartedly by Thors, who sacrificed himself to save Thorfinn, his comrades, his village, as well as the lives of Askeladd and his men (as he did not want to kill them). At the beginning, I used the word "grasping" because although the priest confidently states his beliefs, they have been distorted through his experience of the world. He has seen so much violence, hatred, and cruelty, that his concept for true "love" has become existential and nihilistic. This rings even more true when you consider his view that, "death perfects a person". This is not true. As death can also destroy a person's emotional and mental stability for years, which can have compounding repercussions for the rest of their life, if they never learn to heal from the grief. Again, he is grasping, yet twisting an idea to fit his worldview. A much more accurate statement would be "hardship and loss grants oneself the opportunity to change upon self reflection". After the priest has said his piece, the prince begins to see the world differently as well. Albeit his shift was quite abrupt, I do love the scene, yet part of me wishes there was more time dedicated to it, as to relieve that feeling of character whiplash. Given the context of all that transpired in those moments, it was executed very well. Still grieving over his loss, Canute seems to feel quite empty. An emptiness like his, can allow oneself to more easily accept the ideals of someone else to fill the void inside them. When I first heard the priest say that what Ragnar felt for Canute was not love but, "discrimination" I was dismayed as well; I rejected it immediately. But afterwards, upon looking up the definition my opinion changed slightly. The word has a negative connotation in my head, but it simply means "to make or constitute a distinction in or between". With that in mind, the priest is technically right, yet it is a cold and heartless way to view that kind of love, in my opinion. I believe Canute allowed that to sink into his mind, but his heart rejected it, he wanted better for mankind. Rebelling against the notion of following God's tests and trials, he instead aims to impart his will onto the people who will follow him; to create paradise on earth, for all who have been expelled from heaven. Lastly, the Bjorn scene is a bit tricky, and could be called reaching, but I will try to make sense of it. Considering that a priest is a man who is believed to be a representative of God's word, then Bjorn is representative of nature itself; under the effects of the mushroom, he has lost his sense of humanity. Since becoming primal, he acts on instinct alone. Resolving himself to rebel against God, Canute's demeanor has changed drastically, from indecisive to absolute, his presence now commands attention and fear from the uninitiated. Obviously I cannot say for certain, but it feels as if Canute was speaking to God through Bjorn, and in Bjorn's state of madness, both Canute's presence and words reached him. The prince had tamed the beast, with a presence and will far greater than Bjorn's, casting the fear of God into him, ironically enough. It feels symbolic, yet also a bit unbelievable, and funnily enough that sentiment is shared when the priest says "I've just witnessed a miracle" afterwards. There is quite a lot that is exaggerated in this show, and to great effect. Is this really the most unbelievable aspect? Who is to say, really. Overall, this was a huge turning point for Canute, and despite it feeling somewhat unearned, he has certainly become steadfast to prove himself and enact change on the world. Super excited to see the rest of your guys' journey through this show! If you somehow read this entire thing, I appreciate it. Let me know if you disagree or feel I got something wrong. Much love, take care.
@discipleofthecapedbaldy962 5 ай бұрын
"Sometimes those who don't want to lead are the best suited for it" - Ben throwing some Socrates at us. I love it. In short, one of the best episodes of anything anyone can hope to see. The dialogue is phenomenal and the exploration of the concepts is so profound, so real, and so meaningful. What this first season achieves - the introduction and development of characters, the progression of the plot and underlying narrative, the philosophy, the history, the cultures... it's a truly incredible piece of writing.
@kengo7273 Жыл бұрын
This show reveals people's intelligence and maturity, especially this episode and Season 2. This episode is like a touchstone and has made me dislike many reactors that were my favorites. I had faith in you guys but was a little scared to watch this reaction. I'm relieved. 😄 You guys are the first reactors, for me, who have a religious background so your discussion was so interesting. Thank you! 👍
@fahrenheit2101 Жыл бұрын
What do "bad" reactors do?
@kengo7273 Жыл бұрын
@@fahrenheit2101 They overreact to the word "discrimination," panic, stop thinking, lose interest in understanding what the story is trying to convey, and sometimes even get angry and try to mock or devalue the show. 😄
@fahrenheit2101 Жыл бұрын
@@kengo7273 bruh what. Who tf did that?
@Omar_Al_Seddik 3 ай бұрын
@@fahrenheit2101 Nobody. He's just making up a scenario to praise his favorite reactors. It's the internet. Everyone makes things up.
@fahrenheit2101 3 ай бұрын
@@Omar_Al_Seddik i know. Just decided to call him out on it.
@dariohenriquez7773 Жыл бұрын
this is the episode that solidifies the series, from what wev've seen to what we will see for the episodes to come, it's pivotal and it made me look again into every line said through the show. glad you liked it so much because it means you're are going to enjoy a lot everything that comes later. great reaction
@rikbartels9076 Жыл бұрын
YES, I KNEW they would get the love and discrimination conversation and was really looking forward to this reaction. But I wasn't aware of Anna's religious upbringing so it was even better than expected.
@NowImGonnaStarve Жыл бұрын
You two are gonna love season 2
@vannen1098 Жыл бұрын
was waiting for this one! One of fav episodes ever, such a masterfully written episode with insane depth.
@teeveenebobo Жыл бұрын
peakland saga 🙏
@oxychrome Жыл бұрын
Episode so good you watch it twice when you first see it
@xaviermm5506 Жыл бұрын
Kinda off topic but i really appreciate the discussion, the real and interesting talks here. Some channels just talk about the superficial stuff like Canute is sooo cool! That battle was amazing! because they find it hard to talk about these religious things, but that's the most interesting thing to talk about in this episode! Now i feel more connected with you for that discussion!
@fahrenheit2101 Жыл бұрын
Well a good piece of media can be interpreted in all sorts of ways and anybody can take whatever they like out of it. Is the religious talk interesting? Sure. But there are plenty of other things to talk about. Character development, voice acting, philosophy, callbacks, direction, animation, the list goes on.
@Thisisitfornow2560 Жыл бұрын
i think this was maybe my fav reaction/discussion on this channel, truly phenomenal
@irecordwithaphone1856 Жыл бұрын
I'm watching through it right now and yeah it's really interesting to hear their thoughts contrasting their upbringings with the show's messages. These guys absolutely understand Vinland Saga, it makes me excited to see their take on Season 2
@Thisisitfornow2560 Жыл бұрын
@@irecordwithaphone1856 yeah it loved both Anas and Bens contributions
@daniaaal Жыл бұрын
@@irecordwithaphone1856 exactly! If they feel that Season 1 has so much meaning, Season 2 will blow them away.
@montadar1 11 ай бұрын
We must all give credit to Yukimura sensei, what an amazing Mangaka. This is one of the most important episodes in season 1.
@DXDragon38 Жыл бұрын
Canute the Boy, has become Canute THE MAN!!! He's out of the Cradle, and there's no turning back!
@rodrigovaccari7547 Жыл бұрын
"I shall give meaning to your battles" goes super hard.
@beige_projection Жыл бұрын
27:00 You're right since you kinda touched on Thor's strength and how he represents love. To be truly kind, I think you need to be strong first. If a weak person is kind in a sense that they're not hurting anybody, are they really kind or are they just incapable of being cruel? Strong people have the ability to be cruel and hurt people anytime they want, but they choose not to, and I think that's the real representation of kindness and love, which can really be seen with Thors.
@Celeborn93 Жыл бұрын
Vinland Saga making us all feel like little kids being taught a bunch of important, and simple, yet humbling lessons. That is probably what i enjoy the most about this series. Some of the themes and takeaways are so simple, and rooted in universal languages that everyone can either understand or relate to in some way. Yukimura truly shows that he is a person who has sought and lived, and the story is a result of not only what he has learned, but also his process of learning all of this himself. I always see people arguing over the themes of this story about what is or isn't "deep" or "complex" - but i think the simplicity of Vinland is what makes it both. How something that is so simple, can make you question and feel so much. That is the magic of the story, for me.
@isaac_paech Жыл бұрын
It was from this point onwards that I fell in love with this show
@nathankeel6667 Жыл бұрын
Going into this episode you know it will be hype and it is but the hype doesn't come from were you expect it comes from the birth of a king vinland saga as so many great moments and this is one of the best the decleration of a man to create the paradise for man that God could not
@mel_blue Жыл бұрын
I really enjoyed this thoughtful discussion. I love this episode and what it does for Canute’s character. The voice acting and the soundtrack was amazing especially during the dream sequence and Canute’s transformation
@maikcampbell Жыл бұрын
This was such an important turning point
@DXDragon38 Жыл бұрын
Alternate Title: Vinland Saga Ep 18- "Turning Point 2" 😆 *(Turning Point 1 is Ep 4, Thors' death)*
@Brimmy21 Жыл бұрын
this episode was finally and simply explained for my tiny smooth brain over on GazMASH Cuts Channel and u guys immediately understanding what was being said was _so helpful_ for it to continue to be understood by me
@fahrenheit2101 Жыл бұрын
GOATed episode 1. From here on out, each episode of the season just keeps on delivering...
@evanlourie Жыл бұрын
Been waiting for you guys to get here! Everything before this point is very good, everything after this point is exceptional. Gonna be a lot of interesting stuff to chew on in the discussions.
@miche9611 Жыл бұрын
That's the scope of the series: Making you thinking of what is wrong and what is right. Things are shown for that purpose. Think at Ep. 14, for example: We know since Ep. 5 what Askeladd and his men are able to do, but only showing the merciless treatment of the villagers made us realize that the men we are following are eager to carry out inhuman and evil actions, inducing us questioning how far violence and killing can be justified. In this episode, the contrast is between Canute, who is experiencing enlightenment, and Thorfinn, who is engaged in a death battle. The cut of the scenes is to induce us making such a comparison, and realizing how far Thorfinn is from love and the teachings of his father. Again in purpose, we are induced to rethink at one of the teachings of Thors, making us to see how Thorfinn is far from the kind of man his father was. More of those moments of deep thoughts are going to come in the next 6 episodes and in the second season. Hope you would enjoy them.
@whyoowhy Жыл бұрын
Episodes like this is what really sets this masterpiece apart from other shows.
@Skulldier Жыл бұрын
You guys are really the GOAT reaction channel. I've been here for a long time and getting your perspectives on this episode in particular is something I wish more people could get from Vinland Saga. So many people miss the point of what the show is trying to tell. While it's cool to get excited about the fights and seeing Thorfinn go ape shit on people, it's the discussion about what love is, is what this series is about. I loved the first season of Vinland Saga when I watched it 2019 and I seemly missed a few points that should have been very apparent.... until the last episode. Watching this episode with you guys made me feel like an idiot, since you guys always get things right off the bat that I had trouble grasping the first time I watched the show. As a side note, when I watched season 1 I felt there was something missing that prevented me from calling it a masterpiece, and then season 2 happened. This is a story that you rarely get to see in anime and is one of my favorite pieces of media. I can't wait to see your guys' reaction to the rest of this story and what will happen to Thorfinn's character. Also your friend Noah is correct, this show will change your life.
@shimasanjiko4241 10 ай бұрын
I thınk one of the best thing in Vinland Saga that it circles back to Vinland. Just keep that in mind and you will nıtice that if you see a main character, sooner or later their end goal will be Vinland (canute wants to create paradise on earth= vinland) there will be more main characters in the other parts of the story and it will happen, at some point, sooner or later the mc will think that they need to create earth on paradise, find vinland, go to a place without war etc. This just masterclass storytelling and character building with a very strong philosophy carried through the entire story
@suhendra8107 8 ай бұрын
God bless whoever put you guys in this series lmao!
@stickyboy3946 Жыл бұрын
From this episode this is where the story starts to hit. Can't wait to see you guys react to the end of this season and most of all to the second one
@NoName-fz9qm Жыл бұрын
One of the best episodes of the series! Amazing reaction
@davidpinto-fernandez7132 Жыл бұрын
ohhh jesus... you don't know how this is goind to end
@ArtesMatt 9 ай бұрын
WE HAVE 7 TYPES OF LOVE, romântico love is only one of them
@mickaellandry9726 11 ай бұрын
*I found the priest's speech fascinating* 💯👌. From what I understand, he explains that death is love, because death does not discriminate: it loves everyone equally. He says it: the dead accept everything, without ever complaining: death treats everyone the same way. In Buddhism we would speak of equanimity. He speaks literally about it but it is also a metaphor (the death of the ego), it obviously also speaks about selfish love, the one who wants to possess, who loves one and not another: who discriminates. He talks about it when he explains that it is like worshipping a king while whipping a slave, or when he says that Ragnar placed the Prince above everything, even his life: *selfish love hierarchizes, has limits.* That's why the Priest told the two brothers that their filial love was not the love he was looking for, when they told him they couldn't have this relationship with anyone. *The priest made a point when he claims that true love is unconditional love.* The snow, the sun, the dead body, etc. does not discriminate. The sun shines on everyone. *People, on the other hand, discriminate about who they love, they only care about those who are close or dear to them.* Ragnar loved Canute over the lives of 50 innocent villagers. We love our family and friends 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 over the homeless person 👤 we walk by on the street. Canute development is real. It was so epic when he scared Bjorn with pure resolve and anger at God. The juxtaposition between Canute and Thorfinn is not accidental. What is a true warrior and what is love is the same question. Canute found the answer while Thorfinn did not. Thorfin is still in the cradle. *This show truly is something special, masterpiece.*
@jamesjaya6744 Жыл бұрын
Canute realize that discriminate love cause suffering, but ultimately that flaw is what makes us human. I believe he see this discriminate love as something beautiful, not as something to be thrown away. He want to create a paradise, where such 'flawed' love could exist. The snow, sky, etc don't actually have any feeling, thus they indiscriminate. Only god have the capability to actively express love indiscriminately. The priest asked God, why does God create human in His image, but without His strength in his prayer(Chapter 29). I interpret it as why does God give human free will and the capability to love, but didn't give us enough strength to love everyone equally. It is ironic that among God's creation, we were the only one that is created in God's image, yet we are the farthest from true 'love'. Then later the priest continue the prayer by mentioning that God test human using this weakness. One example is that our body need resource, but resource is scarce after our ancestor commit the first sin. Our discriminate love to our love one will bound to create conflict like what Ragnar does for Canute. Only in death, after we weren't bounded by our bodily function and needs, we can love properly. This conundrum makes Canute mad at god, as He felt being abandoned by God like how he is being abandoned by his real father. By the way, you can look on reddit "[VS official guidebook] memorable lines from Vinland Saga - with author comment". There, the author give more insight on his thought about this line. Do it after you finish S2 to avoid spoiler.
@xxdarkdustxx5015 11 ай бұрын
Some people say that Canutes change came out of nowhere but I don*t think so. You never hear any inner monologue from him and only a few words in the last episodes... Many quiet people have a loooot of thoughts in their mind (at least for me it's like that XD) and I can totally see him having doubts prior to this episode and with the death of Ragnar it just all comes to the surface. I love Canute so much and he is an amazing character is what I want to say with this XD ♥
@GGABueno Жыл бұрын
This episode is the peak of Vinland Saga
@elchartps3 Жыл бұрын
i love your reactions, if i'm not mistaken you changed the lights recently? I think the keylight is a little bit to bright/cool it kinda burns your faces and removes the details/contrast anyway, your reactions are still the best
@pepeedge5601 Жыл бұрын
My favorite episode from season 1.
@noname28927 Жыл бұрын
Analyzing this point, namely the dialogue between the prince and the priest, I would like to note that selectivity and selectivity are most likely meant, the exaltation of the life of one above the others (under discrimination), in other words, most likely the priest means that such a sublime feeling as love is not available to those who are not able to feel it for all living people equally at least for those who still feel hatred for others. Love is perceived in this dialogue as something incomprehensible and all-encompassing, so much so that the priest doubted the love of the Lord (because an unequal number of trials, scores and non-conceptions fall on people (the moment with the funeral)). Regarding the snow of everything and everything else, it is implied that this is all that remains of the dead, which returned to the earth and gave it prosperity, and therefore a manifestation of love for the living.I from other country, in my text could be mistake
@KafujiSato 4 ай бұрын
He is no longer Canute. He will now be known forever and always as King Canute the Great.
@KrejziCat Жыл бұрын
what are those thumbnail faces 😂
@NoName-fz9qm Жыл бұрын
When u witness peak
@aqrxv Жыл бұрын
Great reaction, and very thoughtful. I do think Vinland Saga is one of the most intelligent manga and anime ever produced.
@aohige 11 ай бұрын
He is no longer Canute He is now Knut the Great
@fahrenheit2101 Жыл бұрын
There are so many cool details in this episode, I'll just bring up one In Canute's legendary speech, he repeats "Father in heaven etc." all thie way through, until the very last line, where he instead says "Father, I no longer seek your salvation" Chills. Seriously this is an 11/10 episode, and still not my personal favourite...
@daniaaal Жыл бұрын
there's so many amazing episodes in this series that I feel like I'm just a student ready to take it lessons from a legendary scholar.
@raisttlyn Жыл бұрын
I love this episode
@ousmaailayoub5727 Жыл бұрын
Opening will have hints of spoilers going as far as the last episode.
@YellinInMyEar Жыл бұрын
Yes! If this were Jobless Reincarnation this episode would have as part of the episode title, "Turning Point" chills
@YellinInMyEar Жыл бұрын
"The apple incident" 😂 Yeah, I guess that's what it was. 😂
@seanfortes7156 Жыл бұрын
Good reference and I agree. I also thought of My Hero Academia and "Starting Line" titles, where a character basically establishes a new starting point and goal for themselves and developing point. I like your reference much better though.
@YellinInMyEar Жыл бұрын
Thanks, now I'm seeing in my mind's eye Thorfinn screaming, "plus ultra!" 😂 Just kidding. Good point! @@seanfortes7156
@endlessnightmare95 Жыл бұрын
And this is not even a peak 😮😅
@Raven-lg7td Жыл бұрын
Wtf i remember you guys already reacted to this...
@yesman8682 Жыл бұрын
@yusuke5331 Жыл бұрын
from Fagute to Chadnute
@ZeroNishami-kun Жыл бұрын
Day 3 out of vid 2 of recommending the anime called "dark Gathering" beacuse it is scary to watch this anime
@Bayard1503 Жыл бұрын
Whatever the priest is saying, it's not Christianity
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