"Vintage" Fujifilm X Pro-1 & Fujinon 35mm f2 Lens. Did this One Camera, One Lens Combo Work?

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Joseph Kreiss Photography - Embrace the Grain

Joseph Kreiss Photography - Embrace the Grain

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@abchappell01 23 күн бұрын
That was a really nice video presentation. I wish more photographer would embrace the one camera one lens concept 😊
@TedVynorius 23 күн бұрын
Great Story.... thanks for sharing... Will watch more.....
@photochop9657 18 күн бұрын
For image recording in a precise and clinical manner I use the latest canon and OM cameras, for photography I use the old Fuji X cameras, great video, thankyou.
@scottgray4877 25 күн бұрын
Very nice theme, and very enjoyable series….thank you! Over the last 50 years of my photo journey i have spent a small fortune on new and “better” equipment which resulted no increase in my photo quality, and just increased my frustration at times. I lived with, and loved my primes for many years. I believe they made me a much better photographer. Today in my advanced and lazy years my one camera/one lens consists of my favorite fuji body and an 18-50 zoom, which works for me. I naturally like to shoot wide, but sometimes i need a bit more reach and compression, and a little zoom makes my kit a bit easier to pack. As lifelong a resident of Michigan i loved your journey, as it brings back fond memories. I look forward to your future journeys.
@richardmayberry5905 25 күн бұрын
I know what you're saying about lens choices! If I’m shooting in an urban setting, I’ll usually stick the 23mm f/2 on my X-Pro2, and car shows seem to be best with the 35mm f/2 - arguably the best lens of the bunch! If I’m not sure, the 16mm f/2.8 goes with me - there’s always cropping!!! I’m looking forward to the S2 episode. I’ve been out with mine recently and have had a ball! 😁
@tjschmal 25 күн бұрын
This video is again proofing the fact, that the Xpro1 is a fine camera and that you don‘t need a ton of the newest gear to take great pictures as long as you are out on the road finding nice places and as long as you now what you are doing. Thanks again for taking us with you on your photographic journey. As far as my own lens choice is concerned: when i go only with one lens, i use a TTartisan 27 mm f2.8 on my Xpro1. It‘s affordable, a pancake lens and a little wider. Unfortunately i am only „brave“ enough to use this one-camera-one-lens approach when i do street photography in my hometown Vienna. But ya, maybe i should take the inspiration … 😊
@jasongold6751 25 күн бұрын
My main film camera is a Leica M3, 50mm Summicron, bought in 1967! 57 years ago! thats vintage.. I use digital but used and older cameras only!
@rubbereye69 23 күн бұрын
Thanks for the great video! I do the same pretty often with my X-E1 and 23mm 1.4, 35mm 1.4 or cheapo manual lenses - got the TTArtsans 25mm 2.0 recently. It's a reasonably lightweight kit and fun to shoot with. I usually do street photography with good results.
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