Visas Lore Part 4 - Hate Outlives The Hateful

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@Anthintendo Жыл бұрын
So some things I noticed about these cards while doing my own research earlier: 1) Visas, Reichheart, Reinoheart, and Riseheart are all Warriors. Visas is Level 6 while the other are all Level 4. 2) Visas is a Tuner, but there’s no Synchros in this storyline yet. Maybe there will eventually be a Level 10 Synchro requiring Visas as the Tuner, and a Warrior monster. But that’s just a hypothesis. 3) The Scareclaws are all originally Earth, except Reichheart who is Dark. The Tearlaments are all originally Dark, except Reinoheart who is Water. While this pattern doesn’t fit for the Kashtira, Shangri-Ira and Riseheart are the only two Fires. 4) Tri-Heart is a Beast-Warrior, but all of the original Scareclaws (except Reichheart) are Beasts. Kaleido-Heart is a Fiend, but all of the original Tearlaments (except Reinoheart) are Aqua. Arise-Heart is a Machine, but all of the Kashtira (except Riseheart) are Psychic. Also, all three are Dark. Another theory, but perhaps the eventual Visas Synchro WON’T change their type and stay a Warrior and also WON’T change their attribute and stay a Light. 5) Kashtira Fenrir is an Earth (like the Scareclaw) and Kashtira Ogre is a Water (like the Tearlaments). Unicorn is a Wind (we haven’t seen a Wind tribe yet) and Riseheart and Shangri-Ira are both Fire (implying they came from the same place). Another theory, but what if Riseheart isn’t from the sixth world and instead traveled there in Shangri-Ira. 6) Rulkallos was able to become a Water when Kitkallos killed Kaleido-Heart and absorbed Reinoheart’s power. This seems to have led to the change in Perlereino from a world of “destruction” to a peaceful world. So what about Reichphobia? Is Light Heart going to die, and that world will also become peaceful? And what happens to the Kashtira if Riseheart dies? Do they pick up where their leader left off? Do they shut down or turn off? Do they reboot, maybe without Riseheart’s influence? 7) Where did Visas COME FROM? Why is he the only Light attribute monster in this story so far? Is he just a drifter or does he have a mission? Is there a whole world of Light monsters out there, or is he the only one? This next part is conjecture, but imagine pulling a twist like “Visas returns to his home world after defeating Riseheart, and it turns out he belongs to an archetype of Dark Fiend monsters who sent him out into the universe specifically to deal with the biggest threat to their dominance, the Kashtira. Now, the remnants of the Kashtira have to gather allies amongst the world they have conquered to defeat the true threat to them all.”
@ricmord1881 Жыл бұрын
We are 100% going to see a shyncro. Each of this archetype focus on an extra deck summon mechanic. Tear fusion Kashitra xyz Scareclaw link We also know there are at least 6 worlds, so we are missing, shyncro ritual and pendulum. And also (this is pure speculation) if there is a seven world then we might see another new summon mechanic (and with the fact that konami partecipation to the next jumo festa where they usually announce master rule update and big changes, this might be possible)
@minhluong9450 Жыл бұрын
Sir, can you tell my love fortune? You seem to have come from a future where a Visas Synchro archetype is released with a lv10 boss
@xCorvus7x Жыл бұрын
The attributes could also express spiritual associations. Travelling through lands of fear, sorrow, and anger sounds like a journey through one's own consciousness. While this might not actually be the canon we get, Visas would be the one representing his consciousness (Visas=Starfrost could be the form he has assumed on that spiritual plane) and that is associated with being awake, with the Day, or Light. The final forms of Visas's counterparts, on the other hand, are Dark because they stem from the deepest depths of his subliminal mind. This kind of checks out for the attributes of the related archetypes, too: Sorrow and anger are associated with Darkness and Fire respectively. (The fact that there are Wind, Water, and Earth Kshatri-Las could be explained by anger, while being roughly presented as an analogue to fear and sorrow, not being an exact analogue: other emotions such as fear and sorrow can lead to anger, and this diversity within the Angry also reflects the all-consuming nature of anger.) While it might be a bit ironic to associate Earth, which usually stands for steadfastness, with something as shakey as fear, the most likely alternative atrribute is Wind, which I would also associate with clarity, clear-cut decisiveness, and lightness: none of that matches fear which leaves you undecisive, clouds your view, and weighs you down. Especially in that last regard Earth might be very fitting: while mostly being stable ground, she does move and shake (or erupt) some times at some places. Down on the ground you also cannot see far ahead (curiously, the Scareclaws are depicted just as if you were to look at them from very close to the ground, almost below them; although that might also be a way to make them seem more fear-inducing).
@thearsalandombgaming 5 ай бұрын
There IS a level 10 synchro monster but it's a LIGHT Fairy, and it doesn't necessarily require Visas as material
@streetgamer3452 Жыл бұрын
I love that Perlregia is showing that tears are normally just sweet girls who play around and just became destructive because of reinohart while Scareclaw doesn’t get a 2nd field spell showing that they’re kinda evil with and without Tricheart
@romanov3937 Жыл бұрын
Scareclaws are animals, they use their instincts to survive, so yes of course they will be naturally aggressive, i guess Trich Heart just gave them weapons and armor so their fights would be more fun to watch, we do see him watching them fight in the Reinophobia field spell. Maybe the Scareclaws will get a new field spell in the new Cyberstorm Access booster pack, perhaps it will show the Level 3s fighting as regular animals, without the weapons Reich gave them.
@biata6427 Жыл бұрын
Linguistics major and a bit of a lore scholar here! While I shared your experience when looking into the worlds, I noticed something interesting in another facet of the lore, the names of the Hearts. We have three Hearts right now, and their names reference German, Spanish, and Czech. All of these are European, and more specifically are in the Indo-European language family. What's notable is that all three of them are in different branches of it. German is Germanic, Spanish is Italic, and Czech is Balto-Slavic. I think this is worth noting because it might give hints about the names of the possible remaining Hearts. The Hellenic, Armenian, and Albanian branches are dead ends in terms of finding words that start with R as far as I've found, but the remaining branches of Celtic and Indo-Iranian aren't. Irish has the word "ríocht", and a variety of Sanskrit-descended languages including Hindustani give us "raj", which also made its way into English thanks to the British.A Sanskrit/Hindustani name for the Heart/world would also go along with the Hindu and Buddhist themes circulating around this storyline. That leaves me with two predictions: "Riochtheart" and "Rajheart" (possibly "Rajaheart"). That's my two cents on this tiny facet of the lore, and my prediction for the future Heart names. It's possible I'm reading deeper into this than necessary, but I'd be interested to hear thoughts on this idea from other lore fans!
@Ramsey276one Жыл бұрын
Thanks for this!
@skellingtron817 Жыл бұрын
can we get an update now that we know the next one is named riumheart
@biata6427 Жыл бұрын
@@skellingtron817 At this point neither I nor anyone I've seen has managed to figure out what the "rium" in riumheart is if it's a word for kingdom/realm, so I'm not really sure how it affects my idea. It's possible it could be the French "royeaume" but the way the Japanese is written would be an incredibly weird to transcribe that. In the worst case scenario, we might not know exactly what riumheart is supposed to be until his official tcg name is revealed months from now. The other possibility is that riumheart is an outlier from the normal meaning of the names. (rium is a real word in Scottish Gaelic, being essentially a specific form of "with me".) This does seem extra possible given the general weirdness of everything about manadome and how riumheart is clearly different from the first three hearts. Overall, I'm more inclined to think that his name is an outlier and isn't a word for kingdom, especially since there's really just no sign of a word that you wouldn't need to stretch super far to end up with the katakana in riumheart's name as far as I've seen.
@benjaminphilippe2810 Жыл бұрын
Before they revealed the new one, I also expected the next to be something along the lines of rajaheart
@thecursed_1lordofcats738 Жыл бұрын
And now Nova has reached the magic 40k. Everyone ready for the 5Ds twins explained?
@terydtl4427 Жыл бұрын
One thing to point out about the six worlds is that they all use different summoning methods (xyz, fusion, and link.) so most likely our final 3 will mostly likely use the final three (synchro, ritual, and pendulum.)
@kbrxion5620 Жыл бұрын
I assume that the synchro is either going to be the last to be released so that visas has the most options when it comes to new forms or will be the next one to get the most popular summoning methods out.
@joshuae.massicott2721 Жыл бұрын
U no that make perfect sense Konami are u watching
@luminous3558 Жыл бұрын
There is also the option of us getting a new mechanic as Cyberstorm Access will be the last set in the current 12 set series but being far from the end of the Visas lore. So if we were to get a new mechanic what better way than to tie it into an existing storyline. Pendulums are generally not counted when it comes to these summoning mechanics as they aren't fully different bordered or native to the ED. Albaz lore has every mechanic except pendulum represented, same as World Legacy(this one also lacks rituals).
@NeostormXLMAX Жыл бұрын
@@kbrxion5620 I really fucking hope they ACTUALLY release a synchro control deck, and that would be only possible if they add a new synchro mechanic, perhaos like branded fusion, you can synchro summon directly using cards from your hand? its actually a lot harder than people would think, since you would still need exact levels and a tuner
@xCorvus7x Жыл бұрын
Pendulum would fit the emotion of surprise.
@RescueCatYGO Жыл бұрын
After seeing the newest line of support coming in Cyberstorm Access, the Hindu influences become even stronger. The numbering of the planets based off the field spells align well with the avatar forms of Vishnu. The first form being The Fish (often depicted as a mermaid), the 4th being The Man-Lion, and the 6th being The Angry Man. My guess is that Visas is a representation of Shiva (this is why all the field spells have destruction in their name since Shiva is known as the destroyer) and the “Hearts” are the many forms of Vishnu.
@victorhernandez4444 Жыл бұрын
I think I figured out the timeline and what’s going on. Tearlaments Grief 56 - Visas and Kit absorbing Reinohearts powers. Tearlaments heartbeat 57 - Speculation on my part. Visas is either using his powers to to resuscitate/revive Reinoheart. Or Purifying him or both. While what looks like 2 Kashtira Unicorns are gonna get the drop on him. Tearlaments Scream 58 - 1 of the previously mentioned Unicorn fights Rulkallos while in the background (speculation) you see Visas (directly to the right of the pictured Unicorn’s armpit notice the same color glow surrounding Visas in “Scareclaw Straddle) giving chase to the other mentioned Unicorn who is either stealing The presumed revived Reinoheart or stealing him before Visas got a chance to turn him into Chibi form. Scareclaw Decline 59 - Visas having chased Unicorn/Reino back to Shangri Ira where I’m assuming is near the planet of Reichphobia is now either the target of Ira’s fire or he is defending what’s left of it. Scareclaw Decline here can mean one of 2 things or both. Decline as in the Decline of the population of the scareclaw or Visas has declined further damage. I support both the theories as true based off the card’s text itself. Returning the field spell back to hand (symbolizing it’s destruction) If you control Visas set a monster (Visas neutralizing Shangri Ira) and the last line adding back a monster (this is a stretch here, Visas flying down to the planet to save the lives of those still alive. Kashtira Birth 60 - This one is a mind cuck. The Kashtira aren’t here to take the planets resources. They are here to take over the planet and make it their own. Keep this definition of Birth in mind as you read on. “Birth: the emergence of a baby or other young from the body of its mother; the start of life as a physically separate being.” Scareclaw Twinsaw 75 - Visas has touched down and begun Molly whopping some Kashtiras. Kashtira Preparations 76 - While Visas is banishing Kashtiras from Reichphobia. The Unicorn that made off with Reinoheart has landed in Shangri Ira. Yes. You read right. The being inside the container is Reinoheart. And as pictured they are both now on Shangri Ira. Need proof? Look at the sky in preparations. See the hexagons in the sky? The same hexagons covering Shangri Ira. As shown on Kashtira Shangri Ira. Unicorn has delivered Reinoheart to his master Riseheart. Kashtira Overlap - Riseheart absorbs or assimilates Reinoheart. Kashtira Papiyas - Riseheart comes down to To Reichphobia and begins his transformation. Notice the same structures as in Kashtira birth? The Green aura associated with the powers of the Scareclaw? Prime Planet Paraisos - If you haven’t figured it out by now. Welcome to the former Primitive Planet Reichphobia. Notice the same target and destroy effect? Notice how Reichphobia drops by 100 and Paraisos raises by 100? If you look close enough you see Shangri Ira in the background (my assumption based on the hexagons in the sky behind Ariseheart. This would also explain why Visas is there. He didn’t fly to the Kashtira planet. He was already there. Remember the definition of birth 😉 Scareclaw Defang - Reichheart is rendered useless. Trivikarma - Visas having destroyed Shangri Ira. (Defangs card text supports this. Banish Light heart destroy a card, Shangri Ira is the card in question, notice the falling broken hexagons in the background?) having destroyed Shangri Ira he (Visas) starts absorbing its power (Shangri) and what ever power remains from the scareclaw. Notice the Green and Red streaks he seems to be drawing to him. Kashtira Big Bang - Having both powered up is this the climax?
@benjaminphilippe2810 Жыл бұрын
As for Tearlaments heartbeat, I agree. It makes sense that Visas would want Reinohart alive, since that's what he did with Reichheart
@plls66 Жыл бұрын
The tearlaments kashtira card has the same stats as Kitkallos and similar art, although it does have a different level/attribute. I'm guessing that with tearlaments scream and kashtira preparations implying that rulkallos got captured, that it is a version of kitkallos, but a brainwashed version. The kashtira archetype has a psychic theme, which based on their art suggests that they're being captured and controlled. Shaddoll wendi and ariel both have psychic types as well to show they're under someone else's control. Riseheart, who's a warrior, doesn't have a psychic type like a pure psychic archetype would have.
@kamenridersliv555 Жыл бұрын
In fairness to Riseheart, he's a Visas-face, and all of the others have had the distinction of being warriors in an archetype full of non-warriors. Still, the Kashtiras probably are mind controlled beings, and I'm curious if there's other archetypes Ogre, Unicorn, and Fenrir could potentially come from.
@naknampucha5236 Жыл бұрын
@@kamenridersliv555 yeah probably, Rise-Heart turned into a machine on his XYZ form. It's possible he did control them with his tech machinery. Ogre, Fenrir and Unicorn could probably come from other archtypes too just as how Scareclaw and Tearlaments exist on their own respected world.
@endofuwu2146 Жыл бұрын
I see it more as Arise-Heart/Riseheart having killed Both Licht heart and Kaleido heart and having turned them into Kashtiras
@superm530 Жыл бұрын
It seems that both kitkallos and reinoheart were captured, (kitkalos later) Rris heart absorbed riseheart, and kitakalos was transformed in a kashtira.
@flickybicky9397 Жыл бұрын
merrli in the the new field spell is just having so much fun... so that'S what she is like when she isn't commiting war crimes against the yu gi oh community by being a level 2, making spright tearlaments support
@xaldreca3403 Жыл бұрын
I just noticed that all the Field Spells are Prime, or at least close to that, Worlds. Primitive Planet Reichphobia, Primeval Planet Perlereino, and Prime Planet Paraisos. Primi-tive, Prime-val, and just Prime.
@foxspirit2254 Жыл бұрын
I got so unreasonably happy when I heard digimon tcg in this video.
@travisasselta9140 Жыл бұрын
I believe we will have six archetype, heart monsters for all six attributes a upgrade in one of the six summoning mechanics , and six field spells. They will be based aroundṃsāra_(Buddhism)#Realms_of_rebirth . Scareclaw for Tiryag ( animal) , Kashtira for Asura. Let me know how you think the other realms will be used in the lore.
@Bezaliel13 Жыл бұрын
Love multi-archetype cards like these!
@naknampucha5236 Жыл бұрын
14:56 Welp, each one represent the 6 human emotions and also would represent the current 6 summoning mechanics in Yugioh. We're still halfway,. Surprise, Disgust and Enjoyment would go to the remaining mechanics we still haven't got on this world breaker archtype.. Scareclaw for Link, Tearla for Fusion and Kashtira for XYZ,. we'll look forward to Visas Starfrost's synchro, ritual and pendulum mechanics in the future.
@mayayamato7351 Жыл бұрын
as a pendulum liker it would amuse me greatly if the pend archetype is from the world of disgust as a nod to all the players that hate them lol.
@GreyGaymer Жыл бұрын
VERY Nice! I'm really excited about all the Lore Layers in the Visas storyline! I also REALLY need to get on your discord! I also wanna be a lore scholar for Yugioh, so I feel like maybe I should try to pitch in if I can!
@TCGunsha Жыл бұрын
"Hey visas. Starfrost here"
@jarmandog413 Жыл бұрын
Congrats on the 40k!!
@twjr4547 Жыл бұрын
Great video. I love your lore series, but question, whats the BGM ?
@victorelias7569 Жыл бұрын
What if they are making universes with their clashes for a greater purpose. Maybe looking for one with positive feelings, but have only been using negative feelings. With two negatives, they may have done it.
@cooldes4593 Жыл бұрын
Not the MTG RANCOR quote!!!! 😂
@laszlokaszas1003 Жыл бұрын
I see you legally distinct Rancor flavor text in the title.
@ChrisLincoln Жыл бұрын
We got an Ex-Aid fan!
@Bennime_Once Жыл бұрын
cant wait to see the synchro heart form.
@limbo2433 Жыл бұрын
8:12 bloom diva the melodious choir
@selfdiagnosedhappiness5627 Жыл бұрын
I can't stop hearing Vsauce help
@Ramsey276one Жыл бұрын
@dreadlord8628 Жыл бұрын
I knew the Sengoku connections (Oda Nobunaga) from the art of the buildings.
@vanesslifeygo Жыл бұрын
hm, I just google Trivikarma, and what comes up with Trivikrama, an Indian film. Maybe when the card comes to the TCG the search results may be modified, especially since TCG won't want any copyright issues.
@trancepeirce3107 Жыл бұрын
I can't get over hearing Vsauce from Visas.
@TheSavageLuxray Жыл бұрын
Anti-Hero? (P5 Strikers) nice!
@Da-copy-cat-discord-mod Жыл бұрын
The papiyas definition relates back to reichphobia, as the ocg name was Originally translated into libton and wanton the willful world of desires
@vanesslifeygo Жыл бұрын
I'm gonna watch vsauce next because of this now.
@TheDucky101 Жыл бұрын
Ooh I hope this is golden nova new format
@zaidabusaleem6427 Жыл бұрын
I'm just wondering, where are parts 1-3, I cant seem to find them. I've never really understood the visas lore and would like to know it
@bluekirby_64 Жыл бұрын
They're the "explained" videos for Scareclaw, Tearlaments and Kashtira respectively. They aren't named "Visas lore" so that's probably why they're hard to find, but there's also a playlist with them now.
@NetherCrafterSMC Жыл бұрын
I kinda want there to be a Visas archetype that surrounds Pendulums while the Brahmins can be ritual 🤔
@joebradburnii Жыл бұрын
For the love of god, what music are you using????
@zerogongiveittoya740 Жыл бұрын
I just want a storyline where the MC actually loses, Visas's one seemed like it could be it. Visas losing and Kashtira taking over the 6 Planets growing stronger and getting more Archetypes interfered. But Visas just gets plotarmor and kills the whole Kashtira Squad
@josephgonzalez3080 Жыл бұрын
In albaz lore things are getting grim, and in world chalice lore avrax dies so there you go it would be uncool to kill our lonley universal friend
@zerogongiveittoya740 Жыл бұрын
@@josephgonzalez3080 yeah in albaz lore i really would've liked the therions to win.. how does sargas even surpass Regulus???
@josephgonzalez3080 Жыл бұрын
Well it looks like the therions were on the side of the agro system that made them so its kinda like there on the bad guys side or opposite side, cause then you see when regulus got revived as irregular king so it like they were controlled by the agro system or at least made them figth at the coliseum its not like there evil i see it as they went to get some tech help but it wasnt gonna be easy for them
@BartEmbregts Жыл бұрын
I have a runick kashtira deck... it's awsome!
@karetsu889 Жыл бұрын
I kind of have a theory. What if Visas is Fallen of Albaz? Their stories kind of mimic each other where they go through distant lands or worlds and help their inhabitants. I have a feeling that Visas and Fallen of Albaz’s stories are gonna coincide at one point. But it’s just a theory. I don’t mind to be proven wrong.
@23gameoverlord Жыл бұрын
He made it! Nova reached 40k!!!!!!!
@kaitai7302 Жыл бұрын
So are we to assume that the first 3 Kashtira are also constructs built from the energies of the other 3 worlds? Are each one from a different world, or one that had an archetype based on the mythical creatures they take there name from?
@krakenskull2557 Жыл бұрын
Great insight..
@awildsylveon9896 Жыл бұрын
I swear to gods Konami if you don't stop printing "special summon from the deck" on cards, I'm gonna cry.
@blackrockreaper777 Жыл бұрын
Can I get a link or something if it was addressed before. I've already seen the other 3 videos for the archetypes part of the visas storyline but there was no prior mention of lore so I'm feeling like I got sent right into the middle. Where's the other lore episodes?
@darkstormer6758 Жыл бұрын
It’s time for the lore letsgoooo
@sh4rx486 Жыл бұрын
Yeah! Lore! 😎👉
@EpochMakerCJ Жыл бұрын
With you going off parts of yugipedia wouldn’t the body in preparations Reinoheart, because it looks like Riseheart is trying to collect their powers like in scareclaw defang
@vanesslifeygo Жыл бұрын
I don't know what he meant by people "correcting him" by saying the castes don't necessarily have authority over the other, as they either intentionally or unintentionally erase present day events from the discrimination in that caste system today, which is concealed by Hindu-Muslim conflict. Assaults on Dalits - including raping and hanging them, or denying them medical attention after an animal attack, go underreported. As for the other castes, people in higher castes all want to say that the hierarchy should be there for "social order". These same people go and put "Black Lives Matter" on their social media for participation in a foreign trend, while they go discriminating against anyone from a lower caste.
@arvallen_ Жыл бұрын
What's the song used during the first part of the video
@trinidaitobago2 Жыл бұрын
Is that a Magic the gathering reference 😮
@ylmik882 Жыл бұрын
3 months later and still worth $60
@panopsata3038 Жыл бұрын
So it’s something like the lantern corps from green latern?
@fabiogassuncao Жыл бұрын
I couldn't find the previous ones =/
@johnmichaelbushman Жыл бұрын
@zacthemastodonranger Жыл бұрын
Next stop 50k for aikzia explained
@TheNewblade1 Жыл бұрын
I just want visas gargano - rebelheart.
@hasansyrf Жыл бұрын
Where is part 1 through 3???
@brendanengelbretson8803 Жыл бұрын
I think the happiness world is vernussyplph or however the hell you spell that
@mekzoficial2690 Жыл бұрын
Next wheeeen???
@sebastienbusque2312 Жыл бұрын
Has he done actual Lore videos of the previous ones?
@bossamgenshin6746 Жыл бұрын
I was wondering the same too hahhaa I was looking for part 1/2/3 in the channel
@captianblitz Жыл бұрын
Not formally but the videos on Kashatri-La, Tear, and Scareclaw all have bits of lore. This was the first time where Nova went "ya but actually we need to talk about this"
@rdxgamer1772 Жыл бұрын
@@bossamgenshin6746 The lores specifically tied with each archtypes explained videos
@Ramsey276one Жыл бұрын
@@rdxgamer1772 thanks
@xCorvus7x Жыл бұрын
Maybe the ira in Kashtira should be pronounced like ire.
@mak4715 Жыл бұрын
The protagonist from strangers of paradise final fantasy was right. We need to kill Chaos
@wailmerwithinternetaccess7934 Жыл бұрын
The story is far from concluded! Did you notice Visas is a Tuner? And where is the Synchro "Heart" anyway? We still have not yet conclude the story! :V
@pedrorosa9893 Жыл бұрын
There is now, that can be use using tunner
@wailmerwithinternetaccess7934 Жыл бұрын
@@pedrorosa9893 yes, Manadome, my waiting has finally come to an end
@croczOTK Жыл бұрын
I cant find part 1-3. Pls help
@jasonbolding3481 Жыл бұрын
confused me too. Part 1 is really scareclaw archetype, 2 is tearalaments and 3 is kashtira
@nfrochling6045 Жыл бұрын
The cards say kshatri-la but he says kashtira...why?
@johnathanlemus5584 Жыл бұрын
TCG Translations.
@fabiandapra8791 Жыл бұрын
where is part 1 2 3
@stratecheese1302 Жыл бұрын
Visas or, Vsauce
@jackirby6660 Жыл бұрын
Disclaimer there is no lore in this video
@vivigeass6010 Жыл бұрын
@Paradise07 Жыл бұрын
I just i think in next set in final story there's a Synchro Boss Level 10 for Visas as Tuner and that monster i think it will be stronger that can defeats all archtypes 🤔🤔🤔!
@Tokumastu1 Жыл бұрын
This sadly continues to be such a dry story line especially coming right after the Albaz story.
@sylvandoggo4416 Жыл бұрын
Sorry I couldn't watch the complete video, why people can pronounce Shangri-La correctly but not Kshatri-La??? they sound almost the same for God's sake!!! what's this "kashitira" nonsense?!
@RedyetiE.T. Жыл бұрын
Kashtira is the official English translation Kshatri-La was speculation on the name from fans. If you don’t like the translation be mad at Konami not this guy.
@regional1000 Жыл бұрын
Hmmm reminds me of rancor. Hatred outlines the hateful or something like that...
@AuthorTheIdiot Жыл бұрын
Help Me Celebrate! 😍🙏
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MEKK-KNIGHTS, BUT EVIL!!! [Yu-Gi-Oh! Archetypes Explained: Knightmare]
Who is Truly the Strongest Souls Protagonist?
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Which Yugioh Character has the MOST LOSSES EVER?
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How One Man Completely Broke Chrono Trigger Speedrunning
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Why Don't Legendaries Feel "Legendary" Anymore?
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Help Me Celebrate! 😍🙏
Alan Chikin Chow
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