VISITATION DREAMS || Hugging a dead person in your dream | Is the dream real?

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Ethereal Jac

Ethereal Jac

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Hi everyone! In this video, I talk about visitation dreams from deceased loved ones. This may be a dream about your deceased mom, dad, husband, sister, brother, wife, etc. I talk about what visitation dreams are, why they happen, and how to ask for other signs (while you are awake) that your loved one is okay on the other side.
Thank you so much for watching and supporting this channel. My computer is finally fixed, so uploads will be more regular in the future. I am so excited to start filming new content.
Let me know in the comments if you've ever had a visitation dream and how it made you feel! As always, thank you so much for watching.
If you want to work with me, check out my website www.etherealja... or shoot me an email at

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@CalvinScullyMusic 4 жыл бұрын
The feeling when this happens in a dream is unlike anything. Its always the most intense warm hug you can experience.
@marias8007 4 жыл бұрын
This is so true
@inahaze8737 4 жыл бұрын
Pure love
@babynightcore3385 3 жыл бұрын
Why I keep dreaming of my family member that passes away and he is old man has 6 Children and everytime I sleep it keep appearing in my dream even the house where their live appear in my dream after I dream I wake up with anxiety and begin scard I really hate this my is always negative I wake with anxiety and my body feel like my soul just left when I wake up
@dejaydon51 3 жыл бұрын
@maryharrison7008 3 жыл бұрын
@@dejaydon51 absolutely...its something so vivid and real, i can remember it like it was yesterday even though my dream was 2 years ago.
@paulao7022 4 жыл бұрын
My Mom has been deceased since 2013. She came to me with two brand new blouses on hangers and put them on my back door knob, I asked her to stir the noodles on the stove while I took a shower. I came out and I was coming down my humble hallway and it opened up to a much better and bigger house. She had set the table with very nice napkins, silver ware, glasses and food on the plates and it was a much larger table than I have now. The table was cherry wood and glossy. Everything was ready. The family was coming in and seating themselves. It was kind of like a family reunion with living and dead family members! I don't know what to make of it. This is the first time that my Mom has came to me, that I am aware of...I loved my Mom very much.
@hybridhazza 7 ай бұрын
My grandparents visited me in a dream. I actually went to a place that I knew was the place of the ancestors in my dream. A beautiful place beyond description. My grandparents who had died before I was born approached me once I called for them and my grandfather assured me everything was alright. My grandmother hugged me and the dream ended. It was such a beautiful gift they gave me to reach out to me like they did
@empath2005 4 жыл бұрын
I have had visitation dreams of family members and friends over the years. The man I love who recently passed away in July I know he is coming to me in my dreams, yet I feel him physically in spirit when I am awake. He was my one I met him when I was 16 in 2002 ❤️ thank you for making this video!
@ninah9955 4 ай бұрын
Thank you! You made me feel better. I was dreaming of a friend . I 💕💕
@Arch492 5 жыл бұрын
I get visitations from folks I never knew as's a different dream than any other you know it's real.
@marilope76 2 жыл бұрын
16 years ago I lost my husband , I mourn his lost even now and last night I was reminiscing of our lives , and he knows how much I love him and he came to visit , this dream was a lucid dream I even felt his kiss on my neck . I dream of him few times a year but nothing like this dream .
@weronika8495 4 жыл бұрын
This is my 2nf comment but when I was only 2 my grandma passed away and I don't quite remember her but in 2019 I had a dream that she was in this maze and I followed her and I eventually found out and she just started talking about everything about me which was weird for me at first as she passed away when I was just a baby so I was like "how could she now this stuff" but then I realised and I'm so happy that she is watching over me :)
@elaineervin3365 4 жыл бұрын
Can you do a video of the afterlife and what lt looks like ? And what relationships we have to each other in the afterlife ,heaven . please
@suzannewebb7913 5 ай бұрын
Had this last night ❤
@evaready900 3 жыл бұрын
A lady hugged me n started crying! I'm my dream my family says she's one of my great great + grandmother. Never met her in real life. 😕
@irmagalvan9419 5 жыл бұрын
I've had a couple of dreams of my grandmother! She's been gone for several years. I know I'm talking to her but I can NOT remember what she tells me. I know she's speaking English to and she never spoke English. How can I remember the conversations and the messages???? Thanks for the video.
@bigplayer4300 4 жыл бұрын
I dreamt of my dead husband I lost him 3months ago I hug him so tightly and begging him not to live me and he said he will not live me i love seeing more of him but I don't no if is a good dream
@chanklachankla3347 5 жыл бұрын
I'm s Libra hear is some more of my great gifts I try not to tune in on it any more because I don't like what I'm able to see this only happens when I fully accept the gift and I really mean it but I can walk down s street and I can for see what's going to happen within a month time frame usally I'm just a week or two or days off from it happing I don't really understand why I'm able to do this but I just try too see if I'm crazy or not one day I was walking down the street with my daughter and my boy friend we where going to go get something to eat when we where walking over a small bridge out of no where as we where laughing and talking it was night time and it was foggy out but as I was coming up to that bridge for some reason I saw a man hanging from a rope and I saw that he didn't mean to hang him self that it was a accident he was just bluffing but slipped and fell he was screaming for help but no one heard him I saw this vision so fast just as real as real I then tolled my daughter and boyfriend u want to know something a man is going to die on this bridge he hangs him self real soon I said they laughed at me and said I was crazy and I said ok we will see about 1 week later it was raining so hard out side it was very cold and foggy could nearly see out side it was about 3 am in the morning time wind was blowing I was living in a rv at the time and I was parked in a lot right next to that bridge well as I was sleeping I was awoken by a man screaming help me help me I don't want to die please please help me please then I got up woke up my daughter and my boyfriend turned on all the lights and said do you hear that they said hear what I said that man screaming they said no they didn't hear nothing I said yes listen he is telling now they both said they heard only the wind and rain hitting hard against the RV and that I was crazy and to go back to sleep at one point even opened the RV door but it was do foggy and the rain was so thick and hard and the wind was strong I didn't go out besides the man's voice was quite now so I said ya maybe your right maybe I'm crazy and it was just the wind but I knew what I heard so I accepted that I heard nothing and I went back to sleep that morning their was a knock on my RV door it was a cop asking me if I knew anything about last night I was a little not sure about what he was talking about he said some time around 3 am a young man hung himself from the bridge and if I saw or heard anything I went to go see for I didn't not beleive it and yes their he was he asked me why didn't you help me I was calling you to help me I slipped on the bridge due to the rain my shoes wear slippy and I accidently fell he said he put his two hands on the rope trying to make it lose but the more he moved the more the rope tighted he said he could get out of it so he tolled me he started screaming to me that he knew I knew and that I could he hear him calling out for help he then ask me why why didn't you come help me why did you do nothing and you let me die why did you do that you could have helped me you heard me why why and said I'm so sorry I'm so sorry but I second guessed my self and I made my self beleive it was just in my head he said no he said you know that I was telling for you u knew it was real but yet you just sat their and listen to me till I yelled my last breath he said I didn't want to die I had a daughter and I love her I was just upset that night and I had been drinking I was just playing around in a way I never ever planned on me slipping it was a mistake why why did u let me die I started crying so hard I said ok ok I did hear you but at that moment for some reason I. Became afarid a coward and I was so scard I didn't know what to do I wanted to help u so bad but I failed you and I know this it's my fault and I'm so so sorry I could of saved u but I didn't due to my own fears he said can u at least tell my family what happenend and that I'm sorry I never meant for this to happen and that I'm so sorry and that I lov them very much and tell my daughter I'm sorry fletting her down and to grow up being a good girl like I knew she would be tell my mom and dad I didn't kill my self that I fell and that I'm sorry and I love them tell my brother he can have my cowboy hat and tell my baby's mama I'm sorry my love so sorry I go ok I will and he said I'm leaving now and right then and their his soul went up and he was gone I didn't know what to do I was so devested I cryed and cryed I felt the pain in my heart I didn't for give my self for not saving him I had a gift and I knew it I knew a man was going to hang himself but I did nothing when I hear him this was my gift and I failed to use it to save a human life I was really hard on my self till this day I still say sorry after that I didn't want that gift no more I wished it away and refused to allow myself to use it any more for this was not the first real vision I saw and it happenend but the difference is this one BLAMMED me the others didn't so I refuse to use it I block it or say no no go away
@evenstarmie539 5 жыл бұрын
After my father passed, he visited me in a dream. I remember it felt so real, and it was so emotional. He hugged me and told me that he was proud of me and that he loved me. We were crying together, and right after that I woke up still crying from the dream. Everything that happened felt so real, it was truly an amazing experience.
@prosperchangamire6125 5 жыл бұрын
My mom too. Sat by my bedside and said did u think I will go without saying bye, cried and woke up still crying so surreal. I believe she truly came to say bye properly.
@juelzc9519 4 жыл бұрын
@josephcrawford7922 4 жыл бұрын
Taylor My dad had passed away from a massive heart attack and it was really really hard for me. He came and visited me in my dream and gave me a hug. I wish I could see him again.
@brionnachantel5416 4 жыл бұрын
my mom passed last month and a couple weeks ago i dreamt she was sitting down all sweet and beautiful like she is, i walked up to her and brushed her bangs out of the way and kissed her forehead with such sincerity. i felt her soft skin on my lips, she was glowing like someone as good and pure as she is would. I held her head as i kissed her forehead, i could smell her skin, it was so beautiful. earlier that night i had woken out of the blue with a heavy heart full of grief for her, for us, for me. I meditated and asked her to please just give me something. and then went back to bed and had that dream. I love you mommy. i know it's not over.
@anthonylim8865 4 жыл бұрын
This happened to me too!!🥰
@ChayChay89 2 жыл бұрын
My fiancé came to me the night he died. He was in a suit. We had a slow dance , he hugged me, and told me he was alive and always would be and to not feel this way. (Which was so hurt) I’ll never NEVER forget every part of this dream . Purely a GIFT
@EtherealJac 2 жыл бұрын
Oh my god! This is so amazing. Thank you for sharing this story. He must love you so much to come see you right after he passed and to give you such an incredible experience
@ratnasadal5561 5 жыл бұрын
My father came to meet me in my dream but I cried when he left. I still need him in this time of my life.
@journeyoflovelight 5 жыл бұрын
My mom came to see me... I smelt her, saw her favorite nightgown and felt the pressure of the hug.... it was amazing. Now she is like a shadow to me.. I can see her behind me in my minds eye. So nice to find your channel. Love and Light to you...
@silvergirl3688 5 жыл бұрын
Melanie Dillon I have felt that physical pressure too. If it’s a dream, it has live senses. Soooo real. Comforting.
@rachelr22 4 жыл бұрын
I’ve had at least 10 visitation dreams from my mom and she had passed from 4 months ago. I used to ask her and have her come to me everytime. They are the most beautiful magical experiences in life. Wake up crying every-time from how intense it is. Last week i asked her to come and she didn’t and i kept trying every day, stressing over it, getting hurt and angry and scared that i wont see her as easily as before. Then last night she came to see me. We had the most wonderful bond. She was a soulmate to me. I just want these visitation dreams to be my continued relationship with her. I want to continue having her in my life through my dreams till my time comes. It feels healing and easing to know that i can still see her and kiss and hug her even when she’s not here. Mom, if you can see this, i miss and love u. Please dont stop visiting me. I wish u can come see me every day. Let’s keep the relationship we have in the dream realm. It is helping me heal. I love you more than anything and anyone in this world. Thank you for this video. I just want to be able to know for a fact that i will keep seeing her for years and years to come. I never want those dreams to end
@maengun2091 5 жыл бұрын
I was in bed one morning, just about the time I needed to get up for work , when there was a knock on the front door of my apartment. My father and I had shared it for 20 plus years before he died. His death was just a few months earlier. I walked to the door and when I opened it my dad was standing there. He had a very peaceful, gentle, loving smile. Never said a word. I said, teary-eyed, "You're back." He nodded. We hugged and then a female voice said, "Doesn't he look nice in his red." He had on a suit jacket with a very subtle red pattern woven into it. The dream was so vivid and real. I could actually tangibly feel the jacket material as I hugged him. And it was the first time in my life that I had ever noticed any color in a dream. I remember my dad's face having true flesh tones, his hair the same silver-gray. Never was a dream so positive and life-like. The color red at the time had no meaning for me, but sense I've read about and experienced red as a spiritual color of communication. Cardinals were my dad's favorite bird and he did a great cardinal whistle. I recall it when I hear a cardinal sing. And I see /hear them often at times when I'm especially feeling my dad's absence. The female voice who emphasized the red remains a bit of a mystery. I never saw her. But I wonder that maybe she was acting as a guide of some kind for my dad or to simply communicate to me, with my dad not speaking. Maybe she was even an angel. Who knows? I awoke and thought all day about the dream(?). Thanks dad.
@maryharrison7008 3 жыл бұрын
@@maengun2091 the same thing happened to me with my daddy. I live alone in their house after my husband and mother passed away after my daddy. I heard keys trying to open the back door(kitchen). I was genuinely frightened...I stood there and my dad opens the door and was standing there, looking like he did in his 60s...good and healthy. I asked him, daddy, what are you doing here, you're dead? He said, here to check on you...I hugged him, could smell him, I even noticed and said, that's the shirt we buried you in. He didn't say a lot. . I have been unable to get it out of my mind have no doubt that was a visit from our dad's to check on us!
@maengun2091 3 жыл бұрын
@@maryharrison7008 No reason "to get it out of your mind" Mary. Just like my Dad your Dad felt you needed him at that moment. Thanks for sharing.
@maryharrison7008 3 жыл бұрын
@@maengun2091 your story truly got to me!! I felt like you and I had a lot in n common with the love we felt, still feel, for our Dad's. Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is no matter how old we are, we still need or want our Dad's protection. Thank you for understanding ❤❤
@fatboynip 3 жыл бұрын
Wow thats beautiful, and heart breaking. My eyes are all watered up. Thanks for sharing. That really got me.
@stevieh2501 3 жыл бұрын
I have had this experience also. It's very comforting. I felt blissful.
@mishkaw9983 5 жыл бұрын
I talked to my friend about how my dad had a nickname for me only he used and no one would call me that again since my dad passed. It was one of the hard nights. Well Last night I dreamt of my dad who looked young and healthy like he was back in his 20’s/early 30s and as soon as I saw him I looked in his eyes and it was truly his voice that said my nickname and that he loved me. And we hugged for a long time it made me really happy and I’m having happy tears.
@ritaram5173 5 жыл бұрын
my partner of 18years passed away 2weeks still hurts so much..he already gave me so many signs..but I wanted so much to smell him again to feel his touch to see his smile and to kiss him ...I miss so much...I talk to him I have an offering table for him.we believe in Buddhism...he came to me last night and gave me the things I was so good and then he slipt away in my dream and I woke are new to me and I liked your video and for sure I will watch more.....thank you very much
@ameebohrer1889 2 жыл бұрын
My ex who I always considered "The One" died just about 10 months ago. We had been broken up for over a decade but talked intermittently a few times throughout the years, hoping we could try again and get it right. It didn't happen, I moved to a different state. But nine months before I found out he died, we connected and talked on the phone one last time. He wanted to come visit me and try again. We had a fight and parted on bad terms. Last night, I dreamt that he came to me in the middle of the night, while I slept. He just calmly got into bed with me and put his arms around me. We didn't talk, I just felt safe and accepted it. He just missed me and came over. We fell into a deep sleep right away. I woke up feeling so rested, happy, loved. I'm single right now, and have been a long time. He was a very affectionate partner who loved to just lay there and cuddle. In the dream, he was alive and looked gorgeous. I've dreamt of him over the years sporadically, but this is the first time since he died. I hope he comes to visit me in another dream, it was so comforting.
@normamathews1256 4 жыл бұрын
Last night i had a dream about my mother who passed away June 2019. The dream I had was my mother crawled into my bed & hugged me.
@Aloha808 5 жыл бұрын
it may take a while to have a dream like this, if we're lucky. My Mum passed away in the middle of August, and I had a dream (in which she came to say goodbye) about a month later. I thought it would happen almost right away, but it took a month. Apparently, the concept of time is totally different in this world, and in the spirit world.
@laurasimmer9612 3 жыл бұрын
Its been almost 2 months since my nana passed. She raised me, she was the only mother figure I had. I too was hoping I'd feel her presence much sooner. She knew I was into the paranormal stuff & we used to joke that she would come haunt me one day. Lol about a month after her death, I had a knock at the door that woke me up from a dead sleep... no one was there & our cameras didn't catch anything. It was mind boggling for sure. Days later I was home alone & heard the hallway floor creaking as if someone took multiple steps. No one was there. We've lived here over 2 years & I've never had a paranormal experience until recently. They didn't start until I brought her ashes into my home. Then last night I had the most vivid dream of her. She told me "honey I never left you." I believe she will forever be my guardian angel until we meet again ❤
@MrCocoMocoLoco2 2 жыл бұрын
My gf passed away in 2016. I dreamt about her in a White gown by a tall man. She kept saying ‘the monkey is off my back I’m so happy’ (she suffered from depression). I was told the tragic a few days later she died that evening. I had no appetite, felt a huge hole inside me. All happiness and meaning faded. I had one last dream the day after. It was a rem dream I believe, cause it felt so real. Vivid , colors etc. she walks into my workplace. I’m stunned and ask her how she’s here if she passed away. She walks up to me smiling and says ‘I sold my soul to see you one last time.’ She hugs me as tears flow down my face. I wake up panting for air sweating while tears indeed came down. Haven’t dreamt of her since. RIP Lorrie, I will always love you ❤️.
@cherrymcgillicuddy6300 5 жыл бұрын
My father in law ( that passed before I met him) visited me in a dream and gave me a big hug. This was early in my relationship with his son. I firmly believe they visit us all the time.
@michellemedina3763 5 жыл бұрын
He choose you for his son. Remember that.
@ricardodiaz4992 Жыл бұрын
Haven’t seen my dad for about 15yrs. I hugged him last night in my dream for the first time ever. I hugged him and I smelt him and I could feel him. Idk it’s such a strange feeling,I can’t describe it.
@alyssanicole836 4 жыл бұрын
About a month or two after my mom died I had a dream about her. I remember it so clearly. Everything seemed more clear than dreams usually do. Both while I was dreaming and after just looking back on it. I remember we were in a fully black room, almost like a void of nothingness, but it felt safe. And my mom was just standing in front of me. There was a warmth radiating off of her. Next thing I know we're hugging. It wasn't like anything I'd ever experienced before. The emotion was almost suffocating. So much sadness. But she didn't seem sad. She was just there and she knew I needed her. I was only 14. I had started crying in her arms no words were spoken. And when I woke up I was crying in real life. It was odd because there wasn't a momment between my dream and waking up either. It was like I went from dreaming to fully awake with my eyes wide open.
@NorahEkuttan 4 ай бұрын
Me to my mom was in a white room and she was fully dressed in white and we talked about everything that was disturbing me at that time.She just listened and even gave me some advice which I couldn't remember..I her.much
@kaitlynn5357 4 жыл бұрын
My boyfriend passed away on Feb 14, 2020. Late March or early April Al came to me in my dream. He was standing in front of me about a foot away from my face. He just looked at me softly. He didn't smile, but I was so overwhelmed with his presence i burst into tears and we hugged. And he just held me while I cried in my shoulder. I felt his embrace, his touch. His comfort. It was so intense. His hug was the best, because i have been dealing with his loss by muself and had no one to hug me or comfort me. And before I knew it it was over. I woke up. And cried my eyes out because it was so real. I wanted it to be real so bad. Like that was reality and everything else had been a nightmare. Like I had finally woke up from this heart aching nightmare of life without him. When I woke up my emotions were so confused. I felt heart broken all over again because I miss him so much. But so comforted that I received the hug I have been missing. Today, im August. Im here. Wishing he could come visit me again..
@rowdylilpiper1379 3 жыл бұрын
I love you so much Roderick George Toombs and Paul Orndorff
@maxineworrall1680 5 жыл бұрын
Hi I am new to your channel and I am loving your videos 🥰 I live in the United Kingdom 🇬🇧 I lost my husband nearly 3 years ago now, he was only 40 when he passed away very suddenly 😢 I always know when he has visited me in my sleep as the feeling is so different to a dream. You just know it’s real you can feel it’s real and I get great comfort in that. I have also been to see mediums and they could tell me so much that they couldn’t possibly know, it truly is the best feeling when you have lost someone x
@lydiamasis8206 4 жыл бұрын
Why do they disappear right after you start realizing they are dead?
@EtherealJac 4 жыл бұрын
Because your conscious mind starts to become involved! Once your conscious mind becomes involved, it’s harder to hold the dream state and thus the connection with the other side.
@PracticingLiberty 5 жыл бұрын
This is so true. It happened to me, just like she said. It changed my outlook on life forever. 22 years ago.
@454muddaubercbradiooperato3 4 жыл бұрын
My great grandma died 8 years ago, and I had a dream with her in it last night towards the end I got to see her after walking around my old house I grew up in. I don't see why angels can't be sent down into our dreams to talk to us. I felt so happy I got to hug my grandmother and tell her I love her and miss her so much. She helped raise me and I was so sad when she passed.
@Jack-dd4xt 2 жыл бұрын
a couple of months back i had a dream were i was sitting in a baseball stadium like we were in the bleachers and it was like empty but all i remember turning to my right and seeing my friend he looked so happy but it brought me sadness bc i knew he was gone in my dream to the point i decided to get my hand n tried to touch his shoulder to see if it’d go through and it didn’t it brought me warmth so much it made me smile it was him for sure i miss him so much
@ChimpScape 4 жыл бұрын
My mother died when I was 14 years old, I am now 26 and fairly recently I have been having a lot of dreams relating her. Sometimes in my dreams I am upset beyond measure and crying and then my mother will appear and hug me, she never says anything but looks sad herself as in she is trying to comfort me and after a few minutes of her hugging me I will wake up. I had another dream last night, in this dream me and my brother were in the cemetery and we dug up her grave and moved her casket to another location..even though she was cremated after she died. This dream really disturbed me and I feel disgusted in myself, I still love my mother to bits and me and her were real close and I feel very disrespectful for having such a fucked up dream. Does anyone know what dreams of digging up dead relatives mean?
@Manolya01 5 жыл бұрын
My mom, who passed away recently, visited me in my dream, I was scared and suprised at the same time (is it normal I felt this way?), asking how she could have been here - she was sooo happy - smiling and telling how much she loves me and misses me - I REALLY felt that tight hug and kiss so physically (is it also normal to experience hugs and kisses as if it all happened in real life?)! I think I also saw her when I was just about to wake up.... my eyes were half-open, and I was sure it was her who was just sitting on my couch, kissing my puppy - and he was asleep by my side as well. Is it possible to see them at that stage of waking up?
@lindseytaylor4460 4 жыл бұрын
I felt the hug and kiss from my mom too in the dream! And on different occasions I also have felt a loving energy in the room with me as I was waking up. I believe that our sleep and waking state are very connected to the spiritual realm :) so yes I think what you saw was definitely her.
@gissneric 4 жыл бұрын
Same thing here. I really really felt my mom hugged me so tight. I woke up and went back to sleep. I woke up again a few hours later and that's all I was thinking the whole day cause it felt so real.
@proud2bpagan 4 жыл бұрын
I had a dream on the second anniversary of my 28 yr old little brother's death...he hurt *so* much in life...he had Asperger's Syndrome, CP, and Syncope,and died from a sudden illness. In the dream,I was sitting on my couch,and a knock came to my door. I answered it,and there he stood, happy and healthy,grinning like he always did. He said "Aren't you going to hug me?" I hugged him,and I swear I could 'feel' that hug. we sat on my couch and talked..the saddest part for me in that dream was having to wake up.
@EtherealJac 4 жыл бұрын
proud2bpagan what an absolute gift!!! Not only did he get to show you how at peace he is now, but you got to sit and catch up too? Incredible. So happy he is resting and you got to see him. ❤️ thanks for sharing
@caysifaye 4 жыл бұрын
Ethereal Jac do we age in heaven ? My best friend passed away at 13 and I’ve been wondering if they get older and start looking different
@godsblessings8602 4 жыл бұрын
@@caysifaye We don't age in heaven. We are young, the same age as Christ was when He died. They are not children in heaven. We are all the same age, young, healthy, with no pain.
@_smv 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this . I had a recent loss to suicide and she came to me last night in my dreams. The repetitive dreams and numbers that show up through out the day . Thank you so much for this . I needed this.
@EtherealJac 4 жыл бұрын
sandra valencia glad you are here Sandra. So sorry for your loss. I’m glad that she came to visit to show you she’s alright. Hang in there, girlfriend! ❤️
@bigfishfishing-111 Жыл бұрын
I had one last night from my 21 yr old son who passed 4 weeks ago. It was the most amazing dream I've ever had. We hugged and hung out. I said to a person I don't know, that this can't be happening, because his funeral yesterday. The man said I know. God gave him to you for the day. My son had a disability. I checked to see if he had his nappy on, and he did, and it was full. I remember thinking how this could be so if it's a dream. I woke up, and I was in absolute shock and confused. I sat outside side in absolutely disbelief, trying to think what just happened . I thought, what if I dreamt like this every night, wouldn't I be able to tell if I was even awake or asleep in real time . Does my true life really even exist. I do know life is just memory. You remember the good and bad memories, and the rest is lost forever . Consciousness is a crazy thing, and full of wonder. I'm not religious, but believe our visitation was more than just a dream. Our spirits meet.
@kristinarose4122 2 жыл бұрын
My brother has visited me a couple times since hes passed 💙miss him so much
@christianmcalpinanderson6570 4 жыл бұрын
Last night, my cousin, who passed away several years ago gave me a hug in my dream. I saw him in a crowded place, and noticed he was black and white, but every one and everything else was in color. I was in awe and s surprised when I saw him and pointed him out to a friend who was beside me to verify she could see him as well.. he turned to me and I began to get emotional as I told him how much I love and miss him.. I also told him to please come back, in fact every day if possible. I wanted to hug him, but was afraid it was not allowed but he smiled at me and told me he loved and missed me too, and it was absolutely ok to give him a hug.. so I did.. I remember how his hug felt so real, and I woke taking deep and fast breaths..
@GetToDaChoppa-k5r 5 жыл бұрын
My mother passed recently. I have had two dreams of me and her hugging. The first one she held me tight and looked down on me with that great smile she had. A small white feather landed on my knee whilst sitting on a park bench. I don't know if these are signs but I asked my mother (before she passed) if she could send me some messages to let me know that she was alright. Any thoughts?
@EtherealJac 5 жыл бұрын
no hassle wow!! What an amazing dream to be able to have. I am working on a video for this, but people that have passed often send feathers as a sign that they’re okay. It’s a very common sign from Spirit! Some people also associate feathers appearing randomly as a sign from angels. So I would definitely say your mom wants you to know she is okay on the other side! Such a sweet way of letting you know
@GetToDaChoppa-k5r 5 жыл бұрын
@@EtherealJac Thank you so much for replying to me. I really hope that was my mother getting in touch with me because I love her so much and she was my dearest friend.
@kathycrews7227 5 жыл бұрын
I dream about my parents and my granny a lot and it’s a great experience I love having them in my dreams it makes my day just knowing I was that close to them or that I seen them or touch them in the dreams
@christinasullivan9121 8 ай бұрын
I have been having them every night for three or four months ago. This last time, I was in a lucid state and I told myself that I finally got to hug them, and I did. I then experienced the worst sleep paralysis that actually made me think I was no longer here.
@EtherealJac 8 ай бұрын
This is a common experience - sometimes the reason we go into lucid states when dreaming is BECAUSE of being in a state of unconscious sleep paralysis at first that transitions into dream lucidity. I'm so glad you got to hug them!! It will become easier as you continue to do it more, and also if you realize you are in sleep paralysis, ask your spirit guides to pull you out of it
@bowenfarm1 5 жыл бұрын
I’ve had a lot of visitations during dreams from family members and pets. I do wonder why it takes so much energy for those that have passed over to visit. I would think being in energy form you could go anywhere.
@darcfenix 5 жыл бұрын
bowenfarm1 they're not in an energy realm. This is the conscious realm and when they die they go to the subconscious realm. It takes alot of energy to go from a place that isn't physically into a denser space. The more spiritual you get the less energy it takes from you and them. I.e you meet them halfway.
@mariemanitopyes7994 5 жыл бұрын
@@darcfenix yes!! Ive always described it this way!! Like it was not just them visiting me per say, but a mutual meeting...I often wondered if I astral traveled sometimes to wherever it was to GO TO THEM and vice versa.
@darcfenix 5 жыл бұрын
@@mariemanitopyes7994 Powers in the I. @>[¥]
@tauni290 5 жыл бұрын
Ive experienced this three times throughout my life, I'm 25 now. A boy named Ricky who I went to school with since middle school, took his life a year after high school graduation. It was a shock to everyone. I wouldnt have considered him a super close friend, but we were always friendly to each other and at one point I had a small crush on him. A couple years go by after his death, and I'm camping with friends and awaken to the most bizarre dream Id ever have. I was dreaming about sitting outside of a restaurant with my friends, smoking a cigarette on the sidewalk. It was realistic and just normal casual, and all of a sudden Ricky approached me. I knew in my dream he was passed, but I was happy to see him. He looked the exact same as I remembered him, acne scars and everything. He had a beautiful white aura too, and someone behind him, but I couldnt make out who it was. I asked him what he was doing here, to which he responded "I just wanted to let you know that Im okay, and I hope you are too." I thanked him and we said goodbye, and then I woke up. My ex boyfriends father was randomly diagnosed with a brain tumor, and unexpectedly passed away during surgery from a stroke in 2013. I never had the chance to meet him as we started dating in 2015. My ex loved his father dearly, was living with him at the time, and was still hurting just as badly from his passing. One night while staying at my boyfriends house, his father visited me in my dream. I had only seen pictures of him, but he looked so real and I could distinguish every hair of his mustache. He hugged me, told me it was nice to finally meet me and that his son loved me a lot. Then I woke up in tears. Neither dreams were terrifying, they actually caused me to experience the most blissful feeling I've ever felt. I actually long for that feeling, and seeing more angels. I'm not religious by any means but I do believe in a higher power, the universe idk. With that being said, I was visited by 3 angels in my dreams.
@EtherealJac 5 жыл бұрын
Inaut that is so incredible!!! Wow. I love that you described it as blissful because truly that is one of the ways you can tell it was real - it leaves you with this happy heart energy. Thanks for sharing ❤️
@bezzcheck6654 5 жыл бұрын
I hope you get acne scars cuz many people fall in depression and kill themselves cuz of that you stupid! Of everything you could've said u mention his acne scars,what a stupid mean bitch u are
@LeanneRende 5 жыл бұрын
It's so refreshing to see this. You're doing a really well job explaining these topics and your blooper at the end was too cute 😆☮😺
@LeanneRende 5 жыл бұрын
@Lucid Dreaming what exactly are you talking about here? She has a nice channel about things I'm very in tune with. Yes I obviously like the band. And if you feel that way maybe you should look into getting some help. Life is an amazing journey; and there's always a silver lining and a touch of grey 🎹☮😎
@netterz3411 4 жыл бұрын
Last night I dreamed of my father who passed 12 years ago and in the dream when I seen him I instantly knew i was in a dream and he was strictly there to communicate with me and so he came up to me and we just hugged and it felt SOOOOOOO real... because I know it was. I've been crying all day on and off because they are happy tears and I'm glad I got to see him
@benjif1087 3 жыл бұрын
Wow i didnt know that so much people werenin the same situation as dad died on my 6 birthday about 5 years ago
@rhighan4357 4 ай бұрын
I hope you are doing well and know how much your dad loves you
@pattisimmons67 5 жыл бұрын
Great video. Thank you. LOVE the little blooper at the end. You're too funny!! 💖💖😊😊
@five_star_images3019 5 жыл бұрын
So a few days ago I was walking in my hallway and looked at my grandfather’s photo. I told him out loud I missed him,later that night I fell asleep and I was dreaming I was back in the islands where I grew up and was working on my uncle’s car with another uncle. Then out of nowhere my grandfather showed up. But I was the only one who was able to see him. We spoke and I was so excited and happy to see him although I knew he was deceased. He then told me I was in a timeout because of an argument, now I’ve never argued with my grandpa so don’t know where that part came from. I started crying like a baby. I woke up with my pillow soaking wet in tears. But it was happy tears. Now going back some years before he passed : last time I saw him I started crying and couldn’t help it. He asked me why was I crying so much. My answer was I will never see you alive again. He assured me he wasn’t going anywhere ,after a while I was able to get a hold of myself. Hugged him and had a little chat with him. But back to the dream ,after I woke up I was filled with joy and love, although I was still crying. His presence was in my room that night. A moment I could never forget. Then two days later I dreamt of a great uncle who passed away, it was him and my aunt who is alive ,they both were in their caskets at the funeral. While service was going on I saw my uncle and aunt sat up and walked towards me. No one else could see them but me. My aunt started kissing n hugging me telling me how much she missed me etc. my uncle didn’t say much but he was happy to see me as well. I told them it was time for them to go back into their bodies and they did. They were a bit sad about it but had no problem going back. I left the funeral service and went outside for some air. Then I suddenly woke up. Heart pounding, I got scared because in the same week I’m having these dreams about dead relatives. Started to freak out and stayed up the entire night. None of them were trying to harm me in the dream but I just think it was crazy how I dreamt of them. But I can honestly say it’s an experience I will never forget. I miss my grandpa, and I was really happy to see him once more I’m good health. Now before y’all say I’m crazy or high. I don’t drink or do drugs. I was not on any medication . Just wanted to share my experience with y’all.
@kissswithafistt 4 жыл бұрын
You are so adorable. I got a lot from this video. My 21 year old daughter who was my very best friend.....passed on October 13th 2019. I only had 2 dreams with her, one was very vivid where she came home and I was so confused because I knew she passed. I ran to her and hugged her like crazy. She kind of chuckled and looked at me like I was crazy. I asked my mom, who was the one who drove her home, what date it was and she said Easter. I then proceeded to ask her dad who was with me...."you know she already passed" He confirmed it and that was the end of the dream. I know now that I'm not getting any more dreams with her because I'm so desperate to see her. We couldn't be without each other when she was here. She said I was the "other half of her soul" and I truly believe that. I was so blessed with her. By the way this is her account I'm on and I dont know why it keeps connecting me with that account when I have my own. As you can see from her profile pic, she was so beautiful. I miss her so much.
@brionnachantel5416 4 жыл бұрын
I wasn't given the honor of knowing her but she seems like a sincerely loving and compassionate person, we were truly blessed as humans to have had someone like that with us, even for a second. I lost my mom and she was my bestest friend too, she still is. We're all just walking each other home. I hope you've found some peace. Love to you.
@mocfive 4 жыл бұрын
I kinda skimmed the vid while on my phone, but I like the video. I wanna also add, if it wasn’t addressed - it’s a 2 way road. They wanna know you’re good just like you wanna know they’re good. Everything has to be reciprocated, right? (Again I skimmed the video lol, I’m on my phone while viewing).
@BonJoviLover93 4 жыл бұрын
Well, my grandfather passed away 6 years ago and a month later I started to dream about him and suddenly I woke up, it happened a few times and I'm happy he's resting in peace.
@ritiikanani 4 жыл бұрын
mam...plz reply me my mom saw our neighbour grandma for 3 times. and yesterday he saw her childhood friends and home..and my mom is telling me that she will live for next 6 years. i am very scared..can you please tell me that is it true that dreaming about died persons and recalling childhood memories is sign of coming death? plzzzzz reply
@belindamcdaniel8681 3 жыл бұрын
I had this happen with my little 16 year old Maltese that I lost. I was broken hearted after I lost him and the day I picked up his ashes I was crying all day. The following morning I was napping on my couch and I could swear I felt him right next to my body cuddling. I felt mostly asleep but partly awake. I know it was him comforting me. I loved him so much. He was the sweetest dog.
@mountaingirl3322 4 жыл бұрын
My sister passed away almost 4 years ago and she's in my dreams almost every night. A couple of months after she passed away I had an experience that was both terrifying and beautiful. I won't get into too much detail because it's way too long, but she came to me one night and I actually got to hug her. I was told by a psychic medium that I had an outer body experience. I believe it because that's exactly what it felt like. I have no idea if this means anything, but the night that I had my "experience" all day I was hearing running water like a waterfall. I would search for the source of noise and all of a sudden it would be on the other side of my house. I would dream about my sister here and there over the past 4 years, but in the last few months or so she's been in my dreams almost every night. I'm happy I watched this video. Thank you!
@trishnabora2831 4 жыл бұрын
When I hugged that dead person it was overwhelming(I was crying in happiness ) and comforting and I smelled a flowery natural scent from his body..what does it mean please tell me.. and he also told me that " you have a dark character and got few friends" the thing about the few friends is right but I don't know about dark character..and we met in a shadowy place beneath a mango tree which seems like the front yard of my house but without concrete floor. About the dead person- this guy was a popular actor ..and I never met him, he died due to abetment of suicide.
@sleepywolfgirl220_8 5 жыл бұрын
My grandma .. she passed away 2 years ago and I recently had a 4th dream of her and we were in a store idk what the name was it and I seen her and I approached her .. and she asked me how I was and how was my grandpa and everyone .. and I explained to her how bad everything was going . And I told her how much I missed her and loved her .. and told her the things I wasn’t able to say when she passed away.. I was crying in the dream and I hugged her tightly and she said she loved me so much and that everything will get better soon and That she’ll always be with me .. I broke down in that dream .. I was just holding to her listening to her call me the nickname she always used to call me and just that feeling hurt .. especially knowing it was a dream .. I told her I wish she would come Back I told her I wish it was me that died and she said don’t say that . And I began crying holding her tighter and she said it was time for her to go now and I just was telling her I don’t want her to go .. and she said she will back soon and I’ve been thinking of that for a while and it just breaks my heart and just idk makes me cry ..:/ I miss her so much
@EtherealJac 5 жыл бұрын
Sleepywolfgirl220 _ she loves you so much that she came to check in on you! I know it’s hard but what a gift to get to see her again and speak to her. She is always with you. You can talk out loud or write her letters and she will know of everything you say in those letters 💙
@ThallonRose 4 жыл бұрын
My heart goes out to you. I hope you will find peace and comfort. I completely understand what you feel very similar to how things were with my grandmother after her passing
@KundanKumar-om2jw 4 жыл бұрын
My father passed 11 years ago, Last week i saw him twice in early morning dream that we are hugging each other and it felt so real and calming and since then i was searching on internet to find its interpretation.... both the dreams were around 7am morning.... i wish i could hug him all the time in my dreams like i did last week 😐
@MOON-pe4jm 4 жыл бұрын
My dad passed away couple weeks ago in a snow mobile accident. Im living in his house for a while. The past couple of nights my dog has been barking at the wall which he never did before in the years that I had him. And each time he does it it's in a different part of the wall in my room. Last night I went to sleep with my dads hoodie on and had a dream where someone was put into hiding. And then I saw my dad. I ran up and gave him a hug. I could see him perfectly and smell him.The pressure of hugging him.
@rhighan4357 4 ай бұрын
I hope you are doing well and know how much your dad loves you
@omidkhalifi1189 21 күн бұрын
Well, how about as a alive person, you visited realm of the dead in dream, i did visited their realm, it was so good, full of joy and peace, they create festivals around, for example " dance festivals " all people were happy and i mean pure happiness, without any negative emotions, and i was pure happy, i did not experience so much peace and happiness in life, it was so awesome! we went to dance festival, one of the dead ones told me they have a time limit in this realm before they fade away to another realm and they did not know the exact time, they just enjoy their time without any negative emotions or worries. it was so good, there were no wars no hunger no remorse, just pure happiness.
@Jamaine305 Ай бұрын
My brother pass away in may of this year of C.O.P.D.. I just had a visitation dream last week. He looked so young and healthy
@dolceamore905 5 жыл бұрын
I dream about my friend who passed away 10 yrs ago..we have a misunderstood before she passed away..i saw her feeling sad in my dreams and i told her if shes ok she told me shes not..and i hugged her tell her that im sorry and i missed her..i saw her smiling and i woke up from that dream...
@tarz2506 Жыл бұрын
I am here with tears.....Oh Dear what did I experience....My Mom❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ and it's new year and it's 3:05am IST
@craigdales5663 Жыл бұрын
My mam passed away in 1988 of cancer. In 1992 when I did my first ever Queen’s Guard, at Buckingham Palace, she visited me whilst I was sleeping, it was so real; she sat on the end of my bed. A few months ago my dog passed away, I’ve had visitation dreams of her 3 times now.
@brionnachantel5416 4 жыл бұрын
this morning i woke up smelling pineapple pizza and garlic sauce for seemingly no reason. me and my momma have a lot of awesome memories watching movies and eating pineapple pizza with garlic sauce and she passed a month ago. It's so hard. I'm still a teenager and I need her. But I know my creator doesnt make mistakes so there must be a reason she left. Your videos have always brought me joy but now they bring me comfort. Thank you jac
@rhighan4357 4 ай бұрын
sending you love. hope you are doing well and still dream of your mom
@miacook169 3 жыл бұрын
My grandfather passed away a few years ago, and unfortunately I had never gotten the chance to meet him, or even talk to him on the phone. There was absolutely zero communication that had ever happened between us. But recently, within the past few weeks, I have had several dreams in which he is there. I had one where I was in this beautiful forrest by a river, and he came over to me and just gave me a hug. I had another where I was in some sort of remote cabin and I just got to hang out and watch TV with him. I'm not sure what they mean, but it makes me feel like I have had some sort of interaction with him, which is amazing.
@AshleyRushon 4 жыл бұрын
⚠️!PLEASE READ! ⚠️ I miss my grandfather so much, he passed away 3 years ago due to cancer. He was so sweet in real life. I dreamt that my family and a big family dinner. I remember that my grandfather who passed was in the dream. I gave him a big hug. This dream had a very unexpecting turn though. After the family dinner, near my bathroom, my grandpa showed me a toy. He was talking about how I would get the toy only if I did something with him. He was going to take me to my bathroom and do "it". I refused and kept running to my kitchen as he grabbed me. After he tried to do the stuff with me he disappeared without me knowing and I ate blue mashed potatoes... I dont think my grandpa would ever do this stuff in real life. PLEASE TELL ME THE MEANING OF THIS DREAM. 😳
@vickiakascottswife1929 11 ай бұрын
Is that so true....about how you feel when you see them in your dream.....I woke up and balled like a baby! IT FELT SO GOOD!
@keerthanaanandan6062 Жыл бұрын
So I dreamt of my aunt today who has passed away for like 7-8 years, she don’t visit me often in my dream and it’s been ages since she visited in my dreams but today she came in my dream , so here is how it went (there were many people in the hall room , like my father mother etc and she was lying there with my cousin brother (when he was a baby) now he is grown up , the room is dark and I went there saying I’m entering into my subconscious mind ,maybe something is hidden here (I don’t know why I said this in dream) and I woke my aunt up and she smiled at me while holding my cousin brother in her hand and I saw blood in her mouth when she smiled and I panicked and woke up and could you tell me what does this mean and also tomorrow is my bday
@ezmareldajane3233 3 ай бұрын
My friend sees her Mom in her dreams. her Mom visits but she looks like she did b4 she died...very unhealthy (she was very sick when she died). She even was in her death PJs. What does this mean? Why isnt she healthy or happy?
@Tefy_1212 2 жыл бұрын
I was hoping this would explain what it felt like to hug a deceased one in a dream.. but it didn’t. Good video still. Thanks.
@learning2bcivil Жыл бұрын
I had a dream like this about my late wife. It was so vivid, we had a conversation and embracing her felt so real.
@ld8178 2 жыл бұрын
My grandmother came the other day. I always enjoy when she comes around but this one was a little tough. I am still grieving. It was so nice to see her and to have her kiss me like she use too. It touched my heart so deeply that I started crying in the dream and woke myself up from the crying. Grief can be hard but I am so grateful she communicates with me. 💕🕊
@qt_aestheticxs7981 2 жыл бұрын
I had two visitation dreams so far, but they were in a odd setting. The first one, was me talking to my loved one about how angry I was with their death. It was really weird. The second one was me running away from something and then all of a sudden they appeared and I ran to hug them. It was weird. Care to explain? I would appreciate that!!
@lindsaytubbs3523 Жыл бұрын
My ex boyfriend came and visited me a few nights in a row soon after he passed, once I got ahold of myself emotionally. It was blissful and felt like he was right here next to me
@Mutombe 9 ай бұрын
Repetitive numbers 11:11 brought me nothing but year of bad luck.
@anthonysmith6654 3 жыл бұрын
I have dream visitations all the time of my best friend and its so vivid and real. You're saying if you expierence these dreams you have the gift!?
@charlee2192 Жыл бұрын
Why I always dream that my mother is going to die, well in fact she is already dead 2003...
@michellemcintyre6733 2 жыл бұрын
I was going through personal issues with my daughter and I was crying about it in my dream and my grandfather was standing at the garden gate and I was so upset and and I told him he was dead and he told me not to be scared and he was cuddling me and I could feel my tears running down my cheeks onto his jacket i have dreams like this few and far between my uncle woke me up he and died 10 mins later we were in a sunset and he just stood looking at me and when I woke up I phoned my aunt and she put the telephone to his ear and he passed and my grandmother took me to her bedroom in heaven and told me I couldn’t leave the room as I was the living I love these dreams especially the ones when I’m upset and my grand mother has cuddled me to sleep in my dream there amazing and I wish I had them more but like I said they are few and far between
@vaishu0203 Жыл бұрын
My fiancé died in bike accident and he came to my dreams but I want him in this world with me 🥺💔 I wish we meet again ❤️
@madisonoceanna 3 жыл бұрын
i had this dream i was at my babysitters house (mind u she has passed away) and i gave her a big hug and after she was going to drop me off at my house but she dropped me off in an unknown location. when i got to an intersection three unknown people walked by and i had asked them where i was and they said that i was not in the location i was describing to them and then one of them offered me an uber but i woke up
@sukbajwa 3 жыл бұрын
These all positive dreams about loved ones who have passed. What about someone who has passed that keeps asking for food.
@ofarola 3 жыл бұрын
So if this is so, would you say the same if you dream of your loved ones who are still alive visiting you in your dream? How about dreaming of your alive dog?
@minimoons3465 5 жыл бұрын
Love your channel! Love your content! Can’t wait to see your videos on the other Claires :) and dream symbols :)
@jessicapereyda9908 2 жыл бұрын
My sons dad passed in April we are at the end of October now. I had a dream last night I looked up and he was smiling at me and asked me what do you need and my answer was I want for me and my son to be okay he gave me a hug said okay and went away. What does this mean ??
@terraelizabeth7191 4 жыл бұрын
My grandparents passed away when I was younger. And recently I asked to see them in a dream! I’ve been asking for weeks and last night I got it. I saw my grandpa and my grandma. They were both there and they were really young! I hugged my grandpa and started crying!! They didn’t say anything but I felt them and saw them even though I was young and don’t remember what they looked like. It was a very amazing experience and I miss them so much ! 😌
@joeyg719 3 жыл бұрын
My mother passed in november of last year. I had a dream of her visiting me only 2 weeks after she passed.
@amritkalsi7593 2 жыл бұрын
I WANT to see someone who is dead, my twin who died in the womb, I want to know them, I want them in my life, I wish magic was real so I wish them here
@camacho_12 4 жыл бұрын
I think they are real because about a week ago my dad said he had a dream and my passed away grandma was telling him not to sleep on his side, my dad didn’t really think anything of it so he kept on sleeping on his side. The next night when he started to sleep on his side, he woke up with pain in his arm and the whole side he slept on
@TsarOfTheStar Жыл бұрын
What if you dream of a dead girl kissing you very sexually?
@MariaTorres-wo8co 5 жыл бұрын
My husband of 34yrs together recently passed away on April 10 2019 I miss him so much I haven't get a dream or anything from him I cried all the time cause he died unexpected and I've been so depressed please tell me something 😭
@maliturner1772 4 жыл бұрын
For some reason I keep dreaming about heather o'roarke, she very rarely talks and normaly she asks me to play with her, and she keeps hugging me. Does anyone know what this means please? Also when i wake up from dreaming about her, i always have a tummy ache.
@daeth4us 4 жыл бұрын
I love visitation dreams. I’ve had many in the past. My Nan used to come to me a lot and tell me stuff. On one episode when hugging me she had to go quickly for some reason like she wasn’t suppose to be there. I could feel the atmosphere changing. It’s only recently my mate lost her partner and he was hugging her in her dream and she had the same thing that he had to go quickly like he wasn’t allowed to stay. What’s this about? I’ve had my Nan, my friend and my dad. They told me stuff. What my Nan told me once confused me but it made sense about 20 years down the line as there was something I wasn’t aware about her. Back to my mate who’s partner died recently we thought it was weird how his dad had a visitation dream and saw his son wearing trainers and described them. He thought this was odd as he never wore trainers It’s only when my mate told him she had bought him his first pair of trainers not long before he died that fit the description that astounded us.
@Xtcluvr 3 жыл бұрын
This may be weird but i met juice wrld in my school library and im so confused
@lornalewis4547 5 жыл бұрын
PEOPLE should read ECCLESIASTES 9: 5-6 But l saw no one mentioned God
@Greg6074 2 жыл бұрын
What about when a dead loved one visits you and Is trying to tell you that he needs help!
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Dreaming of The Dead: What Does It Mean?
Modern Aging - Holistic Health & Wellness After 50
Рет қаралды 12 М.
What is "intimacy avoidance"? (Glossary of Narcissistic Relationships)
What Your Psychic Dreams Are REALLY Telling You!
Matt Fraser
Рет қаралды 33 М.
What are Visitation Dreams?
Рет қаралды 24 М.
Do Spirits Attend Their Own Funerals?
Matt Fraser
Рет қаралды 85 М.
Psychiatry & Big Pharma: Exposed - Dr James Davies, PhD
The Weekend University
Рет қаралды 743 М.
How To Meet Passed Loved Ones In Dreams & Get Messages
Vanilla Sky Dreaming - Hofit Kim Cohen
Рет қаралды 3,5 М.
Will Young On The Importance Of Connection And Removing Trauma | Fearne Cotton's Happy Place
8 Most Common Messages The Dead Want You To Know
Guiding Echoes
Рет қаралды 207 М.
Will A Guitar Boat Hold My Weight?
Рет қаралды 253 МЛН