Visiting Your Dream Towns :: #40 :: Animal Crossing: New Leaf - Welcome amiibo

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mischa crossing

mischa crossing

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@Artizaptres101 7 жыл бұрын
Hi everyone! My zen town Solana is just about finished for now - the dream code is 7C00-008F-5D7E if you're interested. It's currently set on a summery sunset, surrounded by natural foresty scenery alongside formal gardens. It's looked after by Mayor Kirin, who would love if you would come see all her homegrown hybrids! Thanks!
@axsm05 7 жыл бұрын
well done everyone who makes these towns, the give me loads of inspiration and yall should be super proud of yourselves! keep up the good work everyone!
@lacey2906 7 жыл бұрын
That Asteria town or whatever (the first one) was insanely cute. Maple's house especially
@rubyfranklin6438 7 жыл бұрын
Hello mischa love these videos xxx 💗 xxx you give with me positive vibes xxx
@roby.3428 7 жыл бұрын
My girlfriend is a big fan of your channel, and I know, nothing would make her happier than to see you showcase her town. Her dream address is 5A00 - 0047 - A40E and the name is Termina. It's a very beautiful town with lots of flowers, public works, sand a few Nintendo references. The mayor Nindori has the most impressive house. The second floor, the basement, and the left ground floor room are definitely worth seeing. There are three other characters in the town, also with mostly complete homes. One is named Nami. You should check out her back, and left rooms, as well as the second floor. There are many things to see in her town so take your time and enjoy as much of Terminas beauty. She has put alot of work into making her town beautiful, and I would love to see the smile you could bring to her face. Thank you.
@luvaboy420 7 жыл бұрын
The first town is so cute! I might visit soon
@janeathan741 7 жыл бұрын
to be honest i thought the empty room in the mayors house (first town) was a nice ballroom :)
@pinaniscringe9913 7 жыл бұрын
I love your videos!:D
@nieelddk 7 жыл бұрын
I would love my town to be featured next episode! (Well, it's my old town now) It's called Tokusane and is set in spring at midnight. Cherry blossom trees sway in the gentle night breeze while the villagers wander around the town, getting on with their daily lives. Some parts of my town are overgrown and foresty while most are modern and filled with flowers. There are only two human characters here, the loyal, humble mayor Nieel and a true rebel, named Exca, with a dark past and an uncertain future. The animal villagers include Deirdre, Graham, Vesta, Kid Cat, Freckles, Tucker, Pancetti, Colton and Kabuki. The dream address is 6E00-0084-D67B. It's a non-hacked town and took 3 months to make. Not a long time, but I feel my town is ready for the viewers of your channel. You can visit all the rooms as you please of each of my characters, however, the mayor's house has the most to offer. If you do come to visit my town in a video, please credit my KZbin channel! I love your videos and all your towns, and I hope you will love mine as well! For others who want to add me on my 3DS, my friend code is 3497-2650-2389. My new town is Hoshido and the mayor is Ryoma. If you don't want to add me, feel free to visit my dream town. I have no visitors to my dream town and I would love to have more people visit! If you visit, give feedback in the comments about what was good and what I can improve. If you have added me, comment your friend code so I can add you as well! Thanks!
@ashIesha 7 жыл бұрын
Nieel Parmar your town was neat and organized ! I liked it
@EwWeather 7 жыл бұрын
visit dream town Rosewoof: 5C00-0042-A8B2 twitter:simply press start (town is not mine)
@lieselsunderman2515 7 жыл бұрын
Hey misha! I love watching your videos and would love you to see my town. 4C00-0056-B9F0 Wander the paths of Oakberry and stay a night at the hotel in town. Set in the evening just after the snow has melted in spring and all the villagers are still waking up from winter. This is a dark forest with winding paths. Mayor Peach has quite the library and game room. My town is unpacked and almost done.
@Matthew-sl8dx 7 жыл бұрын
ooh purrty towns, 3rd btw xd
@Eva-qz2od 7 жыл бұрын
Hi Mischa! I hope you can visit my town! I've been watching you for 1-2 years now. My town is called Victoria, it's set in early Autumn. I've been working on it for just over 2 years now. It is almost finished, but still has some minor imperfections. (If you visit, one of the villagers might be out of place). It is a cute fairy/open town, full of flowers, with Eva as the mayor, Jack based on the Legend of Zelda, and Mocha and Lilac are secret lovers. You can visit Mocha's upstairs, Lilac's back room, left side room and right room, Jack's right room and any of Eva's rooms you like. (Btw there are grass paths on the floor every were for plot resetting 😂) Dream address: 6B00-008A-322C Thank you so much and I really hope you consider visiting! Luv you so much!
@wooshswoosh2792 7 жыл бұрын
Can you come to my town no has ever came
@EmoChick1235 7 жыл бұрын
Hi Mischa!!! I would love for you to visit my town, I’ve been working on it for a little over a year now and it’s about 90% complete :) here’s my town’s the town of Rosewood, villagers, residents, and guests alike can stop and smell the roses year round! The roses and other flowers alike change with the seasons, and Rosewood is currently set in November (current season)! If it pleases you, stop by Mayor Kristen’s fairytale themed home with a couple rooms featuring furniture of the current season (mush/harvest)! If you’d also like visit the tiny and adorable homes of residents Rosie and Lily, who are rumored to have sprouted from their namesakes when Mayor Kristen enacted the Beautiful Town Ordinance! Rosewood’s dream address is 5A00-00A1-C104, please credit my IG: mayorofroses and my tumblr Disnarutard! Hope you can make it!
@inserttackycactusnow6155 7 жыл бұрын
I wuv you Senpai waifuuu
@juliebroon 7 жыл бұрын
first! ☺️✨
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