She sounds too desperate. As a mother of 2, her priority should be for her children and not just about her own dreams only. Chasing her dream isn't wrong but to the extent of sacrificing her family is it really worthy?
冇乜腦袋,儍的。唉,究竟知唔知…小丸子已經係快30年前了,結婚生養2個小朋友了,一點沒成長,痴痴地十三點,為你擔心。there are thousands of ppl want to 追夢 so most of them succeed? ppl are not genuinely interested in you, they just wanted gossips & u gladly provided that. Please seek advice fr your ex (when he has time) if u guys are still friends n talking as u claimed. He’s wise. Feel sorry for you. 😢