Oh wie inspirierend und zauberhaft ist dein Küchengeplauder liebe Claudia! 😃 Danke 🤩 💖💖💖
@elfenclaudia2 жыл бұрын
Das freut mich, ist ja was Neues für mich, so drauflos zu plaudern. 😉 Aber es macht mir Freude und es wird immer wieder unterschiedliche Themen geben. Hab einen wunderschönen Tag! 🌞💕
@waldfreund20652 жыл бұрын
Dass du bayrisch redst, das wusste ich nicht. Gfreit mi ....🙂 An Guadn für euch beide....
@elfenclaudia2 жыл бұрын
Red ich auch nicht immer 😉 Dankschee! 💕
@nicibee21392 жыл бұрын
Mmmmh da wär ich gerne Gast gewesen. So lecker!
@fancypink53852 жыл бұрын
Hy Claudia and Joachim. I have a question : i have used poolish to make bread, but it seem that you grow it as if you are making leaven wich need time to start without yeat and day after day need to be feeded more and more. Can Pim explain 🙂
@elfenclaudia2 жыл бұрын
Hi FancyPink! Thank you for your interest. I made this napolitana pizza dough only with fresh yeast bought in an Italia grocery store. And I gave the dough time - like in the 19th century - when yeast was available to buy and people used it similar to sourdough. My poolish - pre-dough - consisted of 50g flour, 50g water and 0,05g yeast. And I kept it for 18 hours at room temperature. Afterwards I mixed 450g of flour, 2,5g yeast, water, salt and the poolish. And again time ...: 24 hours as a whole and another 24 hours separated in three portions - all together 48 hours in the fridge. Experts tell us that this long time of maturation leads to better taste, better crustiness and also better digestibility. And I think they are right! It was delicious! In one of the upcoming videos we show our experiments with making Italian pizza in Tuscany ... Bye! Joachim ("Pim")