знаете, даже мне интересно стало, а в вашей стране ФСБшники как бы обращались к вам при такой ситуации? Гладят и хвалят вас за такой поступок и публикацию фейковых новостей? Не звонят, чтобы ты немедленно прибежал в отделение поговорить? Или сразу дверь стучат? Ну, расскажите нам Павел Анатолий.
@junweipan24942 жыл бұрын
@@yl88 U.S. Fifth Column. America can hire spies by printing just a few dollars. But now China's anti-espionage law has just been implemented and many spies have been arrested. He didn't dare to go back. He prefers to hold dollars out. There are too many people like this. But as long as American hegemony declines and China and Russia rise, then the world dollar will be worthless and there will be fewer spies.
Everything has many angles. From the perspective of China, you have affected his image, and if you are Chinese, he has the right to manage you. There is no distinction between black and white.
西方遵从美国指示,于2013年7月突然禁止玻利维亚总统专机飞越欧洲国家领空,迫使客机最终降落维也纳,因为怀疑斯诺登藏在专机上。 In the United States, Snowden is charged with two counts of violating the Espionage Act. He may face up to ten years in prison on each of the counts. The US authorities have repeatedly stated that they consider Snowden a traitor who caused grave damage to national security.