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OSTER projectテスロ&ロゼット

OSTER projectテスロ&ロゼット

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@いんおふ 4 жыл бұрын
自分用 あるところにドロシーという少女がおりました。  幼いころに両親を亡くしたドロシーは、  叔父と叔母との退屈な生活に飽き飽きしていました。  いつしか彼女は夢見ていたのです。  不思議の国で冒険する自分の姿を… 「Prelude」(All) 果てしなく広がるこの空の下 僕らを導くのはあのメロディー 遥かなる時間を越えて繋がる どんなときも心は覚えているから 「One Ordinary Day」(Dorothy) いつものように目が覚めると いつものように鶏にエサをあげるの いつものように焦げたトーストと  いつものように叔母さんガミガミ叔父さんブツブツ もうたくさんよ ああ私だっていつか 絵本みたいな冒険がしてみたいの 悪い魔女とか魔法使いとか 考えるだけでゾクゾクしちゃう ああこのままどこかへ飛んで行きたいわ 竜巻とかで…… (!?……キャー!!) 「The Witch of the East is Dead!!」(Dorothy&Munchikins) 気付けばそこは小人の国 何やらおしゃべりが聞こえるよ 信じられない! 今日はお祭りだ 東の魔女が死んだ! 意地悪で怖い魔女 誰も逆らえやしない 隣の国の勇者様も カエルに変えられ食べられた だけど突然飛んできた 家に潰されぺしゃんこ! これじゃ魔法も使えやしないさ 東の魔女が死んだ! 竜巻に乗って飛んできただけよ 風の魔法使いに祝福を! 一体ここはどこなの? 我らの救世主に願いを叶える旅をプレゼント あの道を辿ってエメラルドの街へ さあMusic Wizardの元へ! 何やら迷い込んだ世界で始まる冒険 鍵盤の道を辿ってエメラルドの街へ行こう 「Stupid Clown」(Dorothy&Searecrow) 突然現れたカカシが歌い出す みんながおいらをバカにするのさ 悩みがあるのなら聞いてあげるわ 何が?今日は良いお天気ですね え? 三歩歩けば忘れちまう 知恵を持たないカカシなのさ おかげでおいらはお笑い種の いかれた道化さ 間抜けなピエロのサーカスだ 誰もが指差して笑う それなら一緒に知恵を探しに行こう どこへ? あの道を辿って さあMusic Wizardの元へ! お願いごとはなあに? もちろん賢い頭脳さ さあ足取り軽やかにエメラルドの街へ行こう 「Metallic Heart」(Dorothy&Searecrow&Tin Robot) 突然現れたブリキのロボット 油を差したらゆっくりと踊りだして 目からレーザービーム プログラムされたダンスなら完璧に踊っているのに あなたのダンスにはハートが無いって言われるの デジタルの檻の中 与えられた言葉だけじゃ 分からない事ばかり 「ウレシイ」「カナシイ」「タノシイ」 それなら一緒に探しに行こう君の心 なんだって願いを叶えてくれる 不思議なMusic Wizard! デジタルの檻の外 鮮やかに彩る世界 この胸で感じたい 待ち遠しい私のMetallic Heart あの道を辿って さあMusic Wizardの元へ! お願いごとはなあに? 賢い頭脳と心さ さあ歌声高らかに エメラルドの街へ行こう 「Vegetarian Twins」(Dorothy&Searecrow&Tin Robot&LionTwins) ライオンだ!(ひぃい…) こっちを見てる… (うがぁう!) (キャー!!) 聞いてくれオレたちの悲しい物語 ライオンなのに…ライオンなのに… お肉が怖くて食べられない (えーっ!?) 今日も狩りへ行くのさ キャベツ にんじん ブロッコリー レタスにトマト 立派な牙はあるのに 生まれてこのかたベジタリアン 朝ごはんごぼうサラダ 昼ごはんポテトサラダ 晩ごはんハンバーグ 中身はもちろん豆腐 だけど友達にはバカにされているんだ 勇気出してお肉も食べてみたい それなら勇気を探しに行こう そしたらきっと食べられる 牛肉も豚肉も鶏肉も! そして狩りへ行くのさ 焼肉 しゃぶしゃぶ 親子丼にビーフステーキ 新たなメニュー求めて 旅に出るのさ あの道を辿って さあMusic Wizardの元へ! お願いごとはなあに? 頭脳と心と勇気さ さあみんな手を取り合って エメラルドの街へ行こう 「Emerald Girl」(Dorothy&Searecrow&Tin Robot&Lion Twins&Music Wizard) Emerald Girl ようこそエメラルドの眩い光の街へ すべてが輝き放つエメラルドさ そしてこの私がエメラルドのMusicで奇跡を巻き起こす Emerald Girl エメラルドのPiano エメラルドのSaxophone エメラルドのGuitar エメラルドのDrums Ah 何ひとつ欠けてちゃ奇跡は起こせないの 何ひとつ欠けてちゃWizardになれない 盗まれたギターの旋律が叫んでいる 不完全な奇跡のMagic お願いよ誰か取り戻して西の魔女から 魔法のギターを それならば私たちが 知恵を絞って勇気を出して力の限り 魔法のギターを取り戻すため 西の魔女の元へ行こう 「Lonely Witch」(Dorothy&Searecrow&Tin Robot&Lion Twins&Witch of the West) 西の砦に鳴り響くMusic 憂いを写した孤独なギター I'm alone without you 一人きりのコンサートホール さあPut your hands up 誰も聞いちゃいないのさ Listen to my sounds 美しい音色が泣いている Listen to my wish 分かち合えないものに意味などあるものか Give me some friendship Someone please listen to my sounds それなら僕たちと一緒に友達を探しに行こうよMusic Wizardの元へ 一人では奇跡は起こせないから みんなで行こうエメラルドの街へ 「Our Music」(Dorothy&Tin Robot&LionTwins&Searecrow&Witch ofthe West&Music Wizard) さあ魔法のギターで僕らの願いを叶えて今 ほら耳をすませば聞こえるでしょう 誰の中にも隠れてる魔法 誰もが生まれ持った喜びを さあ呼び覚まして答えはそこにあるの 想いを唄に出来るのは 僕らが知恵を持っているから 好きな唄を口ずさむとワクワクするのは 僕らが心を持っているから 大きな声をあげて唄を歌えるのは 僕らが勇気を持っているから そして声を合わせて喜びを分かち合える それが友達 ありのままの自分の中に息づいてる 大切なものを拾い上げて気付かせてくれる それが奇跡それがMusic 最後はあなたの願いを聞かせて 想いのままに夢を描いて 「Dear my Family」(Dorothy&Searecrow&Tin Robot&LionTwins&Witch of the West&Music Wizard) ねえ私気付いたの ワクワクする冒険よりも どんな素晴らしい夢よりも かけがえのないものがあるの 憎たらしくなるときもあるけど 私の願いはただ一つ 家族に会いたい あなたの愛したあの唄をあなたの愛するあの人も きっとどこかで口ずさんでいるから耳をすまして 私の愛するこの唄が私の愛するあの人と 私をいつでも繋ぎ合わせている 魔法の絆 「Finale」(All) 果てしなく広がるこの空の下 僕らを導くのはあのメロディー 遥かなる時間を越えて繋がる どんなときも心は覚えているよ 奇跡のMusic
@かずや-n9p 4 жыл бұрын
@とーれ-x5z 3 жыл бұрын
@ねやのん 4 жыл бұрын
@おうま-r1b 4 жыл бұрын
@hirochan20 4 жыл бұрын
凄い超大作。 初めて聞いたけど鳥肌すごかった。 20分越えのミュージカル凄い。
@あさん-p3o 5 жыл бұрын
@あかふく-g5g Жыл бұрын
四年越しですが… アニーとかピーターパンとかやってほしいですよね…!
@SoRara-b8y Жыл бұрын
⁠@@あかふく-g5g わかる!私はアラジンと魔法のランプ とかも聞いてみたい…!
@ramonfanslili 10 ай бұрын
@@あかふく-g5g そうですね!有名なミュージカルもいいと思う、ヘアスプレーやリガリーブロンドなどいいと思います
@ふぁんゆぅ 8 ай бұрын
@Sugar-vj9lw 3 жыл бұрын
ブリキの木こり(というかブリキのダンサー)のとこ、VOCALOIDを表してるような感じですこここ…。 デジタルの檻の中とか、プログラムされたダンスや歌なら完璧にできるのに「ハートがない」って言われるとか。 他の童話でもまたこういうのやってほしいなぁ…。 オズ、アリスときたからブレーメンの音楽隊とかピーターパンとか…
@アイカリア-f4o Жыл бұрын
最後のミクとMusic Wizard の掛け合いの中のセリフ「憎たらしくなる時もあるけど、私の願いはただ1つ。 " 家族に会いたい "」で涙腺崩壊した…
@MaxusFox23 11 жыл бұрын
Jazz, orchestra, ballade, techno, electronic, and even rock! THIS MUSICAL HAS EVERYTHING!
@PokemonAndStuffLikeT 11 жыл бұрын
Duh, because it's the Vocaloids, they're computer generated and it's the same with their music..
@Konpeimimi 11 жыл бұрын
PokemonAndStuffLikeT I think they meant that one composer made a piece with so many genres :l Computer generated has nothing to do with the genre
@MaxusFox23 11 жыл бұрын
***** Exactly ;)
@PokemonAndStuffLikeT 11 жыл бұрын
***** True...
@fernandong9576 7 жыл бұрын
that's why it's music wizard of Oz
@its-so-ouverture 10 ай бұрын
I wish there was still more of this kinda production, the amount of charm in these is too much for my heart!
@yukakimura5008 10 жыл бұрын
調教めっちゃ綺麗じゃない?GUMIのバラードのとことかかなりまめぐ すごい楽しかった
@user-vk2on1ld7o 4 жыл бұрын
この音楽作った所でもう既に偉業すぎて泣けるんだけど、動画もふわしなさんでしょ…? どうなってるの、ありとあらゆる才能が詰まってて唯一無二過ぎる 人生何回目ですか?化け物ですか…??
@我だ-i8c 3 жыл бұрын
@its-so-ouverture 10 ай бұрын
@weebmaster 7 ай бұрын
@@its-so-ouverturedouble agree
@倫理-i8e 4 жыл бұрын
@ゆにこーん-w4q 4 жыл бұрын
私が中学1年のとき、このミュージカルを10人でさせていただきました!準備は大変だったけれど、すごく達成感があってとても楽しかったです!! ちなみに後から先生に聞いてみると、ミュージカルは私の学校で私たちが初めてだったそうです( *´꒳`*)
@123-j5w3y 3 жыл бұрын
@sigeyasukitajima7603 3 жыл бұрын
@huwarari9926 3 жыл бұрын
@matobachise 7 жыл бұрын
@ko-hi-. 4 жыл бұрын
今じっくり見返してみたら 1:37くらいからAlice in Musiclandの白兎、続いて おおかみなんてこわくないっ!の赤ずきんと狼が登場してますね、見つけられて良かったです。約20分間有効な時間の使い方ができました!!
@8781nori 5 жыл бұрын
Music landから何年か…又しても見事なボーカロイドミュージカル。 手前毎ながら、ぶっ倒れて本CDの事が全く頭から消え去っていた為、久々名盤を聴くことが出来て最高。 しかも、前作の倍の長さ
@otogi- 4 жыл бұрын
@aK-qf1gs Жыл бұрын
@medetaich Жыл бұрын
00:00 Prelude 01:00 One Ordinary Day 02:14 The Witch of the East is dead!! 04:15 Stupid Clown 05:55 Metallic Heart 07:51 Vegetarian Twins 10:04 Emerald Girl 11:31 Lonely Witch 13:35 Our Music 15:48 Dear my Family 17:44 Finale 18:29 Ending
@u_uxs2 Жыл бұрын
@かなちぇるらんどのりくちぇる 8 жыл бұрын
@かなちぇるらんどのりくちぇる 8 жыл бұрын
@ユックリミケさま-x5l 7 жыл бұрын
Crazy night かなちぇるらんどの いいですねぇでも飛べる?w
@味噌煮込みうどん-t8g 4 ай бұрын
@lyon1017238t0Sdm1 10 жыл бұрын
I loved the end credits. That's the best version of "Over the Rainbow" I've ever heard.
@tsukarikaoru 6 жыл бұрын
I know right?
@gulansloth4159 3 жыл бұрын
@pandaemonium69 2 жыл бұрын
I wished Oster Project create something like this (and Musicland) again, but I also know it is very challenging to pull something like this and requires more effort compared to other songs
@SonshiDCS 10 жыл бұрын
osterさんは最古参でありながら 進化し続けていますね。 これからも応援してます
@かっぱ-l4u Жыл бұрын
もっと知って欲しい✨ いろんなボカロがあるけどこれは「VOCALOIDmusical」だもん! ミクちゃん達が生き生きしてる♥️
@taxfraud1717 6 жыл бұрын
Lyrics in English for those revisiting your past: * Prelude Underneath this boundless sky, It's that melody which guides us along... It connects us across faraway times, And we always remember it in our hearts... * One Ordinary Day Like any ordinary day, I wake up, Then like any ordinary day, I feed the chickens Like any ordinary day, I eat burnt toast, Then like any ordinary day, my aunt nags, my uncle grumbles - Argh, I've just had enough! Oh, if only it could be me someday, I'd love to go on an adventure like in the stories! With evil witches, and wizards too... Just thinking about it gives me chills! Ah, I just want to be whisked away somewhere right now! By a tornado, or... * The Witch of the East is Dead!! I find myself in a land of munchkins, And hear them making some ruckus... I... can't believe it! Today, we celebrate! The Witch of the East... is dead! No one could stand up to her, that malicious, scary witch; Even the great hero from the land over got turned into a frog and eaten! But then here comes a house, flying from out of the blue, and smoosh! She'll use no magic, not anymore - the Witch of the East is dead! I was just blown here by a tornado! / Blessed be the wizard of wind! Where in the world am I? / To our savior, we award: A journey to have your wish granted! Just follow that road, the road to the Emerald City, To the Music Wizard of Oz! Lost in some fantastic world, my adventure begins... I'll follow the piano-key road, to go to the Emerald City! * Stupid Clown I suddenly come upon a scarecrow who sings: Oh, everybody's always making fun of me! If something's weighing on your mind, I'll listen! What, mind? Boy, the weather's nice today! / ...Eh? I forget everything in seconds, A scarecrow without any sense! That makes me the laughingstock of everyone, A silly, crazy clown! It's time for the stupid clown's circus, Where everybody points and laughs! Then come with me, and look for wisdom! / Where to? Just follow that road, We'll go see the Music Wizard of Oz! So what's your wish? For a brilliant brain, of course! Then let's step lightly, on the way to the Emerald City! * Metallic Heart We suddenly come upon a tin robot; Once oiled, she slowly starts to dance... and fire laser beams from her eyes! Any dance that I was programmed with, I can perform perfectly, But everyone says the same thing: Your dances have no heart... Inside my digital cage, I have only the words given to me, So there's so much I don't understand: "Happy," "Sad," "Fun"... Then come with us, and look for your heart! Come see the one who will grant any wish, the wondrous Music Wizard! Outside my digital cage, there lies a vivid, colorful world; I want to feel it in my chest, with the metallic heart I seek! Just follow that road, we'll go see the Music Wizard of Oz! So what are your wishes? For a brilliant brain, and heart! Then let's raise our voices, on the way to the Emerald City! * Vegetarian Twins Lions! (Eek!) They're looking at us... Won't you listen now to our sorrowful story? Though we're lions... though we're lions... We can't eat meat, that's too scary! We're out on a hunt again - for cabbage, carrots, broccoli, lettuce and tomato! While we have these fine fangs, we were born to be vegetarians! For breakfast: Burdock salad! For lunch: Potato salad! For dinner: Burgers! Only with tofu, of course! But all of our friends, they make fun of us over it; We want to be brave and eat meat, too! In that case, come with us, and look for courage! Then I'm sure you'll be able to eat beef, and pork, and chicken! And then we'll be on the hunt - for yakiniku, shabu-shabu, beefsteak and oyakodon! Let's set out on a journey, for a new menu! Just follow that road, We'll go see the Music Wizard of Oz! So what are your wishes? For a brain, a heart, and courage! Then let's all go hand in hand, on the way to the Emerald City! * Emerald Girl Emerald Girl! Welcome to my city of dazzling emerald light, Where everything is radiant emerald! And yes, with my emerald music, I can create miracles - Emerald Girl! Emerald piano, emerald saxophone, Emerald guitar, emerald drums! Ah, but if even one is missing, I can't make miracles happen! If any one is missing - I can be no Wizard... The melody of my stolen guitar cries out, The magic from an imperfect miracle... Please, get it back from the Witch of the West; Bring my magic guitar! Alright, then, we'll do it! We'll bust our brains, be brave, be as strong as we can... So we can get back your magic guitar, Let's go to see the Witch of the West! * Lonely Witch Music echoes through the fortress in the west, a tune of grief from a lonely guitar... I'm alone without you; by myself in a concert hall... Come on, put your hands up! / No one will ever listen... Listen to my sounds! / This beautiful tone wails... Listen to my wish! / What's the point of something I can't share with anyone? Give me some friendship!/ Someone please listen to my sounds... Well then, you should come with us, And search for friends! Come see the Music Wizard! You can't make a miracle all by yourself, So let's all go together, to the Emerald City! * Our Music Now, with the magic guitar, the time has come for our wishes to come true...! If you just listen closely, can't you hear it? There's magic hiding within all of you... The joy that everyone is born with - Call upon it, now, and you'll find your answer... We're able to put our thoughts into song, Because we have wisdom after all... We're excited when we hum our favorite songs, Because we have hearts after all... We're able to sing songs with our loudest voices, Because we have courage after all... And when we join voices and share our joy, That's friendship! Just the way you are now, These important things live within you... It reaches inside, and makes you notice them - Those are miracles, that is music... * Dear My Family Lastly, let me hear your wish - Tell me your dream just as you dream it... You know, I've realized... More than any exciting adventure, More than any fantastic dream, There's something I want that's irreplaceable... I may come to loathe it at times, But I have only one wish: to see my family... That song you loved, The people you love... They must be humming it somewhere, So just listen close... This song I love, And the people I love... This song will always tie me to them; A magic bond... * Finale Underneath this boundless sky, It's that melody which guides us along... It connects us across faraway times, And we always remember it in our hearts... The miracle of music...!
@Quartz_111 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the translation~☆
@naomiphoenix520 4 жыл бұрын
Not all heros wear capes
@optimisticprime5711 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@ramadhanisheffitiara8297 3 жыл бұрын
Dang i've heard this song ever since it comes out and i never even once know the translyrics. Thank you very much good sir!
@Ada318 2 жыл бұрын
thank you king
@るんるん-3256 3 жыл бұрын
@taetatae 3 жыл бұрын
ずっと心に残る名作だと思う 中学生の時から辛くなったら聴いてます
@lemont7006 4 ай бұрын
最後のover the rainbow、フルを出してほしいなあ😢調教良すぎる
@なごみ空 4 жыл бұрын
@早川さくら-r4h 6 жыл бұрын
@getspurs5521 3 жыл бұрын
@Peropicnic1 10 жыл бұрын
初めて、初音ミクの音楽で、感動して泣いた。 素晴らしい作品を、ありがとう! 本当にいいです!
@アルト-d2x 4 жыл бұрын
あの…ブリキのロボットがスタイリッシュすぎません…?? ハートめっちゃ感じるのは幻覚…?
@kozairisa972 7 жыл бұрын
@らぁな-l9c 2 жыл бұрын
この曲好きで何回も聴いてるけど 少し歳をとってようやくわかった… 奇跡って言ってるけど 結局はみんな冒険して音楽と触れ合ってようやくその願いが叶ったってことだ!
@雪梨-s3d 4 жыл бұрын
@エビオクラ 3 жыл бұрын
@jhun045 6 жыл бұрын
it's been 4 years since your last musical T-T :encore: :encore: :encore:
@ただの暇人-f7t 2 жыл бұрын
@ああ-f2k8p 2 жыл бұрын
@ただの暇人-f7t 2 жыл бұрын
@@ああ-f2k8p 曲のクオリティに対して知名度が低すぎですよね……。
@medetaich Жыл бұрын
@ソイソース-k4q 3 жыл бұрын
目からレーザービームとか、豆腐とか ちょびちょびくすってするところ入ってんの楽しすぎる!!
@須賀清々 4 жыл бұрын
@おやすみだいじ 4 жыл бұрын
@今村清範-e1r 5 жыл бұрын
@mutedajar9687 7 жыл бұрын
4:32 I _love_ that chromatic bit there. It sends shivers down my spine.
@ころみん-c7m Жыл бұрын
ほんとにこれすごい。超大作だし、内容も感動する👏昨日家族みんなに見せました(笑) もっと伸びるべきじゃないかな。ほんと、ボカロ好きさん全員に見て欲しいくらい。
@mii0401 2 жыл бұрын
Music Landの方ばかり聞いててこっちを知らなかった自分を殴りたい。 そしてあんまり言ってる人見ないけど、最初に鳥に骨付き肉あげるミクが好き
@CherryCherub97 Жыл бұрын
I need this to be an actual stage musical featuring the Vocaloids like in the glass-projection concerts
@nowcloseyoureyees9413 Жыл бұрын
@日下部直矢 9 жыл бұрын
ボカロファンではないですが この技術はもっと評価されてもいいと思います
@nesslam4832 4 жыл бұрын
every time I feel sad I just remember oster made mini vocaloid musicals with original songs and animation
@馬刺し-j5p Жыл бұрын
@meariianheresu2778 11 жыл бұрын
OSTER PROJECT has released another VOCALOID musical, this time of "The Wizard of Oz". All of you remember "Alice in Musicland", right? Well now there's "The Music Wizard of Oz"!
@kabenno 5 жыл бұрын
Yep. I remember Musicland... Vividly.
@uu7536 10 жыл бұрын
@Lazinessoo 3 ай бұрын
Я хз зачем я это пишу,но меня очень сильно радует факт того,что эту песню до сих пор слушают,а на этом видео до сих пор время от времени появляются новые комментарии...Очень приятно становится от осознания того, что не одна я фанатею от этой песни,лол.
@kz92sw 3 жыл бұрын
@きゃらくたぁ製作所 4 жыл бұрын
サウンド・調教は勿論のことグラフィックも作りこみが細かくて随分と見応えのある20分間だった。 全員はまり役だし良い意味で予想を裏切りつつも綺麗に収まっててサン○オにも負けない完成度だと思う(語彙力) 三度目のとうふ売りはズルい(´^ω^`)ブフォwww
@alicered4198 7 жыл бұрын
Just in case you were curious Gray munchkin with green clothes is Gumi Gray munchkin with purple/pink clothes is Luka White munchkin with pink/red clothes is Meiko Gray munchkin with orange clothes is Len White munchkin with yellow clothes is Rin
@bshotbowtie8774 3 жыл бұрын
Isn't Rin the orange and Len the yellow?
@alicered4198 3 жыл бұрын
@@bshotbowtie8774 I'm pretty sure Len is orange. 2:57 sounds a lot more like Len to me, for example, and 3:01 sounds more like Rin. I could be wrong, but I'm like 99% sure on this one.
@JustFeatherPen 9 ай бұрын
10 years!!!! This masterpiece was TEN YEARS AGO and it’s still beautiful as ever!! (As well as music land :) )
@ventiada9649 9 жыл бұрын
OSTER Project you're amazing
@littlezorkie9311 8 жыл бұрын
This needs to be like a vocaloid concert musical That would be cool
@母なるくん 4 жыл бұрын
自分が聞きに来た時 39万再生でなんか嬉しくなった
@kyurinKYU Ай бұрын
Came here after watching Wicked btw, this. Truly masterpiece.
@celestiaalucard7806 Ай бұрын
me too!
@冷たい緑茶飲みたい 2 жыл бұрын
@AikoKVTuber 3 жыл бұрын
This song has jazz, orchestra, ballade, tech no, electronic, farm, and even rock this is a good song of the wizard of oz the musical
@sanana3803 2 жыл бұрын
Oh my god, the memories... It brings a calm smile to my soul!
@くるみ-r7d 8 жыл бұрын
@早川さくら-r4h 6 жыл бұрын
@pinals01 11 жыл бұрын
@medetaich 10 ай бұрын
@erenpotter2630 7 жыл бұрын
@YPN-b7u 4 жыл бұрын
@hollyanne4562 10 жыл бұрын
"Some place where there isn't any trouble...do you suppose there is such a place Toto? There must be..."
@ローギャス 5 жыл бұрын
@mo33328 10 ай бұрын
@干し芋仙人 Жыл бұрын
@リレノ 6 жыл бұрын
@maricelaflores7717 10 жыл бұрын
@atlanticghostcrab6053 4 жыл бұрын
@croabs 6 жыл бұрын
ニコ動でも観ました! これはもう、永遠に評価されるべき!!
@けい-r6v6k 7 ай бұрын
@rhythm3175 7 жыл бұрын
I love how the munchkins are color coded based on the vocaloid voicing each line.
@Junkecom 11 жыл бұрын
Impressed, Tears inundated in my eyes. Heartily lured into the musical and gadgets of this wonderful virtual theater!! "Oster Project", your team always bring me a reminiscence of one emotion, Happiness!!!
@wolf64m 11 жыл бұрын
OsterProject is one woman and MIKU
@bakervideo1 11 жыл бұрын
Cinnamon Roll appeared at 3:35 behind the mushroom !
@Cleopatrawolf 9 жыл бұрын
Amazing!! ⊙ω⊙ ♥
@beepbeepdying125 9 жыл бұрын
Rin is really the cutest lion! ^3^ Len is too!
@KestrelM117 10 жыл бұрын
I LOVE IT SO MUCH, thankyou very much !! Rin & Len's song, Emerald City, the Witch of West who sings rock and then Somewhere Over The Rainbow at the end... I love it !!!
@mainiti-YeyYey 4 жыл бұрын
絵も音楽もかわいい…! もっと沢山の人に見てもらいたい…😭😭👍💕
@りんごさくさく-u2f 4 жыл бұрын
@sfilo98 7 жыл бұрын
7:59 their roar is so cute to me! CX
@hallowlaizer4547 Жыл бұрын
Wait why is this so good! Like I was like up and bopping my head at gumis part! And seeing the vocaloids go crazy at MEIKO's song was so funny! And the ending theme and Rin and Len's parts were so cute!
@鮭-v3k 4 жыл бұрын
@石橋弥奈 10 жыл бұрын
すっごく大好き♡♡ ボカロの声でアニメとか見てみたい!と思っていたのを、叶えてくれました! リンに鬣があるのは、原作のライオンが雄だからでしょうか? 出てくる音楽一つ一つがきにいりました!
@setovessalius 4 жыл бұрын
2021, still loving it
@murasakinizar5714 7 ай бұрын
This opening 0:30 still make me tear up 😭✨❤
@Angelbird57438 Жыл бұрын
7:26 The music tester was use for: Vidcon an KZbin and TikTok animation movie
@mostafaelarche5901 7 жыл бұрын
Jazz , orchestra , ballad , electro , piano , techno and rock . Man this musical is AWESOME .It only needed Gackpo .....but i really love it !!! Oster-san never cease to amaze me . That one "Over the rainbow" had some feels !! Not even a high school programm can come up with a play or musical that ginormous and fantastic . And yes it s the miracle of music . Everyone loves music and Vocaloid !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry ..........i m too hyped up ......my bad .................
@kabenno 5 жыл бұрын
When Kaito appeared, I began blushing, I could feel it.
@littlezorkie9311 5 жыл бұрын
《Sunrise Animation》サンライズアニメーション eyyyyyyyy sunrise
@bangbambang1387 Жыл бұрын
it's been 9 years since the upload. i hope they got a pv for this musical and add it to the project diva game playlist in the future. along with alice in musicland of course XD.
@welp9356 2 жыл бұрын
This is an absolute masterpiece
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