JR Lee Radio 去 😌😊😊😊家 I ordered a dress on September 4th, because the number is wrong, go back, to the post office to send out today, but forget to put the return receipt list in the bag. This will affect a refund I ordered a dress on September 4th, because the number is wrong, go back, to the post office to send out today, but forget to put the return receipt list in the bag. This will affect a refund
Hey JR, thanks for mentioning me in the video! I've also been following "Hey It's Dena" for some time now, LOVE her pronunciation! and love the music she shares! And you're totally right. "To listen" and "to observe" is always the first step toward learning a language. 其他朋友們,一起加油囉!!學英文是很開心的一件事情!!我到現在還是一直持續不間斷的每天都在學英文喔~
@saikayou14797 жыл бұрын
C's English Corner 英文角落 發音真的超好聽的!
@JRLeeRadio7 жыл бұрын
Hey, Catherine~ You're welcome! Of all the things I am... HONEST is one of them for sure! You're pronunciation is deceiving.. hahaha
@tinali65947 жыл бұрын
Catherine 和 JR 兩個我都愛~
@麥噹噹-b1l7 жыл бұрын
C's English Corner 英文角落 我也有訂閱~可能都看英語系列的頻道無意間發現的 你的發言真的很好聽~
很棒棒喔!想說1)其實……有時我會做speech shadowing, 試過跟著你說3個天使的故事~不但可以練習發音,口音和流暢度,記phrase也會易一點~e.g. 故事裡的“your wish is my command”就好深刻。2)另有一段影片用語重心長的語氣去說“I was exposed to the environment, but not subjected to it”都會幫助記憶。3)在影片結束時有時候你會重覆重點,e.g. “the more u give thanks…”~幫助更深刻背誦這重要的motto。4)中英文字幕可以幫助學習翻譯得更生活化。特別在你講中文的影片,我會不時去留意你的英文字幕~讚!5)其實……當初subscribe JR是給正能量好想法分享吸引~不過“subconsciously”也學了英文……和國語XD 這頻道是一大驚喜!
@JRLeeRadio7 жыл бұрын
嗨 Hillbee... 我就在想說怎麼可能留言裡面沒有Hillbee呢!^^ 正想說你是不是去度假了說~~~哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 NICE TO SEE YOU AROUND!
You're from Massachusetts!!! I was there for a year!
@HeyItsDena7 жыл бұрын
Aww I see meeeee! 😍 (did not see this coming!) thank you so much the mention!!! I'm back now in taiwan btw:) and I totally remember the 韋禮安interview!! I was really impressed myself!! And IT WAS YOU who interviewed him?! That's so cool!! I just want to say that I really enjoyed this video... there's just something about your tone that keeps me focused and wanting to stay till the very end! It was really nice getting to know your story too!
@JRLeeRadio7 жыл бұрын
Yo~~ it's Dena!!
@JRLeeRadio7 жыл бұрын
You didn't see this coming~? I thought I told you I was gonna edit you into this video, haha~ anyways~ thanks! I can't believe you actually remember the 韋禮安interview. It was like 7 years ago~! So I guess you're a 韋禮安 fan? And you're back in Taiwan! Welcome home~ till when are you staying?
@HeyItsDena7 жыл бұрын
i'm staying here for good! working on my own music project now:D haha yeah you totally told me about this but i didn't know its going to be this soon:P it's like a pleasant surprise!
We have similar experiences~~ I was in the US for 3 years in kindergarten, came back to Taiwan for elementary school, then went back to the states for another 3 years, came back to Taiwan for high school and now I'm in college in Taipei. It's so true about what u said in the video, listening is super duper important! btw love ur energy!
@binladenbinladenwang6 жыл бұрын
@amberhoo55176 жыл бұрын
你應該去當配音員!這麼好的聲音模仿天賦 不當可惜才華了❤️
@jmscheerleadr5 жыл бұрын
amber hoo 配音員哪有網紅自己當老闆賺的多+時間自由
@Latteassassin396 жыл бұрын
If you can say it , you can hear it 這是我在外教聽到的 很多都是自己沒有這樣念 才聽不出來 當你也改善跟著他們這樣一起講的時候 也跟著聽得懂了 真的是這樣!
其實環境影響比較大....而且你小時候待在美國。 你知道在青少年時期之前,大腦的可塑性較強,你那時候就是你待在美國的時間,因此你本來就有優勢(能夠在青少年之前待在目的語環境學習第二語言 a second language)。 所以你是習得了英語,不是學習。這表示你屬於雙語平衡者。再來,雙語平衡者本來就對再學習其他外語更為容易,而且你是習得兩種極為不同的語系。你習得了英語,再去學西語、法語、德語這一類相關的語種根本比只會中文的台灣人來得容易多。 其它的建議我覺得中肯,多聽真的是為開口鋪路的一個過程,至於口音跟你的英文能力,我想是環境使然比較大...如果你現在有台灣口音的英文我才覺得比較奇怪....... 我真的覺得如果你是成人以後才去學習外語,而且有一口如同母語者的腔調外加能力也是母語者以上才比較厲害.....不用強調說四年級之後跟台灣人念一樣的學校啦.....
@TheJercy56566 жыл бұрын
Green 其實就像環境影響,我認識大概四歲移民去美國後來14歲回來,現在回來了10幾年,英文裡面帶了台腔。 整體性變弱了。 語言這種東西很多時候還是看每個人有沒有繼續接觸繼續玩和天分
@staythecoursenote6 жыл бұрын
Not at all. Do you know David Wang who used to be the JD of ICRT? Take a look at how he learned English. He never studied abroad.
@xavierlee996 жыл бұрын
Well said mate! I must say that listening is even more important. Keep it up. X