Life is ups and downs, sometimes some days are tough, but just temporarily not permanent, cheer up and hang in there, all the best wishes to you in the coming year, Tyler! You are the greatest
Stop overthinking. Trust yourself, relax, and work hard.
@tylertaile2 жыл бұрын
Easier said than done 🤣
@hanleslie54952 жыл бұрын
@@tylertaile I know. Yet, one thing is for sure: We can move on and make progress. I often feel life is not easy too. Let’s work hard together and get what we want in the near future.
如果看視頻你的八字來分析......... 1. 你是容易在外給人家好好先生的印象。遇到事情的當下你會“馬上”有很多的舉一反三的想法,但可惜的是你這人缺乏良好的表達(溝通)能力,尤其遇到對方看法跟你不一致時,你很大的機會會講話結巴,甚至自己越想描述你的“idea”卻只會給人覺得Why are you keep circling around....WHAT are you trying to say EXACTLY??? 因為你最內在的“特別or缺點”(看走不走運),就是當你的idea越多時,你的organization skill 就會差,而偏偏你的深層意識(Delta Wave)就是.....You want ever steps goes (dance) by your tempo. 2021流年丁丑,大運辛未,基本上可以說是你的整個人生的大扭曲(尤其精神層面),Its like you are made of silk cloth, but 老天爺 forced you into a laundry machine with a stick bar design. 所以你這個不是牛仔褲材質不被扯的稀巴爛才怪😁😂🤣 影片中的老師說的沒錯,你從去年2022人生就開始好比股票觸底反彈,那是去年你剛換了一個新大運。 而2023年的今年是癸卯年(上水下木),你的人生會在農曆三月中過後慢慢好起來。 首先,你的想法法會慢慢清晰起來,而且你慢慢會有能力把你的想法給組織系統化。 Unlike before, you had some wonderful ideas but unfortunately you were unable to ORGRANIZE your ideas into STEPS(Prioritize). But right now , You can starting to feel YOU CA N DO IT. 再就是過一月到農曆四月,小心你才取得一個小小的進步卻意外的破了財,Especially your dad's health issue. That's about it, it's 1:30am. I am going to the bed. Good Night and wish you LUCK!