とつぜんお勧めに出てきたので拝聴させていただきました。ほんわかした雰囲気の動画だったので何か温かいものを感じました。また、友人夫婦がインドネシアの人なので、それもなにか関係したのかもしれませんね。外見なんて、相手の主観で変わるので気にしないでください。青森はしばれるので気を付けてね! When I was looking for some interesting video, I found yours, actually. The atmosphere was really good and I felt warm in my heart. Also, I have an Indonesian couple who are friends of mine, so it might come up from my mind. you don't need to care about appearance, that's because it depends on the other person's subjective opinion, right? You all live in Aomori where is quite cold, so take care of yourself, please.(I'm still learning English. Please fogive me my wierd expressions.)