为何要废除华人matrikulasi? 9-6-2024

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阿聪吹水堂 Ah Chung Talkshow

阿聪吹水堂 Ah Chung Talkshow

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@lcng6040 3 ай бұрын
如果要废除Matrikulasi,是不是连政府大学的一年Asasi课程也要废除?其实统一STPM也没有用。80年代末,我和朋友通过UPU申请政府大学读工程系,没申请电脑系却被录取入读,我朋友却被踢去读Perhutanan dan Perikanan科系。UPU要整蛊你有很多方法,因为热门科系都需要面试,就算你的成绩再好但他们说你的面试不过关,你也一样进不了热门科系。你认为你的面试做得很好,但面试过不过关他们说了算。所以统一STPM同样也会面对成绩好但拿不到热门科系,搞不好,很多学生因为STPM难考还需要多一年的时间完成,而转去读一年的私立大学基础课程,能快一年入读大学。阿聪你不能一直拿热门科系来说,要知道不是每个人都要读热门科系,一些人喜欢工程系,IT系,建筑设计系,人工智能系等等,这些都不会被整蛊的科系,废除掉Matrikulasi,转读STPM等于是要浪费他们一年的时间。
@wendywong5939 3 ай бұрын
@angahsun4600 3 ай бұрын
Matrix 是肯定进大学的,进不了Matrix才求次之读STPM而读STPM 却必须考得半死,华人子弟为了想进大学都无门还管它什么是最理想要的科目吗?一般父母认为应该是进了Matrix 有了个保障和能够减轻家庭的负担才真,博主根本就不太理解穷苦人家的事情,同时也不是人人都想当医生,更何况陪他们一起读Matrix就好像吃豆腐一样不幸苦。
@selfmadegod8341 3 ай бұрын
华社要靠【失望联盟】的火箭是不可能的了 😰 如果马华能痛改前非,现在开始猛打这个课题,并提案到联合国大会,下届大选马华肯定取代火箭 😆
@JimmyChao273 3 ай бұрын
你把读 Maxtrix 和 穷苦人家 画上等号? 你的思维很自私。 你说到好像穷苦人家一定读到 Matrix? 还是 有 cable 的人扮穷苦人家进matrix? 你不支持 meritocracy? 要学马来人搞特别管道?
@sschong5469 3 ай бұрын
@cllew2733 3 ай бұрын
​@@selfmadegod8341这个班底马华如何能痛改前非? 除非你讓蔡细历重撑马华
@cpteoh5001 3 ай бұрын
错,matrix之上还有一个asasi (foundation)更加优先
@GohBengTeong 3 ай бұрын
现在的STPM 就要看师资方面的问题了。如果science stream 真的在乡村地区就是一个大问题了。
@johnsonkoo3914 3 ай бұрын
@yongts4606 3 ай бұрын
Meritocracy for the country to progress or brain drain to other country.
@hockseng7476 3 ай бұрын
OMG upu
@seechaiseng3280 3 ай бұрын
Matric 的华人学生進医科 不好嗎 ?
@MTan2001 3 ай бұрын
@kelvintan4071 3 ай бұрын
吴先生,华人读matriculation也不是好像你讲的万能,有很多Matriculation华人学生也是拿不到心意的UPU科系. 总之无论华人是从matriculation或STPM.也是会被UPU的马来人行政部玩弄。除非你付钱RM300千的 Direct intake. 听好,是RM300K.而且在马大,而且还是道道地地马来西亚教育体制的华中学生大马人,才能拿到心意的科系和大学,马大也如此。现在的这个体制真的对华人学生太不公平,即使你Matriculation CGPA 4也进不去心意的科系和大学。但是如果我赞同废除华人Matriculation. 可是也要同时废除马来人大学的固打制,这样全民才能真正的公平公正以绩效入读顶级大马的大学。但是改朝换代后,希盟政府讲就很利害,做就Kan Na Sai.. 承诺的什么不公平不公正体制改革和全民平等政策都没有看到,够烂了!被骗一次是因为人民信任,被骗第二次是想再给他机会改革,被骗第三次是人民自己笨蛋傻瓜, 水不试不知深浅,人不交不知贵贱。 早知如此绊人心,何如当初莫相识。
@davidsleong8350 3 ай бұрын
@NKKHOO-Malaysia 3 ай бұрын
我侄子独中生也曾被新加坡送奖学金. 可惜他去UTAR
@Asdfghjkl09886 3 ай бұрын
其实我身边很多成绩很好的,都用STPM/UEC拿到奖学金出国。多数是来新加坡。QS ranking 比马来西亚高。只要你足够优秀,就算自己的”祖国”不爱你,世界还是有很多地方等着你发光发热。😊
@TonyLook-y1b 3 ай бұрын
@NKKHOO-Malaysia 3 ай бұрын
@@TonyLook-y1b 英文不好能通過面試嗎?他为了和女朋友在一起放棄去新加坡国大. 他父母也是劝不了他. 优大也是用英文教学,比公立大学难毕业.
@TonyLook-y1b 3 ай бұрын
@@NKKHOO-Malaysia 不够好,一半以上都刷掉
@jljl8961 3 ай бұрын
總而言之一句話. 在馬來西亞華人永遠都是第二等公民. 華人就是永遠被壓制的一個族群. 不管馬來西亞以後永遠多麼的發達. 長遠來看馬來西亞就是一個華人的可悲. 😢 這一類對華人的課題. 已經是聽到累了. 聽到心都涼了.
@dlbig 3 ай бұрын
人不能做,天在看! 不用怕!!
@lyc4742 3 ай бұрын
@Klentung8989 3 ай бұрын
UPU 现在的任務是打擊华人子弟的信心',摧毁华青的前途。 辦就是4A 生上不到所要的科系!讓你入歧系,成为没用 的人材。长期下去,土猪就可'以使华人廢! 把华人边缘化!
@Klentung8989 3 ай бұрын
​@@dlbig UPU 现在的任務是打擊华人子弟的信心',摧毁华青的前途。 辦就是4A 生上不到所要的科系!讓你入歧系,成为没用 的人材。长期下去,土猪就可'以使华人廢! 把华人边缘化!
@MosusOhEmanuel 3 ай бұрын
@@lyc4742 六百多年前的马来半島延至新加坡是属於暹羅皇室的領土。
@khoo2686 3 ай бұрын
@kcchiew4247 3 ай бұрын
我那个年代,1987年左右,很多成绩超好的STPM学生也是无法进好的科系,当时没有matrikulasi。30多年后,情况依然。 (幸好我的孩子不再需要面对这种环境,已经出来工作和考研。)马来西亚换了政府,教改没有多少作用。举例:华教最后一里路,已经没有政治人物在争取了。
@Klentung8989 3 ай бұрын
UPU 现在的任務是打擊华人子弟的信心',摧毁华青的前途。 辦就是4A 生上不到所要的科系!讓你入歧系,成为没用 的人材。长期下去,土猪就可'以使华人廢! 把华人边缘化!
@loiuslew3925 3 ай бұрын
@Wdhhxssk-zl5nd 3 ай бұрын
stpm之后upu一样玩死华人, 我讲对吗?
@FooSangKan 3 ай бұрын
@quanlim8755 3 ай бұрын
@NKKHOO-Malaysia 3 ай бұрын
@@FooSangKan STPM一样玩死华人. 我是80年代第三批考STPM 的学生.
@chiasonkim9106 3 ай бұрын
@NKKHOO-Malaysia 3 ай бұрын
@@chiasonkim9106 吴根本乱吹 只有1 %的非土著在玛拉理科学校考matrikulasi, 不是10%.
@haroldlbc 3 ай бұрын
@mlee7635 3 ай бұрын
I thought matrix is only meant for the Malays?
@Anonymous-eb3qx 3 ай бұрын
@@mlee7635 omg there are still ignorant people like you in Malaysia. There are so many non- Malays in matrics yet you act like it’s news. So pathetic,
@chaseekan7500 3 ай бұрын
我也主张废除STPM,一年半多的预科,太耗时间,Matrikulasi 才一年就读完。
@xyes 3 ай бұрын
STPM 没有固打制,如果废除掉就真的关门大吉。
@山隹艸彡平268 3 ай бұрын
@sschong5469 3 ай бұрын
@chaimeilan6514 3 ай бұрын
​@@sschong5469 +1❤
@leeyudong1167 3 ай бұрын
吴医生你好 小弟认为matrikulasi的学生就已经是你所谓stpm成绩顶端的那群人了,可以进到matrikulasi的华人我敢说很大部分都是spm straight a甚至straight a+的,所以说如果你讲要拿掉matriks 10%的non bumi quota 岂不是也把那些在spm考取优异成绩的学生的努力化为泡影?我认为matrikulasi不仅要保留给华人更要给更多quota for non bumi 而不是少少的10% 以上
@xyes 3 ай бұрын
@awanbiru9155 3 ай бұрын
@ooililian7639 3 ай бұрын
@JamesNgoh11 3 ай бұрын
经济能力不好,就读STPM. 我认为如果孩子们还没有科系方向,可先读STPM.
@cllew2733 3 ай бұрын
好处的確如此, 但壞处则时长了一点及不容易读, 挑战大, 有点吃力不讨好的样子.
@kuanyi99 3 ай бұрын
@SuperLim1 3 ай бұрын
@laugheveryday4464 3 ай бұрын
@williamleong7435 3 ай бұрын
@swong297 3 ай бұрын
@Anonymous-eb3qx 3 ай бұрын
他根本就是带了私人恩怨在里头的吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸理论, 你们也一样
@cjng5875 3 ай бұрын
Totally bullshit. Matriculation is a one year program añd fully sponsor by the government. Stpm is self funding and needs 2 years. Blame on purely upu mistake on allocation of major is no fair, a lot of application is not serious. Result only can do applied science buy try all the major that needs higher marks. Have u studied stpm? Another major issue is not a lot of teaching resources available for STEM on stpm. Good teacher will be absorb by MOE for matriculation program. The major difference between the 2 is if u want to study overseas like Singapore, US or UK. It is like A level and will have higher chances then matriculation graduate. If the option is local uni, matriculation is the easier and cheapest option. Yearly allocation to matriculation student also much higher then stpm student.
@behckiat 3 ай бұрын
Then allow students to choose whether to sit for matrix or STPM. If students want to study in local uni only can the students not from matrix colleges allowed to sit for matrix exam ?
@ngzhuohang4630 3 ай бұрын
@williamleong7435 3 ай бұрын
@wongjiahorng1277 3 ай бұрын
华人应该去读stpm, stpm是亚洲最难的考试,也是世界第七难的考试。 进大学的门槛 matrikualsi 比 stpm 容易很多,很低分就可以进.
@sehhyehow5673 3 ай бұрын
@BcdA-tv8sm 3 ай бұрын
@mlee7635 3 ай бұрын
Agree totally!
@liteong3108 3 ай бұрын
吴医生,想请问你如果今天你孩子spm成绩考的非常好,获得了matrikulasi的学额, 你会让你孩子放弃matrikulasi去读stpm吗?
@nigeltatwai3107 3 ай бұрын
很多人以为matrikulasi 是考很好才进。其实不是的,很多4a, 5a 都进得了。然后就读一年,拿4分,stpm读到半死两年,拿到4分也不能优先。这感受你们尝过就会明白了。我跟啊聪一样。😂
@kaobeizi7790 3 ай бұрын
@limkaiyik3733 3 ай бұрын
肯定会的 毕竟现在提议废除华人名额 然后“逼”华人去stpm
@bryan-cwk1 3 ай бұрын
吃不到的葡萄是酸的,自己拿不到就说不好。废除了将对那些spm 考好成绩的人很不公平。
@liteong3108 3 ай бұрын
本人是matrik 23/24 毕业生,spm成绩还不错,在改革制度还没落实前,我还是会在stpm和matrik选择matrik,毕竟容易考,容易读,能不能容易进热门科系现在也是个未知数因为多了asasi来竞争。我不认为读matrik就要被攻击和看不起,我只想有更好的出路。
@liowsam2774 3 ай бұрын
The government should intake chinese/ Indian/ non muslim into UPU (unit pemohonan University) as staffs in order to revamp the current system . The ultimate goals UPU is to develop talent students into right university regardless of race and religion.
@eGTVchannel 3 ай бұрын
When you said they "should", mean they already knew but they won't do it because of have to consider to give "priority" to certain people.
@mlee7635 3 ай бұрын
@@eGTVchannelit is indeed very sad for the non being bullied by those called themselves bumi. Malaysia is beyond redemption😢.
@mlee7635 3 ай бұрын
I hope DAP will bring out this issue to Anwar. Enough is enough! My heart is boiling when I read about the Education in Bolehland.
@DC-ed1mm 3 ай бұрын
Never know it was so dark in the uni allocation. Tat brought me to tink bak abt yr previous idea of having a brand new uni. Probably can propose to uncle Robert kwok to probably be main funder & brought some of his buz contacts as other funders to build this new uni. And hired renowned lecturers to setup courses tat are required for jobs in this new current space. Top stpm results students can receive scholarships but required to be bonded to work in the companies tat sponsored these scholarships. Also to hire professionals in the educational sector on how to put this new uni in the world uni ranking map. As long we keep attracting the best students in MY & from overseas, the ranking will sure overtake the best unis in MY. Let those bumi continue playing in these traditional unis & non-bumis will for sure better off in this new uni.
@StevenTanWilddiscus 3 ай бұрын
在某种程度上我同意你的观点,但如果你仍然没有明白要点,你可能会对你的想法感到失望。国家问题始于不公平的政策,几十年后它们已经形成了一个坚实的种族主义政策管理体系。就像毒瘾一样,某些拥有特殊权利的种族控制着民主中的投票。这就是为何非土著如此孤立于民族归属感的原因。 Some how I agreed with u, but if u still not get the point, u might disappointed with your idea. The country problem start very beginning with unfair policies, after many decades they already form a solid administration system for the racism policies. So is like drugs addiction, certain race with the special rights control the vote in democracy. That’s the reason why non bumi so isolated from the sense of National belonging.
@hoonsengchan-ol4fk 3 ай бұрын
@KeeHengLeong 3 ай бұрын
不認同你的看法,無任怎樣,upu 還是可以超控一切
@bovun168168 3 ай бұрын
Agreed. Only those parents kids who got straight A but no get a seat at matrix will know the pain. To make it fair to all i agreed back to fair game
@JimmyChao273 3 ай бұрын
it is even more painful that their seat is given to certain party's core members
@JourneeReese 3 ай бұрын
阿聪需要改掉坏习惯,“chek chek chek” 很不好听!
@limkaiyik3733 3 ай бұрын
胡说八道 LOL 那为何不如现在逼upu 不耍花招?而且为什么有条简单的路不走 偏偏要华人走条又长又远又艰难而且又不肯定的路呢 ?到时废除了一样耍花样如何?才来要求部長开记者会介入嗎?請問又有多少人有這資源人脈呢?呵呵 别再不停说别人不理解了没深受其害 就是經歷過了才會說要改進的不是大学先修班的华人名额 而是如何讓stpm錄取選擇科系最大化!不理解的才会说要废除 如果有选择 华人大多数都会要大學先修班😊
@cllew2733 3 ай бұрын
正统大学先修班是 HSC/STPM 而不是后来插队的 Metrikulasi.
@MosusOhEmanuel 3 ай бұрын
@圣斗士 3 ай бұрын
@hahahahaha123-4zmk 3 ай бұрын
@战乂鸡佬 3 ай бұрын
lim kai po,你有申请读大学咩?
@cheongyewliam7850 3 ай бұрын
You better go to studies then talk.
@laisheauleng9783 3 ай бұрын
现在读STPM理科的学生人数一年比一年少就是知道就算拿了4.0也不会拿到热门的科系,很多学长们的案例让读STPM 生看不到希望。现在读医科已不再是2,30年前那么风光读完后实习的生活能不能坚持下去还是个问题,我女儿读STPM 理科系里说要读医科的真没几个可能已经知道通过STPM 是没希望,她的几个学霸学长也已被新国收了,真是帮他国培养人才
@tanchengs5502 3 ай бұрын
阿聰這個UPU的解說有點陰謀論,我雖然還是相信的,但人家會不承認,公民社會正確的做法應該是挑戰UPU透明公開錄取過程,而不是以不參加Matriculacy 消極抵抗。
@TT-ls9gk 3 ай бұрын
@luciferbikkuangmin9528 3 ай бұрын
你想得太简单了,他们可以把stpm 弄得更难,改得更严,这样华人拿不到4.00 也照样进不到大学
@Anonymous-eb3qx 3 ай бұрын
就是, 还说废除华人进 matrics, 思维有够幼稚
@JimmyChao273 3 ай бұрын
bro 这个不是游戏 可以爽爽调难和容易。 现在公认的是那一间学院越少非土著, 就越烂。 那种学院去了出来只能做Grab. 现在是简单的divide& confuse,让你们永远抓莫不到。 因为你怎样吵,他都班出一些 华人在 matriks 的数据给你看。
@Anonymous-eb3qx 3 ай бұрын
我很奇怪哦我身边的华人都顺利进马大国大读医学法律, 而且虽然是 matrics 但是 spm 成绩非常优秀, 表现也很好, 不懂你们在看不起 matrics 什么, 根本就是一个心里不平衡的样子
@MTan2001 3 ай бұрын
@hojiakseafoodrestauranttek5420 3 ай бұрын
Agree with Ur opinion.
@DqpGah 3 ай бұрын
@kimilo7439 3 ай бұрын
因为没人读 stpm
@DqpGah 3 ай бұрын
那,,, 毕业的应届SPM 生,,,都去了那里???
@kimilo7439 3 ай бұрын
Matriculation or foundation 或者直接 diploma 读完先赚钱 ~ 一样可以去degree 主要是 stpm 浪费多为 1 年又不能进 1st choice 竞争力不划算
@stewoolf6342 3 ай бұрын
Are you suggesting non-Bumi to boycott "matrikulasi" ?? Turning down admission to "matrikulasi" !! ?? If so, why not suggest those who were turned down to boycott STPM ?? Could I ask you to reject admission to UM Medicine because the admission policy is not fair ??
@JimmyChao273 3 ай бұрын
admission to "matrikulasi" is not transparent. Up to you to see how moving forward.
@suelingyap6103 3 ай бұрын
Matrik is custom made for bumi ..the standard is lower than stpm how to compare..stpm was well recognised by overseas uni. NTU and NUS are welcome those stpm with straight A* students.
@user-ku1ou9cp3f 3 ай бұрын
​@@JimmyChao273,you totally not understand the calculation of merit mark to enter matrikulasi.
@JimmyChao273 3 ай бұрын
@@user-ku1ou9cp3f is the calculation of merit mark to enter matrikulasi transparent for non-bumi? assuming 5% seats, are you certain the non-bumi that get is the best 5 justified?
@ngkimtek8999 3 ай бұрын
We should not compare a 1-year pre-U to a 2-year pre-U programs. The breath and the depth of the 2 are completely different. There are many other 1-year pre-U programs around, such as the famous AUSMAT, SAM, MUFY, and AP, etc don't have to mention the private foundation programs each university or colleague offers so do our very own matrikulasi as a feeder program for local universities. If there is a shorter and easier way to earn a degree, why want to go through a crooked and longer way? Time is money. For me, Pre-U is just a stepping stone! Furthermore, after a degree, there is a master's, a PhD, and a post-doctorate degree. A Bachelor's Degree is not everything. Who cares what pre-U program you studied if you have a PhD degree? Why keep harping on STPM or Matrikulasi? For those who love the STPM or A-Level, please go ahead but please don't criticize and discredit those who prefer a different pathway. 4.0 is not the only selection criterion, the university is also looking at your English proficiency level (MUET for Malaysia and perhaps TOEFL/IELTS for Singapore?), Co-Co, interviews, presentation skills, logical thinking tests etc. Please kindly get all the facts right before judging. For UM's medicine in particular, the candidate also has to take the MSAT or BMAT test.
@eGTVchannel 3 ай бұрын
解读了留言后,我可以说外国大学在接受专科如医学系时会看STPM成绩。因为STPM和国家A-level 学术水平一样高,而Matrikulasi只是进入本地大学的short cut 。孩子若进不了Matrikulasi 就是没希望进本地大学。幸好新加坡吸纳一些STPM高材生,赞助这些好苗种子培养成专业人才。所以才造就了一大堆人才在新加坡,一大堆庸才在马来西亚。
@maingoyuen3053 3 ай бұрын
统考文凭也是如此 只要成绩优越 也可以进入新加坡国立大学
@nss7565 3 ай бұрын
孩子若进不了Matrikulasi 就是没希望进本地大学?? 有没有搞错?? 马来西亚现在有二十几间政府大学,华裔学生只要肯读STPM, 就算成绩不理想,也能轻易进入本地大学,当然能不能分到自己中意的科系,那是另外一回事。华裔学生难进本地大学?那是n年前的情况了。 3 Reply NSS Cancel Reply
@chaozhitan6305 3 ай бұрын
@selfmadegod8341 3 ай бұрын
华人投🔥剑代表华社发言和改变被压迫的现状,可是🔥剑在睡觉 😬
@PeaceLoveHope99 3 ай бұрын
@kaobeizi7790 3 ай бұрын
@selfmadegod8341 3 ай бұрын
@@PeaceLoveHope99 ☝️ 真的是愚华一枚 说一句傻话 “没有用“ 就不用做事了 ? 你拿政治选举和华社的权益挂钩干嘛 ?人数少就应该被剥削,要等到人数多才 “有用“ ?
@selfmadegod8341 3 ай бұрын
@@PeaceLoveHope99 蠢 !
@cheewaiauyeong8865 3 ай бұрын
matrikulasi 有满分 10 % koko 分数 ( 1年 ),stpm 从 form 1 to form 6 所以不可能拿满分.
@kokkarngan91 3 ай бұрын
I regret to say that many of your comments and remarks are not accurate. You have to speak base on fact and not base on your opinion, especially many of those so called facts could not be supported. If you compared the number of candidates of SPM and STPM students, you can see that there are about 500,000 candidates yearly whereas only about 40,000 candidates for STPM, which is less than 10%. Why the number of candidates has dropped drastically nowadays? The main reason is because most of the Chinese nowadays do not fancy STPM anymore, instead chose to take up foundation and A-Level courses as a pathway to enter university. Local university is no longer the preferred choice for most Chinese students, as they prefer to go to private university or university abroad. Even many straight A smart students do not take up STPM, let alone matrikularsi course. My daughter attended private school but took SPM examination (about 120 students) a few years ago. When the SPM result was released, they were 16 students scoring straight A results, which was quite an achievement for private school. However, non of these students took up STPM because this exam has never been a popular exam for the current students unlike in the past. You see, without good student taking up STPM nowadays, you will find that there are not many good STPM scorer nowadays (the Chinese). Without good STPM results, it is quite difficult to take up competitive courses like medicine, engineering, dentistry etc.. in any of the local university. If you take a tour to any of the private university and colleages nowadys, you will be surprise to discover the very high enrollment rate of students there, and most of them are the local of Chinese students. Less and less local Chinese students are applying for local universities nowadays, because it is no longer a preferred choice for the young Chinese generation, unlike the past. Those who take up STPM are usually those students whose family are not so well verse financially, and local university would be their only choice. You hardly see any local Chinese students whose families are financially sound will ever take up a course in a local university. The issue is not so much like STPM vs Matrikulasi or so....... it is more of preference and choices. The brain drain issue affecting the country is not confining to working adults alone nowadays (people prefer to work abroad), it is also slowly creeping into the academic world where many students, including good students are abstaining themselves from local university. So the issue of STPM vs matrikulasi amongst the Chinese is not so relevant nowadays.
@Byanbyby 3 ай бұрын
我们读stpm生物的 都派我们去工程系 建筑系 莫名奇妙😂😂😂 上诉才可能拿到一些普通生物关系的科系
@traderkl9371 3 ай бұрын
不用担心现在UPM和 UKM 邀请中五生的华人去那里上 pre u 我朋友的孩子都不耍,现在私人企业比较爱请私立大学而且薪水高
@giant108 3 ай бұрын
The best brains aren't in UPU but in devising the cardio surgery course in UITM. Don't overrate yourself.
@盧医 3 ай бұрын
其实华人在本国读书也不便宜的!如果可以的话,我也建议送出外国读 我对我国已经没看好 某种人有不好的心态!妒忌心很重!现在年轻一代不要再受这种委屈了 也没这个必要!
@tcphang7454 3 ай бұрын
@LY-in1ym 3 ай бұрын
@franciss714 3 ай бұрын
who is the person's son get into Matrikulasi - that's the key who guarantee best course in UNI. These 'invisible hand''s kid will not go to suffer in STPM. These invisible hand are the power and rich behind the scene
@JimmyChao273 3 ай бұрын
correct。 matriks when everyone get 4.0, invisible hand will come in. unless you are chinese from low chinese percentage state.
@NKKHOO-Malaysia 3 ай бұрын
@khangta2099 3 ай бұрын
扯蛋😂 就算全部华人通过stpm 进政府大学,热门科系的华人人数也是一样的
@khangta2099 3 ай бұрын
事实上upu 没有在跟你玩小动作,只是对他们来说 Matric 的4.0 跟stpm的 4.0 他们会优先考量 matric 的. Matric 学生不止拿到4.0 课外活动也是 A的
@khangta2099 3 ай бұрын
@khangta2099 3 ай бұрын
叫华人 boikot matrik 只是害华人自己而已,还要多浪费一年去读,还要赌自己的未来
@MTan2001 3 ай бұрын
@spkung9179 3 ай бұрын
明白,很赞同您的分析❤ 因為没有真正想努力為未来有要求的人,他也没资格读上STPM* 这就是我们的优势。
@ginhongang2136 3 ай бұрын
@mraukm 3 ай бұрын
有可能废除STPM吗?..那么大家一样都去matrix.....要出国的就读A level..or foundation course
@ASD-tg4zu 3 ай бұрын
@alantham4184 3 ай бұрын
UPU 官员们小心、耶稣会上门拜访你们😊🎉🎉🎉
@mlee7635 3 ай бұрын
Who are those idiots in UPU?
@tengfs 3 ай бұрын
为什么也不要一样废除土著的Matrikulasi? 大家公平竞争!
@yewpoh2570 3 ай бұрын
有机会入matrix,已是一只脚进入大学热门学系。为何不争取??为何要放弃?? SPM8A,9A学生,STPM未必考得满分。给你考个满分,也争不过Matrix 学生!也未必得到想要的热门科系! 家境不是很好的学生,争不到 matrix 才无可奈何读STPM .... 想废除华人子弟入matrix 的资格是“头脑有问题”的人的想法!!
@wdyong83 3 ай бұрын
Matrix students(Non-Bumi included ) receive some living allowances
@FooSangKan 3 ай бұрын
@potatohunter1320 3 ай бұрын
如果全部人都是考一样的考试(没有再分Asasi, Matri 或 STPM), 盲盒开箱或者是黑箱做业就能被指出纠正。 UPU 可能是没有一个统一的机制 (又有Asasi, Matri, stpm) 所以造成了很多整蛊事件。
@JimmyChao273 3 ай бұрын
correct. 越多 category、管道,他就越多花样可以玩
@peterhiew3898 3 ай бұрын
如果有基会进matrix的话就进,这样会省时省力,进不到才进form six,因为form six比matrix 难很多和不一定会拿到4.0到时他们给matrix的学生进然后才来选form six的学生,我的兒子进matrix然后又进了UM也拿到了他要的科目,现在已经出来工作了,所以有基会进就进,沒基会就沒辦法,只好硬着头皮进form six,如果拿到分數不夠好,那么他们给你什么就什么了,不要就没了,还好我三个孩子都讀完大学出来了,一个UKM,一个MU,一个UPM,所以基会来了就要捉着,要不然就听天由命了,晚安。
@JimmyChao273 3 ай бұрын
可以问你是那一州人吗? 是 东海岸州吗?
@suelingyap6103 3 ай бұрын
Matrik 太水了。是特別给土著订制的很多外国大学不承认。
@dcbabc9260 3 ай бұрын
@hoongraymond5368 3 ай бұрын
华人就是华人,华人有火箭,有马华。马华里有A组,B组。火箭也有AB组。不团结的华人,你怎样讲华人就是华人。 他们可以不申请MATRIX吗?华人可以全部都进Form 6 吗?
@Tlee6676 3 ай бұрын
没有用的啦! 今时不同往日。 以前的日子不会再到回来。 不要天真。 保住现在拥有的才最重要吧! 因为聪明的整蛊专家永远都存在。。。 不管制度怎样变,他们都有办法对付你。
@7francisrio 3 ай бұрын
@Cc15023 3 ай бұрын
那个是之前的情形,现在好多了!我接触的很多学生或家长,STPM明明考得不好,竟去选高积分科系,当然拿不到啦!UPU 只好分其它科系给他。考生自己也必须要有先见自明啊!
@user-ku1ou9cp3f 3 ай бұрын
@ingchiewwong4769 3 ай бұрын
谢谢matrix...... 让华人在新加坡找吃,创业,结婚,生子然后变成新加坡公民😂😂😂
@yiksanggroup 3 ай бұрын
@changjohn3006 3 ай бұрын
Supporting blindly?
@smileeveryday1964 3 ай бұрын
@@changjohn3006I support. I am STPM student currently about to graduate medic.
@yiksanggroup 3 ай бұрын
It's hard to say, but you'll definitely see it when the time comes.
@theklguy 3 ай бұрын
聪哥以前就是深海其中,受害者。。 哎哟那些不清楚的请看回聪哥以前的youtube video哎哟。。
@MrDenniswoo 3 ай бұрын
Even all in STPM still the same number can enter local universities
@ThomasTeong 3 ай бұрын
如果你能拿到4.0 ,STPM 還是可以的。我的孩子和他/她们同班都拿到他们所要的课程。不过,STPM 是比較難的。
@rawhobbieslifestyle8127 3 ай бұрын
@KalangLim 3 ай бұрын
@tayglory6677 3 ай бұрын
The condition to get into matriculasi is for B40 family students , not based on result . Even u get full A for SPM , u cannot get into Matrix if u come from average family . therefore u have to go STPM , however even good students from SPM and get excelent result in STPM , u still cannot get into professional course eg : doctor , pharmacy , dentistry , law , engineering and Accounting . UPU will just assign these excellent students or this level of cream to basic general degree .
@user-ku1ou9cp3f 3 ай бұрын
you totally not understand the calculation of merit mark to enter matrikulasi.
@presto97 3 ай бұрын
@gkz8888 3 ай бұрын
@Chai-hh7bt 3 ай бұрын
很好的分析,有远见,选择读STPM ,是更好的途径选择...。
@johnsonleoyip7580 3 ай бұрын
新加坡都A level,O level了,还有nite,不懂spm受国际承认吗?搞到我宁愿在新加坡当马劳
@MosusOhEmanuel 3 ай бұрын
@johnsonleoyip7580 3 ай бұрын
@castielchieng7475 3 ай бұрын
Matric is BS, we worked our ass off in STPM just to lose to those in Matric, Matric already easy and they test with tips too
@sooching23 3 ай бұрын
我有个朋友的女儿读了 matrix, 却拿不到心仪的科系,无奈选择了私立大学。
@williamleong7435 3 ай бұрын
Matrix 的四分和stpm 的四分誰比較好?如果都進馬大, 四年後谁的程绩比較好,我敢说这两个都一等程绩畢業,所以Matrix 和stpm 都一樣好,只是 stpm比Matrix 多一年,stpm 的学生大一歲,影響不大的。
@davidooi9307 3 ай бұрын
@MrDeepoil 3 ай бұрын
我就不同了 我心肠很好 应该废除matriculation 全部拿stpm 然后那些upu那些free wood/rice bugs应该要用ai取代 地球王子跟不上时代 被世界淘汰是理所当然
@laukaichong1073 3 ай бұрын
@awanbiru9155 3 ай бұрын
@hocksyalim8235 3 ай бұрын
可憐的华人,唉!这国家要何時才 能醒悟呢?
@sschong5469 3 ай бұрын
@siewheilou399 3 ай бұрын
@PeaceLoveHope99 3 ай бұрын
@888Tpteleshopp 3 ай бұрын
@chongfeileong4140 3 ай бұрын
@jinni391 3 ай бұрын
一派胡言。你“深受”其害是因为你不懂upu制度,你先了解upu怎样分配科系先吧 🥱🥱 btw,我身边很多stpm毕业读政府大学medic,pharma科系的咯
@lohsh 3 ай бұрын
因为有Matrix马来西亚STPM 满分学生都去新加坡.
@suelingyap6103 3 ай бұрын
最大收益者应该是NTU 和 NUS..
@selfmadegod. 3 ай бұрын
@simonwong912 3 ай бұрын
@selfmadegod8341 3 ай бұрын
华社要靠【失望联盟】的火箭是不可能的了 😰 如果马华能痛改前非,现在开始猛打这个课题,并提案到联合国大会,下届大选马华肯定取代火箭 😆
@selfmadegod. 3 ай бұрын
@lowyewting1425 3 ай бұрын
I'm not sure stpm nowadays and stpm 10 years ago still the same? If not mistaken, they are lots of course works now and teachers play an important role to contribute students 'marks and a few teachers out there take this opportunity to take these students as cheap labour or personal helper. Don't know still happening or not.
@victorliew7249 3 ай бұрын
No use and no point to abolish MAT as there is still a possibility that the passing could be controlled through indiscriminating marking, which is basically referred to as manipulation . Assuming MAT has been abolished for the chinese as suggested as a result of which STPM is the the only means as a requisite for admission to local Uni , It could be inferred that STPM taken is mainly made up of by all the chinese ( other races are negligible here ) , whereby marking can be susceptible to be manipulated by the markers on "specific agenda".
@inatan5760 3 ай бұрын
过去我国政府大学收STPM华人精英学生造成大学”学习生态”不平衡。“他族”学生压力很大。也同时造成有很多像阿聪的人才留在马来西亚发展. 为了马来西亚“他族”能够生存. 华人精英必须离开。这是UPU的任务。我的一名学生想在国内读医科, 他控制自己的SPM成绩考得好而不是最好来申请进Matrikulasi. 他成功了.也顺利拿到医学系。
@CamelWong-di2wh 3 ай бұрын
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